Making a God Of Wrath

There have been a few threads on here that outline the dire fates awaiting those of us who do not share the writers' POV on religion. My question to those of you who believe that God is lying in wait for us nonconformists and will do us harm:

Why's that make you so happy?

Main Entry: scha·den·freu·de
Pronunciation: \ˈshä-dən-ˌfrȯi-də\
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: German, from Schaden damage + Freude joy
Date: 1895
: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others


There's a gleeful attitude in these Ops, as if the writers cannot wait to see the rest of us punished for being wrong. Sometimes I wonder, do you worship God?
Or have you made a god of Wrath?

Everybody gets the GOD they deserve.
In what way is Neubarth not a christian, Newby?

I think he's playing a game Maddie, being a troll, just spouting off whatever he thinks will offend people and cause outrage. Nothing more, nothing less.

Easy for you to say, you're not one of his targets.

I think some people hide behind Neubarth--distancing themselves outwardly but secretly enjoying him, silently cheering him on.
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In what way is Neubarth not a christian, Newby?

I think he's playing a game Maddie, being a troll, just spouting off whatever he thinks will offend people and cause outrage. Nothing more, nothing less.

Easy for you to say, you're not one of his targets.

I think some people hide behind Neubarth--distancing themselves outwardly but secretly enjoying him, silently cheering him on.

I think you're paranoid and assuming a lot.
I think he's playing a game Maddie, being a troll, just spouting off whatever he thinks will offend people and cause outrage. Nothing more, nothing less.

Easy for you to say, you're not one of his targets.

I think some people hide behind Neubarth--distancing themselves outwardly but secretly enjoying him, silently cheering him on.

I think you're paranoid and assuming a lot.

I'm an astute observer of human behavior. I plead guilty to a level of paranoia. You haven't walked in my shoes this lifetime so who are you to judge me. Neubarth has his supporters. You, for example deal with him by saying he's not even a REAL Christian. He's a Christian, alright, just the kind you like to distance yourself from, the fanatics. In fact you distance yourself from the JW and Mormons too. You call them 'non-mainstream' Christians and yourself a 'mainstream' Christian.
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Religions do promote the teaching of the suffering of man in hell if he doesn't obey God, but that teaching is nowhere in the Bible. I think you are right that sometimes people seem to enjoy the suffering of nonbelievers. That wouldn't be a Christian attitude.

Religions DO teach the suffering of man in hell if he doesn't obey God. You are right that THAT TEACHING is nowhere to be found in the Bible.

At the end of Revelation it says that the False Prophet (Muhammed), the Anti Christ (The coming Turkish Dictator), Satan and his Demons are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity.

After that it says that all of those who come before God in the Second Judgment are cast into the Lake of Fire. Yet, earlier in Matthew, it clearly states that all of the unsaved ordinary people will spend eternity in outer darkness. Their souls will go on even though their mortal bodies will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire. Those souls are promised eternal life, but it will be in total darkness alone for eternity (Totally removed from God and His followers -- the "Saved").

Christians who know their Bible know what the outcome for denial of and obedience to God is. Those who refuse to accept and obey God get just what they want for all eternity, No God! No Fellowship with the believers! No play! No Friends, but God does give them eternal life in their NoWhereLand. Hell for the non believers will be outer darkness.

Praise God, He is just and righteous altogether!
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Easy for you to say, you're not one of his targets.

I think some people hide behind Neubarth--distancing themselves outwardly but secretly enjoying him, silently cheering him on.

I think you're paranoid and assuming a lot.

I'm an astute observer of human behavior. I plead guilty to a level of paranoia. You haven't walked in my shoes this lifetime so who are you to judge me. Neubarth has his supporters. You, for example deal with him by saying he's not even a REAL Christian. He's a Christian, alright, just the kind you like to distance yourself from, the fanatics. In fact you distance yourself from the JW and Mormons too. You call them 'non-mainstream' Christians and yourself a 'mainstream' Christian.

I am not a fanatic. I stick to a very basic Christianity. It says to stand up to sin and try to keep it from surrounding you. It tells you that you can ask God for forgiveness for Sin and he is quick to forgive. It says that the Bible is useful for finding the true nature of God, but that the Bible is not a supernatural book. It is just a guideline. The object is to find God and find out what he wants from us. Sadly, most of the people who claim to be Christians are under the deception of Satan and they teach a false religion of Feel Good, Feel God. It is all Hippy Dippy Happy Doodle Feel Good Crap that has no acceptance from God. God requires compliance and the Hippy Dippy Crowd does not practice that. They want to live alongside of the Canaanites, when God said we were to "slay all of the inhabitants thereof."

I will say it again for the hundredth time on this forum, We are not supposed to coexist with a sinful environment. If those Hippy Dippy Nitwits were to actually read the Bible they would know that. Almost all of those nincompoops refuse to read the Bible. Since they have not found God and do not honor him in their lives, they are not saved no matter how much they insist that because they said some Sinner's Prayer that they ARE saved.

They are not. If they were saved, it would simply show in their lives. Since they want to live with sin all around them and in their lives and in their pocketbooks, it is obvious that their lives have not been changed by their Magical Mystery Prayer.

