Marco Rubio, our Establishment’s controlled sock puppet

Marco Rubio is an opportunist who cares about one thing: Marco Rubio. His parents were first in line to cash their social security checks. He is a snake oil salesman who is very careful never to talk to the press without a script in hand. He supports lax immigration laws and lead the gang of 8. When he decided to run for president, he changed his stripes. His silky smooth delivery is catnip for the stupid. He is perfect for the low information republican, who tends to be impressed by appearances.

Who are these people--the American Conservative Union?

Which brand of "conservatism" do they subscribe to?

How do they "grade" politicians?

Now a days, conservative is stuck to all types of things. Hell, I could call myself a pro civil liberties conservative--what does that mean?

I don't know.

But Trump's conservative supporters seem to think that the only thing that matters are immigration, terrorism, and trade, and everything doesn't matter.

Not true. Sorry.

Trump's trade policies BTW are liberal to the core as they impose high taxes on American consumers, something conservatives oppose. A tariff is government using its power to shape economic outcomes, something liberals agree with totally.

Trump's supporters' intense emotional investment doesn't change the fact that there are more than these issues. They don't get to redefine terms because they feel strongly about something.
I did a little research and found out that the president is Matt schlapp, someone who used to work for the Koch brothers Federal policy division.

The ACU was founded by William F Buckley and it seems to change hands between conservative groups. However, they are under the Koch brothers umbrella which is really pro-business yet support some liberal positions as amnesty, same sex marriage and are pro-choice.

Sorry. But if the ACU is some form of modern conservative, then Trump is the second coming of Reagan!

You need a more credible conservative group to grade Rubio, the ACU is ideologically compromised due to who runs/backs it.
I did a little research and found out that the president is Matt schlapp, someone who used to work for the Koch brothers Federal policy division.

The ACU was founded by William F Buckley and it seems to change hands between conservative groups. However, they are under the Koch brothers umbrella which is really pro-business yet support some liberal positions as amnesty, same sex marriage and are pro-choice.

Sorry. But if the ACU is some form of modern conservative, then Trump is the second coming of Reagan!

You need a more credible conservative group to grade Rubio, the ACU is ideologically compromised due to who runs/backs it.

Liberals hate the Koch brothers.

Rubio, 94% conservative rating.

Heritage Action Scorecard
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Marco Rubio is an opportunist who cares about one thing: Marco Rubio. His parents were first in line to cash their social security checks. He is a snake oil salesman who is very careful never to talk to the press without a script in hand. He supports lax immigration laws and lead the gang of 8. When he decided to run for president, he changed his stripes. His silky smooth delivery is catnip for the stupid. He is perfect for the low information republican, who tends to be impressed by appearances.
An opportunist that only cares about himself?

Sounds like Trump , Hillary AND Obama.
Despite his Jake Starkey demeanor I think he (Rubio, not Jammie-Jake) might make a better president than Nutty Old Uncle Bernie but Bernie would be more fun to watch.

I think, on balance, we'd more enjoy a Sanders presidency........not that any good would come of it but the laughs would keep on coming!
I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
he made himself into a politician for sale.

he has a disturbing financial past

The authentically disturbing thing about Rubio's checkered financial past is that it isn't that far in the past and there is no sign that the youthful mistakes that one could attribute them to has waned.

For those who do not know, I encourage you to do your own research. I'm going from memory:

He was making something like $300,000 a year as an attorney and bought a $180,000 brand new yatch. Supposedly the people "in the know" about such things say that you "never" buy a new yatch as your first buy a used one that you know is sea worthy. Okay...not sure why that matters but spending over 1/2 a year's salary on a toy when you still have school debt and the sort is nobody's definition of responsible.

Usually, one could attribute this to the "mistakes of youth". A little later he used either a Party or Government P card to pay for personal expenses and cashed in his retirement early paying a hefty penalty.

Again...youthful errors?

