Marijuana is a gateway drug

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René Anafoutra;2891939 said:
I don't need the explanation you got at your GED class since I have a masters, but thanks anyway.

Then why did you ask?

What adult in America today doesn't know how harmful these substances can be? Seriously?

Umm...maybe the one who said that cocaine is a plant. Maybe the friends I've had who have thrown their lives away by getting involved with cocaine. I was once hooked on oxycontin and valium by a well-meaning doctor who was trying to help me with chronic pain, and, even with his medical degree, he didn't understand how dangerous the drugs were. I almost died from the withdrawals when he cut them off. And look at all of the ambulance chasers advertising for the various deaths and disabilities from taking prescription drugs, which was actually my point. I don't differentiate between prescription and non-prescription, legal or illegal, when I talk about the dangers of a drug, and I do believe that this is something we should talk about. I just don't believe that it is something that the government should control, because they already control prescription drugs, and people are getting sick and dying from them, while others go to jail for possessing a little pot. It seems kind of fucked up to me.
René Anafoutra;2891673 said:
René Anafoutra;2891604 said:
No, cocaine is not a plant. Coca is a plant. Cocaine is a man-made substance.

True. Cocaine would be classified as a harder drug. I'd still say decriminalize.

I would say decriminalize as well. The users of hard drugs are victims, not criminals.

They are not victims. You can't victimize yourself.

Plants is what most start off as. Heroin comes from Poppy. It's what we do to them that makes them bad. And just b/c something is a plant doesn't mean it's safe to put in our bodies in any form.

Have some mandrake root or unaltered potatoes.(it's a deadly night shade) and have someone there to record all the pains you feel before you die.
René Anafoutra;2891673 said:
René Anafoutra;2891604 said:
No, cocaine is not a plant. Coca is a plant. Cocaine is a man-made substance.

True. Cocaine would be classified as a harder drug. I'd still say decriminalize.

I would say decriminalize as well. The users of hard drugs are victims, not criminals.

They are not victims. You can't victimize yourself.

Plants is what most start off as. Heroin comes from Poppy. It's what we do to them that makes them bad. And just b/c something is a plant doesn't mean it's safe to put in our bodies in any form.

Have some mandrake root or unaltered potatoes.(it's a deadly night shade) and have someone there to record all the pains you feel before you die.
René Anafoutra;2891673 said:
True. Cocaine would be classified as a harder drug. I'd still say decriminalize.

I would say decriminalize as well. The users of hard drugs are victims, not criminals.

They are not victims. You can't victimize yourself.

Plants is what most start off as. Heroin comes from Poppy. It's what we do to them that makes them bad. And just b/c something is a plant doesn't mean it's safe to put in our bodies in any form.

Have some mandrake root or unaltered potatoes.(it's a deadly night shade) and have someone there to record all the pains you feel before you die.

Exactly. If you could there'd be no "victimless crimes".

You make a dumb decision it's yours to live with. I don't want to have to pay taxes to feed you three meals a day and give you a cot to sleep on and running water because you got caught being retarded. Just saying.
in itself is much more powerfull than the stuf in the 60s

was mostly latent from the 40/50s then it reemerged due to lib degeneracy

see Reefer Madness

Why is Marijuana Illegal? Because of 2 men; William Randolf Hearst and Harry J. Anslinger

Why is Marijuana Illegal? - Drug WarRant

Marijuana's potential for producing inexpensive paper made the timber industry nervous, and budding technologies--which put hemp into the competition for synthetic fibers, cellophane, methanol, super-strength plastics, paint, medicines, textiles, ship sails and foods--prompted tycoons who faced billions of dollars in subsequent losses to initiate fear campaigns (spreading claims of insanity and murder) and to lobby for the plant's prohibition.

In the 1920s and 1930s, marijuana was attacked by spreading fears of falling of collapsing barriers between blacks and whites. The federal narcotics division leader, Harry Anslinger, initiated a campaign to put marijuana at the center of interracial dating and dancing, citing marijuana's popularity in racially mixed jazz clubs.

