LMAO!!! Oil is NOT a "fossil fuel"!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Im still laughing.........this is a hoax of epic proportions!!! The k00ks talk every day about the earth running out of "fossil fuels"!! The goofball scientists even pulled the wool over my eyes on this one!!! What an epic hoax............and these idiots are talking about all of us going broke supporting the gheyness of solar and wind!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner:

Oil isn't even a fossil fuel........impossible!!!:coffee:

Rockefeller the Fossil Fuel hoax and Oil. - YouTube
if it's not,it might as well be, cause it's not being made at even 1% of the rate that it's being consumed, for a fact.
if it's not,it might as well be, cause it's not being made at even 1% of the rate that it's being consumed, for a fact.

Really? Link me to that fact.

I have a resource page on Russian petroleum science, and no where in there does it say such a thing. Here is another source that leads me to believe that once the science is even more refined, that sandbox full of tar sand will be hugely uneconomical in the near future once they find suitable locations to get below the mythical "oil window," of the west's past thinking on petroleum.

Scientists Prove Abiotic Oil Is Real

Deep deposits of hydrocarbons, including varied reservoirs of petroleum and natural gas,
represent the most economically important component of the deep carbon cycle. Yet despite
their intensive study and exploitation for more than a century, details of the origins of some
deep hydrocarbons remain a matter of vocal debate in some scientific circles. This long and
continuing history of controversy may surprise some readers, for the biogenic origins of “fossil
fuels”—a principle buttressed by a vast primary scientific literature and established as textbook
orthodoxy in North America and many other parts of the world—might appear to be settled fact.
Nevertheless, conventional wisdom continues to be challenged by some scientists.
The principal objectives of this chapter are: (1) to review the overwhelming evidence
for the biogenic origins of most known deep hydrocarbon reservoirs; (2) to present equally
persuasive experimental, theoretical, and field evidence, which indicates that components of
some deep hydrocarbon deposits appear to have an abiotic origin; and (3) to suggest future
studies that might help to achieve a more nuanced resolution of this sometimes polarized topic.
Types of hydrocarbons
Deep hydrocarbons include a rich diversity of organic chemical compounds in the form
of petroleum deposits, including oil and gas in various reservoirs, bitumen in oil sands, coal
and clathrate hydrates. The major gaseous hydrocarbons are the alkanes methane (natural gas,
CH4), ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), and butane (C4H10). Liquid components of petroleum
include a complex mixture primarily of linear and cyclic hydrocarbons from C5 to C17, as well
as numerous other molecular species, while solid hydrocarbons include such broad categories
as paraffin waxes (typically from C18 to C40). In addition, mature coal deposits sometimes hold
a suite of unusual pure crystalline hydrocarbon phases and other organic minerals (see Hazen
et al. 2013).

A minor component of available hydrocarbons may be of abiogenic origin, however, all present indications that it is a very minor amount.
if it's not,it might as well be, cause it's not being made at even 1% of the rate that it's being consumed, for a fact.

Irrelevant in terms of energy possibilities in the long run!!:up: The global warming fanatics have us thinking we are a few decades away from running out of oil :spinner::spinner:>>>

16,000 feet only s0ns!!!:rock:

This decimates one of the prime arguments of the climate crusaders. More losing.
Im still laughing.........this is a hoax of epic proportions!!! The k00ks talk every day about the earth running out of "fossil fuels"!! The goofball scientists even pulled the wool over my eyes on this one!!! What an epic hoax............and these idiots are talking about all of us going broke supporting the gheyness of solar and wind!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner:

Oil isn't even a fossil fuel........impossible!!!:coffee:

Rockefeller the Fossil Fuel hoax and Oil. - YouTube
skooks, I posted this back in December:

Yes, water on earth is finite.

No, fossils are stone things, and oil doesn't clearly doesn't come from fossils. You don't go the museum and squeeze dinosaur bones to get oil.

And If you've got a point to make, just have the guts to state it clearly.
I was responding to a post. Perhaps you should go reread the post I responded to. The other point is that oil is not from fossils so running out of fossil fuel is not possible.

Deep deposits of hydrocarbons, including varied reservoirs of petroleum and natural gas,
represent the most economically important component of the deep carbon cycle. Yet despite
their intensive study and exploitation for more than a century, details of the origins of some
deep hydrocarbons remain a matter of vocal debate in some scientific circles. This long and
continuing history of controversy may surprise some readers, for the biogenic origins of “fossil
fuels”—a principle buttressed by a vast primary scientific literature and established as textbook
orthodoxy in North America and many other parts of the world—might appear to be settled fact.
Nevertheless, conventional wisdom continues to be challenged by some scientists.
The principal objectives of this chapter are: (1) to review the overwhelming evidence
for the biogenic origins of most known deep hydrocarbon reservoirs; (2) to present equally
persuasive experimental, theoretical, and field evidence, which indicates that components of
some deep hydrocarbon deposits appear to have an abiotic origin; and (3) to suggest future
studies that might help to achieve a more nuanced resolution of this sometimes polarized topic.
Types of hydrocarbons
Deep hydrocarbons include a rich diversity of organic chemical compounds in the form
of petroleum deposits, including oil and gas in various reservoirs, bitumen in oil sands, coal
and clathrate hydrates. The major gaseous hydrocarbons are the alkanes methane (natural gas,
CH4), ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), and butane (C4H10). Liquid components of petroleum
include a complex mixture primarily of linear and cyclic hydrocarbons from C5 to C17, as well
as numerous other molecular species, while solid hydrocarbons include such broad categories
as paraffin waxes (typically from C18 to C40). In addition, mature coal deposits sometimes hold
a suite of unusual pure crystalline hydrocarbon phases and other organic minerals (see Hazen
et al. 2013).

