Lois Lerner to take the 5th. Again.

Fuck Lois Lerner! I wouldn't give her immunity on anything. This needs to be treated like an investigation into organized crime. Start with the low level agents at the IRS...threaten them with jail time if they don't testify to who told them to do what they did and lesser sentences if they do cooperate. Work your way up the chain of command. If someone won't play ball then hit them with the harshest sentence available and send their asses to prison. If Lerner is the person who was in charge of this then she's the one who will go away for the longest stretch...if it was someone in the Obama White House who was in on this then Lerner can buy herself some time off her sentence by giving them up...if not then she can rot in prison.

Okay. That works.

"I demand a jury Trial right here in Washington DC."

Where they vote 95% Democratic.

Frankly, before I'd send anyone to prison, I want to know what harm was actually done here. How was anyone's life ruined because they didnt' get their fraudulent tax exemption?

And, no, not getting the results you wanted in an election isn't "harm". You clowns did that to yourselves when you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot that even you didn't like that much.

Juries do not send folks to prison.
Judges do.
Juries determine by evidence beyond a reasonable doubt the guilt of the accused.
Give us some details and specifics of this "fraudulent tax exemption" you speak of.
Is it similar to the union bosses write offs on their taxes?
Fuck Lois Lerner! I wouldn't give her immunity on anything. This needs to be treated like an investigation into organized crime. Start with the low level agents at the IRS...threaten them with jail time if they don't testify to who told them to do what they did and lesser sentences if they do cooperate. Work your way up the chain of command. If someone won't play ball then hit them with the harshest sentence available and send their asses to prison. If Lerner is the person who was in charge of this then she's the one who will go away for the longest stretch...if it was someone in the Obama White House who was in on this then Lerner can buy herself some time off her sentence by giving them up...if not then she can rot in prison.

Okay. That works.

"I demand a jury Trial right here in Washington DC."

Where they vote 95% Democratic.

Frankly, before I'd send anyone to prison, I want to know what harm was actually done here. How was anyone's life ruined because they didnt' get their fraudulent tax exemption?

And, no, not getting the results you wanted in an election isn't "harm". You clowns did that to yourselves when you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot that even you didn't like that much.

WTF does voting 95% Democratic have to do with an old white government employee woman being charged with a felony?
A majority black jury would convict her ass in a Harlem second if the evidence was there.
And even if it wasn't they probably would anyway.

Juries do not send folks to prison.
Judges do.
Juries determine by evidence beyond a reasonable doubt the guilt of the accused.
Give us some details and specifics of this "fraudulent tax exemption" you speak of.
Is it similar to the union bosses write offs on their taxes?

Unions have a specific chapter that applies to them.

The Teabaggers were trying to claim to be "Social Welfare Agencies" when they were nothing but.

But, yeah, before a judge can send Ms. Lerner to prison for cheating racist teabaggers out of their fraudelent tax exemptions, they are going to have to convince 12 DC residents dependent on government that she did something wrong.

Good luck with that.

WTF does voting 95% Democratic have to do with an old white government employee woman being charged with a felony?
A majority black jury would convict her ass in a Harlem second if the evidence was there.
And even if it wasn't they probably would anyway.

Did you miss the whole O.J. Trial? You know, when an all-black jury gave him a walk?

Or the Zimmerman trial, where an all white jury gave that guy a walk?

Yeah, guy, not like a mostly black jury in Washington DC is going to convict her of denying teabaggers fraudelent tax deductions.

WTF does voting 95% Democratic have to do with an old white government employee woman being charged with a felony?
A majority black jury would convict her ass in a Harlem second if the evidence was there.
And even if it wasn't they probably would anyway.

Did you miss the whole O.J. Trial? You know, when an all-black jury gave him a walk?

Or the Zimmerman trial, where an all white jury gave that guy a walk?

Yeah, guy, not like a mostly black jury in Washington DC is going to convict her of denying teabaggers fraudelent tax deductions.
Zimmerman's jury was not all white. More nonsense from the Lo-Lo's.
Your declaration that "Southerners are stupid" is just as ignorant and biased as someone saying that blacks are stupid. You come on here posting about "n****rs" trying to accuse others of racism when in fact you prove that you're a bigot every time you post this nonsense about people from the South being stupid and inbred. Here's a newsflash for you...most Southerner's DON'T fly Confederate flags! But you're too stupid to realize that...aren't you, Joe? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Guy, I'm ignoring your rants on the Highway system because youa re just making shit up and selectively editing. So that's discussion's done, you lost.

