LOL when she asked questions in Congress.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

She forgot to mention Plan parenthood and unions which have a lot of influence on the Democrats!

My God, what a gift. Thank you liberals for this.
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She forgot to mention Plan parenthood and unions which have a lot of influence on the Democrats!

My God, what a gift. Thank you liberals for this.

So, now we have congress on trial, and it will be on trial for the remainder of this woman's active career in politics ???

So, this woman was elected not to come to Washington in order to add yet a new vibrant member who can do good things for her constituency, and do it in an orderly member fashion, and in an orderly decent way, but no she has instead come to Washington to place all opposition members or the members found upon one side of the isle only (on trial for their crimes, treasonous activities, traitorous activities, and inappropriate actions while serving) ????????

And she is operating by what she see's and/or is being told by those in the background, that they are all guilty ????

So an attack is now on bigtime by the left, and their aim is to uncover, attack, and serve notice that they have a new sheriff in town, and her name is AOC.

This wrecklace Mueller bullcrap has unleashed hell in Washington DC, and it has given rise to the possibility of any new faces not being there just to serve their constituency and their state as represented, but they are instead their to over throw and overcome wealth and power being held in the hands of what they see as WHITES who must be broken and defeated in order to cleanse the nation of it's past and present sins of oppression, racism, greed, and dictatorships.

The 1960's have finally come to seize power, and it wants revenge big time through the students that have been groomed just for that purpose in their lives.

She forgot to mention Plan parenthood and unions which have a lot of influence on the Democrats!

My God, what a gift. Thank you liberals for this.

So, now we have congress on trial, and it will be on trial for the remainder of this woman's active career in politics ???

So, this woman was elected not to come to Washington in order to add yet a new vibrant member who can do good things for her constituency, and do it in an orderly member fashion, and in an orderly decent way, but no she has instead come to Washington to place all opposition members or the members found upon one side of the isle only (on trial for their crimes, treasonous activities, traitorous activities, and inappropriate actions while serving) ????????

And she is operating by what she see's and/or is being told by those in the background, that they are all guilty ????

So an attack is now on bigtime by the left, and their aim is to uncover, attack, and serve notice that they have a new sheriff in town, and her name is AOC.

This wrecklace Mueller bullcrap has unleashed hell in Washington DC, and it has given rise to the possibility of any new faces not being there just to serve their constituency and their state as represented, but they are instead their to over throw and overcome wealth and power being held in the hands of what they see as WHITES who must be broken and defeated in order to cleanse the nation of it's past and present sins of oppression, racism, greed, and dictatorships.

The 1960's have finally come to seize power, and it wants revenge big time through the students that have been groomed just for that purpose in their lives.

I love how she was sitting there, thinking she was so fucking smart. Talking to Congress like they were 3rd graders.

I have experienced women like this before. They are in positions of power and they act like that. They are embarrassments. Fortunately for me I never had to work for this type of shit.

Women like that should be teaching actual 3rd graders or kindergartners. Not in some position where they are making legislation.

My God, and the hypocrisy of the left. We all know it has no bounds. They have no control over it whatsoever.

She forgot to mention Plan parenthood and unions which have a lot of influence on the Democrats!

My God, what a gift. Thank you liberals for this.

So, now we have congress on trial, and it will be on trial for the remainder of this woman's active career in politics ???

So, this woman was elected not to come to Washington in order to add yet a new vibrant member who can do good things for her constituency, and do it in an orderly member fashion, and in an orderly decent way, but no she has instead come to Washington to place all opposition members or the members found upon one side of the isle only (on trial for their crimes, treasonous activities, traitorous activities, and inappropriate actions while serving) ????????

And she is operating by what she see's and/or is being told by those in the background, that they are all guilty ????

So an attack is now on bigtime by the left, and their aim is to uncover, attack, and serve notice that they have a new sheriff in town, and her name is AOC.