Well, during the GOP clown car's salad days when they were filibustering responsible legislation because Obama was in favor of favorable legislation and little else; Marco said this during the filibuster...

That takes me back to another modern day poet by the name of Jay-Z in one of the songs he wrote: "It's funny what seven days can change. It was all good just a week ago."
Well, I don't know if it was all good a week ago, but I can tell you that things have really changed, because if the President was George W. Bush, and this was a question being asked of him, and his response was the silence we've gotten, we'd have a very different scenario here tonight except that I actually believe the Senator from Kentucky would be on the floor making the exact same argument he's making.

Jay-Z, Wiz Khalifa Quoted By Marco Rubio During Senate Filibuster
by MTV News Staff 3/7/2013
By Maurice Bobb
One doesn’t normally hear hip-hop quotables on Capitol Hill, but Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a self-described West Coast hip-hop fan, stepped to the podium Wednesday night (Mar 6) and dropped salient references to “modern day poets” Wiz Khalifa and Jay-Z.
It was during a filibuster in the Senate chamber by Kentucky Republican Rand Paul to block a vote on President Barack Obama’s CIA Chief pick, John O. Brennan, that Rubio took his fellow senators to the cypher, first using a line from the ONIFC MC’s “Work Hard Play Hard.”
“Let me begin by quoting a modern day poet, his name is Wiz Khalifa. He has a song called ’Work Hard Play Hard’,” Rubio said, drawing laughter from the chamber. “You look at the time, I think it’s a time when many of our colleagues expected to be home, back in the home state playing hard, but I’m happy we’re here still working hard on this issue.”

Keep in mind, he could have said anything, quoting anyone, and he chose these two folks:

Here is Whiz's mugshot and a picture of him smoking a joint:


And for the record, here is Brooklyn Nets owner Jay Z's picture; courtesy of the local constabulary:

His choice of whom to channel and quote and whom he thinks deserves mention in the Halls of Congress is his business. Our business is to decide whom is best to lead the nation...

He was making these decisions 36 months ago...I doubt Mario's maturity or judgment have become more seasoned in the intermission.
I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
he made himself into a politician for sale.

he has a disturbing financial past

The authentically disturbing thing about Rubio's checkered financial past is that it isn't that far in the past and there is no sign that the youthful mistakes that one could attribute them to has waned.

For those who do not know, I encourage you to do your own research. I'm going from memory:

He was making something like $300,000 a year as an attorney and bought a $180,000 brand new yatch. Supposedly the people "in the know" about such things say that you "never" buy a new yatch as your first buy a used one that you know is sea worthy. Okay...not sure why that matters but spending over 1/2 a year's salary on a toy when you still have school debt and the sort is nobody's definition of responsible.

Usually, one could attribute this to the "mistakes of youth". A little later he used either a Party or Government P card to pay for personal expenses and cashed in his retirement early paying a hefty penalty.

Again...youthful errors?

Well, during the GOP clown car's salad days when they were filibustering responsible legislation because Obama was in favor of favorable legislation and little else; Marco said this during the filibuster...

That takes me back to another modern day poet by the name of Jay-Z in one of the songs he wrote: "It's funny what seven days can change. It was all good just a week ago."
Well, I don't know if it was all good a week ago, but I can tell you that things have really changed, because if the President was George W. Bush, and this was a question being asked of him, and his response was the silence we've gotten, we'd have a very different scenario here tonight except that I actually believe the Senator from Kentucky would be on the floor making the exact same argument he's making.

