Log of Liberal Lies

Funny that you'd rather point at people, when big oil is having such a heyday at our expense.

Funny that you think that our young should pay for almost 16 trillion dollars in debt.

If you cared to look up facts ( you can go to any of their web sites where they post their earnings of losses and profits, like Exxon.com) instead of talking points you would find that oil companies are not having a heyday.

We hear all the time about oil company record profits from people who want to blame them for prices at the pump. The fact is that oil company record profits are a result of high gas prices, not the cause of them. Is an 8% profit margin on your product too much to ask? If an oil producer’s cost is $1.00 per gallon of gas, they sell it for $1.08 per gallon. Then the government adds on up to 65c tax before it goes to the pump. The oil producer makes 8c on that gallon, the real profit goes to the government.

Now consider, if the cost of crude oil doubles as it has recently, and say the refinery can produce a gallon of gas for $2.00, they sell it for $2.16. Still an 8% profit margin for the oil company. If their cost goes up again and now it costs them $3.00 to produce a gallon of gas, they sell it for $3.24 and still maintain their 8% profit margin but now they’re making 24c per gallon instead of 8c per gallon. As a result, their profits go up. The oil companies do not set the price for a barrel of crude oil. They are merely the buyers and the victims of OPEC. The oil company's responsibility to the stockholders, the real owners, is to make a profit.

As with any business, the increase in their costs is passed along to the consumer. Remember that the next time Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton talk about raising taxes on the oil companies and stealing their profits. They are really talking about stealing from the American people. Any company that can’t make and keep their profits will quickly go out of business. But then that seems to be what the Democrats want when it comes to the oil companies.

I'm done with big business. So I'm guessing this conversation may as well be over.
I think saddling the youth with Bushonomics is the real offense. I'm a child of the 80's. And now the middle class that I'm part of is weakened to the point of near death. Guess what the overriding economic policies have been? Reagonics and its retarded cousin, Bushonomics.

Here's a free clue for you: Your fiscal policies are failures. Show me one historical era where these policies were in place and we had anywhere near the growth of 1942-1972.

I'll wait here.
I think saddling the youth with Bushonomics is the real offense. I'm a child of the 80's. And now the middle class that I'm part of is weakened to the point of near death. Guess what the overriding economic policies have been? Reagonics and its retarded cousin, Bushonomics.

Here's a free clue for you: Your fiscal policies are failures. Show me one historical era where these policies were in place and we had anywhere near the growth of 1942-1972.

I'll wait here.

The 1920's under Coolidge.

During 1942 thruogh 1972 we had many ressesions. The recessions of 1945, 1949, 1953, 1958, and 1960 saw a drastic decline in GDP.
"In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama's dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged."

Well, when your arguments fail, your ideas fail, and your policies fail, I guess you have to stoop to despicable acts like lying about everyone else and falsely accusing them of "racism". Sorry Dems, that tactic failed miserably in the November 2010 elections when you got your asses kicked, and it's going to fail even worse now. You've "cried wolf" too many times...

House Dems Receive Training On Portraying Conservatives As Racist

how are those WMD's going?

and the one about this president outspending the repub presidents?

or the one about reagan not raising taxes?

or the one about corporations being people.

shall i go on, winger?

and why is garbage like this thread in politics and not in 'flame;?

oh right...

never mind.

you'd have to discuss that with the senate minority leader if it offends you.
I think saddling the youth with Bushonomics is the real offense. I'm a child of the 80's. And now the middle class that I'm part of is weakened to the point of near death. Guess what the overriding economic policies have been? Reagonics and its retarded cousin, Bushonomics.

Here's a free clue for you: Your fiscal policies are failures. Show me one historical era where these policies were in place and we had anywhere near the growth of 1942-1972.

I'll wait here.

The 1920's under Coolidge.

View attachment 19715

During 1942 thruogh 1972 we had many ressesions. The recessions of 1945, 1949, 1953, 1958, and 1960 saw a drastic decline in GDP.

