Zone1 Male self image


Senior Member
May 26, 2022
You have some women complain about their gender being portrayed contrary to their standard in art,fiction as the cause of secondary effects against them. Well as a male I have seen subjective views of my gender contrary to my personal reality in film and art and fiction that I did not care to be.Not once did I feared that that opinion was going to cause me secondary effects. It is the conservative male that reacts to subjective views of male gender that goes against his personal reality and fears secondary effects from it.
You have some women complain about their gender being portrayed contrary to their standard in art,fiction as the cause of secondary effects against them. Well as a male I have seen subjective views of my gender contrary to my personal reality in film and art and fiction that I did not care to be.Not once did I feared that that opinion was going to cause me secondary effects. It is the conservative male that reacts to subjective views of male gender that goes against his personal reality and fears secondary effects from it.
So why care about the world's view of you See50?

Don't even try to fight the stereotype others impress upon you. No matter how you try to prove you're not racist/misogynist/homophobic/right-wing nationalist/whatever, you're not going to convince those who accuse you of those things. If someone wants to make a boogieman out of you, just embrace your inner boogieman and give them the boogieman they fear the most. Sure it validates their accusations, but I'm at the point where I don't have to give a crap what others think. I'm not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, and "peer pressure" is just childish grade school BS.
Fat men are not glorified and celebrated by society, they are mocked or ignored.

Fat women are celebrated, gushed over, and presented as the epitome of female empowerment.

Both are just people who happen to be overweight, which is their choice but shouldn’t be glorified, much like smoking.
As a male with a perfect BMI and a somewhat perfect physique I fail to see how people get away with faking their images on social media.. You gonna get caught sooner or later.
You have some women complain about their gender being portrayed contrary to their standard in art,fiction as the cause of secondary effects against them. Well as a male I have seen subjective views of my gender contrary to my personal reality in film and art and fiction that I did not care to be.Not once did I feared that that opinion was going to cause me secondary effects. It is the conservative male that reacts to subjective views of male gender that goes against his personal reality and fears secondary effects from it.
There are two types of males being brought up in America right now? Which one are you?

What do you suppose this guys self image is like?


I once read a news article where somebody walked up behind a guy like this on the street...put a big heavy padlock thru his ear hole...locked it...and ran away :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Fat men are not glorified and celebrated by society, they are mocked or ignored.

Fat women are celebrated, gushed over, and presented as the epitome of female empowerment.

Both are just people who happen to be overweight, which is their choice but shouldn’t be glorified, much like smoking.
Fat men are not glorified and celebrated by society, they are mocked or ignored.

Fat women are celebrated, gushed over, and presented as the epitome of female empowerment.

Both are just people who happen to be overweight, which is their choice but shouldn’t be glorified, much like smoking.
EvilEyeFleegle how is what I said “fake news”?
Are you kidding? Overweight women are absolutely glorified. Lizzo is depicted as a queen of body positivity and feminist strength
Had to look up Lizzo. I can state that I don't see her as any of that.
My take would be that she has overcome the handicap of her appearance..good for her---but that shit ain't healthy or attractive..and everyone knows it.
Given the vast number of overweight people in this country..I would suppose that more than a few would welcome something/anything that says they're O.K. and don't really need to start that exercise program and new diet~
Soldier needs a cigarette dangling from his lips. Pajama Boy is just right.
If Pajama Boy was holding an assault rifle you would be okay with him.
Had to look up Lizzo. I can state that I don't see her as any of that.
My take would be that she has overcome the handicap of her appearance..good for her---but that shit ain't healthy or attractive..and everyone knows it.
Given the vast number of overweight people in this country..I would suppose that more than a few would welcome something/anything that says they're O.K. and don't really need to start that exercise program and new diet~
I`ve never seen an elderly obese person.
No one sane feels that obese women are the embodiment of anything other than Big Mac's and Fries...much less female empowerment~
Instead of the fat bitch wiring her jaws shut so she can be on a shake diet only, she has to take drugs to keep her A1C down because of her type 2 diabetes. Come on man, lose the fucking weight and the type 2 goes away with the fat.
The pajama boy cant even lift an "Assault Rifle" the way Shiela Jackson Lee describes it. You fuckers vote for the most stupid people to run your lives.

maybe she meant this one?



One thing nice about being 68 is that I am past the point of caring.

Guys will always lust after hot chicks (if not fellow hot guys) and women will always lust after hot dudes (unless lesbian)

No amount of intentional social conditioning on the part of the media is going to change that,

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