LtCol Vindman's Opening Statement

He released the transcript. How the hell is that not cooperating?
He ordered all executive branch staff to defy congressional subpoenas. How is that cooperating?

You know why he is not cooperating, now? Because his one attempt to do so. -- releasing the transcript -- set the impeachment steaming ahead.

He can't cooperate, because he is guilty as shit. Obviously.
FFS, you’re an idiot. What further evidence is there beyond the phone call. All this other democrat bullshit is pure theater. And what’s pathetic is it’s theater when we all know the end of the play.

But you retards go ahead and keep it up.
I would never cooperate with a democrat.
Then hey, they can just force you to do so, with subpoenas and court rulings.

Here's where you have fallen behind on all this:

Congress is no longer "requesting" that the President and the executive branch cooperate. That ship sailed long ago, thanks to Donnie. And he knows it.
No, I don’t have to. You may as well send a subpoena to your next door neighbor about his dog barking. You have no legal standing.

This entire democrat clown show has no legal force behind it. Trump can tell you to fuck off all day long. What are you going to do about it?
What further evidence is there beyond the phone call.
We don't have the phone call. So that's an odd question. Trump could produce it, though.

And the transcript is part of the evidence. Testimony of State Dept. officials, that's compelling evidence. The obstruction is also evidence. And they are getting more evidence every day.
Since 2008, Russia has manifested an overtly aggressive foreign policy, leveraging military power and employing hybrid warfare to achieve its objectives of regional hegemony and global influence. Absent a deterrent to dissuade Russia from such aggression, there is an increased risk of further confrontations with the West.



$315 MILLION IN 2015
$19 MILLION IN 2016
$168 MILLION IN 2017

2015 FOR $47 MILLION($272 MILLION)
2016 FOR $80 MILLION($513 MILLION)
2017 FOR $99 MILLION($511 MILLION)

We don't have the phone call. So that's an odd question. Trump could produce it, though.
And the transcript is part of the evidence. Testimony of State Dept. officials, that's compelling evidence. The obstruction is also evidence. And they are getting more evidence every day.
Stupid Democrats don't know what legal terms like executive privilege mean.
We don't have the phone call. So that's an odd question. Trump could produce it, though.
And the transcript is part of the evidence. Testimony of State Dept. officials, that's compelling evidence. The obstruction is also evidence. And they are getting more evidence every day.
Stupid Democrats don't know what legal terms like executive privilege mean.

Neither does the EZ-Pass customer service department. They rejected my claim for executive privilege on my toll violation. I'm totally bummed because I thought it was a pretty good argument. Geesh!
I realize the war hero's opening statement is longer than a tweet, and therefore impossible for

Impossible for anyone to believe. This stinking turd was/is biased, he loves Ukraine more than the country who's uniform he wears, and above all, ever damn word he uttered was JUST HIS OPINION, nothing more.
I realize the war hero's opening statement is longer than a tweet, and therefore impossible for

Impossible for anyone to believe. This stinking turd was/is biased, he loves Ukraine more than the country who's uniform he wears, and above all, ever damn word he uttered was JUST HIS OPINION, nothing more.
Horseshit. Don't you submissive fucks have any pride? Why do you parrot what you are told to parrot like blind little suckups?

By attacking a war hero, you lickspittles have shown there is no low too low for you to go. You are sick fucks.

You cowardly fucks would not have the balls to say this bullshit to his face.

You are pathetic.
Last edited:
Trump met face to face with Putin. He did not say Russia was too corrupt for him to meet Putin. Not only that, Trump obediently swallowed Putin's lie about interfering in our election, and Trump publicly kowtowed to Putin's denial.

Trump met face to face with Kim Jong-un. He did not say North Korea was too corrupt for him to meet Kim. By meeting with Kim face to face, and providing a photo op for Kim, Trump ELEVATED Kim's standing.

That, boys and girls, is how you Trump's excuses that neither he nor Pence could meet Zelensky face to face because Ukraine was too corrupt is total HORSESHIT. Trump wanted dirt on his number one political opponent. That was his one and only reason.
If he was sworn in, he perjured himself and violated his military oath.
Here is the transcript of the call he supposedly listened into.

Interesting...His Wiki file was redone to clean it up in the last 24 hrs.

