Mask Research and Dr. opinions: THEY DO NOT WORK TO STOP COVID!!!

Wear a mask, go out into public and gather up all the Covid virus you can find in your mask...then take the virus infested mask home, brilliant!

Really? Why take it home? Why not just throw it away? It sounds like you are admitting that the mask collects and prevents inhaling the virus.

Lib idiot do you see anyone tossing their masks in the trash after using them? Nope! Reality vs the fantasy world the left occupies.

Only fools would carry masks home after being worn in crowded public settings. We wear masks and gloves when shopping - and then throw them away.

I guess 95% of the population are fools then.

My roommate and I are both 73. We understand the risks. Easier to wear a mask than a ventilator. There are also long-term effects from the virus that are well documented.
Wear a mask, go out into public and gather up all the Covid virus you can find in your mask...then take the virus infested mask home, brilliant!
The mask protects you from infecting other folks. Not the other way around. As usual, you have not been keeping up.

You're infected and go out in public? :eusa_think:
Of course not. That's why folks get tested or have a baseline from with which to work from. Folks get tested for all kinds of things to find out if they will infect others. Think about it.
The mask increases the surface area allowing you to harvest more virus and provide it a warm humid home to live as long as possible.

Holy shit. That is insane. I guess you'd rather just suck it all in without a mask. Go for it...

This is how the CDC protect themselves from viruses, your mask seems pathetic in contrast.

Everyone is being jeopardized by conspiracy theory nutjobs, quacks, charlatans, and a buffoon President. All you need to know are countries all over the world are winning against COVID-19 and opening up their economies while America remains in a quagmire of failure and mounting deaths and destruction. Americans are suffering from long term health problems that will cost them dearly for years and years with damaged kidneys, lungs, and other permanently damaged organs from "mild" and "recovered" cases of COVID-19. Who will you trust, doctors and scientists or FOX News talking heads, White House liars, and random social network goofballs.
So you are against masks, what do you suggest? Seems we have the worst of everything right now . Economy destroyed and the most death. I’ll try anything at this point, what are you recommending?
No masks. No shutdown. Resume life as normal. Get on with it.

Those concerned about risk can stay home.

BMJ Journals WHO and CDC findings, and the 2 doctors interviewed, mind you. This is NOT Laura saying it.

Conclusion: Cloth masks MAKE IT WORSE. Medical masks don't do much.

In other words, masks are bullshit.

Science wins again!!!

Oh fucking good grief....One of Trump's cocksuckers on Fox.
And she swallows.
Should have known when I read the thread title.
My roommate and I are both 73. We understand the risks. Easier to wear a mask than a ventilator. There are also long-term effects from the virus that are well documented.

You got that right.
When you're on a ventilator, you can't talk, eat, breathe on your own. You're turned into an extension of a machine.

Then why hasn't WHO and CDC sued her and Fox News for lying? Laura doesn't lie.
Because it would only draw more attention to her lies, while the morons who believe her will continue to believe her. I documented the fact that her claim about WHO has no merit, Can you read?

In addition, the WHO and the CDC has better uses for their resources than to sue Fox
So you saying the CDC fucked up and this has nothing to do with the president.

From your link.....

We should have told people to wear cloth masks right off the bat,” he said.

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