Loss of sea ice leads to unprecedented Arctic warming

I agree ... different parts of theories get tweeked all the time ... we completely upended the Big Bang Theory recently ... but we're also confirming parts all the time ... and these parts stay put ...

What you're posting is the mathematical form of the Law of Conservation of Mass/Energy ... and in Modern Physics, there's no real distinction between mass and energy ... these two things we have from Classical Physics appear to be one in the same stuff ... and we have enourmous amounts of physical evidence to confirm the fact that mass and energy are different forms of the same stuff ... that this stuff is conserved ... and are interchangable by the ratio E = 10^16 m ... the 10^16 value has been determined in the lab ...

∂E/∂r = 2mc
∂m/∂r = -3E/c

That's not solvable so your guess is as good as mine ...
I read or saw an article somewhere stating that Einstein removed the minus sign "-" out of his equation to get E=mc2 to work. For the life of me, i still haven't found that article again. I might have a book somewhere that has that, but I have stuff in storage, it maybe in there.

The only thing we know for sure on this earth is I think, therefore I am. You know we exist, anything past that is open to interpretation. So the current theory is the current interpretation to describe the world around us, that's basically science. If science says that theory "X" is fact, I treat it as a theory open to amendment because I think as a human race, we just know a tiny percentage of science. Maybe the things we see in Star Trek and other such sci fi films will become a reality. One day we might know what gravity is.
Your use of "last glacial cycle" is proof you are completely lost.

Earth ice

90% on Antarctica
7% on Greenland
0.3% on Ellesmere Island (Canada)

The overwhelming majority of Earth ice is on land near an earth pole. And land moves.

Two subjects for you to check.

1. North American ice age

1 million years ago NA had ice age glaciers down to Indiana, and indiana still had glacier ice 10k years ago. That ice melted. Tectonic direction of NA = SW.

2. Search for ancient Greenland green

Digging through the deepest Greenland ice and scooping up ancient pine cones dated 400-800k years ago. 1 million years ago, Greenland was completely green save mountains. Tectonic direction NW but pushed also SW by arctic ocean growth.

During the past million years, greenland FROZE while North America THAWED all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of co2 in the atmosphere.

Ice ages are continent specific. Ice ages begin when land gets within 600 miles of an Earth pole, where the summer sun is insufficient to melt the snow, which then starts to stack.

Antarctica has 70 million year old dinosaur fossils, because 70 million years ago AA was not on South Pole...
Aside from the albedo effects in summer, the loss of sea ice over winter leads to atmospheric heating from the warmer sea water.
Do you believe soot from your CCP overlords vast and growing use of dirty coal increases the aldebo?
The warming observed since the Industrial Revolution and most notably in the last 50 years is due to human greenhouse gas emissions, which CAN be controlled and stopped by humans. Pollution IS another problem and it has been dealt with for many years. That is why we have the EPA and the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts and all the many additions they've accumulated. It is why we have far cleaner burning cars and power plants than we once had. It is why the chemicals industries are allowed to put into our air and water are more and more tightly controlled. Things are not perfect, but the regulations controlling pollution in this country and most of the industrialized west have made tremendous improvements over the last 50 years. The identity of the polluters - aside from the fact that America can only bring regulatory power to bear against American entities - is irrelevant.

Wow. If only you had evidence to support your claim.

But you don't.

You have computer models, which are the same as religious texts to a religious zealot. Lots of emotion, but zero evidence.
Wow. If only you had evidence to support your claim.

But you don't.

You have computer models, which are the same as religious texts to a religious zealot. Lots of emotion, but zero evidence.
About which item would you like to see some evidence? And, of course, you will then provide evidence supporting your rejection of these points. Right?
About which item would you like to see some evidence? And, of course, you will then provide evidence supporting your rejection of these points. Right?

Any of it. Everything you have ever posted is based entirely on computer models.

I hate to break it to ya, but computer models are fiction.

They are not evidence.

My refutation is simple. Historical fact tells us that nothing happening today is in any way strange, or unprecedented, or even unusual.
I read or saw an article somewhere stating that Einstein removed the minus sign "-" out of his equation to get E=mc2 to work. For the life of me, i still haven't found that article again. I might have a book somewhere that has that, but I have stuff in storage, it maybe in there.

That might be Urban Legend ... there's a kernal of truth to your statement ... Einstein's equations predicted an expanding universe ... which is nuts-o-bozo-goofy and NO WAY was he gonna publish THAT nonsense ... so he tweeked in a "cosmological constant" to keep the universe stock still ...

Erwin Hubble is credited with finding Einstein's error, although it actually was some others and Hubble was a complete charlatan ... Hubble didn't discover the expanding universe, he discovered a way to make money off the expanding universe ...

The only thing we know for sure on this earth is I think, therefore I am. You know we exist, anything past that is open to interpretation. So the current theory is the current interpretation to describe the world around us, that's basically science. If science says that theory "X" is fact, I treat it as a theory open to amendment because I think as a human race, we just know a tiny percentage of science. Maybe the things we see in Star Trek and other such sci fi films will become a reality. One day we might know what gravity is.

Theory is not fact ... it can be based on facts, but that's not a necessity ... almost all of science uses Classical Physics yet we know this to be fiction ... and not the truth of the universe ... and Newton himself was aware that the orbit of Mercury defied everything he published ... there's a few other nitpicky minor insignificant little tiny things ... but the fiction correctly describes almost all motion in the universe ... for atoms and larger ...
That might be Urban Legend ... there's a kernal of truth to your statement ... Einstein's equations predicted an expanding universe ... which is nuts-o-bozo-goofy and NO WAY was he gonna publish THAT nonsense ... so he tweeked in a "cosmological constant" to keep the universe stock still ...

Erwin Hubble is credited with finding Einstein's error, although it actually was some others and Hubble was a complete charlatan ... Hubble didn't discover the expanding universe, he discovered a way to make money off the expanding universe ...

Theory is not fact ... it can be based on facts, but that's not a necessity ... almost all of science uses Classical Physics yet we know this to be fiction ... and not the truth of the universe ... and Newton himself was aware that the orbit of Mercury defied everything he published ... there's a few other nitpicky minor insignificant little tiny things ... but the fiction correctly describes almost all motion in the universe ... for atoms and larger ...

Feymans Constant addresses the issues with Newtonian physics.

For now.
No, it isn't. Nothing in science is ever settled. They are actively testing Einsteins theory to this day.

Of course ... it would be nice if Einstein's Theory explained everything we do see ... we had to invent a mythological substance called "dark matter" to explain why galaxies aren't flying apart ... we're yet to characterize the "dark energy" that's causing cosmological inflation ...

If we agree ... then Newton's Laws of Motion are very very useful ... and always will be ... as settled as science can be ... or perhaps better said as usefulness approaches infinity, the science approached settled ... we can only approach a state of settledness ... and still remain in the context of what is discreet ...
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AGW is a theory, not a fact. the great prophet algore theorized that by the year 2010 the entire state of florida and much of the east coast would be under water and there would be no ice at either pole. His theory was wrong as anyone can see. Man is not changing the climate of planet earth, never has and short of all out nuclear war, never will.
AGW is a theory, not a fact. the great prophet algore theorized that by the year 2010 the entire state of florida and much of the east coast would be under water and there would be no ice at either pole. His theory was wrong as anyone can see. Man is not changing the climate of planet earth, never has and short of all out nuclear war, never will.

AGW is a failed theory

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