Majority of Israelis favor voluntary relocation of Gazans to other countries- poll


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The poll, conducted by Direct Polls Ltd. for the Sovereignty Movement a day ahead of the conference, also asked: “Are you for or against voluntary transfer emigration of the residents of the Gaza Strip to other countries?” A clear majority – 76% - responded in favor; 16% were against, and 8% had no opinion.

Surprisingly, center-left voters from the Yesh Atid and National Unity parties, headed by Opposition leader Yair Lapid and Minister Benny Gantz respectively, responded similarly regarding the issue. Among the Yesh Atid voters, 61% were in favor of the emigration, 24% were against, and 15% had no opinion. Among those who voted for Gantz’s party, 71% were in favor, 18% were against, and 11% had no opinion.

We have all heard enough bs about two states, even the Biden administration which admits as things stand two states is impossible but wants to pretend a path to future statehood for the Palestinians with a future reformed and reinvigorated PA at the helm is possible. This is a fairy tale, a lie Biden is telling everyone that would only cause more suffering for everyone.

It is time for the Arabs to acknowledge there is no good solution to the conflict, for the US and EU to stop lying about the impossible two states, for the UN agencies like UNRWA and UNHRC to stop plotting to keep the conflict alive, and time for everyone to allow, even facilitate the emigration of Palestinians to places where they can live better lives as people instead of just being pawns in plots against Israel.
I recently saw Caroline Glick on a YT vid and she summed up this phenomenon succinctly. She said the Left went to sleep on 10/6 as progressives and woke up on 10/7 as JEWS...
Can anyone blame them?

Living in a small area of land, having missiles fired over your head for years and now terror from all sides by rabid murderers. Palestine had their own country and they elected a terrorist group who stole billions from their citizens. Israel can't be blamed for this, they left in 2005 or 2006.
Problem is nobody wants em except maybe stupid joe
Too right. It seems their "brotherly Arab" neighbors took the lesson of BLACK SEPTEMBER to heart. Those people have been a scourge everywhere they've ever gone. The only part of that population that is truly innocent are the young children who haven't been hardened into Jew hatred yet.
Can anyone blame them?

Living in a small area of land, having missiles fired over your head for years and now terror from all sides by rabid murderers. Palestine had their own country and they elected a terrorist group who stole billions from their citizens. Israel can't be blamed for this, they left in 2005 or 2006.
All true, but most of the idiots out there in the streets flakking for "Palestine", don't have a clue of the actual history. Anyone who supports the Palestinians in their quest for "justice" needs to understand that river to the sea is code for TRUE GENOCIDE and Israel has made it clear that if they ever burn again, they won't burn alone. I support them in that attitude, totally.
The poll, conducted by Direct Polls Ltd. for the Sovereignty Movement

Majority of Israelis favor voluntary relocation of Gazans​

Next you will be telling us that the majority of Israelis also favour eating and drinking as means to happier lives .

Remember when you regularly told us about the UAF losing thousands when they captured deserted villages but these were real UAF advances .

Oh , what larks ( Charles Dickens ) , Toomuchbooze
The poll, conducted by Direct Polls Ltd. for the Sovereignty Movement a day ahead of the conference, also asked: “Are you for or against voluntary transfer emigration of the residents of the Gaza Strip to other countries?” A clear majority – 76% - responded in favor; 16% were against, and 8% had no opinion.

Surprisingly, center-left voters from the Yesh Atid and National Unity parties, headed by Opposition leader Yair Lapid and Minister Benny Gantz respectively, responded similarly regarding the issue. Among the Yesh Atid voters, 61% were in favor of the emigration, 24% were against, and 15% had no opinion. Among those who voted for Gantz’s party, 71% were in favor, 18% were against, and 11% had no opinion.

We have all heard enough bs about two states, even the Biden administration which admits as things stand two states is impossible but wants to pretend a path to future statehood for the Palestinians with a future reformed and reinvigorated PA at the helm is possible. This is a fairy tale, a lie Biden is telling everyone that would only cause more suffering for everyone.

