Marco Rubio, our Establishment’s controlled sock puppet

I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
he made himself into a politician for sale.

he has a disturbing financial past
I hear it over and over like a chant but nobody backs it up. Disagree with the most extreme ones and a Republican is a RINO or establishment.
the most disturbing thing i know about him is his move from a sub $100k position at a law firm and an employer that was unhappy with his performance to a $300+k position at a different law firm while he was in the state legislature.

he must write a hell of a resume
How long ago was it that most sane Americans thought that Jeb Bush running for president would be preposterous?

Now we get Rubio? The brother from another mother of the Bush clan?

Huh? It's getting even harder to understand you.

I don't want anymore unnecessary wars in the Middle East so I'm not about to support a Rubio or anyone with a similar view.
I'm not reading the whole diatribe, but Rubio isn't "the establishment" by any stretch. He grew up poor and made something of himself. Immigration isn't an easy answer, anyone that thinks we are going to round up all 11 million illegals and throw them out is insane. Marco is trying to come up with a solution, like Reagan. If you read what he said, recently here, no ties, you'll be sent packing. But he also said they'll just come right back, and they do so fixing the broken system is a critical first step.
he made himself into a politician for sale.

he has a disturbing financial past
I hear it over and over like a chant but nobody backs it up. Disagree with the most extreme ones and a Republican is a RINO or establishment.
the most disturbing thing i know about him is his move from a sub $100k position at a law firm and an employer that was unhappy with his performance to a $300+k position at a different law firm while he was in the state legislature.

he must write a hell of a resume
He's Obama with less spine, imo. But the gop hasn't got anybody. It's disheartening. I think Rubio can beat Hillary. It would take Hillary being so bad with the press that they'd not report on Rubio being essentially a stage manage puppet. But it could happen.
How long ago was it that most sane Americans thought that Jeb Bush running for president would be preposterous?

Now we get Rubio? The brother from another mother of the Bush clan?

Huh? It's getting even harder to understand you.

I don't want anymore unnecessary wars in the Middle East so I'm not about to support a Rubio or anyone with a similar view.
Yes, Rubio is owned by Israel.
Marco Rubio’s big Jewish backer and 7 other things to know about him
The GOP really needs to run a Trump/Cruz ticket and get this out of its system.

trump won't run cruz because he wasn't born here. :)
Well, that, plus Trump has gone completely mental over Iowa about Cruz.

Who knows, maybe they could kiss and make up.

could be amusing to watch.

but damn... it would be almost like shooting fish in a barrel for Hillary.
I think it would be fabulous. However, if after the nomination, Hillary had a health event or actually did get get indicted...

Then not so much.

True of anyone running.
How long ago was it that most sane Americans thought that Jeb Bush running for president would be preposterous?

Now we get Rubio? The brother from another mother of the Bush clan?

Huh? It's getting even harder to understand you.

I don't want anymore unnecessary wars in the Middle East so I'm not about to support a Rubio or anyone with a similar view.
Yes, Rubio is owned by Israel.
Marco Rubio’s big Jewish backer and 7 other things to know about him

And the Jews run everything. Right?

But no antisemitism there.
With Rubio, you get Jeb Bush without the Jeb Bush name.

Or rather with Rubio you get Obama or vice versa!

He reminds me so much of Barry...:dunno:

Really? When was Obama a Middle East interventionist zealot?

What exactly do you think Obama has been doing in the middle east the past 8 years?
Trying to fix the neo-cons' mistakes.

You mean in Libya or syria.? Where we weren't. Or by supporting regime changes in Egypt?
With Rubio, you get Jeb Bush without the Jeb Bush name.

Or rather with Rubio you get Obama or vice versa!

He reminds me so much of Barry...:dunno:

Really? When was Obama a Middle East interventionist zealot?

What exactly do you think Obama has been doing in the middle east the past 8 years?
Trying to fix the neo-cons' mistakes.

You mean in Libya or syria.? Where we weren't. Or by supporting regime changes in Egypt?
By trying to stablizing failing states in Iraq and Afghanistan. How many troops do we have in Libya, Syria, or Egypt. Be exact, Avatar.
Rubio pretty much owe his political existence to Jeb Bush. His appointment to speakership in Florida house came with Jeb's blessing. Even at one point, Jeb Bush praised him as the future of the Republican party.

By all likelihood, Rubio is running at Jebs insistence and t gain national recognition.

Yes, Jeb has attacked Rubio--but that is probably to seperate Rubio from Jeb's sagging image.

Rubio is a new breed of Neoconservative. Neoconservatives are not conservatives, nor moderates actually, so I do not understand why Republicans even associate with them.

