List of early elimination of GOP candidates--via Abortion stance

how SAD would that be. That being PRO-LIFE could take someone out of the running for being President.

I guess they should have all said what Democrat party says. WE ARE PRO-DEATH and will stand for ALL woman to KILL their offspring. it's no skin off us democrat politicians ass.

man oh man

it's a matter of principle, stephanie... citizen privacy from state intrusion is an important one.

the government needs to leave such intimate decisions to the privacy of a woman and her doctor.

doctors are held to certain professional legal standards, so law breakers like gosnell are held accountable, as he in fact was.
I think a reasonable position for a republican (prolife) candidate would be to encourage states to pass laws limiting abortion to the first 20 weeks or when the life of the mother is at risk. This would be a step in the right direction for limiting abortions that is doable. Some states already have.
Silly thread.

Very few voters have such ridiculous black and white standards
You're joking, right?

right? :lol:

how many republicans would vote for a candidate who said s/he'd consider reenacting the 1994 assault weapons ban?

That 1994 measure banned the production of certain semi-automatic guns and the large ammunition clips that could make them deadlier. It expired in 2004, under a 10-year sunset clause written into the law, and faced criticism from gun-control backers for allowing too many loopholes. President Bush signaled willingness to sign an extension, but congressional Republicans never sent one to the floor, much less to his desk. Now, gun-control advocates are calling for the ban's return.

A Lot Has Changed Since Congress Passed the Assault Weapons Ban - ABC NewsA Lot Has Changed Since Congress Passed the Assault Weapons Ban - ABC News
Google this: "pro life women"

Your assumption that all women are pro-abortion is false and misleading.
I dont know anyone thats pro-abortion. Most are pro-"its my body mind your own business."

Pro choice is just a nice word for a fairytale world that doesn't want to deal with the nitty gritty act of offing a baby in the womb.

And there are thousands in the abortion industry who are thrilled to be in it and making a killing (pardon the pun).

Dr. Kermit Gosnell comes to mind. He loved loved his occupation.

It's free market capitalism. There is a demand for the service and people provide it.
Republican voters can care less about women's rights... Unless I'm wrong and they are ok with abortion.[/QUOTE]
how SAD would that be. That being PRO-LIFE could take someone out of the running for being President.

I guess they should have all said what Democrat party says. WE ARE PRO-DEATH and will stand for ALL woman to KILL their offspring. it's no skin off us democrat politicians ass.

man oh man

it's a matter of principle, stephanie... citizen privacy from state intrusion is an important one.

the government needs to leave such intimate decisions to the privacy of a woman and her doctor.

doctors are held to certain professional legal standards, so law breakers like gosnell are held accountable, as he in fact was.

Well, they (government) are into everything else in our lives. so it would be nice to pick and choose. but we aren't given that CHOICE. If I felt the left cared about that, We would have never had this FEDERAL government lay on our backs ObamaCare and demand we BUY some insurance or be FINED. and like I said, the left has been fear mongering how the right want's to ban abortions since 1979 and here we are in 2015 and they can still abort their child
it's a matter of principle, stephanie... citizen privacy from state intrusion is an important one.

the government needs to leave such intimate decisions to the privacy of a woman and her doctor.

doctors are held to certain professional legal standards, so law breakers like gosnell are held accountable, as he in fact was.

Well, they (government) are into everything else in our lives. so it would be nice to pick and choose. but we aren't given that CHOICE. If I felt the left cared about that, We would have never had this FEDERAL government lay on our backs ObamaCare and demand we BUY some insurance or be FINED.

and like I said, the left has been fear mongering how the right want's to ban abortions since 1979 and here we are in 2015 and they can still abort their child

i can walk and chew gum at the same time, you..?

the right have been pushing abortion legislation via fear mongering, so you got that backwards...
Abortion is not going to be an issue in this election.

It's an issue in every election. It wouldn't be if the GOP would stay the hell out of people's personal medical decisions.
Unfortunately no one is able to consult the fetus. Whixh is why the gov't has to step in, to protect the third party.
But the OP is simply wrong. Ted Cruz is the number 2 fund raiser so far. He isnt going anywhere, except maybe to the nomination.
O.K. so our first debate is over, and it's better to get this over earlier rather than later. We watched Scott Walker eliminate himself from being a viable contender due to the question and answer that he doesn't give exceptions to abortion, including the life of the mother.

Now these are the guys that would never be able to win in a general election to become the next POTUS. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they outvote men by about 10 points. They don't like to be told by men--(whom have never been raped, never been the object of a prenatal exam--and never given birth to anything--with the exception of a lot of bad ideas.) Yet they sure have opinions on what women should do.