This wrecklace Mueller bullcrap has unleashed hell in Washington DC, and it has given rise to the possibility of any new faces not being there just to serve their constituency and their state as represented, but they are instead their to over throw and overcome wealth and power being held in the hands of what they see as WHITES who must be broken and defeated in order to cleanse the nation of it's past and present sins of oppression, racism, greed, and dictatorships.

The 1960's have finally come to seize power, and it wants revenge big time through the students that have been groomed just for that purpose in their lives.

I love how she was sitting there, thinking she was so frucking smart. Talking to Congress like they were 3rd graders.

I have experienced women like this before. They are in positions of power and they act like that. They are embarrassments. Fortunately for me I never had to work for this type of shit.

Women like that should be teaching actual 3rd graders or kindergartners. Not in some position where they are making legislation.

My God, and the hypocrisy of the left. We all know it has no bounds. They have no control over it whatsoever.

It's what I saw in that situation when reviewing the clip.
The DNC will purge her.
I don't think you understand. I agree with you, but they are also being overwhelmed.

beto, gillum, cortez, newsome, they are all taking over. It is like finding a couple ants in your house. Where you see one, you know there are many more.

This woman won the election and she is still being applauded by her voters. There is at least 50% of this country that truly believe in this vision. Believe the world will be ending in 12 years if the airline industry is not eradicated. If ALL cars are taken from the middle and poor classes, and if EVERY LAST BUILDING in America (including every home) is not torn down and made GREEN.

This is what is being voted in. This is what is being taught in the schools. Being promoted on ALL of the media sources not named FOX or OAN. This is what is being promoted in every movie, and every song, and every TV show.

This is the result.

They are too many to count, and this ought to concern us a lot more than it is. This cortez may very well go away, but the ideology is not. They will eventually find one that will lie like obama (keep your doctor) and convince more than 50%.

I hope everyone is getting ready for 80% tax rate, $10 per gallon for gas, and the utter obliteration of the middle class. This is going to happen.

We are not going to be overhauling the education system in this country and this is what is being pumped into our society.

Did you ever think that gender would be an actual issue that has influenced actual policy in this world? In this country.
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She forgot to mention Plan parenthood and unions which have a lot of influence on the Democrats!

My God, what a gift. Thank you liberals for this.

So, now we have congress on trial, and it will be on trial for the remainder of this woman's active career in politics ???

So, this woman was elected not to come to Washington in order to add yet a new vibrant member who can do good things for her constituency, and do it in an orderly member fashion, and in an orderly decent way, but no she has instead come to Washington to place all opposition members or the members found upon one side of the isle only (on trial for their crimes, treasonous activities, traitorous activities, and inappropriate actions while serving) ????????

And she is operating by what she see's and/or is being told by those in the background, that they are all guilty ????

So an attack is now on bigtime by the left, and their aim is to uncover, attack, and serve notice that they have a new sheriff in town, and her name is AOC.

This wrecklace Mueller bullcrap has unleashed hell in Washington DC, and it has given rise to the possibility of any new faces not being there just to serve their constituency and their state as represented, but they are instead their to over throw and overcome wealth and power being held in the hands of what they see as WHITES who must be broken and defeated in order to cleanse the nation of it's past and present sins of oppression, racism, greed, and dictatorships.

The 1960's have finally come to seize power, and it wants revenge big time through the students that have been groomed just for that purpose in their lives.

I love how she was sitting there, thinking she was so fucking smart. Talking to Congress like they were 3rd graders.

I have experienced women like this before. They are in positions of power and they act like that. They are embarrassments. Fortunately for me I never had to work for this type of shit.

Women like that should be teaching actual 3rd graders or kindergartners. Not in some position where they are making legislation.

My God, and the hypocrisy of the left. We all know it has no bounds. They have no control over it whatsoever.