A minor component of available hydrocarbons may be of abiogenic origin, however, all present indications that it is a very minor amount.

So how did all those dinosaurs get to Saturn's Moon Titan and make lakes of "Fossil fuels"?


Deep deposits of hydrocarbons, including varied reservoirs of petroleum and natural gas,
represent the most economically important component of the deep carbon cycle. Yet despite
their intensive study and exploitation for more than a century, details of the origins of some
deep hydrocarbons remain a matter of vocal debate in some scientific circles. This long and
continuing history of controversy may surprise some readers, for the biogenic origins of “fossil
fuels”—a principle buttressed by a vast primary scientific literature and established as textbook
orthodoxy in North America and many other parts of the world—might appear to be settled fact.
Nevertheless, conventional wisdom continues to be challenged by some scientists.
The principal objectives of this chapter are: (1) to review the overwhelming evidence
for the biogenic origins of most known deep hydrocarbon reservoirs; (2) to present equally
persuasive experimental, theoretical, and field evidence, which indicates that components of
some deep hydrocarbon deposits appear to have an abiotic origin; and (3) to suggest future
studies that might help to achieve a more nuanced resolution of this sometimes polarized topic.
Types of hydrocarbons
Deep hydrocarbons include a rich diversity of organic chemical compounds in the form
of petroleum deposits, including oil and gas in various reservoirs, bitumen in oil sands, coal
and clathrate hydrates. The major gaseous hydrocarbons are the alkanes methane (natural gas,
CH4), ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), and butane (C4H10). Liquid components of petroleum
include a complex mixture primarily of linear and cyclic hydrocarbons from C5 to C17, as well
as numerous other molecular species, while solid hydrocarbons include such broad categories
as paraffin waxes (typically from C18 to C40). In addition, mature coal deposits sometimes hold
a suite of unusual pure crystalline hydrocarbon phases and other organic minerals (see Hazen
et al. 2013).

A minor component of available hydrocarbons may be of abiogenic origin, however, all present indications that it is a very minor amount.

So how did all those dinosaurs get to Saturn's Moon Titan and make lakes of "Fossil fuels"?

jet packs?
I found an article from back in 2005 The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil Credit Live Science

link: The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil

"Abiogenic sources of oil have been found, but never in commercially profitable amounts. The controversy isn't over whether naturally forming oil reserves exist, said Larry Nation of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. It's over how much they contribute to Earth's overall reserves and how much time and effort geologists should devote to seeking them out.

If abiogenic petroleum sources are indeed found to be abundant, it would mean Earth contains vast reserves of untapped petroleum and, since other rocky objects formed from the same raw material as Earth, that crude oil might exist on other planets or moons in the solar system, scientists say."
Like I pointed out, those who fall for one conspiracy theory tend to fall for all of them. Hence, you see many so deniers here telling us about the abiotic oil just waiting to be found.

Except nobody can find it. Because it's apparently invisible abiotic oil. It's very similar to the invisible volcanoes that deniers say are hearing the earth. Perhaps these deniers can reveal to us the design of the magic spectacles they use to reveal all these invisible objects.
Like I pointed out, those who fall for one conspiracy theory tend to fall for all of them. Hence, you see many so deniers here telling us about the abiotic oil just waiting to be found.

Except nobody can find it. Because it's apparently invisible abiotic oil. It's very similar to the invisible volcanoes that deniers say are hearing the earth. Perhaps these deniers can reveal to us the design of the magic spectacles they use to reveal all these invisible objects.
did you want to say something?
I'll be entirely honest. I want to end the oil monopoly on power because:
It poisons the air I breathe!
It enriches soul-less, avaricious oil companies that use people like toilet paper!
The pollution is necessitates is ugly!
It is unnecessary for a good life!
Renewables are enough and decentralize economic and political power, and I prefer less control!
I like choice!
I dislike ostentatious waste!
This is posted expressly to disturb apologists for the dictatorship of companies that make over a $1000 net profit per second (as Exxon does), and have even more contempt for the poor fools that defend them than they do for the rest of us.
I'll be entirely honest. I want to end the oil monopoly on power because:
It poisons the air I breathe!
It enriches soul-less, avaricious oil companies that use people like toilet paper!
The pollution is necessitates is ugly!
It is unnecessary for a good life!
Renewables are enough and decentralize economic and political power, and I prefer less control!
I like choice!
I dislike ostentatious waste!
This is posted expressly to disturb apologists for the dictatorship of companies that make over a $1000 net profit per second (as Exxon does), and have even more contempt for the poor fools that defend them than they do for the rest of us.
well then you should invent something to replace it.
I'll be entirely honest. I want to end the oil monopoly on power because:
It poisons the air I breathe!
It enriches soul-less, avaricious oil companies that use people like toilet paper!
The pollution is necessitates is ugly!
It is unnecessary for a good life!
Renewables are enough and decentralize economic and political power, and I prefer less control!
I like choice!
I dislike ostentatious waste!
This is posted expressly to disturb apologists for the dictatorship of companies that make over a $1000 net profit per second (as Exxon does), and have even more contempt for the poor fools that defend them than they do for the rest of us.
well then you should invent something to replace it.
If the markets were truly free, who can say, maybe something would be invented. I've read my history, there have been times where it looked like things might have looked much different if it hadn't been for government interference.