That ANY of them fly confederate flags is the problem.

For instance, there aren't a whole lot of Germans who would fly a flag with a Swastika on it today. But if there was one who did, his neighbors would beat the snot out of him.

But old CLeetus flies the Star and Bars, man, they are all totally good with that. ANd they dont' understand why anyone would be offended.

LOL...you're ignoring the FACTS about the Interstate highway system because you've been proven wrong, you asshat! As I've shown you numerous times...Ike's new highway system was paid for by the selling of bonds that were then paid off by taxes on fuels, tires and vehicle sales...NOT by raising taxes on the wealthy as you claimed. If you any integrity at all...you'd simply admit that you were wrong...but you can't do that...can you? Take a good look at yourself, Joe...because this string says VOLUMES about who you are!

So if a few southerners fly Confederate flags then ALL southerners are racist in-breds? That's what you believe? The stupidity of that is staggering...even for you!

As for Germans flying a flag with a swastika on it? You're obviously as ignorant about Germany as you are about everything else, Joe since it is against the law to fly a flag with a swastika on it in Germany and you would be arrested before anyone HAD to "beat the snot" out of you.

So...what else are you going to prove your ignorance about today, Joe?
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WTF does voting 95% Democratic have to do with an old white government employee woman being charged with a felony?
A majority black jury would convict her ass in a Harlem second if the evidence was there.
And even if it wasn't they probably would anyway.

Did you miss the whole O.J. Trial? You know, when an all-black jury gave him a walk?

Or the Zimmerman trial, where an all white jury gave that guy a walk?

Yeah, guy, not like a mostly black jury in Washington DC is going to convict her of denying teabaggers fraudelent tax deductions.

Well, you answered that question quickly, Joe! You're going to prove your ignorance about trials!!!

The OJ jury had two whites and one Hispanic on it...it was not all black.

Nor was the Zimmerman jury all white...it had five whites and one Hispanic.

You're just bound and determined to show this board that you don't know MUCH about a whole lot of things...aren't you, Joe?
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I bet there are a ton of folks on both sides of the aisle, black, white, hispanic and other who would jump at the chance to convict an uppity-up of the IRS. I'd be tempted even if the evidence cleared him ... tempting.
Under our system of law there is a presumption of innocence...EXCEPT when it comes to taxes! There you have the obligation to provide proof of your innocence, not the IRS. That's one of the reasons that the IRS strikes fear in the hearts of so many Americans...the fact that you are essentially guilty until you prove you're not and it's why any wrong doing by the IRS should be dealt with severely by our judicial system. The opportunity for abuse is simply too great otherwise.

One of the things about the IRS scandal which doesn't get much airplay but that I found to be even more disturbing than the stall tactics that were employed against conservative groups, was the release of private information about conservative's to be used against them by their opponents. Who ever did that should be facing jail time and if Barack Obama's White House expects the IRS to "police" ACA compliance then they should think about restoring some of the public's trust in that agency by investigating who was behind those leaks and coming down on them hard. Failure to do so and then expecting Americans to trust the IRS with possibly embarrassing information about their medical conditions is NOT the intelligent thing to do.

So if a few southerners fly Confederate flags then ALL southerners are racist in-breds? That's what you believe? The stupidity of that is staggering...even for you!

As for Germans flying a flag with a swastika on it? You're obviously as ignorant about Germany as you are about everything else, Joe since it is against the law to fly a flag with a swastika on it in Germany and you would be arrested before anyone HAD to "beat the snot" out of you.

So...what else are you going to prove your ignorance about today, Joe?

And there ought to be law in THIS country against flying Confederate flags, that's the point, dumbass.

But not the South, where you are sooo proud of your great-grandpappy who fought for the right of a few rich white folks to keep raping black folks. Yeeeehhaaaa. And we don't want us no Yankee Unions down here! We want the right to work for less money!

Well, you answered that question quickly, Joe! You're going to prove your ignorance about trials!!!

The OJ jury had two whites and one Hispanic on it...it was not all black.

Nor was the Zimmerman jury all white...it had five whites and one Hispanic.

You're just bound and determined to show this board that you don't know MUCH about a whole lot of things...aren't you, Joe?

I don't waste my time on irrelevent points. YOu seem to like them and pretend you made a point while ignoring major points.

A MOSTLY black Jury ignored obvious evidence of Simpson guilt because they wanted payback for Rodney King and a lot of other shit. That a few non-black jurors let them do it is irrelevent.

