"Report: Ukrainian and DNC connection in 2016 election getting larger in scope"

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
These connections with Ukraine and not just any DemonRAT but the DNC itself is certainly getting more interesting, and will make excellent 2020 campaign TALKING POINTS for the Republicans!

These connections with Ukraine and not just any DemonRAT but the DNC itself is certainly getting more interesting, and will make excellent 2020 campaign TALKING POINTS for the Republicans!
The dems must know that their end is near, that's why they've pulled out all the stops and have gone full Stalinist
If the impeachment goes to Senate I want the Republicans to call Ukraine witnesses to sit aside Adam Schiff (or his lawyers)questioning in order to ask those witnesses how much money U.S. Ukraine military aid went to Schiff Donor's Igor Pasternak's company Worldwide Aeros Corp, to buy weapons equipment.
Then show Schiff's sudden interest & lobbying towards releasing aid to Ukraine which coincides with that donation (bribe), which he benefited from (bribe, quid pro quo, abuse of power). And point out the conflicts of interest in this impeachment which was an abuse of power especially since it proves Schiff has a lot to lose in any delayed payments to Ukraine cause it cuts into his corruption he took it personal. *L*
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I'd prefer to have the senate trial after the Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz indictments and reports are out so that the senators have all the info they need to unravel the coup for the TV cameras and the 2020 voters.
If the impeachment goes to Senate I want the Republicans to call Ukraine witnesses to sit aside Adam Schiff (or his lawyers)questioning in order to ask those witnesses how much money U.S. Ukraine military aid went to Schiff Donor's Igor Pasternak's company Worldwide Aeros Corp, to buy weapons equipment.
Then show Schiff's sudden interest & lobbying towards releasing aid to Ukraine which coincides with that donation (bribe), which he benefited from (bribe, quid pro quo, abuse of power). And point out the conflicts of interest in this impeachment which was an abuse of power especially since it proves Schiff has a lot to lose in any delayed payments to Ukraine cause it cuts into his corruption he took it personal. *L*

They'd look foolish if they did it. Fiona Hill slapped down Nunes when he tried to pull that shit in the House.
If the impeachment goes to Senate I want the Republicans to call Ukraine witnesses to sit aside Adam Schiff (or his lawyers)questioning in order to ask those witnesses how much money U.S. Ukraine military aid went to Schiff Donor's Igor Pasternak's company Worldwide Aeros Corp, to buy weapons equipment.
Then show Schiff's sudden interest & lobbying towards releasing aid to Ukraine which coincides with that donation (bribe), which he benefited from (bribe, quid pro quo, abuse of power). And point out the conflicts of interest in this impeachment which was an abuse of power especially since it proves Schiff has a lot to lose in any delayed payments to Ukraine cause it cuts into his corruption he took it personal. *L*

They'd look foolish if they did it. Fiona Hill slapped down Nunes when he tried to pull that shit in the House.

Dr. Fiona Hill looked like an idiot after she testified that the delayed military aid was essential for national security.
Then she was asked why she recommended against "lethal military aid" when the Ukes were actually fighting the Russians and taking 14,000 casualties.
The Obama admin sent them "blankets" as McCain described it. Trump sent them Javelin anti-tank weapons.
Dr. Hill said "she changed her mind" WTF? Ridiculous. Some fucking Russia expert. More of an idiot.
So who was right, Trump or Dr. Hill?
In related news it seems Bigfoot said that Russia never did anything wrong.
Thank you Putin

There's nothing like the smell of Russian propaganda in the morning
In related news it seems Bigfoot said that Russia never did anything wrong.
the left sure has come at trump for RUSSIA and has not found a god damn thing. NOTHING.

so they invent phone calls that are suddenly issues, yet no one was actually THERE to hear said call.

RUSSIA did spam the hell out of us but not really about elections in as much as just general divide. looks like you're still doing what they want and living the divide dream they gave us.

how come you're so hellbent on "justice" only as it pertains to the right? afraid to admit your side may have done some bad shit along the way also? are you like a handless luke screaming ITS NOT POSSIBLE while spitting into the void at the truth?

seems funny the more we look at what the left has been doing, the more they cry foul and NO LOOK OVER THERE - I MEAN IT THIS TIME!!! RUSSIA AN SHIT!!!
Democrats have painted themselves in a corner. They're going to have to spill a lot of beans to get out. The worm has turned.
I'd prefer to have the senate trial after the Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz indictments and reports are out so that the senators have all the info they need to unravel the coup for the TV cameras and the 2020 voters.