That’s why a Sr. CIA staff just came out supporting him.

Here is a cut & paste of this morning news...

“Former Defense Department and CIA chief of staff Jeremy Bash blasted a segment on Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle as “absolutely despicable,” after host Laura Ingraham and her guest, legal professor John Yoo strongly suggested a Trump national security official, Lt. Col. Alex Vindman, could be guilty of “espionage” after news broke that he plans to testify to Congress that he objected to improper White House political influence toward Ukraine.”

Here is the Wiki on Bash

“Jeremy B. Bash (born August 13, 1971) is an American attorney.

He was the chief of staff at the U.S. Department of Defense (2011–2013) and the Central Intelligence Agency (2009–2011), both under President Barack Obama.

As a senior advisor to Leon Panetta in both roles, Bash worked on a number of key initiatives, including the creation of a new defense strategy, formation of two defense budgets, counterterrorism operations, a new cyber strategy, and a range of sensitive intelligence operations.

Bash was married to CNN journalist Dana Bash from 1998 to 2007.

In 2000, Bash served as the national security issues director for the presidential campaign of Al Gore and Joe Lieberman. In that role, he advised the candidates, their surrogates, and staff on national security policy matters, including the Middle East peace process, counter-terrorism, non-proliferation, missile defense, and trade.

From 2001 to 2004, Bash was in private law practice with the firm O’Melveny & Myers in their Washington, DC office. His practice focused on congressional investigations, regulatory matters, and litigation. He then served as chief minority counsel on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the U.S. House of Representatives and as an aide to California Representative Jane Harman, the committee’s top Democrat.

Bash was a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or
interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear.

^^^ did you not see that in the 'transcript' you linked? & that 'transcript' contains ellipses.

do you know what they are? those are the little dots that mean a sentence has been cut off either at the beginning, or at the end & is not written in its entirety.

that means it's been edited; but yer dotard president thinks it saves him. lol... wrong.
And neither is the word of some Ukrainian loser in our army...especially onecwith so many connections to the Surrender Monkey regime!....ROTFLMFAO

OH LOOK, TRUMP IS SAVED! ^ | Oct 29,2019 | Susan Ferrechio

House Democratic leaders are walking back a planned vote Thursday that would officially endorse impeachment proceedings and say that the resolution would merely address the process of holding public hearings on the matter.

“This is not an impeachment resolution,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told reporters Tuesday morning. “I don’t know what an impeachment resolution is.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Monday that the planned vote was “not an impeachment resolution.”

uh-huh. isn't that the same 'news outlet' that faked the WaPo headline about al baghdadi with photoshop? why yes, yes it is. nobody is saying that it is an impeachment vote. they have always said it is a vote on the inquiry - which means it will open it up for public viewing. articles have not been drawn up & won't for a while.

nice try though. i wonder how many of your poorly educated comrades will still think your OP is valid?

I realize the war hero's opening statement is longer than a tweet, and therefore impossible for Trump supporters to read or comprehend. But I post it for anyone else who is interested.

Some real sickos on the Right have attacked Vindman, his character, and his loyalty to our country. They have thus exposed that there is no low too low for these fucktards. Fortunately, there are others on the Right who have criticized these attacks on Vindman.

Trump and his massive ego are tearing the entire country apart.

Now some quotes from the Purple Heart recipient's opening testimony:

Since 2008, Russia has manifested an overtly aggressive foreign policy, leveraging military power and employing hybrid warfare to achieve its objectives of regional hegemony and global influence. Absent a deterrent to dissuade Russia from such aggression, there is an increased risk of further confrontations with the West. In this situation, a strong and independent Ukraine is critical to U.S. national security interests because Ukraine is a frontline state and a bulwark against Russian aggression.

In spite of being under assault from Russia for more than five years, Ukraine has taken major steps towards integrating with the West. The U.S. government policy community’s view is that the election of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the promise of reforms to eliminate corruption will lock in Ukraine’s Western-leaning trajectory, and allow Ukraine to realize its dream of a vibrant democracy and economic prosperity.

This Western-leaning trajectory is exactly what Vladimir Putin has been working very hard to reverse. And he planted these asinine Ukrainian conspiracy theories in the mind of our idiot President in Helsinki.

