LoLz!. FOXNEWS Says U.S. Special Forces Unable To Scale Trump's Wall

This thread was made to be nothing but a cheap shot and backfired on you, because you didn’t take time to vet it, first. You lost.
I know, you're WINNING!!!


That is some funny shit….

Dumb ass liberals like charlie sheen think they are “winnngh”

while PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP is stomping the

living shit out of the fools…

Now that is WINNING…
Pravda ain't got NUTHHIN on them!

This wall is a waste of money.
All you need to do is drive a tall truck up to the
wall, toss a few rope ladders over and down
anywhere you want to crossover it. I'm sure the cartels
will provide these services. So they are on the outside of the wall.
And can keep walking now. And the tunnels. or poeple here will
l supply food and drinks in staging area on your travel.

So DOPer MAGA Great BB WALL Morons!
What will the 2nd line of defense behind the great
wall going to be?

btw: Some 80% are legal visa entry flying into the USA.
What does this wall do again?
No matter how high the wall, the ladder only needs to be one foot higher.

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