It is time for the Arabs to acknowledge there is no good solution to the conflict, for the US and EU to stop lying about the impossible two states, for the UN agencies like UNRWA and UNHRC to stop plotting to keep the conflict alive, and time for everyone to allow, even facilitate the emigration of Palestinians to places where they can live better lives as people instead of just being pawns in plots against Israel.

Which is why Israel is illegitimate and should be returned to the Palestinian legal owners.
Either a 1 or 2 state solution is possible, but it is Israel that will not allow either.

Palestine is the ancestral home of the Palestinians, who have never lived anywhere else for over 8000 years.

In contrast, the Hebrew tribes did not invade until 1000 BC and only ruled for about 150 years.
And ruled so badly that every one hated them and kicked them out, like the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Seleucids, and Romans.
How does anyone have the nerve to claim "ancestral homeland" after only invading and butchering natives for 150 years?
I recently saw Caroline Glick on a YT vid and she summed up this phenomenon succinctly. She said the Left went to sleep on 10/6 as progressives and woke up on 10/7 as JEWS...

Real Jews know they are supposed to atone and wait for the Messiah.
Netanyahu and all Zionists are admitted atheists, who are not Jewish at all.
Can anyone blame them?

Living in a small area of land, having missiles fired over your head for years and now terror from all sides by rabid murderers. Palestine had their own country and they elected a terrorist group who stole billions from their citizens. Israel can't be blamed for this, they left in 2005 or 2006.

That is all lies.
Palestine had their own country until the Zionist invasion of the 1930, where hundreds of Arab villages were massacred by Menachim Begin and his Irgun gang of terrorists.

What Israel is at fault for is illegal confiscating most of the Arab propertied in its side of the UN partition, and when that was not enough, illegally invading Jerusalem and the West Bank, which is the Palestine side of the UN partition.
So the natives have no where left, and they are right to fight back.

Israel did NOT leave in 2005.
There are still military posts that prevent international commerce, and force the Palestinians into starvation concentration camps.
Too right. It seems their "brotherly Arab" neighbors took the lesson of BLACK SEPTEMBER to heart. Those people have been a scourge everywhere they've ever gone. The only part of that population that is truly innocent are the young children who haven't been hardened into Jew hatred yet.

There is zero history of abuse of Jews by Palestinians.
The atrocities were all by Christians, like crusaders, Spanish inquisitions, Germans, Russians, etc.

The Palestinians have NEVER "gone" anywhere.
They have remained in Palestine for over 8000 years.

And Israelis are NOT Jews.
I am Jewish, and all real Jews follow the Diaspora Commands of 170 AD, to atone until the coming of the Messiah.
Zionists are all avowed atheists.
All true, but most of the idiots out there in the streets flakking for "Palestine", don't have a clue of the actual history. Anyone who supports the Palestinians in their quest for "justice" needs to understand that river to the sea is code for TRUE GENOCIDE and Israel has made it clear that if they ever burn again, they won't burn alone. I support them in that attitude, totally.

What the "River to the Sea" means is the Right of Return for the millions of Palestinians whose land was illegally confiscated in 1948 by the Zionists who started the war by massacring hundred of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
And don't try to lie and claim the other Arab nations started it, because we all know that Menachim Begin blew up the King David hotel to murder the British peace-keepers, and the only reason to do that was to start the massacres.
If the Zionists were not the cause and were innocent victims as they claim, then they would not have wanted the British peace-keeper all dead.
and time for everyone to allow, even facilitate the emigration of Palestinians to places where they can live better lives as people instead of just being pawns in plots against Israel.


There's nothing as gratifying as seeing super patriotic american clowns stop hiding behind the democratic ideals they use to advance US interests and showing their true colors in front of everybody.

What a shame, Mr Toomuchtime!!!!