To continue:

When I joined the NSC in July 2018, I began implementing the administration’s policy on Ukraine. In the Spring of 2019, I became aware of outside influencers promoting a false narrative of Ukraine inconsistent with the consensus views of the interagency. This narrative was harmful to U.S. government policy. While my interagency colleagues and I were becoming increasingly optimistic on Ukraine’s prospects, this alternative narrative undermined U.S. government efforts to expand cooperation with Ukraine.

Those "outside influencers" were Rudy Giuliani and his criminal cohort.


On July 10, 2019, Oleksandr Danylyuk, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council for Ukraine, visited Washington, D.C. for a meeting with National Security Advisor Bolton. Ambassadors Volker and Sondland also attended, along with Energy Secretary Rick Perry.

The meeting proceeded well until the Ukrainians broached the subject of a meeting between the two presidents. The Ukrainians saw this meeting as critically important in order to solidify the support of their most important international partner. Amb. Sondland started to speak about Ukraine delivering specific investigations in order to secure the meeting with the President, at which time Ambassador Bolton cut the meeting short.

"...delivering specific investigation in order to secure the meeting with the President."

Quid. Pro. Quo.

I stated to Amb. Sondland that his statements were inappropriate, that the request to investigate Biden and his son had nothing to do with national security, and that such investigations were not something the NSC was going to get involved in or push. Dr. Hill then entered the room and asserted to Amb. Sondland that his statements were inappropriate. Following the debriefing meeting, I reported my concerns to the NSC’s lead counsel. Dr. Hill also reported the incident to the NSC’s lead counsel.


On July 25, 2019, the call occurred. I listened in on the call in the Situation Room with colleagues from the NSC and the office of the Vice President. As the transcript is in the public record, we are all aware of what was said.

I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’s support of Ukraine. I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained. This would all undermine U.S. national security. Following the call, I again reported my concerns to NSC’s lead counsel.

Where does it state the specific investigation was “into Biden”?

This guy is a hack, undermining his own Commander in Chief , and should be shit canned. He doesn’t get to make the big boy decisions, that’s what we elected President Trump for.

^^^ such a good little poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.

Ukraine Expert: White House Deleted Trump’s Reference to Biden Tapes in Transcript of Zelensky Call

Ukraine Expert: White House Deleted Trump’s Reference to Biden Tapes in Transcript of Zelensky Call
We're going to have a big celebration when the Stalinist democrats have their "Going Out of Business" Sale
Francis, you are uneducated and insane. Every day is a party for you. Every flash of light in the sky, alien visitors. Every contrail, a new state of mind.

Trump met face to face with Putin. He did not say Russia was too corrupt for him to meet Putin. Not only that, Trump obediently swallowed Putin's lie about interfering in our election, and Trump publicly kowtowed to Putin's denial.

Trump met face to face with Kim Jong-un. He did not say North Korea was too corrupt for him to meet Kim. By meeting with Kim face to face, and providing a photo op for Kim, Trump ELEVATED Kim's standing.

That, boys and girls, is how you Trump's excuses that neither he nor Pence could meet Zelensky face to face because Ukraine was too corrupt is total HORSESHIT. Trump wanted dirt on his number one political opponent. That was his one and only reason.

it was pence who went to poland instead of donny - which was deliberate - not because the dotard was concerned with the latest FLA hurricane & needed to stock up on his hurricane sharpies; but it was to send a message to zelinsky that twittler was NOT going to meet with him unless he bent over for him on the the biden thing.
Last edited:

I realize the war hero's opening statement is longer than a tweet, and therefore impossible for Trump supporters to read or comprehend. But I post it for anyone else who is interested.

Some real sickos on the Right have attacked Vindman, his character, and his loyalty to our country. They have thus exposed that there is no low too low for these fucktards. Fortunately, there are others on the Right who have criticized these attacks on Vindman.

Trump and his massive ego are tearing the entire country apart.

Now some quotes from the Purple Heart recipient's opening testimony:

Since 2008, Russia has manifested an overtly aggressive foreign policy, leveraging military power and employing hybrid warfare to achieve its objectives of regional hegemony and global influence. Absent a deterrent to dissuade Russia from such aggression, there is an increased risk of further confrontations with the West. In this situation, a strong and independent Ukraine is critical to U.S. national security interests because Ukraine is a frontline state and a bulwark against Russian aggression.