WOMEN'S LIVES ARE WORTH SOMETHING TOO: The below list are obviously men who believe that all women are baby factories and nothing else. They don't consider the circumstance of a mother who has 2 kids at home, is diagnosed for some illness or disease-that is told by her doctor that if she has another baby she will die. They don't consider what the husband might say to the Republican party in this instance. They don't consider the 10 year old girl that has been raped repeatedly by her uncle, who doesn't have the body to sustain the labor of child birth. They don't consider the rape victim, who's husband and or family members do not want her to carry a rape baby to full term.

So who have eliminated themselves from winning the Presidency so far:
1. Scott Walker
2. Mike Huckabee
3. Rick Perry
4. Ted Cruz
5. Rand Paul
6. Bobby Jindal
7. Ben Carson
8. Marco Rubio--who did give exceptions but got roped a doped into not giving any--(or he's all over the map depending on what audience he's in front of.)
9. Rick Santorum
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

So there went half the field of the GOP candidates--7 are left.

What great amount of hubris it takes for liberals to denounce pro-life then liberal men SPEAK for women. And not just liberal women but ALL women. As if your liberal man view is that of every single woman. It is not, not by a long shot. You speak for one person and that is you. A man that supports unbridled killing of the unborn, you should be proud. But let women speak for themselves.
Abortion is not going to be an issue in this election.

It's an issue in every election. It wouldn't be if the GOP would stay the hell out of people's personal medical decisions.
Unfortunately no one is able to consult the fetus. Whixh is why the gov't has to step in, to protect the third party.
But the OP is simply wrong. Ted Cruz is the number 2 fund raiser so far. He isnt going anywhere, except maybe to the nomination.

Ted Cruz cannot win on his extreme no exception stance for abortion. In order to win elections you have to appeal the largest voting block in this country--(women). Without them it is impossible to win.

You don't win by telling them their lives don't matter.
O.K. so our first debate is over, and it's better to get this over earlier rather than later. We watched Scott Walker eliminate himself from being a viable contender due to the question and answer that he doesn't give exceptions to abortion, including the life of the mother.

Now these are the guys that would never be able to win in a general election to become the next POTUS. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they outvote men by about 10 points. They don't like to be told by men--(whom have never been raped, never been the object of a prenatal exam--and never given birth to anything--with the exception of a lot of bad ideas.) Yet they sure have opinions on what women should do.

WOMEN'S LIVES ARE WORTH SOMETHING TOO: The below list are obviously men who believe that all women are baby factories and nothing else. They don't consider the circumstance of a mother who has 2 kids at home, is diagnosed for some illness or disease-that is told by her doctor that if she has another baby she will die. They don't consider what the husband might say to the Republican party in this instance. They don't consider the 10 year old girl that has been raped repeatedly by her uncle, who doesn't have the body to sustain the labor of child birth. They don't consider the rape victim, who's husband and or family members do not want her to carry a rape baby to full term.

So who have eliminated themselves from winning the Presidency so far:
1. Scott Walker
2. Mike Huckabee
3. Rick Perry
4. Ted Cruz
5. Rand Paul
6. Bobby Jindal
7. Ben Carson
8. Marco Rubio--who did give exceptions but got roped a doped into not giving any--(or he's all over the map depending on what audience he's in front of.)
9. Rick Santorum
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

So there went half the field of the GOP candidates--7 are left.

What great amount of hubris it takes for liberals to denounce pro-life then liberal men SPEAK for women. And not just liberal women but ALL women. As if your liberal man view is that of every single woman. It is not, not by a long shot. You speak for one person and that is you. A man that supports unbridled killing of the unborn, you should be proud. But let women speak for themselves.

No one wants abortion on demand--but you do have to give exception to women for rape, incest and the life of the mother.

No one can treat women as if their second class citizens with no brains or integrity and get away with it. No one can tell a woman that if her life is threatened by a pregnancy that she should die over it.

Yet these candidates are stating exactly that. They cannot win with this extreme stance.
Abortion is not going to be an issue in this election.

It's an issue in every election. It wouldn't be if the GOP would stay the hell out of people's personal medical decisions.

Very true: Politicians opinions on abortion or gay marriage are about as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass. NONE of them are running for U.S. Supreme Court justices.

I really blame the extreme right of the Republican party for this. It is they that demand and ask a lot of questions of candidates about their abortion stance. Of course these candidates are going to go along to get along. Then they wonder why they lose elections. We have u-tube video recordings is why-- that can be done with cell phones. So they're playing real hard ball with extremists, then they try to move to the middle to be electable, and these video's show up on CNN--MSNBC--ABC--CBS etc. and are played 24/7.