Kick Rubio to the curve. Stop supporting these damn neocons. They are the ones that created this split in your party, why are you still entertaining them?
It is more than just offensive to real conservatives for Marco Rubio to claim he is a “conservative” and that he embraces the rule of law as set out in our Constitution. In fact, Marco Rubio, just like Obama, has established a pattern in which he undermines the provisions of our Constitution and has advanced policies which place the general welfare of the United States and her Citizens in peril.

When it comes to dealing with the 10-20 million foreigners who have invaded our borders Rubio and Obama are two peas in a pod!

"If you haven't been here very long, or you're a criminal, you will be deported," Rubio told NPR's Morning Edition. "Otherwise, you will have to come forward, pass the background check, learn English, pay a fine, because you violated the law, start paying taxes, and you'll get a work permit."

And, tell us, Rubio, what about the millions of American Citizens who have lost good paying jobs in the construction trades and service industry to those who have invaded our borders who have been working off the books, below the going wage, and did not pay taxes on their earned wages in order to compete with American Citizens for these jobs and are now on food stamps and other welfare programs because they were squeezed out of the job market by illegal aliens? Seems to me you have more compassion for law breakers than for the citizens of your own country who are now suffering from the destructive effects of those who have invaded our boarders.

The unvarnished truth is, no good can come from allowing 10s of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated foreigners who have invaded our borders to remain here. Not only do these illegal entrants compete with American Citizens for good paying jobs in the construction trades and displace American workers which has already caused unemployment to spiral out of control, but trying to accommodate illegals and their children has proven to be disastrous in that American Citizens are being made into tax slaves to pay for the economic needs of the illegal aliens you seem to embrace, not to mention how many of our public schools and emergency rooms have been overburdened and destroyed by this massive invasion of our borders.

Marco Rubio also spat upon our Constitution when supporting Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority which is an idea intentionally designed to circumvent Congress’ exclusive power to fashion regulations of commerce with an America First Policy in mind. Rubio has thrown his hat in with the Chamber of Commerce and the Club for Growth who are behind various policies destructive to America's best interests and her general welfare. These two groups' agenda is to break down any barriers designed by our founders to promote the best interests of the United States with regard to regulating commerce with foreign nations.

Keep in mind that our Constitution places and exclusive power to legislate regulations of commerce with foreign nations in Congress’ hands. Placing this power in Congress’ hands was intended by our Founders to insure that any regulations of commerce would be formulated, debated, and amended if needed by the various State’s Congressional Delegation sent to Washington to insure that each State’s interests would be represented in the making of such regulations. After any regulations of commerce were agreed upon by Congress, the president was left with a limited power to either approve or veto the regulations of commerce agreed to by Congress.

Rubio’s Fast Track Trade promotion authority is intentionally designed to reverse the president's and Congress' constitutionally assigned duties as they apply to regulating commerce with foreign nations. In this reversal, the president would usurp Congress’ assigned duty to represent the particular state interests when fashioning regulations of commerce in secret with foreign powers while Congress would be left with the limited power to either approve or veto what the president has cooked up in secret.

The bottom line in conjunction with the above two issues is, Marco Rubio is a sock puppet for the Chamber of Commerce, Club for Growth and our Global Governance crowed who have no allegiance to America or any nation and whose only concern is advancing the interests of international corporate giants.

And let us not forget Rubio’s attack on Trump for wanting to pause immigration from war torn Islamic countries until we can figure out a way to vet these immigrants.

SEE: Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham Attack Trump Over Muslim Immigration

”The Speaker of the House and two presidential candidates—all of whom have supported amnesty and immigration expansions—are coming after GOP frontrunner Donald Trump following his declaration that the U.S. should pause Muslim migration into the United States.”

Instead of placing America’s general welfare at the top of Rubio’s interests, he attacks a common sense approach to deal with a flood of immigrants from war torn Islamic controlled counties and he would place the general welfare of the United States in jeopardy merely to attack a political opponent.

Unfortunately, our sympathetic media has already jumped on Rubio’s bandwagon, so forget about one of their talking heads to confront Rubio's unwise immigration desires or bluntly ask Rubio under what Constitutional authority can Congress’ power to fashion regulations of commerce be transferred to the Executive’s office while leaving Congress with the Executives’ limited power to veto?


To support Marco Rubio is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
Limbaugh claimed Rubio is a conservative today. First time in a while I wanted to punch him in the face he was on the verge of talking shit about Trump as well so guess need something new to listen to from 12-3 when I am out.
It is more than just offensive to real conservatives for Marco Rubio to claim he is a “conservative” and that he embraces the rule of law as set out in our Constitution. In fact, Marco Rubio, just like Obama, has established a pattern in which he undermines the provisions of our Constitution and has advanced policies which place the general welfare of the United States and her Citizens in peril.