There are women like that who are in rural areas. In professional jobs and who have destroyed people like progressives do. Fiefdoms of power are everywhere with men being led by their diks. This diminishes women who are outstanding and excellent and are not on the the DEFCON worst rating for war. Many people banding together can destroy any individual. And using the local general population to make it worse. Believe me, experiencing it is brutal. Surveillance, Bio ID and Facial Recognition is our Waterloo. People screw and destroy each other. Their character suffers when their potential pensions are in the bulls eye. I am telling you that 20 years ago this was a problem. And this is not a nasty retort on your thread. Most people will not stand up to admit they screwed over someone. For the they are the real cowards.
The DNC will purge her.
I don't think you understand. I agree with you, but they are also being overwhelmed.

beto, gillum, cortez, newsome, they are all taking over. It is like finding a couple ants in your house. Where you see one, you know there are many more.

This woman won the election and she is still being applauded by her voters. There is at least 50% of this country that truly believe in this vision. Believe the world will be ending in 12 years if the airline industry is not eradicated. If ALL cars are taken from the middle and poor and classes, and if EVERY LAST BUILDING in America (including every home) is not torn down and made GREEN.

This is what is being voted in. This is what is being taught in the schools. Being promoted on ALL of the media sources not named FOX or OAN. This is what is being promoted in every movie, and every song, and every TV show.

This is the result.

They are too many to count, and this ought to concern us a lot more than it is. This cortez may very well go away, but the ideology is not. They will eventually find one that will lie like obama (keep your doctor) and convince more than 50%.

I hope everyone is getting ready for 80% tax rate, $10 per gallon for gas, and the utter obliteration of the middle class. This is going to happen.

We are not going to be overhauling the education system in this country and this is what is being pumped into our society.

Did you ever think that gender would be an actual issue that has influenced actual policy in this world? In this country.

It almost makes one wonder if in regards to the same thing that this nation done in Germany after world war two (erasing all forms of Nazism from their doctrines, education, and etc) is also what we should be doing today in America when it comes to the ideology of leftism.

Otherwise just start a huge reunification and education program that re-installs the standards, values, beliefs, liberties, and freedom's that had brought this nation through so much over it's history.

Time to erase the hate, and make America great for all American's who agree with the basic principles that had created this nation, and has developed this nation over time into a major powerhouse be it here, and in the world at large.

She forgot to mention Plan parenthood and unions which have a lot of influence on the Democrats!

My God, what a gift. Thank you liberals for this.

Oh you mean like police unions that usually vote republican or the less than 7 percent of the working class which is in a union..?
Planned parenthood which is still in operation even after and all Republican govt.?
The DNC will purge her.
I don't think you understand. I agree with you, but they are also being overwhelmed.

beto, gillum, cortez, newsome, they are all taking over. It is like finding a couple ants in your house. Where you see one, you know there are many more.

This woman won the election and she is still being applauded by her voters. There is at least 50% of this country that truly believe in this vision. Believe the world will be ending in 12 years if the airline industry is not eradicated. If ALL cars are taken from the middle and poor and classes, and if EVERY LAST BUILDING in America (including every home) is not torn down and made GREEN.

This is what is being voted in. This is what is being taught in the schools. Being promoted on ALL of the media sources not named FOX or OAN. This is what is being promoted in every movie, and every song, and every TV show.

This is the result.

They are too many to count, and this ought to concern us a lot more than it is. This cortez may very well go away, but the ideology is not. They will eventually find one that will lie like obama (keep your doctor) and convince more than 50%.

I hope everyone is getting ready for 80% tax rate, $10 per gallon for gas, and the utter obliteration of the middle class. This is going to happen.

We are not going to be overhauling the education system in this country and this is what is being pumped into our society.

Did you ever think that gender would be an actual issue that has influenced actual policy in this world? In this country.

It almost makes one wonder if in regards to the same thing that this nation done in Germany after world war two (erasing all forms of Nazism from their doctrines, education, and etc) is also what we should be doing today in America when it comes to the ideology of leftism.

Otherwise just start a huge reunification and education program that re-installs the standards, values, beliefs, liberties, and freedom's that had brought this nation through so much over it's history.

