Majority of Americans Support Gay Marriage


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
It's inevitable.

A poll from CNN this week is the latest to show a majority of Americans in favor of same-sex marriage, with 51 percent saying that marriages between gay and lesbian couples “should be recognized by the law as valid” and 47 percent opposed.

This is the fourth credible poll in the past eight months to show an outright majority of Americans in favor of gay marriage. That represents quite a lot of progress for supporters of same-sex marriage. Prior to last year, there had been just one survey — a Washington Post poll conducted in April 2009 — to show support for gay marriage as the plurality position, and none had shown it with a majority.

As we noted last August, support for gay marriage seems to have been increasing at an accelerated pace over the past couple of years. Below is an update to the graph from last year’s article, which charts the trend from all available public polls on same-sex marriage going back to 1988.


Gay Marriage Opponents Now in Minority -
Old people don't support it, the most hardcore of bible thumpers don't support it, those 2 groups vote a lot, so the majority of americans can support it but it won't be allowed until this last generation is gone.
Old people don't support it, the most hardcore of bible thumpers don't support it, those 2 groups vote a lot, so the majority of americans can support it but it won't be allowed until this last generation is gone.

Assuming a continuously liberalizing trend when it comes to morality is not always correct. History is full of conservative trending. Remember most of the revolutions in the middle east during the 50's and 60's were secular in nature. The current fundamentalist upswing is an example of a conservative trend in social norms.
I think it is all in how it is asked...

I know that I am a person that does not support 'gay marriage'... but I am not in support of government anywhere in the realm of marriage... for when the government is involved, it is forced acceptance of a choice... and I should not be forced to accept a choice of another...

But I am for the freedom of any adult being together with any other adult they so choose... and I am for the government recognition of equality in these various family units in terms of taxation, inheritance, power of attorney in cases of emergency, etc...

So to me, being in "favor" of gay marriage is a tricky question to pose
Old people don't support it, the most hardcore of bible thumpers don't support it, those 2 groups vote a lot, so the majority of americans can support it but it won't be allowed until this last generation is gone.

Assuming a continuously liberalizing trend when it comes to morality is not always correct. History is full of conservative trending. Remember most of the revolutions in the middle east during the 50's and 60's were secular in nature. The current fundamentalist upswing is an example of a conservative trend in social norms.

What upswing in fundamentalists?

Religion Among the Millennials
Old people don't support it, the most hardcore of bible thumpers don't support it, those 2 groups vote a lot, so the majority of americans can support it but it won't be allowed until this last generation is gone.

Assuming a continuously liberalizing trend when it comes to morality is not always correct. History is full of conservative trending. Remember most of the revolutions in the middle east during the 50's and 60's were secular in nature. The current fundamentalist upswing is an example of a conservative trend in social norms.

I'm not too concerned about a liberal or conservative label attached to the belief.

I want government out of all religions, hetero and homo. That's somewhat of a small government conservative view. I want equal rights for gays in all arenas, that's somewhat of a liberal view, so it could be labeled either way it's inconsequential to me.

I've still yet to hear a reason besides homophobia, as to why someone would be against gay marriage being recognized by gov't and be for straight marriage being recognized the same way.
Old people don't support it, the most hardcore of bible thumpers don't support it, those 2 groups vote a lot, so the majority of americans can support it but it won't be allowed until this last generation is gone.

Assuming a continuously liberalizing trend when it comes to morality is not always correct. History is full of conservative trending. Remember most of the revolutions in the middle east during the 50's and 60's were secular in nature. The current fundamentalist upswing is an example of a conservative trend in social norms.

What upswing in fundamentalists?

Religion Among the Millennials

I was pointing out what was going on in the middle east, your post is about the US. We cant restrict social trends just to our country. Some movements become world-wide very quickly.

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