List all of the programs the GOP wants to Defund. Then ask..

The dummycrat run public school indoctrination system is a complete sham!

WSJ: We've Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers
Today in America there are nearly twice as many people working for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 million). This is an almost exact reversal of the situation in 1960, when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.7 million collecting a paycheck from the government.

It gets worse. More Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined. We have moved decisively from a nation of makers to a nation of takers. Nearly half of the $2.2 trillion cost of state and local governments is the $1 trillion-a-year tab for pay and benefits of state and local employees. Is it any wonder that so many states and cities cannot pay their bills?...

Don't expect a reversal of this trend anytime soon. "Surveys of college graduates are finding that more and more of our top minds want to work for the government"...

The employment trends described here are explained in part by hugely beneficial productivity improvements in such traditional industries as farming, manufacturing, financial services and telecommunications. These produce far more output per worker than in the past. The typical farmer, for example, is today at least three times more productive than in 1950.

Where are the productivity gains in government? Consider a core function of state and local governments: schools. Over the period 1970-2005, school spending per pupil, adjusted for inflation, doubled, while standardized achievement test scores were flat. Over roughly that same time period, public-school employment doubled per student, according to a study by researchers at the University of Washington. That is what economists call negative productivity.

But education is an industry where we measure performance backwards: We gauge school performance not by outputs, but by inputs. If quality falls, we say we didn't pay teachers enough or we need smaller class sizes or newer schools. If education had undergone the same productivity revolution that manufacturing has, we would have half as many educators, smaller school budgets, and higher graduation rates and test scores.

The same is true of almost all other government services. Mass transit spends more and more every year and yet a much smaller share of Americans use trains and buses today than in past decades. One way that private companies spur productivity is by firing underperforming employees and rewarding excellence. In government employment, tenure for teachers and near lifetime employment for other civil servants shields workers from this basic system of reward and punishment. It is a system that breeds mediocrity, which is what we've gotten.

Most reasonable steps to restrain public-sector employment costs are smothered by the unions. Study after study has shown that states and cities could shave 20% to 40% off the cost of many services—fire fighting, public transportation, garbage collection, administrative functions, even prison operations—through competitive contracting to private providers. But unions have blocked many of those efforts. Public employees maintain that they are underpaid relative to equally qualified private-sector workers, yet they are deathly afraid of competitive bidding for government services.

Well, actually, it's the uneducated masses of deadbeat Republicans who are "takers". Ever seen a "Tea Party" rally?
...and then what?
Defund the Dept of Education and then what?
States will find a way to replace that small % of their education budgets represented by federal money, and then education will, again, the the sole purview of the states - just like it should be.
After all, the word "education" is not in the Constitution.

Defund Planned Parenthood and then what?
People who believe the organization and its services to be essential will either choose to fund it themselves, or the organization wi wither and die,
Wecome to the free market.

The Republican or Conservative answer never seem to acknowledge what is inevitable from cutting or defunding any number of programs (Medicare, Medicade, SS, Welfare, Unemployment etc).
People receiving benefits from these programs will receive smaller benefits.
They will have to cut their budgets, just like everyone else.
There's no sound argument that this should never be considered, or never allowed to happen.

No matter how much you whine and cry about cutting spending, one thing is true:
The rich don'y have enough income to raise taxes enough; defense spending isn't high enough to cut defense spending enough -- and so, to meaninfgully address the deficit, entitlement spending -must- be cut.

Actual spend-less-than-last-year cuts, not just the rate of growth.

So instead of saying states rights and freedom, I can sum up your entire arguement to "If you cant pay for it, tough shit"

That isnt how you run a nation. I think you guys are going to have to reconcile with the fact that Govt provides services to serve the public. If you dont agree with that then you dont understand how nations are ran.

Wouldnt it be nice if only those that can afford to could get healthcare and education and trash pick? Well no, actually

@ Oddball: Who said perfection isnt an option? You cry about every mistake govt makes so I assume you are looking for perfection. Since you never make a point, that must be it
I know, I know everything is wrong with everything. I'm concerned at the lack of perfection also but what is the cons plan? We know you don't like things that are not perfect. So what is the answer besides give everyone freedom from govt then it will figure itself out?

The first 3 posts highlight my op perfectly

we like you because you're a perfect asshat. :thup:
...and then what?

