Lois Lerner to take the 5th. Again.



So if a few southerners fly Confederate flags then ALL southerners are racist in-breds? That's what you believe? The stupidity of that is staggering...even for you!

As for Germans flying a flag with a swastika on it? You're obviously as ignorant about Germany as you are about everything else, Joe since it is against the law to fly a flag with a swastika on it in Germany and you would be arrested before anyone HAD to "beat the snot" out of you.

So...what else are you going to prove your ignorance about today, Joe?

And there ought to be law in THIS country against flying Confederate flags, that's the point, dumbass.

But not the South, where you are sooo proud of your great-grandpappy who fought for the right of a few rich white folks to keep raping black folks. Yeeeehhaaaa. And we don't want us no Yankee Unions down here! We want the right to work for less money!

I'm from Massachusetts...you blathering idiot! And my great grandfather fought on the Union side as an officer in the 54 Massachusetts Infantry. Anything else you want to make an ass out of yourself over? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Fuck Lois Lerner! I wouldn't give her immunity on anything. This needs to be treated like an investigation into organized crime. Start with the low level agents at the IRS...threaten them with jail time if they don't testify to who told them to do what they did and lesser sentences if they do cooperate. Work your way up the chain of command. If someone won't play ball then hit them with the harshest sentence available and send their asses to prison. If Lerner is the person who was in charge of this then she's the one who will go away for the longest stretch...if it was someone in the Obama White House who was in on this then Lerner can buy herself some time off her sentence by giving them up...if not then she can rot in prison.

Okay. That works.

"I demand a jury Trial right here in Washington DC."

Where they vote 95% Democratic.

Frankly, before I'd send anyone to prison, I want to know what harm was actually done here. How was anyone's life ruined because they didnt' get their fraudulent tax exemption?

And, no, not getting the results you wanted in an election isn't "harm". You clowns did that to yourselves when you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot that even you didn't like that much.

If I steal your broken TV I have nonetheless stolen. Harm doesnt really enter into it.
Although the groups have testified their inability to offer tax deductions hurt their legitimacy and their donations. Which was in fact the purpose of holding them up.

Except that 501(c)(4) donations are anonymous but not tax deductible. Their donors want the ability to hide who and what they are supporting.
Nixon resigned because he lied about watergate. Viet Nam was a stupid waste of 58,000 american lives and billions of dollars---Nixon ended it.

The IRS should do its job, but it should not target political opponents to try to destroy them and make them less effective-----------that is what they did and that is what Lerner refuses to tell the truth about.

Nixon resigned because he knew he would be convicted.

Nixon Prolonged Vietnam War for Political Gain?And Johnson Knew About It, Newly Unclassified Tapes Suggest | Smart News | Smithsonian

The IRS should deny those groups the status they seek. Their work is not exclusively social welfare but politically motivated and those that donate to their cause should be known to the public.

So do you what the same for Organizing for America?

Under our system of law there is a presumption of innocence...EXCEPT when it comes to taxes!

Is this sort of ignorance and stupidity common among most conservatives? It seems so.

This is an issue for the right because of their dogmatic hatred of taxes and the IRS, having little to do with the ‘scandal,’ in conjunction with conservatives harboring this bizarre and pathetic idea that this IRS thing will prove to be Obama’s ‘undoing.’

I can only assume from that statement that you don't pay taxes, Clayton because if you DID you'd know that the IRS has the power to seize your assets until you prove that they should rightfully belong to you. There is no presumption of innocence in the process. It isn't up to the IRS to prove that you've done something incorrectly...it's up to YOU to prove that you HAVE done things correctly.

So if a few southerners fly Confederate flags then ALL southerners are racist in-breds? That's what you believe? The stupidity of that is staggering...even for you!

As for Germans flying a flag with a swastika on it? You're obviously as ignorant about Germany as you are about everything else, Joe since it is against the law to fly a flag with a swastika on it in Germany and you would be arrested before anyone HAD to "beat the snot" out of you.

So...what else are you going to prove your ignorance about today, Joe?

And there ought to be law in THIS country against flying Confederate flags, that's the point, dumbass.

But not the South, where you are sooo proud of your great-grandpappy who fought for the right of a few rich white folks to keep raping black folks. Yeeeehhaaaa. And we don't want us no Yankee Unions down here! We want the right to work for less money!

Such a law would be unconstitutional.

Well, you answered that question quickly, Joe! You're going to prove your ignorance about trials!!!

The OJ jury had two whites and one Hispanic on it...it was not all black.

Nor was the Zimmerman jury all white...it had five whites and one Hispanic.

You're just bound and determined to show this board that you don't know MUCH about a whole lot of things...aren't you, Joe?

I don't waste my time on irrelevent points. YOu seem to like them and pretend you made a point while ignoring major points.

A MOSTLY black Jury ignored obvious evidence of Simpson guilt because they wanted payback for Rodney King and a lot of other shit. That a few non-black jurors let them do it is irrelevent.

That one Hispanic woman let herself get rolled on the Zimmerman Jury is also irrelevent.

