Marine Corps Commander: Using Troops At Southern Border Poses Unacceptable Risk


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
I enlisted in the USMC in 1963. The so called commander is the snowflake in this story. Not so long ago, if a Marine got an order, he said Yes Sir, turned and ran to do it. What's this weak kneed fuck gonna do if given order to "take that hill", whine and snivel?
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
This is a political CYA move on the general's part and I don't blame him, if I was in his shoes I'd do the exact same thing. Not because I may be against the deployment of troops to the border or not but because if those troops suddenly have to be redeployed to a combat hotspot and everything goes south the general can say, "see, I told you so".
Most people don't realize that when one get's a star their job becomes 9/10s political and 1/10th military.
Poor guy. Has to redirect 8b out of a 700b dollar budget.
How will they survive...
Political bullshit
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness
In 3 months 100,000 criminal illegals have been released into the US populace because the Democrats refuse to acknowledge what they already have in the past - We Have A Border / National Security Crisis, they refuse to take action to secure our borders, and they continue to undermine any efforts to try to do so.

The projection of 1 million criminal illegals entering the US in 1 year has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

- Several hundred criminal illegals caught illegally crossing our border in 1 hour has not phased the Democrats.
- No crisis, no emergency.

The release of 100,000 criminal illegals into the US populace due to Democrats / Congress failing to provide our law enforcement officers with the tools and facilities they need to enforce existing Immigration Law has does not seem to phase Democrats.
- No Crisis, no emergency.

It is no surprise. The theft, assault, rape, and murder of American citizens by violent criminal foreign illegals whose crimes the Democrats continue to facilitate have not phased them. They have stood with these criminals to shut down to government to ensure the borders remain open, federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities keep running, a new class of 'economic slaves' whose survival relies on the govt / Democratic Party tax-payer-funded Social programs, and to keep the illegal votes coming.

We are watching treason on a mass scale perpetrated by the Democratic party that refuses to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, enforce our laws, and protect the American people.
If you don't get over your leftard thinking, you never will be old. It's a dead end. Truth.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller has warned Pentagon leaders that President Trump’s deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border and transferring Defense Department funds to support the administration’s border security efforts is creating “unacceptable risk” to the service’s combat readiness.

Neller's is the strongest warning yet from a military leader about the dangers Trump’s border security efforts pose to military readiness.

In two memos sent March 18 and March 19, first obtained by the Los Angeles Times, Neller said that he has canceled or reduced planned military training in at least five countries as well as delayed badly needed base repairs due to Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” border deployment last fall and emergency declaration funding efforts.

Marine Corps commander: Using troops at southern border an 'unacceptable risk' to readiness

Yup, it's a shame Democrats refuse to legislate a solution to the border crisis in fact, it seems they only inspire illegal immigration and all the human tragedy that it includes. Sheesh, now they're even screwing over the Marines/Military, the bastards/bitchettes.. :wink_2:..
There IS no border crisis

Of course there is and there has been one for decades.

You just don't care. You obviously don't mind the billions we tax payers spend on illegal every year.

An boy you really don't care abut American who are robbed, raped and murder by illegals each year.

Oh and I'm sure you ignore the over 11 million who are here already and the thousand who are trying to get here.

Oh and lets now forget the Border Patrol being overrun with illegals. Thousands every day. So many that they have released over 100,000 into America streets when they should have booted them all back into Mexico.

Border Emergency?? You bet you're sweet ass we have a border emergency.
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There IS no border crisis



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