In spite of being under assault from Russia for more than five years, Ukraine has taken major steps towards integrating with the West. The U.S. government policy community’s view is that the election of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the promise of reforms to eliminate corruption will lock in Ukraine’s Western-leaning trajectory, and allow Ukraine to realize its dream of a vibrant democracy and economic prosperity.

This Western-leaning trajectory is exactly what Vladimir Putin has been working very hard to reverse. And he planted these asinine Ukrainian conspiracy theories in the mind of our idiot President in Helsinki.

To continue:

When I joined the NSC in July 2018, I began implementing the administration’s policy on Ukraine. In the Spring of 2019, I became aware of outside influencers promoting a false narrative of Ukraine inconsistent with the consensus views of the interagency. This narrative was harmful to U.S. government policy. While my interagency colleagues and I were becoming increasingly optimistic on Ukraine’s prospects, this alternative narrative undermined U.S. government efforts to expand cooperation with Ukraine.

Those "outside influencers" were Rudy Giuliani and his criminal cohort.


On July 10, 2019, Oleksandr Danylyuk, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council for Ukraine, visited Washington, D.C. for a meeting with National Security Advisor Bolton. Ambassadors Volker and Sondland also attended, along with Energy Secretary Rick Perry.

The meeting proceeded well until the Ukrainians broached the subject of a meeting between the two presidents. The Ukrainians saw this meeting as critically important in order to solidify the support of their most important international partner. Amb. Sondland started to speak about Ukraine delivering specific investigations in order to secure the meeting with the President, at which time Ambassador Bolton cut the meeting short.

"...delivering specific investigation in order to secure the meeting with the President."

Quid. Pro. Quo.

I stated to Amb. Sondland that his statements were inappropriate, that the request to investigate Biden and his son had nothing to do with national security, and that such investigations were not something the NSC was going to get involved in or push. Dr. Hill then entered the room and asserted to Amb. Sondland that his statements were inappropriate. Following the debriefing meeting, I reported my concerns to the NSC’s lead counsel. Dr. Hill also reported the incident to the NSC’s lead counsel.


On July 25, 2019, the call occurred. I listened in on the call in the Situation Room with colleagues from the NSC and the office of the Vice President. As the transcript is in the public record, we are all aware of what was said.

I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’s support of Ukraine. I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained. This would all undermine U.S. national security. Following the call, I again reported my concerns to NSC’s lead counsel.

Where does it state the specific investigation was “into Biden”?

This guy is a hack, undermining his own Commander in Chief , and should be shit canned. He doesn’t get to make the big boy decisions, that’s what we elected President Trump for.

^^^ such a good little poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.

Ukraine Expert: White House Deleted Trump’s Reference to Biden Tapes in Transcript of Zelensky Call

Ukraine Expert: White House Deleted Trump’s Reference to Biden Tapes in Transcript of Zelensky Call
He must have been the only person on the call to hear that dog whistle.

I realize the war hero's opening statement is longer than a tweet, and therefore impossible for Trump supporters to read or comprehend. But I post it for anyone else who is interested.

Some real sickos on the Right have attacked Vindman, his character, and his loyalty to our country. They have thus exposed that there is no low too low for these fucktards. Fortunately, there are others on the Right who have criticized these attacks on Vindman.

Trump and his massive ego are tearing the entire country apart.

Now some quotes from the Purple Heart recipient's opening testimony:

Since 2008, Russia has manifested an overtly aggressive foreign policy, leveraging military power and employing hybrid warfare to achieve its objectives of regional hegemony and global influence. Absent a deterrent to dissuade Russia from such aggression, there is an increased risk of further confrontations with the West. In this situation, a strong and independent Ukraine is critical to U.S. national security interests because Ukraine is a frontline state and a bulwark against Russian aggression.

In spite of being under assault from Russia for more than five years, Ukraine has taken major steps towards integrating with the West. The U.S. government policy community’s view is that the election of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the promise of reforms to eliminate corruption will lock in Ukraine’s Western-leaning trajectory, and allow Ukraine to realize its dream of a vibrant democracy and economic prosperity.