The great defender of the democratic ideals of the Western World, the sworn enemy of autocrats like Putin and Xi, the supporter of ukrainian democracy is now OPENLY SUPPORTING ETHNIC CLEANSING IN PALESTINE, pathetically disguised as "voluntary relocation" of civilians from an ethnic enclave turned into a wasteland by the jewish supremacist state.

You don't give a damn about democracy, western values...

You just cynically use them to push the geopolitical interests of the US.
The poll, conducted by Direct Polls Ltd. for the Sovereignty Movement a day ahead of the conference, also asked: “Are you for or against voluntary transfer emigration of the residents of the Gaza Strip to other countries?” A clear majority – 76% - responded in favor; 16% were against, and 8% had no opinion.

Surprisingly, center-left voters from the Yesh Atid and National Unity parties, headed by Opposition leader Yair Lapid and Minister Benny Gantz respectively, responded similarly regarding the issue. Among the Yesh Atid voters, 61% were in favor of the emigration, 24% were against, and 15% had no opinion. Among those who voted for Gantz’s party, 71% were in favor, 18% were against, and 11% had no opinion.

We have all heard enough bs about two states, even the Biden administration which admits as things stand two states is impossible but wants to pretend a path to future statehood for the Palestinians with a future reformed and reinvigorated PA at the helm is possible. This is a fairy tale, a lie Biden is telling everyone that would only cause more suffering for everyone.

It is time for the Arabs to acknowledge there is no good solution to the conflict, for the US and EU to stop lying about the impossible two states, for the UN agencies like UNRWA and UNHRC to stop plotting to keep the conflict alive, and time for everyone to allow, even facilitate the emigration of Palestinians to places where they can live better lives as people instead of just being pawns in plots against Israel.

So Hitler wins.
All true, but most of the idiots out there in the streets flakking for "Palestine", don't have a clue of the actual history. Anyone who supports the Palestinians in their quest for "justice" needs to understand that river to the sea is code for TRUE GENOCIDE and Israel has made it clear that if they ever burn again, they won't burn alone. I support them in that attitude, totally.

From the river to the Sea is the Likud Charter since 1977.
That is all lies.
Palestine had their own country until the Zionist invasion of the 1930, where hundreds of Arab villages were massacred by Menachim Begin and his Irgun gang of terrorists.

What Israel is at fault for is illegal confiscating most of the Arab propertied in its side of the UN partition, and when that was not enough, illegally invading Jerusalem and the West Bank, which is the Palestine side of the UN partition.
So the natives have no where left, and they are right to fight back.

Israel did NOT leave in 2005.
There are still military posts that prevent international commerce, and force the Palestinians into starvation concentration camps.
How much do you think it cost to build HUNDREDS of miles of underground bunkers and tunnels? More than the underground subways in London city. For what purpose?

What did the Hamas "leaders" do in their lives to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars? How much money was spent on the manufacturing of missiles and other weapons?

Take all of those billions, estimate are north of $10B since 2006 and apply that to that population and what would you have instead of tunnels, rockets, weapons and hate propaganda?

Israel has had some bad actors and some radicals. Israelis know this better than we do. I, unlike 99% of posters on here have watched literally thousands of hours of video even before the invasion. Regular Israelis on the streets etc. The country, to my personal dismay to be honest being a person of Faith and a believer in their nation as such; is largely Secular today. I have heard many of them disrespect, even mock the most extreme in Israel, they don't like them either. Gazans seem a little more accepting of their extremists.

By and large, the Israeli citizens just want to "live and live let". Repeat that. By and large, by a vast majority. They attacked a peace festival with youngsters who were drinking and on substances, dancing for life and freedom. The last people the Gazans should have an issue with.

F all of those scumbags who attacked ironically the very same people and generation who would have spoken out in defense of the Gazans. Now all dead, and/or violated, or, kidnapped. They don't just hate Israelis, they hate their way of life as they promote living centuries in the past.

Even those of us who read the Old Testament don't take it word for word in the modern day.

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