Prejudice against Mexicans was also exploited by connecting Mexican immigrants--representing cheap labor during the Depression--to the marijuana scene and by renaming hemp as marijuana.

Many Americans believed that marijuana was a violent narcotic in the company of opiates, and people feared that it fomented criminal acts and psychosis. Harry Anslinger was pivotal in proliferating stories of brutal crimes and sexual predation resulting from marijuana use.

Renewed Legalization of Alcohol
Many careers existed to maintain Prohibition, and banning marijuana provided the hope of continuing employment when it was repealed. The Federal Bureau of Narcotics, established in 1930, represented this job security, particularly if widely-used marijuana was added to the list of illegal substances

Why Was Marijuana Made Illegal in the USA? |

Link to another thread on same topic...
feels good - do it in the road

freaking libs;..................

Im an evil conservative, and I say your full of it!

The gov't needs to get outta our lives, and start worrying about follwing The Constitution.

Reefer Madness was nothing but gov't propaganda, and was meant to scare lemmings like you.
How does it feel to be dooped?
in itself is much more powerfull than the stuf in the 60s

was mostly latent from the 40/50s then it reemerged due to lib degeneracy

see Reefer Madness

No it is not a gateway drug. A piece of propaganda. A lie. Most users started out with cigarettes and alcohol as their starter drugs, not pot.

Again more myths. The American consumer has demanded better quality herb than the dirt weed they tested in the 60's and 70's. Cannabis has been used and breed by people for thousands of years. Each year brings different results but the increase in the potency varies from year to year.

See Reefer madness for an example of how run away propaganda that is dumb a dirt controlled the debate even in Congress. It clearly shows that the lawmakers of the time passed the law(unconstitutional btw) based wholey on lies.

Reefermadness :lol::lol::lol::lol:
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There must have been a reason marijuana was outlawed in the 1930s - you can laugh at Reefer Madness all you want -but there must have been a reason............................

See "The Emporer Wears No Clothes" for a comprehensive explanation.

Jack Herer - Chapters

“Did Anyone Consult the AMA?”

However, even within his controlled Committee hearings, many expert witnesses spoke out against the passage of these unusual tax laws.

Dr. William C. Woodward, for instance, who was both a physician and an attorney for the American Medical Association, testified on behalf of the AMA.

He said, in effect, the entire fabric of federal testimony was tabloid sensationalism! No real testimony had been heard! This law, passed in ignorance, could possibly deny the world a potential medicine, especially now that the medical world was just beginning to find which ingredients in cannabis were active.

Woodward told the committee that the only reason the AMA hadn’t come out against the marijuana tax law sooner was that marijuana had been described in the press for 20 years as “killer weed from Mexico.”

The AMA doctors had just realized “two days before” these spring 1937 hearings, that the plant Congress intended to outlaw was known medically as cannabis, the benign substance used in America with perfect safety in scores of illnesses for over one hundred years.

“We cannot understand yet, Mr. Chairman,” Woodward protested, “why this bill should have been prepared in secret for two years without any intimation, even to the profession, that it was being prepared.” He and the AMA* were quickly denounced by Anslinger and the entire congressional committee, and curtly excused.3
There once was slavery in this country. There must have been a "reason".
Alcohol was once illegal. There must have been a "reason".

Yes there were reasons for both. Doesn't mean they were GOOD reasons.

God created races. There must have been a reason.

No it didn't.

Race in a Genetic World | Harvard Magazine May-Jun 2008

But the fact that human beings are 99.9 percent identical genetically, as Francis Collins and Craig Venter jointly announced at the White House on June 26, 2000, when the rough draft of the human genome was released, risks being lost, some scholars fear, in an emphasis on human genetic difference. Both in federally funded scientific research and in increasingly popular practice—such as ancestry testing, which often purports to prove or disprove membership in a particular race, group, or tribe—genetic testing has appeared to lend scientific credence to the idea that there is a biological basis for racial categories.