Okay. Here's the point you want to fucking ignore. A jury empanelled in DC to hear about how Lois committed the HORRID crime of not letting Teabaggers defraud the IRS will be mostly made up of black folks.

You know the same Teabaggers who show up with signs like THIS about the first black president.


"Oh, Gosh, those poor crackers didn't get a tax deduction to attack black people!"

Good luck with that. Honestly.

Oh, now it's a "MOSTLY" black jury? LOL...you spout nonsense and then when it's pointed out that you're wrong you declare it to be "irrelevent" (sic) to your point. How many things are you going to be wrong on in just one thread, Joe? You could be well on your way to the US Message Board record on this one!

The thing that is rapidly becoming irrelevant here is you...
Since this is about Lerner, does anyone care they still haven't turned over all her emails?
Of course we care...the IRS is dragging it's feet hoping the matter will be dropped. It isn't going to happen. As a citizen? I demand the truth, and those responsible be thrown in jail. They broke the LAW.

can you believe they are trying to tell the committee it could be years before they can turn over the emails? Wonder, since these came out, what they are really hiding. And why on earth is the committee allowing the IRS, itself to rummage through the emails, rather than turn all of hers, as well as some of the others such as the names below as well, over to them untouched by the IRS?
I don't understand.


Wow! Some sure are trying hard to disrupt this threads true subject matter. Personally, it is too important to allow that to happen. Lerner and her coharts were corrupt.
Wow! Some sure are trying hard to disrupt this threads true subject matter. Personally, it is too important to allow that to happen. Lerner and her coharts were corrupt.

Her direction had to come from the whitehouse, so-----------------------------------
Since this is about Lerner, does anyone care they still haven't turned over all her emails?
Of course we care...the IRS is dragging it's feet hoping the matter will be dropped. It isn't going to happen. As a citizen? I demand the truth, and those responsible be thrown in jail. They broke the LAW.

can you believe they are trying to tell the committee it could be years before they can turn over the emails? Wonder, since these came out, what they are really hiding. And why on earth is the committee allowing the IRS, itself to rummage through the emails, rather than turn all of hers, as well as some of the others such as the names below as well, over to them untouched by the IRS?
I don't understand.



Some of Lerner's emails looked damaging. It looks like this whole targeting scheme was planned. So, let's have a look at all of her emails regarding the matter. Should be easy enough, but the IRS is stalling.

In other words, well after the next presidential election. It's not surprising they want to delay until after the midterms, but they don't want the corruption in the Democrat party revealed until after they get Hillary in office. If she gets elected, will she spend her time in office blaming the Obama administration?

The excuse for the incredibly long delay is that it will take lawyers that long to edit emails and remove tax payers' personal information. It's lovely that they are suddenly concerned about people's privacy, though why was Lerner discussing people's private information in emails to such a great extent? We have already been told that emails can't guarantee privacy. Suddenly, they are acting like guardians of people's sensitive information. That's a new one after millions of people went to the Obamacare website, which was proven to be an easy target for scam artists. Not to mention the millions of people who are unknowlingly "sharing" their social security number with illegal aliens and other criminals. Suddenly, they care about our privacy and security. How special. I can't believe anyone will actually buy that, but the liberals will be along to defend this latest stall tactic and probably call me some names while they're at it.

The funny part is that we are supposed to trust lawyers (who work for the Dems) over those investigating this matter.

IRS stonewalls probe of tea party targeting emails - Washington Times

Daily News Briefing: IRS commissioner: Sorry, we can't produce all Lerner's e-mails before the election | Best of Cain
You and Rep. Issa can make all the wild accusations you want, until you have proof that the President ordered the IRS to do it, it's still a phony scandal to claim that he did.

the e-mail trail is already out there, go look it up. It is yet to be determined if obama personally directed it, but if it was one of his close staffers its virtually the same thing.
Hummmm...... Interesting! I suspect that if the argument were about Christie, his staffers, and their emails you would argue exactly opposite of what you are saying about Obama and his staffers.

Hmmmmmm............Not a fan of Christies, but he turned over his iphone and let the lawyers search his email accounts.
Of course we care...the IRS is dragging it's feet hoping the matter will be dropped. It isn't going to happen. As a citizen? I demand the truth, and those responsible be thrown in jail. They broke the LAW.

can you believe they are trying to tell the committee it could be years before they can turn over the emails? Wonder, since these came out, what they are really hiding. And why on earth is the committee allowing the IRS, itself to rummage through the emails, rather than turn all of hers, as well as some of the others such as the names below as well, over to them untouched by the IRS?
I don't understand.



Some of Lerner's emails looked damaging. It looks like this whole targeting scheme was planned. So, let's have a look at all of her emails regarding the matter. Should be easy enough, but the IRS is stalling.

In other words, well after the next presidential election. It's not surprising they want to delay until after the midterms, but they don't want the corruption in the Democrat party revealed until after they get Hillary in office. If she gets elected, will she spend her time in office blaming the Obama administration?

