look out for nazis at Trump political rally


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
the leftists and black nazis will be there
[ HITLER'S ] SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally

Trump rally repeatedly disrupted by protesters

DISRUPTING the meetings of political opponents
the leftists and black NAZIS--exactly like nazis

etc many more links
Well, we all know how they operate...

I'm just wondering if they'll have another "Where's my check???" protest when they run out of money again!!!

The terrorist wing of the Democratic Party will show up, for sure same as they did in 1921 when they burned the Greenwood district down; their terrorist wing was the KKK back then, now it's 'AntiFa' and 'BLM'. Same tactics, just swapped colors of the targets is all. Racism and gangsterism is always their agenda. Now that Wall Street needs to bail out of Red China, the 'Left' is now their weapon of choice against nationalists and pro-American patriots. They want to re-create the 'economic miracle' Red China was here now they think we're ripe to be taken down, ethnically cleansed, and labor put in its proper place in the 'Globalist' agenda, where the 'libertarian's' and left wingers both think they belong.

Are they right? They're going whole hog on this one, while the 'silent majority' tools along on its riding lawn mowers and Prozac prescriptions. Nobody is keeping up with the fiasco mail in ballots are causing in primaries, and no one is interested in stopping them from being abused.
A delightfully ironic thread, given the fact that thousands will be there to see and celebrate a brash, arrogant, narcissistic, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promises them he'll save the country by ridding them of millions of undesirables.

Talk about Deja Vu, huh?

Not even close.
the leftists and black nazis will be there
[ HITLER'S ] SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally

Trump rally repeatedly disrupted by protesters

DISRUPTING the meetings of political opponents
the leftists and black NAZIS--exactly like nazis

etc many more links

the nazis will be wearing MAGA hats

the leftists and black nazis will be there
[ HITLER'S ] SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally

Trump rally repeatedly disrupted by protesters

DISRUPTING the meetings of political opponents
the leftists and black NAZIS--exactly like nazis

etc many more links

the nazis will be wearing MAGA hats

View attachment 352581
A delightfully ironic thread, given the fact that thousands will be there to see and celebrate a brash, arrogant, narcissistic, pugilistic nationalist of European descent who promises them he'll save the country by ridding them of millions of undesirables.

Talk about Deja Vu, huh?
When you put it that way it sounds so good. Then we know the real truth.
look out for nazis at Trump political rally
Well DUH!

It's tRump rally!

Most of the attendees will be Nazis.

Talk about stating the obvious.
yes antifa will be there and they will have their asses handed to them some may even be shot
Antifa fights Nazis, Dimwit.

Everyone knows that.
Antifa are the nazis they attack American citizens who do not agree with them politically
Eventually, normal people will turn en masse on the disruptive clowns and beat them to a bloody smear.

A cheer will go up nationwide.
Who will you worship after tRump gets "beaten to a bloody smear"?

rather odd how the NON-violent conservatives spend so much time thinking about the violent things they want to do to people who merely disagree with them.

they should use ALL of their motto...

'MAGA ------the only good democrat is a dead democrat'

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