Jay-Z, Wiz Khalifa Quoted By Marco Rubio During Senate Filibuster
by MTV News Staff 3/7/2013
By Maurice Bobb
One doesn’t normally hear hip-hop quotables on Capitol Hill, but Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a self-described West Coast hip-hop fan, stepped to the podium Wednesday night (Mar 6) and dropped salient references to “modern day poets” Wiz Khalifa and Jay-Z.
It was during a filibuster in the Senate chamber by Kentucky Republican Rand Paul to block a vote on President Barack Obama’s CIA Chief pick, John O. Brennan, that Rubio took his fellow senators to the cypher, first using a line from the ONIFC MC’s “Work Hard Play Hard.”
“Let me begin by quoting a modern day poet, his name is Wiz Khalifa. He has a song called ’Work Hard Play Hard’,” Rubio said, drawing laughter from the chamber. “You look at the time, I think it’s a time when many of our colleagues expected to be home, back in the home state playing hard, but I’m happy we’re here still working hard on this issue.”

Keep in mind, he could have said anything, quoting anyone, and he chose these two folks:

Here is Whiz's mugshot and a picture of him smoking a joint:


And for the record, here is Brooklyn Nets owner Jay Z's picture; courtesy of the local constabulary:

His choice of whom to channel and quote and whom he thinks deserves mention in the Halls of Congress is his business. Our business is to decide whom is best to lead the nation...

He was making these decisions 36 months ago...I doubt Mario's maturity or judgment have become more seasoned in the intermission.
His views on immigration are extremely disturbing... His real views.
Pretty much open border...
180 thousand buys a fishing boat not an yacht... Dumbass
Anyway, back to things that matter.
How many suspect Rubio is really an open borders type of guy, if the truth be told??
Marco Rubio is an opportunist who cares about one thing: Marco Rubio. His parents were first in line to cash their social security checks. He is a snake oil salesman who is very careful never to talk to the press without a script in hand. He supports lax immigration laws and lead the gang of 8. When he decided to run for president, he changed his stripes. His silky smooth delivery is catnip for the stupid. He is perfect for the low information republican, who tends to be impressed by appearances.
The fact that a devout liberal like you dislikes him is a huge plus. I never saw him with a script, you're full of shit. If you don't like his immigration plan don't vote for him, it seems sensible to me, we aren't going to deport them all and we aren't going to just say fuck it.

I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
he made himself into a politician for sale.

he has a disturbing financial past

The authentically disturbing thing about Rubio's checkered financial past is that it isn't that far in the past and there is no sign that the youthful mistakes that one could attribute them to has waned.

For those who do not know, I encourage you to do your own research. I'm going from memory:

He was making something like $300,000 a year as an attorney and bought a $180,000 brand new yatch. Supposedly the people "in the know" about such things say that you "never" buy a new yatch as your first buy a used one that you know is sea worthy. Okay...not sure why that matters but spending over 1/2 a year's salary on a toy when you still have school debt and the sort is nobody's definition of responsible.

Usually, one could attribute this to the "mistakes of youth". A little later he used either a Party or Government P card to pay for personal expenses and cashed in his retirement early paying a hefty penalty.

Again...youthful errors?

Well, during the GOP clown car's salad days when they were filibustering responsible legislation because Obama was in favor of favorable legislation and little else; Marco said this during the filibuster...

That takes me back to another modern day poet by the name of Jay-Z in one of the songs he wrote: "It's funny what seven days can change. It was all good just a week ago."
Well, I don't know if it was all good a week ago, but I can tell you that things have really changed, because if the President was George W. Bush, and this was a question being asked of him, and his response was the silence we've gotten, we'd have a very different scenario here tonight except that I actually believe the Senator from Kentucky would be on the floor making the exact same argument he's making.

Jay-Z, Wiz Khalifa Quoted By Marco Rubio During Senate Filibuster
by MTV News Staff 3/7/2013
By Maurice Bobb
One doesn’t normally hear hip-hop quotables on Capitol Hill, but Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a self-described West Coast hip-hop fan, stepped to the podium Wednesday night (Mar 6) and dropped salient references to “modern day poets” Wiz Khalifa and Jay-Z.
It was during a filibuster in the Senate chamber by Kentucky Republican Rand Paul to block a vote on President Barack Obama’s CIA Chief pick, John O. Brennan, that Rubio took his fellow senators to the cypher, first using a line from the ONIFC MC’s “Work Hard Play Hard.”
“Let me begin by quoting a modern day poet, his name is Wiz Khalifa. He has a song called ’Work Hard Play Hard’,” Rubio said, drawing laughter from the chamber. “You look at the time, I think it’s a time when many of our colleagues expected to be home, back in the home state playing hard, but I’m happy we’re here still working hard on this issue.”