When it comes to dealing with the 10-20 million foreigners who have invaded our borders Rubio and Obama are two peas in a pod!

"If you haven't been here very long, or you're a criminal, you will be deported," Rubio told NPR's Morning Edition. "Otherwise, you will have to come forward, pass the background check, learn English, pay a fine, because you violated the law, start paying taxes, and you'll get a work permit."

And, tell us, Rubio, what about the millions of American Citizens who have lost good paying jobs in the construction trades and service industry to those who have invaded our borders who have been working off the books, below the going wage, and did not pay taxes on their earned wages in order to compete with American Citizens for these jobs and are now on food stamps and other welfare programs because they were squeezed out of the job market by illegal aliens? Seems to me you have more compassion for law breakers than for the citizens of your own country who are now suffering from the destructive effects of those who have invaded our boarders.

The unvarnished truth is, no good can come from allowing 10s of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated foreigners who have invaded our borders to remain here. Not only do these illegal entrants compete with American Citizens for good paying jobs in the construction trades and displace American workers which has already caused unemployment to spiral out of control, but trying to accommodate illegals and their children has proven to be disastrous in that American Citizens are being made into tax slaves to pay for the economic needs of the illegal aliens you seem to embrace, not to mention how many of our public schools and emergency rooms have been overburdened and destroyed by this massive invasion of our borders.

Marco Rubio also spat upon our Constitution when supporting Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority which is an idea intentionally designed to circumvent Congress’ exclusive power to fashion regulations of commerce with an America First Policy in mind. Rubio has thrown his hat in with the Chamber of Commerce and the Club for Growth who are behind various policies destructive to America's best interests and her general welfare. These two groups' agenda is to break down any barriers designed by our founders to promote the best interests of the United States with regard to regulating commerce with foreign nations.

Keep in mind that our Constitution places and exclusive power to legislate regulations of commerce with foreign nations in Congress’ hands. Placing this power in Congress’ hands was intended by our Founders to insure that any regulations of commerce would be formulated, debated, and amended if needed by the various State’s Congressional Delegation sent to Washington to insure that each State’s interests would be represented in the making of such regulations. After any regulations of commerce were agreed upon by Congress, the president was left with a limited power to either approve or veto the regulations of commerce agreed to by Congress.

Rubio’s Fast Track Trade promotion authority is intentionally designed to reverse the president's and Congress' constitutionally assigned duties as they apply to regulating commerce with foreign nations. In this reversal, the president would usurp Congress’ assigned duty to represent the particular state interests when fashioning regulations of commerce in secret with foreign powers while Congress would be left with the limited power to either approve or veto what the president has cooked up in secret.

The bottom line in conjunction with the above two issues is, Marco Rubio is a sock puppet for the Chamber of Commerce, Club for Growth and our Global Governance crowed who have no allegiance to America or any nation and whose only concern is advancing the interests of international corporate giants.

And let us not forget Rubio’s attack on Trump for wanting to pause immigration from war torn Islamic countries until we can figure out a way to vet these immigrants.

SEE: Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham Attack Trump Over Muslim Immigration

”The Speaker of the House and two presidential candidates—all of whom have supported amnesty and immigration expansions—are coming after GOP frontrunner Donald Trump following his declaration that the U.S. should pause Muslim migration into the United States.”

Instead of placing America’s general welfare at the top of Rubio’s interests, he attacks a common sense approach to deal with a flood of immigrants from war torn Islamic controlled counties and he would place the general welfare of the United States in jeopardy merely to attack a political opponent.

Unfortunately, our sympathetic media has already jumped on Rubio’s bandwagon, so forget about one of their talking heads to confront Rubio's unwise immigration desires or bluntly ask Rubio under what Constitutional authority can Congress’ power to fashion regulations of commerce be transferred to the Executive’s office while leaving Congress with the Executives’ limited power to veto?


To support Marco Rubio is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
Limbaugh claimed Rubio is a conservative today. First time in a while I wanted to punch him in the face he was on the verge of talking shit about Trump as well so guess need something new to listen to from 12-3 when I am out.

Rubio is far, far more of a conservative than Donald Trump.

That his supporters have gotten so emotionally invested in Trump because of two or three issues doesn't change this simple fact.
It is more than just offensive to real conservatives for Marco Rubio to claim he is a “conservative” and that he embraces the rule of law as set out in our Constitution. In fact, Marco Rubio, just like Obama, has established a pattern in which he undermines the provisions of our Constitution and has advanced policies which place the general welfare of the United States and her Citizens in peril.