The price of gas right now has EVERYTHING to do with government meddling.

Mystery Behind Dropping Oil Prices Solved: Concerted Market Manipulation
Mystery Behind Dropping Oil Prices Solved Concerted Market Manipulation Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
What does this say about global energy markets and their intertwining with various other sociopolitical issues including the debate over climate change, spikes in prices that strangulate development globally and wars waged for “humanitarian reasons” against nations that just so happen to export oil outside of markets controlled by Washington and London? It says a lot, and illustrates that many of the facades and social crusades well-meaning people have taken up leave them carrying water for one of the most perverse, destructive industries on Earth, in human history … big oil.
I found an article from back in 2005 The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil Credit Live Science

link: The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil

"Abiogenic sources of oil have been found, but never in commercially profitable amounts. The controversy isn't over whether naturally forming oil reserves exist, said Larry Nation of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. It's over how much they contribute to Earth's overall reserves and how much time and effort geologists should devote to seeking them out.

If abiogenic petroleum sources are indeed found to be abundant, it would mean Earth contains vast reserves of untapped petroleum and, since other rocky objects formed from the same raw material as Earth, that crude oil might exist on other planets or moons in the solar system, scientists say."

Dang.....missed it JC......the big boys set this up to make the profit levels stoopid. Fucking shell game and bought off some scientists to make it look like the supply was crap!!! What a scam!! Of course, the AGW k00ks have always touted this as a main reason to go big on renewables. What a load of shit...........at least renewables continue to be a joke. Theres enough crude down there for hundreds of years and still the AGW dolts are out in their back yard this weekend continuing their emergency ark builds!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I found an article from back in 2005 The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil Credit Live Science

link: The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil

"Abiogenic sources of oil have been found, but never in commercially profitable amounts. The controversy isn't over whether naturally forming oil reserves exist, said Larry Nation of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. It's over how much they contribute to Earth's overall reserves and how much time and effort geologists should devote to seeking them out.

If abiogenic petroleum sources are indeed found to be abundant, it would mean Earth contains vast reserves of untapped petroleum and, since other rocky objects formed from the same raw material as Earth, that crude oil might exist on other planets or moons in the solar system, scientists say."

Dang.....missed it JC......the big boys set this up to make the profit levels stoopid. Fucking shell game and bought off some scientists to make it look like the supply was crap!!! What a scam!! Of course, the AGW k00ks have always touted this as a main reason to go big on renewables. What a load of shit...........at least renewables continue to be a joke. Theres enough crude down there for hundreds of years and still the AGW dolts are out in their back yard this weekend continuing their emergency ark builds!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Well now I can confidently say climate scientists are scumbags
I'll be entirely honest. I want to end the oil monopoly on power because:
It poisons the air I breathe!
It enriches soul-less, avaricious oil companies that use people like toilet paper!
The pollution is necessitates is ugly!
It is unnecessary for a good life!
Renewables are enough and decentralize economic and political power, and I prefer less control!
I like choice!
I dislike ostentatious waste!
This is posted expressly to disturb apologists for the dictatorship of companies that make over a $1000 net profit per second (as Exxon does), and have even more contempt for the poor fools that defend them than they do for the rest of us.
well then you should invent something to replace it.
If the markets were truly free, who can say, maybe something would be invented. I've read my history, there have been times where it looked like things might have looked much different if it hadn't been for government interference.

The price of gas right now has EVERYTHING to do with government meddling.

Mystery Behind Dropping Oil Prices Solved: Concerted Market Manipulation
Mystery Behind Dropping Oil Prices Solved Concerted Market Manipulation Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
What does this say about global energy markets and their intertwining with various other sociopolitical issues including the debate over climate change, spikes in prices that strangulate development globally and wars waged for “humanitarian reasons” against nations that just so happen to export oil outside of markets controlled by Washington and London? It says a lot, and illustrates that many of the facades and social crusades well-meaning people have taken up leave them carrying water for one of the most perverse, destructive industries on Earth, in human history … big oil.

Hmmmm . . . The Center for Research on Globalization is obviously a leftwing propaganda organ, so why shoud anyone take anything it publishes as credible?

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