Defund the Dept of Education and then what? Charters that arent in business will take all the left over students? Or everyone will suddenly stop working to home school their kids? I dont know...So I'm asking

Defund Planned Parenthood and then what? Adoptions of American children will suddenly go through the roof? People will stop having sex once they realize they cant get free condoms? Since most women seeking abortions already have one child what should they do if they cannot care for the child?

The Republican or Conservative answer never seem to acknowledge what is inevitable from cutting or defunding any number of programs (Medicare, Medicade, SS, Welfare, Unemployment etc). The only thing that is done is mock those positions. Like "Oh no! If we cut medicare old people will be eating dog food!" They never say that this is wrong they just mock it.

I just listened to waaaay too much Limbaugh and Hannity this afternoon. But mocking that position without explaining why this is worthy to be mocked seems empty.

"Waaaaa the house will burn down if you set a fire in the living room!" type mocking. Then never explain why the fire they want to set wont cause the house to burn. Their solution to everything is "freedom" "liberty" "make me feel good".

Defund the Dept of Education and then what? Or level of education will more than likely increase. Before the DOE we were in the top 5, since; we are lucky to be in the teens.

Defund Planned Parenthood and then what? Rely on parents to teach thier children right from wrong. I know that an alien concept for the left since they think government knows better.

The rest of your ranting is meaningless drivel based on the foolish assumption government knows better.

But don't worry, one day you may grow to be a man.
...and then what?

Defund the Dept of Education and then what? Charters that arent in business will take all the left over students? Or everyone will suddenly stop working to home school their kids? I dont know...So I'm asking

Defund Planned Parenthood and then what? Adoptions of American children will suddenly go through the roof? People will stop having sex once they realize they cant get free condoms? Since most women seeking abortions already have one child what should they do if they cannot care for the child?

The Republican or Conservative answer never seem to acknowledge what is inevitable from cutting or defunding any number of programs (Medicare, Medicade, SS, Welfare, Unemployment etc). The only thing that is done is mock those positions. Like "Oh no! If we cut medicare old people will be eating dog food!" They never say that this is wrong they just mock it.

I just listened to waaaay too much Limbaugh and Hannity this afternoon. But mocking that position without explaining why this is worthy to be mocked seems empty.

"Waaaaa the house will burn down if you set a fire in the living room!" type mocking. Then never explain why the fire they want to set wont cause the house to burn. Their solution to everything is "freedom" "liberty" "make me feel good".

Defund the Dept of Education and then what? Or level of education will more than likely increase. Before the DOE we were in the top 5, since; we are lucky to be in the teens.

Defund Planned Parenthood and then what? Rely on parents to teach thier children right from wrong. I know that an alien concept for the left since they think government knows better.

The rest of your ranting is meaningless drivel based on the foolish assumption government knows better.

But don't worry, one day you may grow to be a man.

Thats a logical fallacy to believe that the DOE is the reason why we've fallen behind in education. I mean, before the DOE Americans would routinly carry bag lunches. LOL!

Rely on parents to teach their children isnt a plan for a SOCIETY. Hell ask Sarah Palin if that works out. I know, I know..Irresponsible Parents cant teach their children blah blah...or does that not apply

@ Oddball You just complain that things go wrong. Well thats what happens in the real world skippy. I wish govt had no faults, waste or abuse but I dont have a genie or a magic lamp. So I have to deal with reality...want to come?
Defund Planned Parenthood and then what?

Young woman might have to pay full price, and get themselves to the clinic to have an abortion. OH MY the horror.

Here in my town, the Local Planned parenthood lies through their god damn teeth. They claim that here locally they provide no Abortions. Yet they provide rides to young girls who need an abortion 140 Miles south to where planned Parenthood does provide abortions.

Why do they feel they must lie?

I think that its a shame that someone has to drive more than 2 hours to receive a legal medical proceedure. Thank god they do provide those rides
You just complain that things go wrong. Well thats what happens in the real world skippy. I wish govt had no faults, waste or abuse but I dont have a genie or a magic lamp. So I have to deal with reality...want to come?
I complain about people (politicians and and their useful idiot hacks in the media, primarily) who tell us that all we need is just one more law...just one more "reform"...just one more intervention into the lives and incursion upon the freedoms of the proletariat and everything will be just peachy....Just like rubbing that lamp and the genie pops out.

Then, somehow or another, everything they lay their grubby mitts on gets even worse...Yet, it's never ever their fault for interfering in the first place.

Now that's reality.
...and then what?