When it comes to dealing with the 10-20 million foreigners who have invaded our borders Rubio and Obama are two peas in a pod!

"If you haven't been here very long, or you're a criminal, you will be deported," Rubio told NPR's Morning Edition. "Otherwise, you will have to come forward, pass the background check, learn English, pay a fine, because you violated the law, start paying taxes, and you'll get a work permit."

And, tell us, Rubio, what about the millions of American Citizens who have lost good paying jobs in the construction trades and service industry to those who have invaded our borders who have been working off the books, below the going wage, and did not pay taxes on their earned wages in order to compete with American Citizens for these jobs and are now on food stamps and other welfare programs because they were squeezed out of the job market by illegal aliens? Seems to me you have more compassion for law breakers than for the citizens of your own country who are now suffering from the destructive effects of those who have invaded our boarders.

The unvarnished truth is, no good can come from allowing 10s of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated foreigners who have invaded our borders to remain here. Not only do these illegal entrants compete with American Citizens for good paying jobs in the construction trades and displace American workers which has already caused unemployment to spiral out of control, but trying to accommodate illegals and their children has proven to be disastrous in that American Citizens are being made into tax slaves to pay for the economic needs of the illegal aliens you seem to embrace, not to mention how many of our public schools and emergency rooms have been overburdened and destroyed by this massive invasion of our borders.

Marco Rubio also spat upon our Constitution when supporting Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority which is an idea intentionally designed to circumvent Congress’ exclusive power to fashion regulations of commerce with an America First Policy in mind. Rubio has thrown his hat in with the Chamber of Commerce and the Club for Growth who are behind various policies destructive to America's best interests and her general welfare. These two groups' agenda is to break down any barriers designed by our founders to promote the best interests of the United States with regard to regulating commerce with foreign nations.

Keep in mind that our Constitution places and exclusive power to legislate regulations of commerce with foreign nations in Congress’ hands. Placing this power in Congress’ hands was intended by our Founders to insure that any regulations of commerce would be formulated, debated, and amended if needed by the various State’s Congressional Delegation sent to Washington to insure that each State’s interests would be represented in the making of such regulations. After any regulations of commerce were agreed upon by Congress, the president was left with a limited power to either approve or veto the regulations of commerce agreed to by Congress.

Rubio’s Fast Track Trade promotion authority is intentionally designed to reverse the president's and Congress' constitutionally assigned duties as they apply to regulating commerce with foreign nations. In this reversal, the president would usurp Congress’ assigned duty to represent the particular state interests when fashioning regulations of commerce in secret with foreign powers while Congress would be left with the limited power to either approve or veto what the president has cooked up in secret.

The bottom line in conjunction with the above two issues is, Marco Rubio is a sock puppet for the Chamber of Commerce, Club for Growth and our Global Governance crowed who have no allegiance to America or any nation and whose only concern is advancing the interests of international corporate giants.

And let us not forget Rubio’s attack on Trump for wanting to pause immigration from war torn Islamic countries until we can figure out a way to vet these immigrants.

SEE: Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham Attack Trump Over Muslim Immigration

”The Speaker of the House and two presidential candidates—all of whom have supported amnesty and immigration expansions—are coming after GOP frontrunner Donald Trump following his declaration that the U.S. should pause Muslim migration into the United States.”

Instead of placing America’s general welfare at the top of Rubio’s interests, he attacks a common sense approach to deal with a flood of immigrants from war torn Islamic controlled counties and he would place the general welfare of the United States in jeopardy merely to attack a political opponent.

Unfortunately, our sympathetic media has already jumped on Rubio’s bandwagon, so forget about one of their talking heads to confront Rubio's unwise immigration desires or bluntly ask Rubio under what Constitutional authority can Congress’ power to fashion regulations of commerce be transferred to the Executive’s office while leaving Congress with the Executives’ limited power to veto?


To support Marco Rubio is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
Limbaugh claimed Rubio is a conservative today. First time in a while I wanted to punch him in the face he was on the verge of talking shit about Trump as well so guess need something new to listen to from 12-3 when I am out.

Rush is a right winger that wants to see the GOP win.

If they win with Trump--thats good
If they win with Cruz--thats good
If they win with Rubio--thats good

as long as the party win.

I will say this--Rush has given some pretty good insight into the race for the nomination, so I would suggest calming down and given ol Rushbo a 2nd chance.

