MAGA movement widely unpoplar in new poll

The repub party will never win the popular vote for the next two generations. The best they can wish for is to sneak a EC win out and rule as a minority.
Boo-fucking-hoo,....Appeal to someone else besides urban welfare cases, virtue signalers, and bi-costal snobs.....The working class hates you snotty bastards,
The repub party will never win the popular vote for the next two generations. The best they can wish for is to sneak a EC win out and rule as a minority.
You're CANADIAN, right????

The Democrat Party is the dead party. Not body in leadership positions but octogenarians
Now that is a Fact. Turtle Man stole it.
The repub party will never win the popular vote for the next two generations. The best they can wish for is to sneak a EC win out and rule as a minority.
they just won several congressional seats and many local races, so you are FOS. the radical socialist dems are the ones losing support, senile joe and wokeness has destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman.

They should be embarrassed to carry the name.

The left are the only ones that should be embarrassed. They follow a party that says they do not have to follow their peoples votes in the primaries. They say they reserve the right to pick the candidate in private in the back room and ignore peoples votes. They argue it is no where in their charter that they must follow the votes of their constituents. Very "democratic" of them.
The left are the only ones that should be embarrassed. They follow a party that says they do not have to follow their peoples votes in the primaries. They say they reserve the right to pick the candidate in private in the back room and ignore peoples votes. They argue it is no where in their charter that they must follow the votes of their constituents. Very "democratic" of them.

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