Defund the Dept of Education and then what? Charters that arent in business will take all the left over students? Or everyone will suddenly stop working to home school their kids? I dont know...So I'm asking

Defund Planned Parenthood and then what? Adoptions of American children will suddenly go through the roof? People will stop having sex once they realize they cant get free condoms? Since most women seeking abortions already have one child what should they do if they cannot care for the child?

The Republican or Conservative answer never seem to acknowledge what is inevitable from cutting or defunding any number of programs (Medicare, Medicade, SS, Welfare, Unemployment etc). The only thing that is done is mock those positions. Like "Oh no! If we cut medicare old people will be eating dog food!" They never say that this is wrong they just mock it.

I just listened to waaaay too much Limbaugh and Hannity this afternoon. But mocking that position without explaining why this is worthy to be mocked seems empty.

"Waaaaa the house will burn down if you set a fire in the living room!" type mocking. Then never explain why the fire they want to set wont cause the house to burn. Their solution to everything is "freedom" "liberty" "make me feel good".

Defund the Dept of Education and then what? Or level of education will more than likely increase. Before the DOE we were in the top 5, since; we are lucky to be in the teens.

Defund Planned Parenthood and then what? Rely on parents to teach thier children right from wrong. I know that an alien concept for the left since they think government knows better.

The rest of your ranting is meaningless drivel based on the foolish assumption government knows better.

But don't worry, one day you may grow to be a man.

Thats a logical fallacy to believe that the DOE is the reason why we've fallen behind in education. I mean, before the DOE Americans would routinly carry bag lunches. LOL!

Rely on parents to teach their children isnt a plan for a SOCIETY. Hell ask Sarah Palin if that works out. I know, I know..Irresponsible Parents cant teach their children blah blah...or does that not apply

@ Oddball You just complain that things go wrong. Well thats what happens in the real world skippy. I wish govt had no faults, waste or abuse but I dont have a genie or a magic lamp. So I have to deal with reality...want to come?

Bag lunches? You are hanging your hat on bag lunches?

Sarah Palin? So you are saying b/c life isn't perfect the government will make it all better?

damn man

It's time to put the toys away and grow up. You are so far away from real life I'd be shocked to learn that you don't need help tying your shoes.
What do you have against self government? Why do you not like self determination? If you want to help people, great! But help people with your own time, talent, and resources. Why do you think taking someone elses time, talent, and resources by force is ever a good thing?

We don't have the money for these programs. If we keep spending the way we are, then alot of people will suffer. Now, we have the opportunity to halt that. We have the opportunity to take responsibility for our actions. So why not do it? Why not encourage it?

I have nothing against self governing except when you try to apply it to governing a nation...Doesnt work so well then, ya know. But its a cute dream tho.

Why not encourage taking responsibility? Well golly gee Wally, that sounds like a swell idea. If taking responsibility is sticking the lowest rungs of society with the bill for the richest, I dont and should not have to be responsible for them. They dont want to contribute, then want us to make up the difference.

Fuck that
You just complain that things go wrong. Well thats what happens in the real world skippy. I wish govt had no faults, waste or abuse but I dont have a genie or a magic lamp. So I have to deal with reality...want to come?
I complain about people (politicians and and their useful idiot hacks in the media, primarily) who tell us that all we need is just one more law...just one more "reform"...just one more intervention into the lives and incursion upon the freedoms of the proletariat and everything will be just peachy....Just like rubbing that lamp and the genie pops out.

Then, somehow or another, everything they lay their grubby mitts on gets even worse...Yet, it's never ever their fault for interfering in the first place.

Now that's reality.

I know, I know...I said you were a complainer with no ideas. I'm agreeing with you. One day you will find that perfectness you are seeking, Then we can apply that perfect thing to the US Govt....Then flowers will grow and children will sing. Look a bird landed on my finger! :lol:
My ideas involve getting the money burning and liberty crushing failures of the central controllers out of my and everyone else's lives.

Unlike know-it-all do-gooder progressive authoritarians, I don't believe that my ideas on how you should run your life are relevant.
I've pretty much reached the point where I want all these tea-bagger assclowns who want us to defund everything get their wish...and then the country comes crumbling down.

But oh, yeah, that's right...I actually love my country.
My ideas involve getting the money burning and liberty crushing failures of the central controllers out of my and everyone else's lives.

Unlike know-it-all do-gooder progressive authoritarians, I don't believe that my ideas on how you should run your life are relevant.

