Marco Rubio calls payments to families "child allowance/ anti-work/ welfare/ anti-family"


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
I guess like Newt Gingrich, Lil Marco wants to put kids to work as janitors. :rolleyes:

No Republicans voted for Biden's American Rescue Plan, which included the expanded Child Tax Credit. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, called the credit a "child allowance" in a statement on Wednesday.​
"Over the next six months, some American households with no working adults will receive over $6,000 in cash payments from the federal government,” Rubio said. “The way President Biden tells it, the handout is part of his administration’s ‘pro-family’ plan. In reality, he has transformed the pro-worker, pro-family Child Tax Credit into an anti-work welfare check."​

In America where you are free and protected by a constitution, you should reach for the stars. Work is good for you, especially if positively contributing. Maybe some assistance for the working poor, but $6k a month to NOT work? That's unsustainable in any system at current rates.

Don't become Canada where work isn't even possible for many and our nation is in steep decline likely never to return, destroyed by the police apparatus cult, their families and their weak political enablers.
I guess like Newt Gingrich, Lil Marco wants to put kids to work as janitors. :rolleyes:

No Republicans voted for Biden's American Rescue Plan, which included the expanded Child Tax Credit. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, called the credit a "child allowance" in a statement on Wednesday.​
"Over the next six months, some American households with no working adults will receive over $6,000 in cash payments from the federal government,” Rubio said. “The way President Biden tells it, the handout is part of his administration’s ‘pro-family’ plan. In reality, he has transformed the pro-worker, pro-family Child Tax Credit into an anti-work welfare check."​

Have you ever noticed little marco only comes out when it's time to campaign for his re election? The part of Florida I live in which is 99% republican hasn't seen him in over 2 years, I bet he shows up in the next year when he wants votes. He's a complete waste and a drain on society.

I guess no one told him this is just an advance on next years child tax credit.
I though that the "pro-life" types would be so happy to support the lives of children. Imagine food, healthcare, education, love and support to adulthood for all children.
Have you ever noticed little marco only comes out when it's time to campaign for his re election? The part of Florida I live in which is 99% republican hasn't seen him in over 2 years, I bet he shows up in the next year when he wants votes. He's a complete waste and a drain on society.

I guess no one told him this is just an advance on next years child tax credit.
Little Marco is one of the lowest IQ senators. Bottom 10 I'd wager.

I guess like Newt Gingrich, Lil Marco wants to put kids to work as janitors. :rolleyes:

No Republicans voted for Biden's American Rescue Plan, which included the expanded Child Tax Credit. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, called the credit a "child allowance" in a statement on Wednesday.​
"Over the next six months, some American households with no working adults will receive over $6,000 in cash payments from the federal government,” Rubio said. “The way President Biden tells it, the handout is part of his administration’s ‘pro-family’ plan. In reality, he has transformed the pro-worker, pro-family Child Tax Credit into an anti-work welfare check."​

It's very interesting when the rich and big business get their republican provided welfare, the far right has no problem.

But when it's going to help children and families that actually need the help, the far right has a huge problem.

The priorities of some of the people in our nation are very messed up.
In America where you are free and protected by a constitution, you should reach for the stars. Work is good for you, especially if positively contributing. Maybe some assistance for the working poor, but $6k a month to NOT work? That's unsustainable in any system at current rates.

Don't become Canada where work isn't even possible for many and our nation is in steep decline likely never to return, destroyed by the police apparatus cult, their families and their weak political enablers.
Paul Stanley appears to be a lazy shit. I prefer Gene Simmons.

Get off your lazy ass and get to work, Paul. You Oregonian POS!

Hell, even The Toyes supported hard work:

"hard work good, and hard fine. But first take care of now I...."

If you cannot finish that line, Dr. love (a.k.a. Paul Stanley of KISS) you are no Oregonian.
It's very interesting when the rich and big business get their republican provided welfare, the far right has no problem.

But when it's going to help children and families that actually need the help, the far right has a huge problem.

The priorities of some of the people in our nation are very messed up.

Our ignorant pals seem to be suggesting that ten bucks a day per child is going to allow their parent(s) to stay home and not work. Idiots - that helps a little bit with food, or maybe they get a new pair of shoes from time to time.
These are CHILDREN you insufferable idiot. :icon_rolleyes:
Perhaps you should direct that comment to the parents who are failing in their parental duties instead of other people who rightfully don't feel like paying for someone else's family who isn't their responsibility.
These are CHILDREN you insufferable idiot. :icon_rolleyes:
Perhaps you should direct that comment to the parents who are failing in their parental duties instead of other people who rightfully don't feel like paying for someone else's family who isn't their responsibility.
How is a single working mother making 50 grand with a 3 year old in day care failing at her parental duties?
Do you think she'd stay home and not work if she gets an extra ten bucks a day?
#ThisShouldBeGood :)
I though that the "pro-life" types would be so happy to support the lives of children. Imagine food, healthcare, education, love and support to adulthood for all children.

No, that's what they do in Cuba, and look at how sick of it the Cuban people are today.

When I was a kid the taxpayers didn't take care of those things for kids, we had other people do that, I forget what we called them back then.............I think they, I thought they were........Oh, now I remember, they were called parents.
I guess like Newt Gingrich, Lil Marco wants to put kids to work as janitors. :rolleyes:

No Republicans voted for Biden's American Rescue Plan, which included the expanded Child Tax Credit. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, called the credit a "child allowance" in a statement on Wednesday.​
"Over the next six months, some American households with no working adults will receive over $6,000 in cash payments from the federal government,” Rubio said. “The way President Biden tells it, the handout is part of his administration’s ‘pro-family’ plan. In reality, he has transformed the pro-worker, pro-family Child Tax Credit into an anti-work welfare check."​

Republicans are showing their true colors. They could care less about children and their anti-abortion stance is nothing more than a wedge issue to get votes from gullible people. Maybe if the parent or parents can get child care then maybe they can get a job.

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