Logic behind gay marriage



Sometimes it painful to actually try to think through something instead of regurgitating talking points.


Nice. My suggestion fills all the qualifications of equity while acknowledging the changing meaning of the "word".

I'm concerned that you may have taken that the wrong way. It was an attempt at a complement in that you are willing to challenge yourself and examine an issue from multiple perspectives.

The highest form of humility (to me) is being able to joke about yourself and that's what I understood you to do with your edit.

My LOL post was not intended to offend.


I conceded in another thread that, unless the SCOTUS surprises me in June, or a constitutional amendment is passed, which I highly doubt there is a national stomach for, the train has left the station.

Since it is gone, why not re-examine the entire issue (marriage) Seems like as an appropriate time as any! In reality we will have to at some point.
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I conceded in another thread that, unless the SCOTUS surprises me in June, or a constitutional amendment is passed, which I highly doubt there is a national stomach for, the train has left the station.

I would be greatly surprised if the SCOTUS rules in either the Prop 8 or the DOMA case for national SSCM. I don't think the country, nor the court is ready for that. I think the court want's to stay far away from the issue until there is a significant number of states that repeal their SSCM bans.

I predict that Prop 8 will be overturned, but not based on SSCM, but more on the narrow point of a right exercised and then invidiously overturned. I think they will overturn DOMA, but with a narrow application. Two choices there: based on state of entry into the Civil Marriage or based on state of residence. There is already precedence for State of residence based on current Common Law Marriage laws, so I think if they overturn DOMA they will say the fed's must recognize it if the state where the couple is a legal resident recognizes it.

Since it is gone, why not re-examine the entire issue (marriage) Seems like as an appropriate time as any! In reality we will have to at some point.

Go for it, but I gave you about 16 examples out of 1,138 areas of federal law, the only one that you said wouldn't apply was the ability to combine incomes and file a single tax return.

It's actually better suited for a different time. My thought was that the shared filing status would be for couples raising, or have raised the next generation of taxpayers. Simple as that. The government will create a political football, even over that.

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