Mall Brawl: American Morale [Archangel Comics]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a consumerism-culture parody inspired by the film Rampage!

Signing off,


Americans were in love with consumerism and toys and video-games, and as the holiday-season approached, everyone was considering the post-9/11 idealism surrounding Christmas shopping. Kids wanted urbanization-Utopian urban thrill video-games like Rampage. Adults wanted Monopoly apps for their new iPhones.


Capitalism had a come a long way since the Industrial Revolution, and technology/computers were changing everything. Consumers and merchants could order goods online or have them delivered to shopping centers. Malls were hubs of incredible fashion and showcasing. People around the world flocked to shopping-malls to buy gifts and items for themselves and others. Consumerism had become 'magical.'


A strange soap-salesman named Ajay Satan was wandering around an American mall with a case full of handsome home-made soap from the Orient. Ajay was a big fan of soap, and he wanted to sell his soap to mall visitors on a bright Saturday in autumn (October). That Saturday, Ajay entered a mall in New Jersey full of happiness and giddiness. Ajay was, incidentally, a very skilled fighter/boxer.


A time-traveling alien humanoid visitor to Earth named Centurion was also at the shopping mall that Saturday in October. Centurion was, as his name implied, dressed like a centurion, since his home planet of Dynotia was filled with people very proud of combat and swordsmanship. Centurion was dressed as a centurion, but no one took notice, since it was October in New Jersey (USA) and therefore the Halloween season. Centurion was giddy seeing all the dazzle and lights of a capitalism-symbolic American shopping mall, since he was 'researching' consumerism on Earth.


Ajay ran into Centurion. They exchanged glances. Ajay was intrigued by Centurion's colorful centurion-costume and had to ask him why he was dressed like an 'ancient warrior.' Centurion smiled and explained, "I'm a humanoid-alien from a planet where we celebrate fighting." Ajay was shocked when he realized Centurion was not being sarcastic. Centurion recognized Ajay was a fighter too and was interested in his case of home-made soap. Ajay agreed to 'gift' Centurion three bars of his special home-made soap from the Orient if he promised to fight him in a boxing arena. Centurion agreed. The two bravado-filled men were both excited about expressing 'pure vigor' towards the 'vitality' of consumerism/capitalism, since they met each an American shopping-mall.


Ajay and Centurion's fight (in a warehouse in a boxing-stage) was witnessed by about 20 people who were simply in awe of how gritty and dramatic their fight was and how long it lasted. The two brave men fought for at least 30 minutes before the referee declared a stalemate. A fan recorded the entire fight on a phone-camera and uploaded it on YouTube. The YouTube video inspired Mortal Kombat combat video-game designers to create a special 'fighting-scenario' between two iconic warrior-avatars, Kung Lao and Johnny Cage, which would reflect all the grit and glory of the Ajay-Centurion brawl in the warehouse. Mortal Kombat suddenly gained a resurgence in popularity.


American celebrity Tom Cruise became very interested in this 'video-game activity' and decided to adapt the Ajay-Centurion fight into a symbolic mall-brawl tale for his new comics enterprise Archangel Comics, which he co-managed with comic book artist/writer William Gibson. Archangel Comics published a series of Ajay-Centurion mall-brawls which were meant to create sardonic thrills towards consumerism-culture in America. Brett Ratner, film-maker, then adapted the Archangel Comics mall-brawl series of stories into a film called Fight Club 2 (a sequel to a visceral anarchy-themed David Fincher film) starring James Van Der Beek and Channing Tatum. After Lord Shiva, Eastern deity of meditation and evangelism saw the popular Ratner film, he decided to debate with Jesus about the appeal of war in capitalism-consciousness. Meanwhile, Centurion returned to Dyotia, and Ajay continued to sell soap at malls.


SHIVA: Consumerism can be exciting!
JESUS: Yes, the Ajay-Centurion brawl inspired video-gaming and movies.
SHIVA: Apparently, Ajay and Centurion met at a shopping-mall.
JESUS: Yes, that's when they agreed to stage their popular fight.
SHIVA: The fight was declared a stalemate...
JESUS: Yes, the two were equally-skilled.
SHIVA: Centurion later disappeared, and Ajay claimed no knowledge.
JESUS: Maybe Centurion was an alien and Ajay pledged confidentiality.
SHIVA: That's awesome...Fight Club 2 was a hit for Brett Ratner!
JESUS: I also like Scenes from a Mall and Valley Girl.
SHIVA: Yes, those two films also symbolize 'consumerism-imaginariums.'
JESUS: At least Ajay and Centurion did not brawl in the mall itself.
SHIVA: Yes, that would have disturbed the peace and prompted cops!
JESUS: Are you a fan of Mortal Kombat?
SHIVA: I do like the warrior-avatars Raiden and Kitana.
JESUS: Let's go watch Casino on Netflix.
SHIVA: I love consumerism!
JESUS: I like Tom Cruise's Archangel Comics.





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