Keep in mind, he could have said anything, quoting anyone, and he chose these two folks:

Here is Whiz's mugshot and a picture of him smoking a joint:


And for the record, here is Brooklyn Nets owner Jay Z's picture; courtesy of the local constabulary:

His choice of whom to channel and quote and whom he thinks deserves mention in the Halls of Congress is his business. Our business is to decide whom is best to lead the nation...

He was making these decisions 36 months ago...I doubt Mario's maturity or judgment have become more seasoned in the intermission.
I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
he made himself into a politician for sale.

he has a disturbing financial past

The authentically disturbing thing about Rubio's checkered financial past is that it isn't that far in the past and there is no sign that the youthful mistakes that one could attribute them to has waned.

For those who do not know, I encourage you to do your own research. I'm going from memory:

He was making something like $300,000 a year as an attorney and bought a $180,000 brand new yatch. Supposedly the people "in the know" about such things say that you "never" buy a new yatch as your first buy a used one that you know is sea worthy. Okay...not sure why that matters but spending over 1/2 a year's salary on a toy when you still have school debt and the sort is nobody's definition of responsible.

Usually, one could attribute this to the "mistakes of youth". A little later he used either a Party or Government P card to pay for personal expenses and cashed in his retirement early paying a hefty penalty.

Again...youthful errors?

Well, during the GOP clown car's salad days when they were filibustering responsible legislation because Obama was in favor of favorable legislation and little else; Marco said this during the filibuster...

That takes me back to another modern day poet by the name of Jay-Z in one of the songs he wrote: "It's funny what seven days can change. It was all good just a week ago."
Well, I don't know if it was all good a week ago, but I can tell you that things have really changed, because if the President was George W. Bush, and this was a question being asked of him, and his response was the silence we've gotten, we'd have a very different scenario here tonight except that I actually believe the Senator from Kentucky would be on the floor making the exact same argument he's making.

Jay-Z, Wiz Khalifa Quoted By Marco Rubio During Senate Filibuster
by MTV News Staff 3/7/2013
By Maurice Bobb
One doesn’t normally hear hip-hop quotables on Capitol Hill, but Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a self-described West Coast hip-hop fan, stepped to the podium Wednesday night (Mar 6) and dropped salient references to “modern day poets” Wiz Khalifa and Jay-Z.
It was during a filibuster in the Senate chamber by Kentucky Republican Rand Paul to block a vote on President Barack Obama’s CIA Chief pick, John O. Brennan, that Rubio took his fellow senators to the cypher, first using a line from the ONIFC MC’s “Work Hard Play Hard.”
“Let me begin by quoting a modern day poet, his name is Wiz Khalifa. He has a song called ’Work Hard Play Hard’,” Rubio said, drawing laughter from the chamber. “You look at the time, I think it’s a time when many of our colleagues expected to be home, back in the home state playing hard, but I’m happy we’re here still working hard on this issue.”

Keep in mind, he could have said anything, quoting anyone, and he chose these two folks:

Here is Whiz's mugshot and a picture of him smoking a joint:


And for the record, here is Brooklyn Nets owner Jay Z's picture; courtesy of the local constabulary:

His choice of whom to channel and quote and whom he thinks deserves mention in the Halls of Congress is his business. Our business is to decide whom is best to lead the nation...

He was making these decisions 36 months ago...I doubt Mario's maturity or judgment have become more seasoned in the intermission.

Compared to how many millions of dollars the Clintons and their foundation took in from corporations and foreign governments when she was SoS?

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