Looking for biological parents in Israel


Feb 27, 2012
I have a question regarding Israeli (family) law and adoption.

A friend of mine was adopted 20 years ago from Israel by a European family. She is currently desperately looking for her biological mother (and father) who gave her up for adoption because she was unmarried, a taboo at that time in her community. She has received some information from the Israeli Office, such as a copy of the adoption papers and the form of consent to adoption. These state little about her parents, only the date of birth, name and surname of her mother but that unfortunately hasn't been enough to find her. The address of her mother has been erased with a marker. She has also been given a (translated) copy of a letter that is written by her biological father. He wrote his name and passport number in this letter, but this was also erased by the Office.

Can anyone please inform me if, according to Israeli law, it is possible to start a procedure that can make the erased information available for my friend? Is there any jurisprudence on this matter? And what are the rights of a adopted person residing outside of Israel when they seek for information concerning their biological parents?

I would be very, very thankful if anyone could help us, because it is difficult to find any information on this matter.

Kind regards,

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