Liz Cheney for President 2024!

Sorry, that was pretty complicated for someone like you who didn't finish high school. It's pretty simple for college grads. Relax, it's for them, I didn't mean to make you feel bad by writing things beyond your comprehension

I see that you didn't take the hint on getting therapy...
Sorry, that was pretty complicated for someone like you who didn't finish high school. It's pretty simple for college grads. Relax, it's for them, I didn't mean to make you feel bad by writing things beyond your comprehension

Bam, now that's what I'm talking about, another leftist is triggered, LOL. Sorry, Doc7505 , you reacted before I could give you a trigger alert. There there, cry your little girl eyes out, LOL
Ouch, wow, I was just burned!

That's what I would have said if you had just burned me, racist. But get therapy? That's pre-high school, you're regressing. The downside of my triggering you, huh?
Wow, typical Progressive Maoist Democrat response. Making claims that I'm a racist, attacking from the start.
Your adherence and use of the Saul Alinsky theory is showing. You listened but didn't learn. Go back to kindergarten.
Wow, typical Progressive Maoist Democrat response. Making claims that I'm a racist, attacking from the start.

It's not the start, the start was 200 years ago when your racist party was formed. Let's review the Democrat Party in the time since. You did slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation.

Now let's jump to today. Your party leader said if you don't vote for his lily white ass, you aren't black. He also mentioned that blacks are all alike. Then you should listen to your party attacking blacks who try to leave the Democrat plantation, they are called white nationalists, Uncle Tom (or "Uncle Tim" Scott) and Aunt Jemima and other extreme racist attacks.

Yep, I called you a racist, and you are one

Your adherence and use of the Saul Alinsky theory is showing. You listened but didn't learn. Go back to kindergarten.

And your adherence to Bull Connor shows, Grand Lizard
My God you people are delusional.
Cheney is a POS that will only keep a house seat with massive cheating in Wyoming.
She has as much chance in a Repub presidential primary as Kamala has of making it through a meeting without ducking her head under a desk
You guys don't know satire when you hear it.

This should be in the political satire forum

After all, no one could possibly think these things.

You guys don't know satire when you hear it.

This should be in the political satire forum

After all, no one could possibly think these things.


Yep. No one is voting for Liz outside her family. Obviously Democrats aren't going to vote for her either
I'm a life long Democrat/Independent born and raised in California's central valley. Never in my life would I have ever considered voting for a Republican for President until now. Liz Cheney has bigger balls than any man who has held that office in more than 100 years. They don't come any more conservative than Liz Cheney. Her cardinal sin is not towing the Republican line that January 6th wasn't a coup attempt and Donald Trump is the savior of the Republican party. She has integrity. She's a patriot. She knows a lie is a lie no matter how many times you tell it. The election wasn't stolen. Donald the Duck Trump lost fair and square. Don't believe it? Listen to Brad Rathensburger's testimony before the Jan 6th committee. He couldn't believe Trump lost Georgia either. But, here's the truth....the great people of Georgia decided to let the rest of the country pick the President. These voters didn't vote for Biden or Trump for President and voted Republican down the rest of the ticket. Trump lost Arizona because he got his rocks off by bashing John McCain. McCain was a war hero and beloved by the people of that great State. While he was being tortured in a prisoner of war camp, Donald Trump was whining about his feet to avoid the draft. Donald is little more than a criminal who has gotten away with his crimes for decades and now the chickens are gonna come home to roost. If I or anyone I know had plotted and planned to overthrow the government as he so obviously did, we'd be in jail today. I saw a clip of one of the rioters on Jan 6th who correctly stated "the penalty for treason is death". Donald Trump is the traitor in chief!
That’s a very bad idea. Liz is a hard core Republican. Her policies would be only incrementally better than Trump and probably as bad as Bush

I have my doubts as to you being a Dem. If you are you are not a very smart one
Liz is a hard core Republican

Sure, Lush, sure!

FDR was a hard core Nazi!

Mahatma Gandhi was a hard core terrorist!

George Washington was a hard core British loyalist!

You live in a dream world. What's even funnier is a left wing racist moon bat telling us who are real Republicans. Thanks, but go stuff it, racist
That’s a very bad idea. Liz is a hard core Republican. Her policies would be only incrementally better than Trump and probably as bad as Bush

I have my doubts as to you being a Dem. If you are you are not a very smart one
One thing is for sure, they can't be black

Sure, Lush, sure!

FDR was a hard core Nazi!

Mahatma Gandhi was a hard core terrorist!

George Washington was a hard core British loyalist!

You live in a dream world. What's even funnier is a left wing racist moon bat telling us who are real Republicans. Thanks, but go stuff it, racist
What? You are denying that Liz Cheney is a hard core right winger?

Check her voting record retard
hahahahahahahaaha! The ONLY ones that want her are Trump Haters and we all know their Liberal brain is the size of a small pimple on a 13 year old...
By “Trump haters” you mean “never Trumpers “? Because they agree with almost nothing that Dems believe other than support for Demcracy

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