Liz Warren leading charge to forgive student debt, Navient pays $2 billion settlement for giving loans to students who cant pay them back

Wow…..out with the name-calling. I know you’re panicking because normal Americans have woken up and see the damage of leftist policies, and the attempt to federalize the election for the steal has failed, and thus you are going to see a “shellacking” in November that makes what happened to Obama in 2010 look like a gentle slap on the wrist.

But your rants about what people are entitled to, along with the name-calling, isn’t going to help. In fact, the behavior you are exhibiting is one of the reasons independents are going to the GOP. They’ve had enough of your enraged tantrums at normal, decent people with good values simoly because they won’t submit to your destructive ideology.

I wish the election was tomorrow. After that “show” Biden put on yesterday, we’d capture a large majority, both chambers.
That was President Biden saying he was giving up on the GOP and was going to break up BBB and we are going to show what the GOP is actually for. Nothing except tax cuts for the rich
OK….that’s going to be it. Anyone who doesn’t realize that socialism dooms a country is too far gone.
You Don't know what socialism is. Every socialist party in a democracy ever has been for always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. France Germany Sweden Russia all of them had socialists and communist parties at the same time in their democracies and the socialists won and the Communists went out of business along with their support from the USSR. I'm not talking about communism, nobody is talking about communism except your brain washers and your fellow brainwashed conservatives base of the GOP. The ignoramuses..... Conservative badmouthing of socialists started in world war I when the socialists did not support the war. The head socialist in France was assassinated and the head socialist here Eugene Debs was thrown in jail by Woodrow Wilson.Then came the Russian revolution and Communist assholes calling themselves socialists and then socialism and communism were totally conflated in English speaking countries.It helps to know some actual history. Socialism won everywhere but the United States in the modern world. France Germany Italy Spain Scandinavia do just fine thank you very much despite few natural resources compared to us.
Maybe it takes a really severe depression like FDR faced before the people realize that having a country full of billionaires who don't pay taxes doesn't do them much good. It recently came out that this trump character paid only a few hundred in taxes in one year and a lot of ordinary people still love him.
Reagan tax cuts for the rich have given us an oligarch class, ridiculously wealthy at the expense of the middle class.
Give Hereditary Privileges to Athletes and Pro Sports Would Soon Go out of Business. Same With Any Americans Getting Them.

100% tax on the inheritances of the 1% would give us $3 trillion a year, eliminating all income taxes. Or would you prefer to tax the living instead of the dead?

Also, allowing trust funds is a confiscatory tax on the nation's future. That sets up the spoiled and useless halfway to the finish line. We should break their legs and make them crawl the rest of the way.
In other words, it isn't their fault and personal responsibility matters not.
If You Don't Pay Students, You Get What You Pay for: Preppies and No-Talent Brown-Noses

Businesses and the public are neglecting their personal responsibility to pay college students a high salary because of the benefits they would receive from the better quality of graduates they would get from this natural motivation.

Unpaid Education is so unnatural that the ruling class originally had to threaten young men with death in Vietnam to get them to go to college.
Looks like they were deceptive regarding the ability of borrowers to release their co-signers from their loans. How does this absolve the borrower from their responsibility to pay their debt? Force Naviant to release co-signers and move on.

The borrowers should still own the money, no matter how you slice it, but leave it up to our screwed-up legal system to let them off on what amounts to a technicality.
The University Is the Root of All Evil

It is dishonest and economically destructive to have people buy their jobs. And that's all having to pay tuition means. This whole thread is irrelevant and covers up the real issue: Why is working without pay and having to live a miserable and childish college lifestyle on low-paying part time jobs considered an achievement worth rewarding?

College graduates have no right to the jobs the ruling class gives them, because they don't have to compete with anybody who has self-respect. Those who are insulted by unpaid education have more talent than the mediocre brown-noses and Trustfundies who graduate from this obsolete aristocratic institution.

The next time you fly, I dare you to think about this: your pilot is not someone who has the most natural ability to handle flying conditions; he is only some wannabe ace who had enough money to pay for flight school. Like JFK, Jr.
"Why are we the only country without cheap college", yadda yadda. We can start with our govt. already provides for the first few years via tax breaks for those who actually earn money.

And you know, the Democrats run the college system through their communistic professors and such, why don't you ask them why their colleges are so expensive while many of their students finish worthless?

Interesting you jumped right over the point made about why should responsible people pay while those who don't receive their rewards free? But you made excuses for those who failed.

Cuz you're leftist, which was also a point.
C Students Jealous of A Students

No student should pay. Every student should be paid a higher salary than he can expect from any other job at that age. That would get the most talented and get them to study.

Those who oppose this know that. Their resentment is actually panic; they are inferior minds who would never qualify in a Earn While You Learn system. They also know that they would soon be replaced in their stolen positions by the superior minds that only paid education can provide.
Democrats always like to say they are for the working class. Liz Warren is going to put this to the test. How are you going to sell a working person like a construction worker, car mechanic, or truck driver who did not have money to go to college to foot the bill for students who foolishly took on $300k in debt to fly three time zones away, attend an elite private college, and get a bullshit major for which there is no market. Further, Liz Warren already told a father of a student who busted his ass to pay for his daughter to go to college that he would NOT be eligible under her plan to get relief.