The excuse for the incredibly long delay is that it will take lawyers that long to edit emails and remove tax payers' personal information. It's lovely that they are suddenly concerned about people's privacy, though why was Lerner discussing people's private information in emails to such a great extent? We have already been told that emails can't guarantee privacy. Suddenly, they are acting like guardians of people's sensitive information. That's a new one after millions of people went to the Obamacare website, which was proven to be an easy target for scam artists. Not to mention the millions of people who are unknowlingly "sharing" their social security number with illegal aliens and other criminals. Suddenly, they care about our privacy and security. How special. I can't believe anyone will actually buy that, but the liberals will be along to defend this latest stall tactic and probably call me some names while they're at it.

The funny part is that we are supposed to trust lawyers (who work for the Dems) over those investigating this matter.

IRS stonewalls probe of tea party targeting emails - Washington Times

Daily News Briefing: IRS commissioner: Sorry, we can't produce all Lerner's e-mails before the election | Best of Cain

of course they are stalling, guilty people always stall. Innocent people do not need the 5th and they do not fear the truth.
Genuine questions: Doesn't the commission have security clearance? Why would anything need to be redacted? If emails with black lines through much of it are an acceptable response to a subpoena, how does one determine whether anything incriminating has just been blacklined or not?

Of course we care...the IRS is dragging it's feet hoping the matter will be dropped. It isn't going to happen. As a citizen? I demand the truth, and those responsible be thrown in jail. They broke the LAW.

can you believe they are trying to tell the committee it could be years before they can turn over the emails? Wonder, since these came out, what they are really hiding. And why on earth is the committee allowing the IRS, itself to rummage through the emails, rather than turn all of hers, as well as some of the others such as the names below as well, over to them untouched by the IRS?
I don't understand.



Some of Lerner's emails looked damaging. It looks like this whole targeting scheme was planned. So, let's have a look at all of her emails regarding the matter. Should be easy enough, but the IRS is stalling.

In other words, well after the next presidential election. It's not surprising they want to delay until after the midterms, but they don't want the corruption in the Democrat party revealed until after they get Hillary in office. If she gets elected, will she spend her time in office blaming the Obama administration?

The excuse for the incredibly long delay is that it will take lawyers that long to edit emails and remove tax payers' personal information. It's lovely that they are suddenly concerned about people's privacy, though why was Lerner discussing people's private information in emails to such a great extent? We have already been told that emails can't guarantee privacy. Suddenly, they are acting like guardians of people's sensitive information. That's a new one after millions of people went to the Obamacare website, which was proven to be an easy target for scam artists. Not to mention the millions of people who are unknowlingly "sharing" their social security number with illegal aliens and other criminals. Suddenly, they care about our privacy and security. How special. I can't believe anyone will actually buy that, but the liberals will be along to defend this latest stall tactic and probably call me some names while they're at it.

The funny part is that we are supposed to trust lawyers (who work for the Dems) over those investigating this matter.

IRS stonewalls probe of tea party targeting emails - Washington Times

Daily News Briefing: IRS commissioner: Sorry, we can't produce all Lerner's e-mails before the election | Best of Cain
A President that promises a transparent and fully open to the citizens government demands all employees under HIS watch comply with what the duly elected Congress asks them.
IRS is under the executive branch.
I understand you Obama supporters do not understand and have never read the Constitution but that is what is says.

It also says Lois Lerner is under no obligation to testify to a biased inquiry panel.
The panel consists of members of both parties, Joey.

If you want Lerner's testimony that bad, give her immunity.
Why does she need immunity? If she needs it, she must've done something wrong.
Since this is about Lerner, does anyone care they still haven't turned over all her emails?
Of course we care...the IRS is dragging it's feet hoping the matter will be dropped. It isn't going to happen. As a citizen? I demand the truth, and those responsible be thrown in jail. They broke the LAW.

Did you hear the new commish state yesterday it could take years to get them pulled for the committee?

I heard that. Talk about a load of shit. Years? Yeah right.
Of course we care...the IRS is dragging it's feet hoping the matter will be dropped. It isn't going to happen. As a citizen? I demand the truth, and those responsible be thrown in jail. They broke the LAW.

Did you hear the new commish state yesterday it could take years to get them pulled for the committee?

I heard that. Talk about a load of shit. Years? Yeah right.

As I heard one commentator last night, after being with a network for over 12 years and up to untold numbers of emails per day, they could produce them all within 1-2 days, tops. And they are talking of wanting only 2-3 years worth of emails from Lerner.

Stonewalling by the IRS at its best.
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Let's face it accountability and transparency are not strong suits for this corrupt administration. Of course she will take the fifth, she knows that if she were to tell the truth the whole house of cards would come tumbling down and she would be looking at an extended stay at the cross bar hotel (prison)

The only thing that needs to be ‘faced’ is the fact that for conservatives this issue is purely partisan, having nothing to do with the facts, evidence, or the truth.

There is no ‘house of cards,’ there’s nothing to ‘fall’; your ignorant, unsupported, and irrelevant opinion is proof of that.

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