Nor do I believe a know-it-all regressive callous crumudgeon has any ideas or understanding of liberty and society.
I've pretty much reached the point where I want all these tea-bagger assclowns who want us to defund everything get their wish...and then the country comes crumbling down.

But oh, yeah, that's right...I actually love my country.
Only in the mind of the committed authoritarian progressive does a massive omnivorous central gubmint = "the country".

Get a grip, dude.
...and then what?
Defund the Dept of Education and then what?
States will find a way to replace that small % of their education budgets represented by federal money, and then education will, again, the the sole purview of the states - just like it should be.
After all, the word "education" is not in the Constitution.

People who believe the organization and its services to be essential will either choose to fund it themselves, or the organization wi wither and die,
Wecome to the free market.

The Republican or Conservative answer never seem to acknowledge what is inevitable from cutting or defunding any number of programs (Medicare, Medicade, SS, Welfare, Unemployment etc).
People receiving benefits from these programs will receive smaller benefits.
They will have to cut their budgets, just like everyone else.
There's no sound argument that this should never be considered, or never allowed to happen.

No matter how much you whine and cry about cutting spending, one thing is true:
The rich don'y have enough income to raise taxes enough; defense spending isn't high enough to cut defense spending enough -- and so, to meaninfgully address the deficit, entitlement spending -must- be cut.

Actual spend-less-than-last-year cuts, not just the rate of growth.

So instead of saying states rights and freedom, I can sum up your entire arguement to "If you cant pay for it, tough shit"
Cuts have to be made.
Some of these cuts will involve less movey and fewer services to those that currently enjoy them. No way around it.

You can continue with all of the stock, canned, partisan fearmongering about starving old people and sick kids to your heart's content, but the -fact- remains that cuts to these programs -need- to be made because the -only- way to meaningfully address the deficit, say nothing of the debt, is to cut entitlement/social spending.

If you are not ready to accept that fact and work to help shape those cuts, you're simply part of the problem, far removed from the solution.
In time, the economy will bounce back and tax revenues will soar. Re-funding will occur.

That didn't work under Reagan or Dubya. It didn't work prior to Teddy Roosevelt. What makes you think it will work this time when it's never worked in the past?
Defund Planned Parenthood and then what?

Young woman might have to pay full price, and get themselves to the clinic to have an abortion. OH MY the horror.

Here in my town, the Local Planned parenthood lies through their god damn teeth. They claim that here locally they provide no Abortions. Yet they provide rides to young girls who need an abortion 140 Miles south to where planned Parenthood does provide abortions.

Why do they feel they must lie?

I think that its a shame that someone has to drive more than 2 hours to receive a legal medical proceedure. Thank god they do provide those rides

Good news! After PPH is defunded, you can help pay for those rides yourself!
States will find a way to replace that small % of their education budgets represented by federal money, and then education will, again, the the sole purview of the states - just like it should be.
After all, the word "education" is not in the Constitution.

People who believe the organization and its services to be essential will either choose to fund it themselves, or the organization wi wither and die,
Wecome to the free market.

People receiving benefits from these programs will receive smaller benefits.
They will have to cut their budgets, just like everyone else.
There's no sound argument that this should never be considered, or never allowed to happen.

No matter how much you whine and cry about cutting spending, one thing is true:
The rich don'y have enough income to raise taxes enough; defense spending isn't high enough to cut defense spending enough -- and so, to meaninfgully address the deficit, entitlement spending -must- be cut.

Actual spend-less-than-last-year cuts, not just the rate of growth.

So instead of saying states rights and freedom, I can sum up your entire arguement to "If you cant pay for it, tough shit"
Cuts have to be made.
Some of these cuts will involve less movey and fewer services to those that currently enjoy them. No way around it.

You can continue with all of the stock, canned, partisan fearmongering about starving old people and sick kids to your heart's content, but the -fact- remains that cuts to these programs -need- to be made because the -only- way to meaningfully address the deficit, say nothing of the debt, is to cut entitlement/social spending.

If you are not ready to accept that fact and work to help shape those cuts, you're simply part of the problem, far removed from the solution.

You really like using weasel words dont you?

Cuts to THESE programs dont NEED to be cut to MEANINGFULLY ADDRESS the deficit. Cuts to any programs need to be cut to CUT the deficit, not "meaningfully address" it. Again your entire arguement goes counter to running a government for and by the people and can be summed up to "If you cant pay for it, yeah, deal with it"

But that is not government of any nation in the world.

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