The only reason for any of the investigations you mention was to satisfy a whining POTUS. He had the power to start investigations, but he can't control the outcome. There is enough known about the Horowitz report to show that was a big nothing. After 18 months, Huber hasn't held a single hearing, and even ignores congressional requests for an update. Sounds like that is a non-starter. Of course Barr is acting more like Trump's personal attorney than the AG. so who knows what he might claim. I suspect your wet dreams of Any Day Now will disappoint you again.
Democrats have painted themselves in a corner. They're going to have to spill a lot of beans to get out. The worm has turned.
If the dems impeach, then at the senate trial the dems will have a lot of questions asked that they will have to answer, especially if the Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz reoprts and indictments are issued before the trial.
I'd prefer to have the senate trial after the Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz indictments and reports are out so that the senators have all the info they need to unravel the coup for the TV cameras and the 2020 voters.

The only reason for any of the investigations you mention was to satisfy a whining POTUS. He had the power to start investigations, but he can't control the outcome. There is enough known about the Horowitz report to show that was a big nothing. After 18 months, Huber hasn't held a single hearing, and even ignores congressional requests for an update. Sounds like that is a non-starter. Of course Barr is acting more like Trump's personal attorney than the AG. so who knows what he might claim. I suspect your wet dreams of Any Day Now will disappoint you again.
I read the books "Exonerated" and "Witch Hunt" that puts a lot of meat on the bones of what happened.
1. Horowitz' IG report is coming out Monday. I wouldn't do any touchdown dances just yet. The improper FISA warrants may end up with a few indictments.
2. Huber may not have anything, he is a total unknown, but then again....who knows?
3. Durham looks like the best shot at uncovering the illegal plots against Trump.
4. Barr is a great AG, he precisely follows the law

You may be right. The investigations may turn out to be another UraniumOne or Benghazi nothingberger, I hope not. We'll see.
In related news it seems Bigfoot said that Russia never did anything wrong.
the left sure has come at trump for RUSSIA and has not found a god damn thing. NOTHING.

so they invent phone calls that are suddenly issues, yet no one was actually THERE to hear said call.

RUSSIA did spam the hell out of us but not really about elections in as much as just general divide. looks like you're still doing what they want and living the divide dream they gave us.

how come you're so hellbent on "justice" only as it pertains to the right? afraid to admit your side may have done some bad shit along the way also? are you like a handless luke screaming ITS NOT POSSIBLE while spitting into the void at the truth?

seems funny the more we look at what the left has been doing, the more they cry foul and NO LOOK OVER THERE - I MEAN IT THIS TIME!!! RUSSIA AN SHIT!!!
Trump did that shit. Russia did that shit. They are counting on you believing anything except the truth. Quit being such a tool.
OAN, the new Fox.
When even Fox News won’t propagate your bullshit.
As I understand it, Fox is becoming more commie Hitler socialist Marxist Nazi, and there's an informational vacuum forming in Trumpworld. The same thing is happening with Drudge.

I forget the other one, but OAN is one of the two primary television alternatives they're allowing in, currently.
In related news it seems Bigfoot said that Russia never did anything wrong.
the left sure has come at trump for RUSSIA and has not found a god damn thing. NOTHING.

so they invent phone calls that are suddenly issues, yet no one was actually THERE to hear said call.

RUSSIA did spam the hell out of us but not really about elections in as much as just general divide. looks like you're still doing what they want and living the divide dream they gave us.

how come you're so hellbent on "justice" only as it pertains to the right? afraid to admit your side may have done some bad shit along the way also? are you like a handless luke screaming ITS NOT POSSIBLE while spitting into the void at the truth?

seems funny the more we look at what the left has been doing, the more they cry foul and NO LOOK OVER THERE - I MEAN IT THIS TIME!!! RUSSIA AN SHIT!!!
Trump did that shit. Russia did that shit. They are counting on you believing anything except the truth. Quit being such a tool.
if he did why didn't meuller find it?

Speaking of tools...

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