It's very difficult for me, after watching several election cycles go up in flames over this issue. I have worked my butt off for the Republican party, and I know right now, I will be forced to defend them on abortion issues again. When I would much rather be talking about reducing the size of government, spending, taxes and the economy. But OH no--we've got to talk about abortion.

If we had one real candidate that would admit that. Of course they can cut planned parenthood, but they're never going to get rid of abortion. A woman's right to choose is protected by the U.S. Supreme court, and it's been here for over 42 years, and we've had several Republican administrations, and absolutely nothing as changed with it.

If you've donated money to these candidates, you've wasted your money. It's as simple as that.

In the same Pew poll, 54 percent think abortion should be always legal or legal most of the time. Another 35 percent think abortion should be illegal but with exceptions; only 9 percent think it should be illegal with no exceptions.

The same poll found that Republicans were evenly divided on overturning Roe. Large majorities of Democrats and independents were against overturning the decision.

So basically we have 10 candidates out of 16 that are representing only 9% of the entire population on their no exception for abortion stance: Do you think that spells WIN?
Gallup Finds Pro-Choice Americans Back Most Abortion Limits
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Republican women do care about candidates abortion stances. In 2010 in my state of Colorado, Republican candidate Ken Buck was leading in the polls, and he managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory, by announcing his no exception on abortion stance. We watch large swaths of Republican women vote for his opponent now Senator Michael Bennet because of that. This when Democrats were bleeding seats all over this country. In 2012 the "war on women" campaign put Barack Obama back in the oval office for a 2nd term. In 2014 our new senator Cory Gardener had once supported a personhood bill, and it took me hours on boards and newspapers trying to convince women that he know longer supported it, and he scraped by after an onslaught battle day after day over it.

The above Republicans, because of their stance on abortion would get slaughtered in a general election. They are un-electable.

Ken Buck made a continued series of fuck ups in that election. In 2012, the "war on women" had dick to do with Obama getting reelected.

Nevada is a Democrat leaning state and yet all of our statewide office holders, with the exception of Harry Reid, are pro-life: Senator Dean Heller, Governor Sandoval, etc.

If the Republicans demagogue the issue like Todd Akin and say dumb shit like women's bodies can self terminate a pregnancy when it's a "legitimate rape" or a rape pregnancy is a gift from God like Richard Mourdock said then yeah, they'll fucking lose, but they can be pro-life without making a huge to do over it and they'll be just fine. It never stopped George Bush.

The war on women did cost Republicans the election in 2012. Not only abortion, but we went into contraceptives. Rush Limbaugh did more damage than anyone thought he could do by going after some no-name--Sandra Fluke that became a real name overnight that everyone knew, over his rant on birth control pills and calling her a slut.

Rick Santorum--another one who somehow popped up again in this race. He is & was on video recording stating that States have the right to ban birth control contraceptives. Meaning that your next door neighbor has the right via a ballot to decide for you if you use them or not. He was & still is arguing with a 1965 U.S. Supreme Court decision Griswold V Connecticut.

You just mentioned the worse, but all of this added together was a "war on women" and the democrat party exposed it for what it was and that's why Barack Obama got a second term.

You're just not going to get away with these kind of statements. When a man attacks one woman they attack every woman. They're all offended by it.

It looks like with these 10 candidates, the Republican party has not learned anything from the loss in 2012, and are well on track to do it again.

If you were starting to worry that nutjobs and failed politicians Rep. Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock -- who became nationally famous for their comments on rape during this election cycle -- were speaking for the whole Republican party, have no fear. Former adviser to George W. Bush, Karen Hughes, has spoken out and is none too pleased with either man's rape and abortion rhetoric.

In an op-ed on Politico last week, published after both politicians were defeated (Akin in Congress by Democrat Claire McCaskill, Mourdock in the Senate by Democrat Joe Donnelly), Hughes wrote, "And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue.

Former Bush Adviser Says She ll Cut Out the Tongue of the Next GOP Man Who Talks Rape The Stir

Karen Hughes--former Bush advisor
Ted Cruz--was in Georgia last week pledging support for a constitutional personhood bill, giving an unborn child the same protection of a baby or human out of the womb.

Since this bill has been soundly defeated in my state of Colorado 3 times now--let me explain why voters would never vote for a candidate that would promote such bill.