It is not what you say. It is what you do. God is not fooled. As it says in the Bible, God will say to those people, "Depart from me for I never knew you."

He won't be kidding, either.
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How come you're not breathing fire and calling me a demon this morning? Thank you. It's a welcome change.

I think you're paranoid and assuming a lot.

I'm an astute observer of human behavior. I plead guilty to a level of paranoia. You haven't walked in my shoes this lifetime so who are you to judge me. Neubarth has his supporters. You, for example deal with him by saying he's not even a REAL Christian. He's a Christian, alright, just the kind you like to distance yourself from, the fanatics. In fact you distance yourself from the JW and Mormons too. You call them 'non-mainstream' Christians and yourself a 'mainstream' Christian.

I am not a fanatic. I stick to a very basic Christianity. It says to stand up to sin and try to keep it from surrounding you. It tells you that you can ask God for forgiveness for Sin and he is quick to forgive. It says that the Bible is useful for finding the true nature of God, but that the Bible is not a supernatural book. It is just a guideline. The object is to find God and find out what he wants from us. Sadly, most of the people who claim to be Christians are under the deception of Satan and they teach a false religion of Feel Good, Feel God. It is all Hippy Dippy Happy Doodle Feel Good Crap that has no acceptance from God. God requires compliance and the Hippy Dippy Crowd does not practice that. They want to live alongside of the Canaanites, when God said we were to "slay all of the inhabitants thereof."

I will say it again for the hundredth time on this forum, We are not supposed to coexist with a sinful environment. If those Hippy Dippy Nitwits were to actually read the Bible they would know that. Almost all of those nincompoops refuse to read the Bible. Since they have not found God and do not honor him in their lives, they are not saved no matter how much they insist that because they said some Sinner's Prayer that they ARE saved.

They are not. If they were saved, it would simply show in their lives. Since they want to live with sin all around them and in their lives and in their pocketbooks, it is obvious that their lives have not been changed by their Magical Mystery Prayer.

It is not what you say. It is what you do. God is not fooled. As it says in the Bible, God will say to those people, "Depart from me for I never knew you."

He won't be kidding, either.
I think he's playing a game Maddie, being a troll, just spouting off whatever he thinks will offend people and cause outrage. Nothing more, nothing less.

Easy for you to say, you're not one of his targets.

I think some people hide behind Neubarth--distancing themselves outwardly but secretly enjoying him, silently cheering him on.

I think you're paranoid and assuming a lot.

I'm not paranoid, no matter WHAT the Illuminati is telling you about me, Nu.

How come you're not breathing fire and calling me a demon this morning? Thank you. It's a welcome change.

I'm an astute observer of human behavior. I plead guilty to a level of paranoia. You haven't walked in my shoes this lifetime so who are you to judge me. Neubarth has his supporters. You, for example deal with him by saying he's not even a REAL Christian. He's a Christian, alright, just the kind you like to distance yourself from, the fanatics. In fact you distance yourself from the JW and Mormons too. You call them 'non-mainstream' Christians and yourself a 'mainstream' Christian.

I am not a fanatic. I stick to a very basic Christianity. It says to stand up to sin and try to keep it from surrounding you. It tells you that you can ask God for forgiveness for Sin and he is quick to forgive. It says that the Bible is useful for finding the true nature of God, but that the Bible is not a supernatural book. It is just a guideline. The object is to find God and find out what he wants from us. Sadly, most of the people who claim to be Christians are under the deception of Satan and they teach a false religion of Feel Good, Feel God. It is all Hippy Dippy Happy Doodle Feel Good Crap that has no acceptance from God. God requires compliance and the Hippy Dippy Crowd does not practice that. They want to live alongside of the Canaanites, when God said we were to "slay all of the inhabitants thereof."

I will say it again for the hundredth time on this forum, We are not supposed to coexist with a sinful environment. If those Hippy Dippy Nitwits were to actually read the Bible they would know that. Almost all of those nincompoops refuse to read the Bible. Since they have not found God and do not honor him in their lives, they are not saved no matter how much they insist that because they said some Sinner's Prayer that they ARE saved.

They are not. If they were saved, it would simply show in their lives. Since they want to live with sin all around them and in their lives and in their pocketbooks, it is obvious that their lives have not been changed by their Magical Mystery Prayer.

It is not what you say. It is what you do. God is not fooled. As it says in the Bible, God will say to those people, "Depart from me for I never knew you."

He won't be kidding, either.

Sky Danger, as I have told you over and over again, it is your Hippy Dippy, Happy Bappy, Feel Good stuff that is the highway to hell that I have warned millions about.

I hate religion. I love God. I was a hell of a sinner redeemed by the blood of Christ to an understanding that is very simplistic. Apply the lessons in the Bible to my walk with God. I was a damn profane sailor, and I am still profane to a degree, but THAT grabs people's attention and in that regard it serves a useful purpose. I am convinced that God has called me to be an irritant to the Hippy Dippy Crowd, because I know what sin is and I know what turning away from sin means. It does not mean peaceful coexistence.