You understand that many of Coolidge's policies were what FDR used as the basis of his New Deal, yeah? And those are the same policies you guys said are vile, rotten and evil...soo...yeah...
This link (which you won't believe because you know, it doesn't agree with your ideology), says that corporate welfare costs nearly twice as much as traditional entitlements:

Corporate Welfare vs. Social Welfare Statistics

About $59 billion is spent on traditional social welfare programs. $92 billion is spent on corporate subsidies. So, the government spent 50% more on corporate welfare than it did on food stamps and housing assistance in 2006.
It's all of the entitlement programs that are taking away the money for infrastructure improvements.

Why were "entitlement programs first developed? Why do you believe the problems which they were developed to solve would not recur?

It's not right to saddle the debt problem onto our children and grandchildren.

Our children and grandchildren are more likely to become homeless due to illness or the loss of savings if the agenda of the GOP is adopted.

They are the ones who will have to pay the debt off.

Why? If the economy grows, revenue will increase (unless the GOP continues to push for more and more tax cuts.)

They will be working and handing over most of their earnings for this. They won't be able to pay for anything at all, like their own homes or even be able to get married, let alone have children themselves.

Sloppery slope argument - not logical.

It's like going into a restaurant and paying for a couple's bill, that was not paid for years back. This is not right.

Of course if we go the way the GOP wants to go our kids and grandkids will pay for the needs of us because we will not have affordable health care or defined retirements.

The older generation will reap the rewards and the young will have to pay for it and they will get nothing.

The older generations will suffer and the young will pay for our needs and suffer too.
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Talk about anything other than Obama's record. That is the left's code for this election cycle.

How can you possibly be on this board every day and then turn around and claim that liberals won't talk about Obama's record?

they don[t talk about his record because it is terrible. How about accepting the blame for what he has done and not done. Stop blaming Bush and look in the mirror.
This link (which you won't believe because you know, it doesn't agree with your ideology), says that corporate welfare costs nearly twice as much as traditional entitlements:

Corporate Welfare vs. Social Welfare Statistics

About $59 billion is spent on traditional social welfare programs. $92 billion is spent on corporate subsidies. So, the government spent 50% more on corporate welfare than it did on food stamps and housing assistance in 2006.

And you all keep ignoring that we need to change the Tax Code.
Also that we need to get the money out of the Lobbyists hands. A new tax code would do this.
Yes that's it just pick one program of entitlements and not all.
The total cost of all, is 119 trillion. Which all Dem's, seem to not want to even address, or even want to understand, let alone doing anything about it.
Safety net, not safety hammock.

The NET I have NO problem with albiet I prefer PRIVATE entities (Churches) do it through donation.

Doing ANYTHING through Gubmint introduces bureacracy, and the large percentage of money not going to it's intended target but top PAY the bureaucrat SERVICING it.

Charity is a much better way.

Gubmint was NEVER meant to be the Salvation Army. Government NEVER has the real HEART to do it...but for political MOTOVATION(s). :evil:
Counting on private charity is a Fool's game. It's like cutting taxes on wealthy people and corporations and expecting that they'll feel compelled to put that discount back into the system, trickling down wealth on the poor. It's proof that Conservatives also can live in a a complete ideological vacuum where real life doesn't enter into the equation.
Counting on private charity is a Fool's game. It's like cutting taxes on wealthy people and corporations and expecting that they'll feel compelled to put that discount back into the system, trickling down wealth on the poor. It's proof that Conservatives also can live in a a complete ideological vacuum where real life doesn't enter into the equation.

Fool's game for Politicians that BUY votes through charity of Others?

Really Derp?

YOU are obviously a product of Gubmint schools. Indoctrinated just SO...
Indoctrination is done most effectively by churches and talking heads; delivering a one-sided message to the easily swayed non-thinkers.

Everything that I posted is spot-on. There is no historical proof of trickle down economics working. And the more your side tries to spin it, the more obvious this becomes. If Romney continues to promise the country a return to that fiscal policy, this election will be much more lop-sided than we think it will be at this point. Look at the opinion polls. Repuplinomics is completely untested among a majority of Americans.
Why are you so dishonest, CG?

