Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

Yeah, kind of funny that they won't say it to his face, but behind his back when they thought nobody
was watching or listening.
I'm sure this was after Trump had handed their asses to them on a silver platter.
When the going gets tough....they will be kissing his ass.
God Bless Trump

The funniest part was Trump throwing a temper tantrum and leaving early!
It was indeed the best unpatriotic fools who lack the spine to stand up for themselves.
Yeah, kind of funny that they won't say it to his face, but behind his back when they thought nobody
was watching or listening.
I'm sure this was after Trump had handed their asses to them on a silver platter.
When the going gets tough....they will be kissing his ass.
God Bless Trump
--------------------------------------------- I think that your words are true Meister !!
Yeah, kind of funny that they won't say it to his face, but behind his back when they thought nobody
was watching or listening.
I'm sure this was after Trump had handed their asses to them on a silver platter.
When the going gets tough....they will be kissing his ass.
God Bless Trump

The funniest part was Trump throwing a temper tantrum and leaving early!
It was indeed the best unpatriotic fools who lack the spine to stand up for themselves.

I cannot help it if Trump is a coward. He is your god, not mine
So I guess they really weren't laughing at him the other 456 times people said they were?
Lol how stupid
You asked about a private company and when you were got you changed it no me question is still. There... BTW have you taken any benefits from your service in the military?

I did not ask about a private company, I said that a private company has no oblation to follow the 1st amendment.

Of course I have. I used the GI Bill to finish my Bachelors and get my Master.

I get a check every month from DFAS with my retirement pay.

My insurance is tied to my retirement.

Oh, and I take advantage Veteran discounts at any place that offers them.
You brought up private companies did you not? Thought so..

You like those freebies don’t cha.. traitor

Yes, I did bring up private companies in the context of the 1st amendment.

There are no freebies in life. I earned each of the things I mentioned. Even paid for the GI Bill...100 bucks a month for my first year in the Corps.
I love it....a few well chosen words from our CIC then he steps back and watches the cat fight.
Should have put it on Pay Per View and got some revenue :auiqs.jpg:
Trump is destroying NATO and making a fool out of America & you assfucks are so stupid you think it is funny.

It is funny dickwad. NATO needs us a hell of a lot more than we need them.

If they want to act like fools. Just sit back and enjoy it. LOL

Mark Penn, the morally flexible pollster to Bill Clinton now advising President Trump on how to beat impeachment, told him to “govern” and focus on “substance” without reacting to every development.

Penn might as well have told Trump to go without Diet Coke and a hair dryer.

Trump twice informed The Post’s Phil Rucker on Tuesday that he had read something in “your paper” or “your newspaper” — forgetting he supposedly ended the White House’s subscription to The Post. He said that until his presidency, the United States only “very rarely” won a case before the World Trade Organization; the United States actually won more than 90 percent of cases it brought. He said he predicted the Brexit outcome “the day before” the vote; it was the day after. He said, “I don’t know Prince Andrew”; the photos say otherwise. He gave himself credit for increasing NATO member military spending by $130 billion “annually”; that’s actually an increase over several years, from before he took office. And he said the “common foe” of Europe — Russia, presumably — “may not be a foe.”

Trudeau is just a teen aged child who still smirks at people coloring their faces black.

Why should he be any different when dealing with world leaders?
I love it....a few well chosen words from our CIC then he steps back and watches the cat fight.
Should have put it on Pay Per View and got some revenue :auiqs.jpg:
Trump is destroying NATO and making a fool out of America & you assfucks are so stupid you think it is funny.

Turdeau was the one making an ass out of himself, and he admitted it.
Trump has actually succeeded in gaslighting not just the rube herd, but himself as well.

I almost feel sorry for him.


He brought this mental illness on himself.
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

What great “allies”. Turdeau is a laughing stock who bends over to appease Muslims.
Macron is a little boy who likes being with a woman old enough to be his mother.

When are you moving to Canada or France?
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

What great “allies”. Turdeau is a laughing stock who bends over to appease Muslims.
Macron is a little boy who likes being with a woman old enough to be his mother.

When are you moving to Canada or France?

Does that make Melania a little girl who likes being with a man old enough to be her grandfather?

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