Fathers and Mothers all across the Globe need to stand up and say. "I am fed up to here and I am not going to take it anymore!" and then act on their convictions.

I am not a prophet of old, but I share something in common with them, and that is that God has told me to start screaming about this. We can not live alongside of the Canaanites. We need to separate ourselves from evil. In that regard, we need to kill it and all vestiges of it. I am calling for Americans all across this land to put Baby murdering mills out of business. Burn down the porn shops. Tear the magazines up on the news stands if they display nudity and profane the human body. I am all for art and totally against porn. Drug dealers need to be disposed of. Anybody caught selling illegal drugs should be shot or hung from the nearest tree. I will settle for an efficient justice system that disposed of them, but since we do not have any real form of efficient justice, the people need to retake the streets by radically reforming the laws so that we can try and execute drug pushing criminals in the same day. Arrest them, immediately take them before a tribunal of three judges selected from the population (a trial by our peers) convict the drug pushers and execute them in a matter of minutes. We need to clean up America, and our present justices system has to be reformed. They need to do the same thing in Mexico and get rid of all of the drug traffickers down there, too. Any of the people in organized crime in Mexico need to be removed from the living and turned into fertilizer. God has told us what to do, yet, almost nobody wants to honor God. And then the idiots wonder why God is coming back to destroy the whole Earth. He is a God of Anger and Wrath and He is coming back soon. Read the prophecies. He even gives us a timetable.


The Hippy Dippies will say, "NO, we need to coexist with the drug pushers and porn and all the other forms of evil because our God is a God of total love and Feel Good Times, and He is not a God of wrath and justice."

To them and your make believe religion, I say, you are all going to Hell (Eternal Darkness) because you do not know God and He does not know you.
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Everybody gets the GOD they deserve.

There is one God. Either you accept Him on His terms, or you reject Him. If you reject Him, you still get eternity, you just get to spend it without Him.

The story of Jonah and the "whale" is a symbol of this. Turn you back on God and you end up in Darkness. For Jonah, he was lucky. He was given a chance to turn his life around. So does everybody else. The Bible teaches with allegory. Jesus taught with allegory, quite often further explaining Old Testament allegory. It is the lesson (not the exact words) that are important.

When Jesus told the Scribes and Pharisees that they were hypocrites and blind fools, he was telling them to their faces that idiots who worship the words and not the message were exactly as He described them.

We do not need their religion, or any of the modern religions. All we need to do is return to God and clean up the world around us. The Canaanites can go someplace else. They do not belong on God's planet.
He's a troll alright. A flaming Christian one.

Sky Danger, you can make up all the lies you want. It will not save you from the lake of fire or eternal darkness.

Turn to God and give up this religion of lies and blasphemy and then show us with your reformed life that you belong to the Family of God. Right now, you are one of the most damned because you are trying to lead others astray and think it is funny.
Someone who thinks God has called him to be an irritant to the rest of us, who believes he is like the prophets of the Old Testament, may have issues of self-aggrandizement. I wonder Neubarth: if you have in fact been saved, does God not expect you to improve your own life, rather than raging at Sky Dancer or anyone else?

Seems to me you are addicted to the high you get from condemning people and predicting dire fates for them.....rather contrary to Jesus' teaching not to judge anyone else, wouldn't you say?
Listen folks enough of this talk about what I want and what your neighbor does or does not do. This weekend I have an extra day off and I'll be darned if I am going to listen to all this whining on this project of mine you call earth. So far the results there are mixed, but I have every intention of enjoying the weekend as you so nicely call them. So my advice, enjoy your time on earth, smell the air, look at the sky, hug somebody and see you soon.



"The tendency to claim God as an ally for our partisan value and ends is the source of all religious fanaticism." Reinhold Niebuhr
Someone who thinks God has called him to be an irritant to the rest of us, who believes he is like the prophets of the Old Testament, may have issues of self-aggrandizement. I wonder Neubarth: if you have in fact been saved, does God not expect you to improve your own life, rather than raging at Sky Dancer or anyone else?

Seems to me you are addicted to the high you get from condemning people and predicting dire fates for them.....rather contrary to Jesus' teaching not to judge anyone else, wouldn't you say?

Mad, your post is totally satanic and full of lies, just like all your other followers of Satan. All I do is tell people to read the whole Bible and see the true nature of God, not the crazy stuff that you insane nincompoops make up.

God does not expect ME to improve my life. Heaven Forbid! I can do nothing like that by myself. Only through the power of God's guidance can I be changed. That is not of myself.

God has made it very clear that if we are of His family we will nave no tolerance for sin and sinners who want to coexist with us. When are you going to stop lying about God's will?
Neu... do you believe in the complete Bible, old and new testament?

I have posted thousands of times that I accept the whole Bible. Most people calling themselves Christians now-a-days do not have a clue what the whole Bible says. They are damned to hell and God will destroy their churches. As He says, He will spit them out of his mouth. They are disgusting and totally evil.
Neubarth-- Will you die with a curse on your lips by saying ahh, I love you?

Christians, he's one of yours. You own him.

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