London has fallen

just an aside......i am a dog person...muslims hate dogs and will torture and kill them...i do not get that at all...their treatment of animals ...women and young kids....they fuck dancing boys? wtf?
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More to the point...welcome to your future...brought to you by your friendly oligarchs. The liberal elites.
London was lost when it elected a Muslim mayor.
England was lost when its number one birth name became Muhammad as well as the average birthrate of children per Muslim family being 7.1 versus 1.8 per non-Muslim family.
Unless the government temporarily suspends its liberties and uses the military to force most Muslims out of England, it is indeed going to become an Islamic Theocracy over time and I don't see Britain's government doing that.
And how long have you lived in England expert? Muslims are 2% of the population. Are you really that paranoid?
Want to go back to our Japanese internment camps? farare does
And they are responsible for ALL of our terrorism and are way over represented in the prison population.
Agreed. They need to build and house all Muslim prisoners in their own prison so that they don't infest the other prisoners.
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More to the point...welcome to your future...brought to you by your friendly oligarchs. The liberal elites.
London was lost when it elected a Muslim mayor.
England was lost when its number one birth name became Muhammad as well as the average birthrate of children per Muslim family being 7.1 versus 1.8 per non-Muslim family.
Unless the government temporarily suspends its liberties and uses the military to force most Muslims out of England, it is indeed going to become an Islamic Theocracy over time and I don't see Britain's government doing that.
And how long have you lived in England expert? Muslims are 2% of the population. Are you really that paranoid?
Want to go back to our Japanese internment camps? farare does
Well, don't take my word for it, do your own research, lazy. However, I'll toss in a few sources regarding the top birth name England:
The Guardian.
Daily Mail.
Times of India.
The Mirror.
Aljazeera (if you as a Muslim, prefer your Muslim sources).
The Telegraph.
just an aside......i am a dog person...muslims hate dogs and will torture and kill them...i do not get that at all...their treatment of animals ...women and young kids....they fuck dancing boys? wtf?

'Literally translated, bacha bazi means “playing with kids,” and is slang for sexual slavery and child prostitution that thrives across Afghanistan and certain parts of Pakistan. Prepubescent boys between ages of 14 to 18 are sold to wealthy and powerful patrons for entertainment and illicit sex. Women are not allowed to dance in public, and so the boys are made to perform feminine gestures and acts.

Beardless and effeminate boys are highly sought after by patrons, often powerful merchants or warlords who can indulge with impunity. Large halls are used as venues for the parties, where the boys dance clad in women’s clothing with bells tied to their feet and a scarf wrapped around their face as they parade for hours. The parties also provide an opportunity for buying and selling. Once the party concludes the boys are sold to the highest bidder or shared for sex. In return they are given small tokens of money and food.' Bacha Bazi: The Tragedy of Afghanistan’s Dancing Boys

"The 9-year-old boy with pale skin and big, piercing eyes captivated Mirzahan at first sight.

“He is more handsome than anyone in the village,” the 22-year-old farmer said, explaining why he is grooming the boy as a sexual partner and companion. There was another important factor that made Waheed easy to take on as a bacha bazi, or a boy for pleasure: “He doesn’t have a father, so there is no one to stop this.”

A growing number of Afghan children are being coerced into a life of sexual abuse."Afghanistan’s rich and powerful flaunt ‘dancing boy’ companions

It goes so far that the rewards in Paradise include young boys...

And they will even be given pre-pubescent young boys, “beautiful, perpetually fresh pearls” (Sura 52:24, 56:17, 76:19)

Many have interpreted these Sura as license for pederasty.
"Round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness."
"•Sura 52:24. "And there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls."
no i am saying....random acts of terror have been with us for a good while and will stay with you react to them is on you act like every muslims is a terrorist and that is not true

By acting as if every Muslim is a terrorist I could eliminate all Muslim trrrorism. What's the downside?
my glasses tell me that when you have to use this type of person to defend your position you have lost your moral compass....just saying

Are you saying you want the Christian Right to return to politics? I thought that battle was already fought and won? No room for moral compasses in politics.
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More to the point...welcome to your future...brought to you by your friendly oligarchs. The liberal elites.

