Looks Like the Republicans Wised Up...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
... and smelled the coffee. Must have heard the republican base loud and clear. Go along with any kind of leftard amnesty and you can kiss any lead in the polls you have goodbye....

U.S. immigration bill 'in doubt' this year, Republican Ryan says

Read story here...
... and smelled the coffee. Must have heard the republican base loud and clear. Go along with any kind of leftard amnesty and you can kiss any lead in the polls you have goodbye....

U.S. immigration bill 'in doubt' this year, Republican Ryan says

Read story here...

Thanks for the post and good link, 007. Here are a couple of snips from it:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans will be unlikely to compromise on immigration reform unless U.S. borders are first secured, and the possibility of a broad immigration bill reaching President Barack Obama's desk this year is "clearly in doubt," Representative Paul Ryan said on Sunday.

"Security first, no amnesty, then we might be able to get somewhere," Ryan said on ABC's "This Week."


The plan, rolled out by House Republican leaders, outlines "principles" for immigration reform and embraces an agenda that gives their candidates a campaign message that goes beyond political attacks on Obama.

Asked if Obama would get a bill to sign this year, Ryan replied: "I really don't know the answer to that question. That's clearly in doubt."
... and smelled the coffee. Must have heard the republican base loud and clear. Go along with any kind of leftard amnesty and you can kiss any lead in the polls you have goodbye....

U.S. immigration bill 'in doubt' this year, Republican Ryan says

Read story here...

Thanks for the post and good link, 007. Here are a couple of snips from it:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans will be unlikely to compromise on immigration reform unless U.S. borders are first secured, and the possibility of a broad immigration bill reaching President Barack Obama's desk this year is "clearly in doubt," Representative Paul Ryan said on Sunday.

"Security first, no amnesty, then we might be able to get somewhere," Ryan said on ABC's "This Week."


The plan, rolled out by House Republican leaders, outlines "principles" for immigration reform and embraces an agenda that gives their candidates a campaign message that goes beyond political attacks on Obama.

Asked if Obama would get a bill to sign this year, Ryan replied: "I really don't know the answer to that question. That's clearly in doubt."

Let's see. Who is responsible for securing the border? Drown the government in the tub and secure the border. hhmmm :doubt: Republican are almost amusing sometimes, almost. Who benefits the most from workers who make less than the minimum wage?
Compromising with Democrats on an Immigration bill is like dealing with the devil: Their ONLY concern is political, i.e., capturing the souls of new voters. The same thing happened after 9/11: When debating Homeland Security, their ONLY concern was that all newly hired personnel be unionized federal employees.

The only hope for a meritorious resolution is if the GOP wins the Senate and, with the House, presents Obama with a reasonable bill that he must either sign or veto and suffer the consequences.
If we don't come to some type of bill this spring, the Dems are going to use it and club us with it, just like little baby seals.
there is no need to touch immigration at all.

enforce the existing law. that is all what is needed.
OK, I have mentioned this before but I think it worth saying again:
As chance would have it I am watching the House Budget Committee Hearing of the 2014 Economic Outlook. The Congress Budget Office did an assessment of the immigration reform bill which passed the Senate last year and determined that the effects would be reduced deficits and a stronger economy and "lead to higher output per person in this country." The reason is the composition of the new people would be younger, skilled labor who would be paying into the system and not collecting benefits for several years to come.
there is no need to touch immigration at all.

enforce the existing law. that is all what is needed.

So do you advocate deporting 10 million people?

No. I advocate to forget the issue.

The ones who want to legalize are going to do it by existing law. as it was happening all along and is happening as we speak.
Rep. Flores (R-TX) was amusing when he was trying to ask about the "23 million jobs lost" because he knew it was a lie and would be corrected. He kept trying to rephrase it in a way so that he won't and just gave up. He did give an answer as to way government regulation was harming the economy so much, "one of the reasons labor participation rate is so low is because employers have decided that they can't hire those types of employees and where they stand so their employee base is given up." Could this possibly be related to other legislation currently be considered? Or should I say blocked?
Rep. Flores (R-TX) was amusing when he was trying to ask about the "23 million jobs lost" because he knew it was a lie and would be corrected. He kept trying to rephrase it in a way so that he won't and just gave up. He did give an answer as to way government regulation was harming the economy so much, "one of the reasons labor participation rate is so low is because employers have decided that they can't hire those types of employees and where they stand so their employee base is given up." Could this possibly be related to other legislation currently be considered? Or should I say blocked?

Dang, wrong thread. Oh well, kind of fits anyway. ;)
Everything is the president's fault. Boehner is impotent and its the president's fault.

Its interesting to watch them committing political suicide. One one hand, the president has increased border security more than an other president as well as deported more illegals than any other.

OTOH, the right has pushed for amnesty for many years and, according to the Wall Street Journal, this latest little carefully choreographed "de facto amnesty".

The U.S. economy has averaged about 2.5% growth for four and a half years in what is supposedly a recovery, median household income is below where it was when the recession ended in June 2009, and job growth is mediocre. But the political class seems intent on fighting over the blame rather than trying to escape the malaise.

The latest evidence is John Boehner's punt on immigration reform. ...

So great is the House GOP fear of a talk-radio backlash that it won't even pass smaller bills that 75% of Republicans agree on. There will be nothing to codify the legal status of children of illegal immigrants who have lived here for decades. And no expanded green cards for foreign graduates of U.S. colleges, a policy Mitt Romney endorsed. And no cleaning up the work-visa morass that has obliged U.S. farmers to hire illegals to harvest their crops.

The result of doing nothing will be a de facto "amnesty" in which 11 million illegal immigrants will continue to work using fake documents. Mr. Obama will look for ways to grant more of them legal status using executive power, and the GOP will look even more unwelcoming to minorities.

Washington's Growth Retreat - WSJ.com

Way to go Republicans.
there is no need to touch immigration at all.

enforce the existing law. that is all what is needed.

So do you advocate deporting 10 million people?

If you deport around 1 million people maybe the rest will get the message.

You start first by deporting any illegal ARRESTED, not just convicted of something else, because they are committing a crime just by being here.
  • Thanks
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Start the deportations,why?

They violated the law by entering the country illegally.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
WHAT exactly NEEDS to be "reformed"? We already have immigration laws that work when enforced. The reformation part that liberals wants seems to be an open border into the US and automatic citizenship and social benefits for the immigrants. Seriously, I'm unclear on the NEED and the WHAT of this reform. Why can't Mexicans immigrate and become citizens just like someone from Germany, Australia or India?

How the United States Immigration System Works: A Fact Sheet | Immigration Policy Center
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cool... keep losing national elections.

Ssshhhhhhuuuusshh. Don't tell them they are cutting their own throats! By the time they figure it out...they will be extinct. :clap2:

The clock is ticking on Republicans

They are on the verge of losing the Hispanic vote for a generation while they play their petty games

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