Look at that, a "lib" is telling a conservative to listen to Rush!! The world has truly turned upside down!!LOL
It is more than just offensive to real conservatives for Marco Rubio to claim he is a “conservative” and that he embraces the rule of law as set out in our Constitution. In fact, Marco Rubio, just like Obama, has established a pattern in which he undermines the provisions of our Constitution and has advanced policies which place the general welfare of the United States and her Citizens in peril.

When it comes to dealing with the 10-20 million foreigners who have invaded our borders Rubio and Obama are two peas in a pod!

"If you haven't been here very long, or you're a criminal, you will be deported," Rubio told NPR's Morning Edition. "Otherwise, you will have to come forward, pass the background check, learn English, pay a fine, because you violated the law, start paying taxes, and you'll get a work permit."

And, tell us, Rubio, what about the millions of American Citizens who have lost good paying jobs in the construction trades and service industry to those who have invaded our borders who have been working off the books, below the going wage, and did not pay taxes on their earned wages in order to compete with American Citizens for these jobs and are now on food stamps and other welfare programs because they were squeezed out of the job market by illegal aliens? Seems to me you have more compassion for law breakers than for the citizens of your own country who are now suffering from the destructive effects of those who have invaded our boarders.

The unvarnished truth is, no good can come from allowing 10s of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated foreigners who have invaded our borders to remain here. Not only do these illegal entrants compete with American Citizens for good paying jobs in the construction trades and displace American workers which has already caused unemployment to spiral out of control, but trying to accommodate illegals and their children has proven to be disastrous in that American Citizens are being made into tax slaves to pay for the economic needs of the illegal aliens you seem to embrace, not to mention how many of our public schools and emergency rooms have been overburdened and destroyed by this massive invasion of our borders.

Marco Rubio also spat upon our Constitution when supporting Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority which is an idea intentionally designed to circumvent Congress’ exclusive power to fashion regulations of commerce with an America First Policy in mind. Rubio has thrown his hat in with the Chamber of Commerce and the Club for Growth who are behind various policies destructive to America's best interests and her general welfare. These two groups' agenda is to break down any barriers designed by our founders to promote the best interests of the United States with regard to regulating commerce with foreign nations.

Keep in mind that our Constitution places and exclusive power to legislate regulations of commerce with foreign nations in Congress’ hands. Placing this power in Congress’ hands was intended by our Founders to insure that any regulations of commerce would be formulated, debated, and amended if needed by the various State’s Congressional Delegation sent to Washington to insure that each State’s interests would be represented in the making of such regulations. After any regulations of commerce were agreed upon by Congress, the president was left with a limited power to either approve or veto the regulations of commerce agreed to by Congress.

Rubio’s Fast Track Trade promotion authority is intentionally designed to reverse the president's and Congress' constitutionally assigned duties as they apply to regulating commerce with foreign nations. In this reversal, the president would usurp Congress’ assigned duty to represent the particular state interests when fashioning regulations of commerce in secret with foreign powers while Congress would be left with the limited power to either approve or veto what the president has cooked up in secret.

The bottom line in conjunction with the above two issues is, Marco Rubio is a sock puppet for the Chamber of Commerce, Club for Growth and our Global Governance crowed who have no allegiance to America or any nation and whose only concern is advancing the interests of international corporate giants.

And let us not forget Rubio’s attack on Trump for wanting to pause immigration from war torn Islamic countries until we can figure out a way to vet these immigrants.

SEE: Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham Attack Trump Over Muslim Immigration

”The Speaker of the House and two presidential candidates—all of whom have supported amnesty and immigration expansions—are coming after GOP frontrunner Donald Trump following his declaration that the U.S. should pause Muslim migration into the United States.”

Instead of placing America’s general welfare at the top of Rubio’s interests, he attacks a common sense approach to deal with a flood of immigrants from war torn Islamic controlled counties and he would place the general welfare of the United States in jeopardy merely to attack a political opponent.

Unfortunately, our sympathetic media has already jumped on Rubio’s bandwagon, so forget about one of their talking heads to confront Rubio's unwise immigration desires or bluntly ask Rubio under what Constitutional authority can Congress’ power to fashion regulations of commerce be transferred to the Executive’s office while leaving Congress with the Executives’ limited power to veto?


To support Marco Rubio is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
Limbaugh claimed Rubio is a conservative today. First time in a while I wanted to punch him in the face he was on the verge of talking shit about Trump as well so guess need something new to listen to from 12-3 when I am out.

Rubio is far, far more of a conservative than Donald Trump.

That his supporters have gotten so emotionally invested in Trump because of two or three issues doesn't change this simple fact.
Yep endorsing Amnesty is conservative! LOL....Toro you said you would vote for an asshole who banned salt and the big gulp you are less of a conservative than Sanders is!

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