So, 7 people died in London the other day and 4-5 died a few weeks back. That's what, 12 people in a city of 8 million who died.

Phili has a population of 1.5 million, and a murder rate of 17.9 per 100,000 people per year, which is about 268 murders a year. That's nearly one a day. That's about the same rate as London with terror attacks in a very short period of time.

And the right says that that is acceptable.

MORON. that's why you guys are suicidal.

Oh, wow, insults.
Muslim population in the U.K.:

1950: 100,000
1970: 667,000
2000: 1,500,000
2010: 2,476,000
2017: 2,700,000
In what 80000000?
Like the US, the Muslims are better educated and earn more than local rubes.
The economy would be hurt w/o them.
why so scaredy cat??

Not necessarily in the UK, the Pakistanis are often under-educated and should never have been let in the UK in the first place. Not for reasons of race or religion, but for reasons of education levels. But then WW2 saw the need for low wage workers....

To think this would have happened to America if clinton had won the election. She would have fast tracked muslims here till we were in the same boat as England. Thank God for Trump and lets hope the brits can somehow get armed like Americans are.

These attackers in England have been by citizens. Stopping immigration of Muslims would have had zero effect.

Errr no. They haven't all been homegrown. And those that have been are the offspring of immigrants. Stopping new immigrants means stopping future Islamist scum.

You're forgetting that not all Muslims come from immigrant families. My parents are both converts to Islam. So what's the plan to stop non immigrant Muslims like myself?

In fact in many places convert Muslims make up a large portion of Muslim populatio.

To think this would have happened to America if clinton had won the election. She would have fast tracked muslims here till we were in the same boat as England. Thank God for Trump and lets hope the brits can somehow get armed like Americans are.

These attackers in England have been by citizens. Stopping immigration of Muslims would have had zero effect.

Errr no. They haven't all been homegrown. And those that have been are the offspring of immigrants. Stopping new immigrants means stopping future Islamist scum.

You're forgetting that not all Muslims come from immigrant families. My parents are both converts to Islam. So what's the plan to stop non immigrant Muslims like myself?

In fact in many places convert Muslims make up a large portion of Muslim populatio.

I forget nothing. I responded to your spin that the attackers are always homegrown and therefore are not immigrants.
You also said 'these attackers in England have been by citizens' (sic). Well, 1 was born in Pakistan, one was of either Moroccan or Libyan heritage, living in Ireland, and one was from Italy - not sure of his origins.
And, as I said most of the terrorists that are homegrown are of course the offspring of immigrants, so stopping further immigration of Muslims will reduce these numbers, whether you like it or not.
just an aside......i am a dog person...muslims hate dogs and will torture and kill them...i do not get that at all...their treatment of animals ...women and young kids....they fuck dancing boys? wtf?
This is to just address the issue of dogs. Muhammad declared dogs as "unclean" animals. You can find them wandering freely about in Afghanistan, not being tortured.
Personally, I think that his dislike of dogs was because the dogs sensed what a piece of garbage he was and reacted to his presence accordingly.
View attachment 131044

More to the point...welcome to your future...brought to you by your friendly oligarchs. The liberal elites.
Damn, they invaded another country. Right after that Muslim Jihadist Barack Hussein Obama put mosques on every corner and Christians in concentration camps!
These attackers in England have been by citizens. Stopping immigration of Muslims would have had zero effect.

What is this wishful thinking? Or an outright lie?

Rachid Redouane Moroccan
Khuram Butt Pakistani
Youssef Zaghba Morroccan

Sooner or later they will become more indigenous as the Muslim invaders reproduce on the host soil. That still isnt homegrown. It is foreign in background, loyalty and ideology. But in this case the attackers were all born overseas.
You remind me of Podesta in his desire for white or citizen scapegoats to further his own war against American citizens.

"Better if a guy named Sayeed Farouk was reporting that a guy named Christopher Hayes was the shooter," John Podesta wrote in a Dec. 2, 2015, email to Karen Finney, a Clinton campaign spokeswoman.
Podesta was referring to MSNBC host Christopher Hayes, who had tweeted at the time that a U.S. citizen named "Sayeed Farouk" was believed to be one of the people involved in the shooting."

Yes Leon that would have been so sweet! You sick traitorous puppy.

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