Photos of Bay Bridge work - Google Search

California Construction 2010 Top Highway Projects | California Construction | McGraw-Hill Construction

Projects are keeping thousands of people employed and when completed will provide a real value to the economy for decades.

[You lie because you have no arguments in reality which support your failed ideology]

Everything CG just said was the truth. It's you liberals who are the ones being dishonest. A congressional report on the waste from the stimulus plan found the followin (and this is just a VERY SMALL portion):

How are those photos of work in process dishonest?

* The Coburn-McCain report takes issue with stimulus spending on projects like one that entailed research on how cocaine affects monkeys. The Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center was awarded $71,623 to study what the report calls, "Monkeys Getting High for Science."

I understand why the GOP would cherry pick projects to discredit the Obama Administration, suggesting, "therefore the stimulus failed" is foolish.

If you weren't ignorant and lazy, you would read the full report and see that hundreds of asinine projects proves a pattern of failure - the complete opposite of "cherry picking".

* The California Academy of Sciences is receiving nearly $1 million in stimulus funds to send researchers to the Southwest Indian Ocean Islands and East Africa to capture, photograph and analyze thousands of exotic ants.

Do you know how Penicillin was discovered?

Actually, do you? (hint - it wasn't through reckless government spending). Nothing is more amusing than watching you liberals attempt to justify that which cannot be justified by desperately trying to link a useful discovery in the private sector to a wasteful Obama pork project with tax payer money

*Syracuse*professor of psychology*Michael Carey received $219,000 in federal*stimulus*money for*a study that examines the sex patterns of college women.*

Aren't you curious about human behavior, how it might change fromj generation to generation and the impact on our species?

No. Not in the least. If you're so "curious", why don't you take your money and fund the research instead of wasting all of ours? Oh, that's right, liberals hoard their own wealth selfishly while recklessly spending other people's money.

*$1.15 million in stimulus funds was allocated*for the installation of a new guard rail*around the non-existent Optima Lake in Oklahoma.

I suppose a lake that doesn't exist is a hole in the earth and a danger.

I suppose you are desperately trying to justify that which cannot be justified, just because the person who did it is in the same party of you. You'd be a much better person if you could just be honest about this situation and say this is government waste that needs to be cleaned up. I suspect if Obama and his pals brutally gang raped your mother, you would somehow find justification for their action. It's amazing to hear your desperate words in the face of proven failure.

*Researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo*received $389,000 to pay 100*residents of Buffalo*$45 each to record how much malt liquor they drink and how much pot they smoke each day.* Instead of spending nearly $400,000, the U.S. government could have achieved the same goal by having a couple of scientists join a fraternity.

Yeah, I get it. Being an anti intellectual your comment makes sense.

Yeah, I get it. Being pro-stupid, you try to find excuses for the government unconstitutionally wasting almost a trillion dollars by using the excuse that anyone who doesn't support the waste is simply not an "intellectual". By your standards, an illectual is someone who has an IQ of 9.4 and someone who can actually think is an "anti intellectual". :lol:.

*$100,000*in federal stimulus funds were used*for a martini bar and a brazilian steakhouse.

Sound cool. How many were employed and what revenue is this establishment producing today?

Sounds stupid. Each of your questions are irrelevant. If Bush did this, you'd be furious. But because your God, the radical Marxist Obama unconstitutional took $100,000 of the American people's money and spent it on a martini bar and a steak house, you think it's "cool". Speaks volumes about you!.

*A dinner cruise company in Chicago*got nearly $1 million in stimulus funds to combat terrorism.

*$233,000 in stimulus money went to the University of California at San Diego to study why Africans vote.

Again, you scorn acadmia without discussion of the purpose of such a study.

In the immortal words of George Orwell, "some ideas are so proposterous, only an "intellectual" could believe them" :lol:.

*The Cactus Bug Project at the University Of Florida*was allocated*$325,394 in stimulus*funds to study the mating decisions of cactus bugs.* According to the project proposal,*one of the questions that will be answered by the study is this:*"Whether males with large weapons are more or less attractive to females."

Cherry picking questions isn't a very powerful argument.