This Western-leaning trajectory is exactly what Vladimir Putin has been working very hard to reverse. And he planted these asinine Ukrainian conspiracy theories in the mind of our idiot President in Helsinki.

To continue:

When I joined the NSC in July 2018, I began implementing the administration’s policy on Ukraine. In the Spring of 2019, I became aware of outside influencers promoting a false narrative of Ukraine inconsistent with the consensus views of the interagency. This narrative was harmful to U.S. government policy. While my interagency colleagues and I were becoming increasingly optimistic on Ukraine’s prospects, this alternative narrative undermined U.S. government efforts to expand cooperation with Ukraine.

Those "outside influencers" were Rudy Giuliani and his criminal cohort.


On July 10, 2019, Oleksandr Danylyuk, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council for Ukraine, visited Washington, D.C. for a meeting with National Security Advisor Bolton. Ambassadors Volker and Sondland also attended, along with Energy Secretary Rick Perry.

The meeting proceeded well until the Ukrainians broached the subject of a meeting between the two presidents. The Ukrainians saw this meeting as critically important in order to solidify the support of their most important international partner. Amb. Sondland started to speak about Ukraine delivering specific investigations in order to secure the meeting with the President, at which time Ambassador Bolton cut the meeting short.

"...delivering specific investigation in order to secure the meeting with the President."

Quid. Pro. Quo.

I stated to Amb. Sondland that his statements were inappropriate, that the request to investigate Biden and his son had nothing to do with national security, and that such investigations were not something the NSC was going to get involved in or push. Dr. Hill then entered the room and asserted to Amb. Sondland that his statements were inappropriate. Following the debriefing meeting, I reported my concerns to the NSC’s lead counsel. Dr. Hill also reported the incident to the NSC’s lead counsel.


On July 25, 2019, the call occurred. I listened in on the call in the Situation Room with colleagues from the NSC and the office of the Vice President. As the transcript is in the public record, we are all aware of what was said.

I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’s support of Ukraine. I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained. This would all undermine U.S. national security. Following the call, I again reported my concerns to NSC’s lead counsel.

Where does it state the specific investigation was “into Biden”?

This guy is a hack, undermining his own Commander in Chief , and should be shit canned. He doesn’t get to make the big boy decisions, that’s what we elected President Trump for.

So.....only those loyal to Trump, not the country, are patriots?

I'm concerned that there is this precedence of patriotism being peddled where only those totally loyal to Trump can be patriots.

Is there anything that has happened during this Administration that has caused you to pause......anything.....?.

This guy is a Ukrainian immigrant. He testified that he was concerned about Ukraine getting bi-partisan support if it reopened an investigation that the Democrats obviously wanted shut down and had shut down. He put Ukraine’s welfare above the wishes of his own Commander-in-Chief. That is called being a TRAITOR.

That wasn't my question, Hawk. Try again

I did answer your question. He’s not just some guy that isn’t “loyal to Trump”. He’s supposed to be an officer and obey the President.

Instead he put his home country, Ukraine, above his duty. That isn’t patriotism, it’s treason. Unless you’re counting it as “patriotism” towards Ukraine.


if you are given an order that is unlawful, you are not duty bound to follow it.
He’s supposed to be an officer and obey the President.

Instead he put his home country, Ukraine, above his duty. That isn’t patriotism, it’s treason. Unless you’re counting it as “patriotism” towards Ukraine.

1) So if The Orange Buffoon tells him to go downtown and shoot up Main St, he should?
2) How is he putting the Ukraine first?

Fuck your'e an really are..

1). No dumbass, officers are not to follow illegal orders. Did the President give him an illegal order? Was the President doing something illegal? No.

2). He TESTIFIED that he was concerned that the Ukraine would stop getting bi-partisan support if it reopened the investigation Biden payed them off to shut down. Yes, THAT is putting Ukraine first.

he was not blatantly ordered to do anything until he wanted the blatant disregard of the law to be included in the transcript which was omitted. when it was refused - he refused to stand by & allow it to go unchallenged.
We're going to have a big celebration when the Stalinist democrats have their "Going Out of Business" Sale
Francis, you are uneducated and insane. Every day is a party for you. Every flash of light in the sky, alien visitors. Every contrail, a new state of mind.