Time to erase the hate, and make America great for all American's who agree with the basic principles that had created this nation, and has developed this nation over time into a major powerhouse be it here, and in the world at large.

The left believe if you do not believe in lockstep with them about every one of their issues, that it is you that is engaging in hate.

That is what they believe and they break out the race card or nazi card in the same way a cobra uses its venom.
The DNC will purge her.
You mean the DNC of today ?? Anyone who can drive the republicans crazy, the DNC will cheer and applaud them on. They are all into deep now.

This girl hasn't even done ANYTHING to date except get elected and already Republicans are suffering from AOC Derangement. Poor little snowflakes.
They finally found someone to pounce upon that is as naive and new as Trump..
The DNC will purge her.
I don't think you understand. I agree with you, but they are also being overwhelmed.

beto, gillum, cortez, newsome, they are all taking over. It is like finding a couple ants in your house. Where you see one, you know there are many more.

This woman won the election and she is still being applauded by her voters. There is at least 50% of this country that truly believe in this vision. Believe the world will be ending in 12 years if the airline industry is not eradicated. If ALL cars are taken from the middle and poor classes, and if EVERY LAST BUILDING in America (including every home) is not torn down and made GREEN.

This is what is being voted in. This is what is being taught in the schools. Being promoted on ALL of the media sources not named FOX or OAN. This is what is being promoted in every movie, and every song, and every TV show.

This is the result.

They are too many to count, and this ought to concern us a lot more than it is. This cortez may very well go away, but the ideology is not. They will eventually find one that will lie like obama (keep your doctor) and convince more than 50%.

I hope everyone is getting ready for 80% tax rate, $10 per gallon for gas, and the utter obliteration of the middle class. This is going to happen.

We are not going to be overhauling the education system in this country and this is what is being pumped into our society.

Did you ever think that gender would be an actual issue that has influenced actual policy in this world? In this country.

40 years of Republican economic policies which have bankrupted the public treasury, and benefited only the wealthy, and all you clowns can bleat about is more of the same. You people deserve to be relegated to banana republic status. You've earned it.

Smart Americans are tired of the Republican economic promises of properity for all under free-market capitalism, and the reality of a working class dependent on government handouts and a rapidly shrinking middle class. The bottom 80% are tired of Republicans lies, and demagoguery, and they WILL vote for socialism because capitalism hasn't been working for THEM for a long, long time.
I'm over the "Golly, this is totally crazy!" shit. It reminds me of college kids that flip out when they read something about the Reagan era and rage away.
The DNC will purge her.
I don't think you understand. I agree with you, but they are also being overwhelmed.

beto, gillum, cortez, newsome, they are all taking over. It is like finding a couple ants in your house. Where you see one, you know there are many more.

This woman won the election and she is still being applauded by her voters. There is at least 50% of this country that truly believe in this vision. Believe the world will be ending in 12 years if the airline industry is not eradicated. If ALL cars are taken from the middle and poor classes, and if EVERY LAST BUILDING in America (including every home) is not torn down and made GREEN.

This is what is being voted in. This is what is being taught in the schools. Being promoted on ALL of the media sources not named FOX or OAN. This is what is being promoted in every movie, and every song, and every TV show.

This is the result.

They are too many to count, and this ought to concern us a lot more than it is. This cortez may very well go away, but the ideology is not. They will eventually find one that will lie like obama (keep your doctor) and convince more than 50%.

I hope everyone is getting ready for 80% tax rate, $10 per gallon for gas, and the utter obliteration of the middle class. This is going to happen.

We are not going to be overhauling the education system in this country and this is what is being pumped into our society.

Did you ever think that gender would be an actual issue that has influenced actual policy in this world? In this country.

Yeah. in the next oh say forty years you may see something but your running around advancing fear behavior makes you look like a pantywasted guy that lives in fear of the future which is a waste of time.
I'm over the "Golly, this is totally crazy!" shit. It reminds me of college kids that flip out when they read something about the Reagan era and rage away.
Like when he called the Beach Boys a corruptible band of drug abusers?

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