Majority of Americans no longer believe Joe Biden is competent

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
It only took seven months. Amazing. And this is a poll from CBS "news", where the "journalists" have pictures of Joe Biden on their nightstands.

The majority of Americans no longer believe President Joe Biden is competent in his role as the Commander-in-Chief, according to a CBS News poll.

Fifty-one percent of the respondents said Biden is not competent in his position as president. This is compared to only 49 percent who said he is.

Additionally, the poll found that 52 percent of the respondents did not feel the president has been focused.

The poll was taken during and after the fall of the now-Taliban-controlled Kabul, Afghanistan, when Biden botched the U.S. troops’ withdrawal from the country.

With that, 53 percent of the respondents said they disagree with the way Biden withdrew the troops. Seventy percent said the removal of troops could have been handled better, along with 55 percent who said some troops should have stayed.

The poll from CBS also found that Biden’s overall job approval rating is at 50 percent. However, this is compared to an NBC News poll taken around the same time frame and released the same day that Biden’s job approval is less than 50 percent.
At my city council meeting we took up donations to help with this disaster of Biden's...we are donating to some group called Miles4Migrants they have already flown hundreds of American citizens and allies out of Afghanistan...they are doing what frightened Biden is too afraid to do....his sworn duty.....
Troops never left which blows the premise of the so called questionnaire.

Oh they left, but Biden, that senile old crone, didn't bother to think that the Taliban would seize Kabul Airport and all the billions of dollars of weaponry and equipment HE left there after they did so.

So now under international pressure, Biden has to send our troops BACK to that hellhole in order to possibly rescue the American citizens he abandoned there.

This man is a disgrace, far more of a disgrace to the presidency than liberals claim Trump EVER was.

Angry? You're damned right I'm angry, at Biden for failing our troops, and you for defending it.
Oh they left, but Biden, that senile old crone, didn't bother to think that the Taliban would seize Kabul Airport and all the billions of dollars of weaponry and equipment HE left there.

So now under international pressure, Biden has to send our troops BACK to that hellhole in order to possibly rescue the American citizens he abandoned there.

This man is a disgrace, far more of a disgrace to the presidency than liberals claim Trump EVER was.

Angry? You're damned right I'm angry, at Biden for failing our troops, and you for defending it.
Well Biden is defending them as was Trump by getting them OUT. Biden's execution of that is ... bad.

Nobody but for some shit for brains citizens want to go to Afghan.

Good to see ya, btw
Well Biden is defending them as was Trump by getting them OUT. Biden's execution of that is ... bad.

Sugarcoat it as you may, I am fully convinced Trump would never have failed in this manner. Would it have been perfect? No. But it wouldn't have been this disastrously bad, either.

Good to see ya, btw

Likewise, friend!
Sugarcoat it as you may, I am fully convinced Trump would never have failed in this manner. Would it have been perfect? No. But it wouldn't have been this disastrously bad, either.

Likewise, friend!
I pains me to say so, but I agree. Trump and his admin were going to flush the Taliban down the toilet. Miller and RW media didn't want Afghans here. But I'd have preferred that to having thousands of Americans marooned (should I say moroned) over there.

Majority of Americans no longer believe Joe Biden is competent​

It only took seven months. Amazing. And this is a poll from CBS "news", where the "journalists" have pictures of Joe Biden on their nightstands.
Fifty-one percent of the respondents said Biden is not competent in his position as president. This is compared to only 49 percent who said he is.

Those must have been the 49% who all voted for Joe.

Funny, where have those 350 psychiatrists all gone who just a year ago were ready to declare Trump incompetent? They were able to make that determination from a thousand miles away yet can't diagnose or identify senility, brainfog and confusion?

Where is that simple cognitive and competency test now where Joe shows us he can but the square peg in the round hole?

ONLY a majority? Good gawd this country is full of fucking idiots

It was obvious Biddum was incompetent a year and a half ago when the democrats dug him out of his retirement home, shoved a board up his ass and told him he'd have to run. They told him that he wouldn't need a campaign and that they'd fix it so he won but not to worry, after a short time in office, they'd then make an excuse for pulling him and this time inserting Kammy in his place to finish the term.
Funny, where have those 350 psychiatrists all gone who just a year ago were ready to declare Trump incompetent? They were able to make that determination from a thousand miles away yet can't diagnose or identify senility, brainfog and confusion?

That's a great question, one that not a SINGLE useless piece of shit in our corporate media will ask.
That's a great question, one that not a SINGLE useless piece of shit in our corporate media will ask.

If I were a journalist, I'd go look up those 350 doctors to ask them their assessment of Biden? I mean, how could they not be capable of assessing Biddum when they did it to Trump without ever knowing or meeting the guy much less running any actual medical test on him.

  1. Either they will say that they can't do it and it wouldn't be proper to try to make a medical assessment without an actual, clinical, one-on-one examination, which then calls into question the whole report on Trump a year ago where THEY DID EXACTLY THAT without blinking an eye, revealing themselves to be political, partisan hacks.
  2. They'd declare Joe senile, forgetful and confused as he is, not up to running the world. Then they'd have armies of angry leftists all climbing up their butts.
  3. Or they would declare Joe fit for the job and perfectly fine, which they know they CAN'T do, as eventually he will be acknowledged a drooling simpleminded which would then call into question they own capability and credibility as a medical doctor ending their careers.
And Trump was the joke.
I feel sorry for those of you who fe obligated to constantly invoke Trump. It really shows how utterly wrapped up in "image" and "feelings" you really are. You should be embarrassed but I doubt you have enough functioning brain cells to see what everyone else sees in Biden.
I feel sorry for those of you who fe obligated to constantly invoke Trump. It really shows how utterly wrapped up in "image" and "feelings" you really are. You should be embarrassed but I doubt you have enough functioning brain cells to see what everyone else sees in Biden.
Oh? what does your "superior" brain tell you I think of Biden?
If I were a journalist, I'd go look up those 350 doctors to ask them their assessment of Biden? I mean, how could they not be capable of assessing Biddum when they did it to Trump without ever knowing or meeting the guy much less running any actual medical test on him.

  1. Either they will say that they can't do it and it wouldn't be proper to try to make a medical assessment without an actual, clinical, one-on-one examination, which then calls into question the whole report on Trump a year ago where THEY DID EXACTLY THAT without blinking an eye, revealing themselves to be political, partisan hacks.
  2. They'd declare Joe senile, forgetful and confused as he is, not up to running the world. Then they'd have armies of angry leftists all climbing up their butts.
  3. Or they would declare Joe fit for the job and perfectly fine, which they know they CAN'T do, as eventually he will be acknowledged a drooling simpleminded which would then call into question they own capability and credibility as a medical doctor ending their careers.

Quite right, and too bad we'll NEVER see it. Science means nothing to the left.

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