Tribalism, oppression, illiteracy & ignorance


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Following the 9/11 attack on America, the UN, clearly no friend of Israel, sponsored "State of the Arab World" reports which were authored by Middle East Arab scholars. Free of Arab state sponsorship and influence and unable to hide the truth lest their scholarship be ridiculed by their international collegues, their findings were measured yet very revealing. They proved that under the right circumstances some honest introspection about the negative impact of Arab-Muslim culture is possible. Now if we could only get the otherwise thoughtful and rational defenders of that culture here to admit what those courageous scholars concluded: that modern Arab/Muslim culture enslaves upwards of 500 MILLION people by providing fertile ground for the intolerance, oppression, injustice, misogyny, illiteracy and anti-modernity which holds them captive. IMHO their failed culture is the ultimate impediment in their dealings with Israel, the West and with each other.

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