Zone1 Major points and/or facts regarding Dem opposition

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
I know there are some "die hard" party members out there that will not believe anything that anyone tells them, even if they show them all the hard facts involved. What they believe comes straight from their political gods' mouths and can never be altered.


This post is for those that may be hard core party members, but can use reason and logic to understand what someone else is saying and what someone else's point of view actually is, regardless of believing it or not. These are the people that can understand facts and reasoning. This post is for those people.


I'm posting my points about my side, that I see as facts, that Dems, Libs, and others don't seem to grasp.
Maybe these points will help.

1. Republicans are NOT angels, and they are NOT perfect. The Democrats in power right now are the enemy, as they are trying to wipe us all out by anniahlating American citizens any way they can. The Republicans, except for the RINO's, have never attempted to destroy the country the way the Democratic Party are doing at this moment in history, as far as my historical knowledge is concerned.
Sure the Rep's have done their fair share to be self-serving and take without giving, but they haven't tried to literally destroy an entire nation with their greed and avarice.

2. Not ALL Democrats are evil. There are "old school" Dems, which still believe the people come first, regardless of thier pettinesses or self-serving interests. They are not a part of this egomaniacal greed and power game going on right now. The new breed of Dems occurred when Clinton got into the White House. Hillary used her powers at that time to further corrupt and take over the Dem party. Since then, it's been a behind the scenes puppet show. She literally runs the entire puppet show, with Obama, Pelosi, and Biden as her primary puppets.

3. The Dems have been playing a "divide and conquer" game. Dividing the races, sexes, generations, and others with promises and platitudes of power and money to anyone that will believe them. BLM, SJW, Q Anon, etc.... Using these factions to further propagate thier agenda's of having us all hate and despise each other, while they continue to change laws behind closed doors, to suit their purposes, NOT THE CITIZENS!

4. They hate Trump because he stands in the way of them taking over and forever destorying everything we know. The fact that they have been falsly accusing and slandering and creating fraudulent accusations against him for 7 years, and completely failing at all of them, should be proof positive of what they are doing to this country and its citizens. Whether you like Trump or not, he's the ONLY weapon we have against them right now.

5. Look at the hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars, if not TRILLIONS by now, the Dems have wasted on their witchly Trump hunt!!
They have NO problem spending OUR tax dollars on THEIR whims, but they have NO interest when it comes to helping American citizens. Look at how many BILLIONS of dollars they've sent to their little "war" in the Ukraine! They claim they have NO MONEY FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, but they have PLENTY to send over to Ukraine, for a "war" THEY started.

I know there are some "die hard" party members out there that will not believe anything that anyone tells them, even if they show them all the hard facts involved. What they believe comes straight from their political gods' mouths and can never be altered.


This post is for those that may be hard core party members, but can use reason and logic to understand what someone else is saying and what someone else's point of view actually is, regardless of believing it or not. These are the people that can understand facts and reasoning. This post is for those people.


I'm posting my points about my side, that I see as facts, that Dems, Libs, and others don't seem to grasp.
Maybe these points will help.

1. Republicans are NOT angels, and they are NOT perfect. The Democrats in power right now are the enemy, as they are trying to wipe us all out by anniahlating American citizens any way they can. The Republicans, except for the RINO's, have never attempted to destroy the country the way the Democratic Party are doing at this moment in history, as far as my historical knowledge is concerned.
Sure the Rep's have done their fair share to be self-serving and take without giving, but they haven't tried to literally destroy an entire nation with their greed and avarice.

2. Not ALL Democrats are evil. There are "old school" Dems, which still believe the people come first, regardless of thier pettinesses or self-serving interests. They are not a part of this egomaniacal greed and power game going on right now. The new breed of Dems occurred when Clinton got into the White House. Hillary used her powers at that time to further corrupt and take over the Dem party. Since then, it's been a behind the scenes puppet show. She literally runs the entire puppet show, with Obama, Pelosi, and Biden as her primary puppets.

3. The Dems have been playing a "divide and conquer" game. Dividing the races, sexes, generations, and others with promises and platitudes of power and money to anyone that will believe them. BLM, SJW, Q Anon, etc.... Using these factions to further propagate thier agenda's of having us all hate and despise each other, while they continue to change laws behind closed doors, to suit their purposes, NOT THE CITIZENS!

4. They hate Trump because he stands in the way of them taking over and forever destorying everything we know. The fact that they have been falsly accusing and slandering and creating fraudulent accusations against him for 7 years, and completely failing at all of them, should be proof positive of what they are doing to this country and its citizens. Whether you like Trump or not, he's the ONLY weapon we have against them right now.

5. Look at the hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars, if not TRILLIONS by now, the Dems have wasted on their witchly Trump hunt!!
They have NO problem spending OUR tax dollars on THEIR whims, but they have NO interest when it comes to helping American citizens. Look at how many BILLIONS of dollars they've sent to their little "war" in the Ukraine! They claim they have NO MONEY FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, but they have PLENTY to send over to Ukraine, for a "war" THEY started.


I think you did an excellent job of trying to summarize the political landscape of the nation this past decade. (at least some major portions of it) Paragraph #1 is very well stated, but will any democrat concede that? Paragraph #4 is true, but not the whole story. The DNC and MSM might hate Trump as you say, but they really LOVE Trump because he is the quintessential diversion to rally their base around. IOW, never mind all of our crimes, lies and scandals this past 7 years, the real enemy of America and true threat is Donald Trump. We must destroy Trump before he destroys us. And they have been playing that ACE of a card for the last 6 years and they still are, obviously. . . You did not go too far into why the democrats push the sex agenda so much and some other nefarious motives, but that would be worth knowing. As for me, I think that party has become so secular humanist they cannot help but promote horrible measures for the American people.

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