It's OK that you have a contrary opinion. Trust me on this, this Failed Stalinist Show Trial impeachment on the heels of the Mueller "No Collusion No Obstruction" Report and finally outing the Failed Coup will not be good for the Stalinist.

I realize the war hero's opening statement is longer than a tweet, and therefore impossible for Trump supporters to read or comprehend. But I post it for anyone else who is interested.

Some real sickos on the Right have attacked Vindman, his character, and his loyalty to our country. They have thus exposed that there is no low too low for these fucktards. Fortunately, there are others on the Right who have criticized these attacks on Vindman.

Trump and his massive ego are tearing the entire country apart.

Now some quotes from the Purple Heart recipient's opening testimony:

Since 2008, Russia has manifested an overtly aggressive foreign policy, leveraging military power and employing hybrid warfare to achieve its objectives of regional hegemony and global influence. Absent a deterrent to dissuade Russia from such aggression, there is an increased risk of further confrontations with the West. In this situation, a strong and independent Ukraine is critical to U.S. national security interests because Ukraine is a frontline state and a bulwark against Russian aggression.

In spite of being under assault from Russia for more than five years, Ukraine has taken major steps towards integrating with the West. The U.S. government policy community’s view is that the election of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the promise of reforms to eliminate corruption will lock in Ukraine’s Western-leaning trajectory, and allow Ukraine to realize its dream of a vibrant democracy and economic prosperity.

This Western-leaning trajectory is exactly what Vladimir Putin has been working very hard to reverse. And he planted these asinine Ukrainian conspiracy theories in the mind of our idiot President in Helsinki.

To continue:

When I joined the NSC in July 2018, I began implementing the administration’s policy on Ukraine. In the Spring of 2019, I became aware of outside influencers promoting a false narrative of Ukraine inconsistent with the consensus views of the interagency. This narrative was harmful to U.S. government policy. While my interagency colleagues and I were becoming increasingly optimistic on Ukraine’s prospects, this alternative narrative undermined U.S. government efforts to expand cooperation with Ukraine.

Those "outside influencers" were Rudy Giuliani and his criminal cohort.


On July 10, 2019, Oleksandr Danylyuk, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council for Ukraine, visited Washington, D.C. for a meeting with National Security Advisor Bolton. Ambassadors Volker and Sondland also attended, along with Energy Secretary Rick Perry.

The meeting proceeded well until the Ukrainians broached the subject of a meeting between the two presidents. The Ukrainians saw this meeting as critically important in order to solidify the support of their most important international partner. Amb. Sondland started to speak about Ukraine delivering specific investigations in order to secure the meeting with the President, at which time Ambassador Bolton cut the meeting short.

"...delivering specific investigation in order to secure the meeting with the President."

Quid. Pro. Quo.

I stated to Amb. Sondland that his statements were inappropriate, that the request to investigate Biden and his son had nothing to do with national security, and that such investigations were not something the NSC was going to get involved in or push. Dr. Hill then entered the room and asserted to Amb. Sondland that his statements were inappropriate. Following the debriefing meeting, I reported my concerns to the NSC’s lead counsel. Dr. Hill also reported the incident to the NSC’s lead counsel.


On July 25, 2019, the call occurred. I listened in on the call in the Situation Room with colleagues from the NSC and the office of the Vice President. As the transcript is in the public record, we are all aware of what was said.

I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’s support of Ukraine. I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained. This would all undermine U.S. national security. Following the call, I again reported my concerns to NSC’s lead counsel.

Where does it state the specific investigation was “into Biden”?

This guy is a hack, undermining his own Commander in Chief , and should be shit canned. He doesn’t get to make the big boy decisions, that’s what we elected President Trump for.

^^^ such a good little poorly educated deplorable that trump loves long time.

Ukraine Expert: White House Deleted Trump’s Reference to Biden Tapes in Transcript of Zelensky Call

Ukraine Expert: White House Deleted Trump’s Reference to Biden Tapes in Transcript of Zelensky Call
He must have been the only person on the call to hear that dog whistle.

the ellipses are a very good indication he saying the truth, oh delusional little flying monkey.

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