MAGA movement widely unpoplar in new poll

the election was stolen from him.
uh-huh. Are you sure you weren't lied too. Do you recognize this lady?

And yet polls show Trump beating Usurper Joe. Yet NBC reports that the cause, MAGA, is unpopular. This is pure gaslighting.
Aw man, Y U wanna be all serious, man?

He said "NBC poll says MAGA is unpopular." PWAHHAHAHA!

Nope, your seriousness is NOT going to affect me!


They should be embarrassed to carry the name.

Democrats will drag their naked bodies over broken glass the vote against the insurrectionist, trump. He is and will always be a LOSER.


This here is a special present to you and all your commie goober/shill friends just from me and miketx.
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Democrats will drag their naked bodies over broken glass the vote against the insurrectionist, trump. He is and will always be a LOSER.

Much like the branch dividians would have done to protect Koresh.

You are in a Cult.
Lol, interesting timing after Biden was being critizied for his MAGA republicans label in his announcemet video. Democrats have become the DTAP death to america party.
MAGA is dying....thankfully.

They should be embarrassed to carry the name.

And conservatives are aware of this and don't care; they'll blindly adhere to their failed, wrong-headed ideology while pursuing the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
What exatcly is "MAGA" and how do you know it's dying?
Cause It is. Trump is the leader. He is a Loser. MAGA is on the way out. Suburbia is going to crush the repubs in 2024. They are holding on to losing themes. And unfortunately for them..they are holding on to trump.
Nope...innocent until proven guilty. We can wait

One of trump's liars. Her indictment is coming.

MAGA is dying....thankfully.


And conservatives are aware of this and don't care; they'll blindly adhere to their failed, wrong-headed ideology while pursuing the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

Hmm..C_Clayton_Jones is not in there...or is he? :auiqs.jpg:

One thing's for sure: It's JimH52 wearing that big 'ol dunce cap that's obscuring Tommy Taint's name! :auiqs.jpg:

rDerp and G5000, too!
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They should be embarrassed to carry the name.
In the alternate reality created for the trump Nazis by FOX Noise and similar misinformation sources on which the trump Nazis solely rely, for them, the MAGA movement has become a political juggernaut supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans. For this reason, trump's Big Lie concerning voter fraud in the 2020 election was quickly cemented into the trump Nazis' simple minds.

So deeply has trump's Big Lie been hammered into the trump Nazi's granite-hard noggins, dynamite cannot dislodge it. So, the only poll results these millions of dimwits accept as accurate are those taken by FOX Noise and the like.

It's not necessarily the issues or the opinions.

It's the ridiculous, over the top, childish, ignorant, Neanderthal approach to everything and the ridiculous, over the top, childish, ignorant, Neanderthal representatives.

America is better than this. Or, maybe it isn't.

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