In fact, “There is no genetic basis for race,” says Fullwiley, who has studied the ethical, legal, and social implications of the human genome project with sociologist Troy Duster at UC, Berkeley.
in itself is much more powerfull than the stuf in the 60s

was mostly latent from the 40/50s then it reemerged due to lib degeneracy

see Reefer Madness

Proof that conservatism is the gateway to stupidity
Cigarettes, alcohol, prescription pills, soft drinks, coffee and sweet tea are "gateway" drugs.
I prefer my gateway drug in a 12 oz. bottle.
There once was slavery in this country. There must have been a "reason".
Alcohol was once illegal. There must have been a "reason".

Yes there were reasons for both. Doesn't mean they were GOOD reasons.

God created races. There must have been a reason.

No it didn't.

Race in a Genetic World | Harvard Magazine May-Jun 2008

But the fact that human beings are 99.9 percent identical genetically, as Francis Collins and Craig Venter jointly announced at the White House on June 26, 2000, when the rough draft of the human genome was released, risks being lost, some scholars fear, in an emphasis on human genetic difference. Both in federally funded scientific research and in increasingly popular practice—such as ancestry testing, which often purports to prove or disprove membership in a particular race, group, or tribe—genetic testing has appeared to lend scientific credence to the idea that there is a biological basis for racial categories.

In fact, “There is no genetic basis for race,” says Fullwiley, who has studied the ethical, legal, and social implications of the human genome project with sociologist Troy Duster at UC, Berkeley.

Tanning was all the rage in ancient Africa.
You didn't know race was a choice?
There must have been a reason marijuana was outlawed in the 1930s - you can laugh at Reefer Madness all you want -but there must have been a reason............................

Yeash, there was a reason. Racism.

Do a little reading before you post. It could save us all from reading your drivel.
René Anafoutra;2891939 said:
René Anafoutra;2891604 said:
No, cocaine is not a plant. Coca is a plant. Cocaine is a man-made substance.

Jeez! Cocoa is a plant. Milk chocolate is a man made substance. Cotton is a plant. Thread and fabric is a man made substance. Iron ore is a mineral. Steel is a man made substance. Do you have a point?

Yes, and I will be happy to explain it at the GED level for you. Chewing on coca leaves is not especially harmful. Snorting or smoking man-made products such as cocaine or crack is harmful.

The original point was that marijuana and coca were plants, and therefore we had no business outlawing them, and I agree with that. I also believe that all drugs, including prescription drugs, should be on the shelves and freely available to any adult who is dumb enough to take them, but I also believe that intelligent people should know just how harmful some of these substances can be.

Opium Poppy is a plant too. Just slice or nick a few bulbs and collect the sap.........
There must have been a reason marijuana was outlawed in the 1930s - you can laugh at Reefer Madness all you want -but there must have been a reason............................

You are right: the reason is Reefer is grown mostly in countries with dark folks, and it would make them wealthy, and we would lose the ability to control their economics, also it allows law enforcement to destroy the lives of dark folks with frivolous arrest about a substance that is not as debilitating as alcohol, or tobacco to mostly jail dark folks!
in itself is much more powerfull than the stuf in the 60s

was mostly latent from the 40/50s then it reemerged due to lib degeneracy

see Reefer Madness

Actually, alcohol is THE gateway drug. It leads to marijuana. Of all the people I have known who smoked pot, alcohol was their first experiment with drugs. Do you or have you ever smoked pot? If so, did you smoke pot or drink alcohol first?
Actually, alcohol is THE gateway drug. It leads to marijuana. Of all the people I have known who smoked pot, alcohol was their first experiment with drugs. Do you or have you ever smoked pot? If so, did you smoke pot or drink alcohol first?

I think I did them both at the same time.
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