That one Hispanic woman let herself get rolled on the Zimmerman Jury is also irrelevent.

Okay. Here's the point you want to fucking ignore. A jury empanelled in DC to hear about how Lois committed the HORRID crime of not letting Teabaggers defraud the IRS will be mostly made up of black folks.

You know the same Teabaggers who show up with signs like THIS about the first black president.


"Oh, Gosh, those poor crackers didn't get a tax deduction to attack black people!"

Good luck with that. Honestly.
Under our system of law there is a presumption of innocence...EXCEPT when it comes to taxes! There you have the obligation to provide proof of your innocence, not the IRS. That's one of the reasons that the IRS strikes fear in the hearts of so many Americans...the fact that you are essentially guilty until you prove you're not and it's why any wrong doing by the IRS should be dealt with severely by our judicial system. The opportunity for abuse is simply too great otherwise.

One of the things about the IRS scandal which doesn't get much airplay but that I found to be even more disturbing than the stall tactics that were employed against conservative groups, was the release of private information about conservative's to be used against them by their opponents. Who ever did that should be facing jail time and if Barack Obama's White House expects the IRS to "police" ACA compliance then they should think about restoring some of the public's trust in that agency by investigating who was behind those leaks and coming down on them hard. Failure to do so and then expecting Americans to trust the IRS with possibly embarrassing information about their medical conditions is NOT the intelligent thing to do.

First, do you have any real evidence that that IRS was responsible for those "leaks"?

Because you know, we live in something called "The INformation Age", where if you want to find out that so and so used to beat his wife, it doesn't take much to find out he did.

I mean, you can make up all sorts of reasons why we SHOULD care, but really, we don't.

No one cares. Probably because the Teabaggers have an approval rate of 21%, and no one cares if they didn't get a fraudulent tax deduction.
Under our system of law there is a presumption of innocence...EXCEPT when it comes to taxes!

Is this sort of ignorance and stupidity common among most conservatives? It seems so.

This is an issue for the right because of their dogmatic hatred of taxes and the IRS, having little to do with the ‘scandal,’ in conjunction with conservatives harboring this bizarre and pathetic idea that this IRS thing will prove to be Obama’s ‘undoing.’
Let's face it accountability and transparency are not strong suits for this corrupt administration. Of course she will take the fifth, she knows that if she were to tell the truth the whole house of cards would come tumbling down and she would be looking at an extended stay at the cross bar hotel (prison)
Under our system of law there is a presumption of innocence...EXCEPT when it comes to taxes!

Is this sort of ignorance and stupidity common among most conservatives? It seems so.

This is an issue for the right because of their dogmatic hatred of taxes and the IRS, having little to do with the ‘scandal,’ in conjunction with conservatives harboring this bizarre and pathetic idea that this IRS thing will prove to be Obama’s ‘undoing.’

You try to come across smart, like most know it all, double talking, hypocritical, left wing , piles of steaming shit, but in reality you are ignorant as hell.
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A President that promises a transparent and fully open to the citizens government demands all employees under HIS watch comply with what the duly elected Congress asks them.
IRS is under the executive branch.
I understand you Obama supporters do not understand and have never read the Constitution but that is what is says.
A President that promises a transparent and fully open to the citizens government demands all employees under HIS watch comply with what the duly elected Congress asks them.
IRS is under the executive branch.
I understand you Obama supporters do not understand and have never read the Constitution but that is what is says.

It also says Lois Lerner is under no obligation to testify to a biased inquiry panel.

If you want Lerner's testimony that bad, give her immunity.
A President that promises a transparent and fully open to the citizens government demands all employees under HIS watch comply with what the duly elected Congress asks them.
IRS is under the executive branch.
I understand you Obama supporters do not understand and have never read the Constitution but that is what is says.

It also says Lois Lerner is under no obligation to testify to a biased inquiry panel.

If you want Lerner's testimony that bad, give her immunity.

the panel is made up of both parties, do you think Cummings is biased against her?

I do agree that she should be offered immunity, but only after she agrees to tell 100% of what she knows.
Since this is about Lerner, does anyone care they still haven't turned over all her emails?
Of course we care...the IRS is dragging it's feet hoping the matter will be dropped. It isn't going to happen. As a citizen? I demand the truth, and those responsible be thrown in jail. They broke the LAW.

Did you hear the new commish state yesterday it could take years to get them pulled for the committee?

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