To quote you Liberals, Warren’s plan “is not fair”.
Do you think the 1% will just hand over 100% of their stuff?

Maybe you aren't as smart as you pretend to be?
We Far Outnumber the Heiristocrats and Can Crush Them Like Grapes. Time to Quit Whining and Start Making Wine.

Your jealousy of High IQs slipped out. And your Low IQ is why you preach that the Plutes' unwillingness to give us their dynastic privileges is all that is needed to protect them.

In fact, this whole thread is trying to hide the fact that those who mandate unpaid education don't preach what they practice. Your Masters know perfectly well that if they didn't give their entitled brats a high salary in the form of an allowance, Preppies would drop out or not even go to college at the same rate that the unentitled Whites do. Typical Netrix misleading topic.
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We Far Outnumber the Heiristocrats and Can Crush Them Like Grapes. Time to Quit Whining and Start Making Wine.

Your jealousy of High IQs slipped out. And your Low IQ is why you preach that the Plutes' unwillingness to give us their dynastic privileges is all that is needed to protect them.

In fact, this whole thread is trying to hide the fact that those who mandate unpaid education don't preach what they practice. Your Masters know perfectly well that if they didn't give their entitled brats a high salary in the form of an allowance, Preppies would drop out or not even go to college at the same rate that the unentitled Whites do. Typical Netrix misleading topic.

Your jealousy of High IQs slipped out.

What jealousy? Of you? LOL!

Show your brilliance, by answering my question.
Wow…..out with the name-calling. I know you’re panicking because normal Americans have woken up and see the damage of leftist policies, and the attempt to federalize the election for the steal has failed, and thus you are going to see a “shellacking” in November that makes what happened to Obama in 2010 look like a gentle slap on the wrist.

But your rants about what people are entitled to, along with the name-calling, isn’t going to help. In fact, the behavior you are exhibiting is one of the reasons independents are going to the GOP. They’ve had enough of your enraged tantrums at normal, decent people with good values simoly because they won’t submit to your destructive ideology.

I wish the election was tomorrow. After that “show” Biden put on yesterday, we’d capture a large majority, both chambers.
My insults are not personal like my opponents, they're all about how missinformed you are. I am absolutely certain that you people are just fine besides your brainwashed political views which are disgrace. Keep voting for all the progress that people are in favor of to be obstructed forever... Great job omg.
C Students Jealous of A Students

No student should pay. Every student should be paid a higher salary than he can expect from any other job at that age. That would get the most talented and get them to study.

Those who oppose this know that. Their resentment is actually panic; they are inferior minds who would never qualify in a Earn While You Learn system. They also know that they would soon be replaced in their stolen positions by the superior minds that only paid education can provide.

Give Hereditary Privileges to Athletes and Pro Sports Would Soon Go out of Business. Same With Any Americans Getting Them.

100% tax on the inheritances of the 1% would give us $3 trillion a year, eliminating all income taxes. Or would you prefer to tax the living instead of the dead?

Also, allowing trust funds is a confiscatory tax on the nation's future. That sets up the spoiled and useless halfway to the finish line. We should break their legs and make them crawl the rest of the way.
Cut the crap for crying out loud. Every other modern country handles everything we are trying to get here in the United States. You are supporting greedy idiot lying scumbags and go on and on about irrelevant garbage propaganda. Change the channel and get some real news. Rupert Murdoch is scum and he's better than your internet lying scumbags....
My insults are not personal like my opponents, they're all about how missinformed you are. I am absolutely certain that you people are just fine besides your brainwashed political views which are disgrace. Keep voting for all the progress that people are in favor of to be obstructed forever... Great job omg.
You are showing how brainwashed YOU are when you remark about “all the progress people are in favor of“ - as if a small minority of outliers oppose it. What about all the people who do not agree that your version of “progress” is a positive? What about the people in half of all states who voted against those leftist policies, realizing the damage of them? What about the fact that it is being predicted that Republicans will win Congress in November?

In other words, will you still insist that people are all in favor of your policies, which you call “progressive,” when most voters reject them - as they did in the Virginia governor race?
You are showing how brainwashed YOU are when you remark about “all the progress people are in favor of“ - as if a small minority of outliers oppose it. What about all the people who do not agree that your version of “progress” is a positive? What about the people in half of all states who voted against those leftist policies, realizing the damage of them? What about the fact that it is being predicted that Republicans will win Congress in November?

In other words, will you still insist that people are all in favor of your policies, which you call “progressive,” when most voters reject them - as they did in the Virginia governor race?
People are overwhelmingly in favor of the living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and taxing the rich who are totally bloated thanks to you. Nobody in Virginia voted against any of those things. They were totally misinformed on what the hell is going on. And in fact so many people voted because of a ridiculous story about a transgender boy attacking a poor girl in a gender neutral bathroom or something which was nothing in fact. Every other modern country has all that stuff and the only people who don't believe in global warming are brainwashed functional morons like you in the GOP. Etc etc everything you know is crap. Communism my butt lol

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