Cherry picking answers instead of just acknowleding the obvious is even weaker. This is epic waste and your using desperate and utterly asinine answers like "cool". Like somehow your opinion of a $100,000 government martini bar being "cool" justifies the obvious waste and unconstitutional spending. Liberals always make the most desperate posts reaching to twist the truth, but even by those standards, this is some of the most desperate responses I have ever seen.

*One Denver developer received $13 million in tax credits to*construct a senior housing complex despite that fact that the same developer is being sued as a slumlord for running rodent-infested apartment buildings in the city of San Francisco.

*Sheltering Arms Senior Services was awarded*a contract worth $22.3 million in stimulus*money to weatherize homes for*poor families in Houston,*Texas -*but a new report from Texas Watchdog*says that*the weatherization work was performed*so badly*that 33 of the 53 homes will need to be completely redone.

Government needs to better supervise and regulate the private sector

Sure.... if you're an idiot Communist. However, if you actually obey the ultimate law of the land like you are supposed to, the federal government has 18 enumerated powers delegated (key word) from the states, and "supervising" the private sector sure as hell isn't one of them.

*A liberal theater in Minnesota*named*"In the Heart of the Beast"*(in reference to*a*well known*quote by*communist radical*Che Guevara) received $100,000 for socially conscious puppet shows.

More scorn. This time for the entertainment community with a touch of the RED Scare.

Why can't the "entertainment community" support themselves? Too talentless? Too stupid? Too greedy? All I know is, when the government takes money against our will and hands if over to the entertainment community, you're damn right there is going to be "scorn". The only question is, why isn't there any from you? Oh, because you don't pay taxes. You're the parasitic class that mooches off those of who work. Just an FYI - providing for the "entertainment community" is also NOT one of the 18 enumerated powers of the federal government.

*California's inspector general found that $1 million in stimulus funds for a program to give summer jobs to young people was improperly used for overhead expenses such as rent and utility bills.

If the funds were misused a crime occuried. Gee, that never happens in America.

That doesn't make this ok or any less of yet another glaring example of Obama waste and funneling of funds to special interest groups..

*Landon Cox, a Duke University assistant professor of computer science, was awarded*$498,000 in stimulus money*to study Facebook.

And why not?

By that logic, the outrage of liberals to invading Iraq would be the highly ignorant, desperate but have no response, "AND WHY NOT invade Iraq"? Your parents must cringe every time you open your mouth. What an embarassment to your family, your community, and the American education system. You know you've been defeated when you're only response to government waste in the form of "studying" Facebook is "and why not".

*The town*of Union, New York is being urged*to spend $578,000*in stimulus money that*it did not request for a homelessness problem that it claims it does not have.

At whose urging?

That would be Obama - the asshole is thinks you achieve success through Communist government spending.

*Lastly, who could forget the*$3.4 million "ecopassage" to help turtles cross a highway in Tallahassee, Florida?

Well, turtles are part of the ecosystem so the answer is you scorn our environement too. No suprise there.

That's not half as bad as you, who scorns common sense, scorns reality, scorns truth, and scorns sanity, all in the name of unmitigated allegiance to your fuhrer - Obama. I must ask again, if you support the ecosystem, why don't you spend your money on it voluntarily instead of stealing mine and violating the Constitution to funnel it to Obama's special interest groups? Oh, wait - we already covered this. Liberals like you are the parasite class - you don't have any money to give, you just take from others because you're both lazy and greedy..

All of that debt for absurd projects that will have ZERO value for our future. Knowing how monkeys react on cocaine or how Cactus Bugs mate is just a way to make sure liberals who don't want to work maintain a steady income for doing nothing.

Yep, you know this is all worthless because of some study? No, because you have adopted an ideology that is anti curiosity. In 1804 your kind would have been pissed off that Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark out to see what was there. If conservative ideology had prevailed France would own the fly over states, Russia would own Alaska and Spain would own the SW and California.

I'm not anti-curious, I'm pro-stop wasting money on special interest groups and breaking the law in the process. You need to stop being so anti-reality and just acknowledge waste.

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