Under the law-
1. A common Miscarriage would have to be investigated for foul play. An autopsy would have to be performed.
2. A woman who by accident fell down a flight of stairs and the baby in the womb died--would be investigated and could possibly face manslaughter charges.
3. If you were involved in an accident that you were at fault with, and a pregnant mother lost the baby, you could be charged.
4. Doctors and nurses could be charged for negligence and murder in the instance the baby dies during child birth.
5. Still born babies would have to be investigated and autopsy for foul play.

These Knuckle Dragging Neanderthals are killing the Republican Party. They hurt other candidates chances of winning elections. Women are the majority voting block in this country today. They out vote men by 10 points, and they are not going to be treated like second class citizens, or as if their lives don't matter. You are not going to have these men spouting their opinions off, while insulting the integrity of women and get away with it.
What great amount of hubris it takes for liberals to denounce pro-life then liberal men SPEAK for women. And not just liberal women but ALL women. As if your liberal man view is that of every single woman. It is not, not by a long shot. You speak for one person and that is you. A man that supports unbridled killing of the unborn, you should be proud. But let women speak for themselves.

drama queen much..? "free will"? :rolleyes:
Abortion is not going to be an issue in this election.

It's an issue in every election. It wouldn't be if the GOP would stay the hell out of people's personal medical decisions.
Unfortunately no one is able to consult the fetus. Whixh is why the gov't has to step in, to protect the third party.
But the OP is simply wrong. Ted Cruz is the number 2 fund raiser so far. He isnt going anywhere, except maybe to the nomination.

Ted Cruz cannot win on his extreme no exception stance for abortion. In order to win elections you have to appeal the largest voting block in this country--(women). Without them it is impossible to win.

You don't win by telling them their lives don't matter.

do you ever think of anything else? you're obsessed with abortions. that's twisted. the majority of the people in this country are not obsessing over abortion. they are obsessing trying to get by in this Obama and Democrat economy. so don't go making predictions you might have to eat
O.K. so our first debate is over, and it's better to get this over earlier rather than later. We watched Scott Walker eliminate himself from being a viable contender due to the question and answer that he doesn't give exceptions to abortion, including the life of the mother.

Now these are the guys that would never be able to win in a general election to become the next POTUS. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they outvote men by about 10 points. They don't like to be told by men--(whom have never been raped, never been the object of a prenatal exam--and never given birth to anything--with the exception of a lot of bad ideas.) Yet they sure have opinions on what women should do.

WOMEN'S LIVES ARE WORTH SOMETHING TOO: The below list are obviously men who believe that all women are baby factories and nothing else. They don't consider the circumstance of a mother who has 2 kids at home, is diagnosed for some illness or disease-that is told by her doctor that if she has another baby she will die. They don't consider what the husband might say to the Republican party in this instance. They don't consider the 10 year old girl that has been raped repeatedly by her uncle, who doesn't have the body to sustain the labor of child birth. They don't consider the rape victim, who's husband and or family members do not want her to carry a rape baby to full term.

So who have eliminated themselves from winning the Presidency so far:
1. Scott Walker
2. Mike Huckabee
3. Rick Perry
4. Ted Cruz
5. Rand Paul
6. Bobby Jindal
7. Ben Carson
8. Marco Rubio--who did give exceptions but got roped a doped into not giving any--(or he's all over the map depending on what audience he's in front of.)
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

So there went half the field of the GOP candidates--8 are left.
Republican voters can care less about women's rights... Unless I'm wrong and they are ok with abortion.

54% of this nation are women--and they believe that their LIVES are worth saving. Yet the above Knuckle Dragging Neanderthals indicate --through their extreme stance, that women's lives are not important. That it is O.K. for them to die to save a unborn babies life even at the point of conception when there is no heart beat.

There are women that die everyday giving birth. You add to that a disease such as the sudden onset of type 1 diabetes, ,due to a pregnancy, or cancer where a woman needs chemotherapy immediately to save her life--and what do you think she's going to do? She may have a husband and kids at home that she needs to raise.

Do you actually believe that women would vote for these non-caring, disrespectful ignorant male candidates? 91% of this nation give exception to abortion for the life of the mother, rape and incest.
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"Now these are the guys that would never be able to win in a general election to become the next POTUS. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they outvote men by about 10 points. They don't like to be told by men--(whom have never been raped, never been the object of a prenatal exam--and never given birth to anything--with the exception of a lot of bad ideas.) Yet they sure have opinions on what women should do."

Got news for you: a majority of women aren't going to vote for a republican candidate hostile to privacy rights in any manner, whether they acknowledge exceptions or not.

So at least add to your list Bush and Kasich.

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