Loved the news conference on Thursday! Donald blew them away!


Sep 24, 2016
Hey, the plain facts are that a huge majority of the popular vote (the contrary is all fake news by liberals), estimated at something like 3 million more than Hillary after you take out the phony Hillary vote) were for him.

The majority of our country, the Real Americans, except for a noisy Liberal few, are solidly behind our Leader!

We have been in touch with some Trump people who have a good idea. Most of us in my group are planning on helping out. The details are still a secret but it will help the Trump army flush out illegals wherever they may be hiding and reporting them for deportation. If they run into opposition in Blue areas, it will be hell to pay!

By that time, Trump will have a powerful army loyal only to him who will back him 100%. The snitches will be rooted out for good!
The media still doesn't get it. Trump is enjoying himself. For the first time in history we have unscripted answers from the President and an offensive rather than a reactive defensive posture. The criminal conspiracy in the MSM can't seem to deal with honesty and they respond with hate speech and fake news.

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