List all of the programs the GOP wants to Defund. Then ask..

So instead of saying states rights and freedom, I can sum up your entire arguement to "If you cant pay for it, tough shit"
Cuts have to be made.
Some of these cuts will involve less movey and fewer services to those that currently enjoy them. No way around it.

You can continue with all of the stock, canned, partisan fearmongering about starving old people and sick kids to your heart's content, but the -fact- remains that cuts to these programs -need- to be made because the -only- way to meaningfully address the deficit, say nothing of the debt, is to cut entitlement/social spending.

If you are not ready to accept that fact and work to help shape those cuts, you're simply part of the problem, far removed from the solution.

You really like using weasel words dont you?

Cuts to THESE programs dont NEED to be cut to MEANINGFULLY ADDRESS the deficit. Cuts to any programs need to be cut to CUT the deficit, not "meaningfully address" it. Again your entire arguement goes counter to running a government for and by the people and can be summed up to "If you cant pay for it, yeah, deal with it"

But that is not government of any nation in the world.

and that is our differential in the world my friend.
It always has been.

Yes, government is for the people and by the people....not for the people to turn to.

If the people must turn to government, then government is no longer "the people" is a separate entity.

I fear you are not well educated as to why the US became the larest mopst prosperous, most envied country in the world in a mere 250 years while other nations didnt even come close after thousands, if not tens of thousands of years of existance.

Sadly, seems you want to mimic OTHER nations of the world....if we did, we would not be who we are today.
Defund the Dept of Education and then what? Charters that arent in business will take all the left over students? Or everyone will suddenly stop working to home school their kids? I dont know...So I'm asking
What rubbish, don't call it all, when you listed few little!

I love how defunding the DOE means that only private schools will be open! Earth to stupid, public schools are funded by property taxes, which are collected at the State level and usually at the county level. Ask yourself what has the DOE done to get such love by liberals? No much.

You bash Charter school (many which run on public funds and don't require families to pay tuitions), but no doubt any liberal out their prays the school their kid goes to is a Charter school. Children get a 100 fold better education at them.

Defund Planned Parenthood and then what? Adoptions of American children will suddenly go through the roof? People will stop having sex once they realize they cant get free condoms? Since most women seeking abortions already have one child what should they do if they cannot care for the child?
Wow that is the dumbest thing I ever heard. I am pro-abortion, but if you want to have an abortion, no one but YOU should pay for it. Why should a pro-lifer have to pay for it. I mean should we force antigun advocate tax payors to pay for the NRA? Not a chance.

So if you don't give free condoms then people won't buy them! Not even worthy of a response!

The Republican or Conservative answer never seem to acknowledge what is inevitable from cutting or defunding any number of programs (Medicare, Medicade, SS, Welfare, Unemployment etc).
Reality is this. State and Federal Pension should be phased out!!! The private sector has phased them out since the 60s since they are unsustainable. So why should tax dollars (15% of the Federal budget and 40-60% of all state budgets) pay for this? They should have individual retirement plans, like 401(k). That would be 15%.

Welfare and Unemployment are issues, but they're not the financial burdens that they are made to be. The real areas and medicare/medicaid, SS, Defense and Fed and State worker Pension plans. Liberal scream cut only defense! Yet they try to cut your throat if you go after the other!

It's the unreasonable liberals socialist that are the problem!
Cuts have to be made.
Some of these cuts will involve less movey and fewer services to those that currently enjoy them. No way around it.

You can continue with all of the stock, canned, partisan fearmongering about starving old people and sick kids to your heart's content, but the -fact- remains that cuts to these programs -need- to be made because the -only- way to meaningfully address the deficit, say nothing of the debt, is to cut entitlement/social spending.

If you are not ready to accept that fact and work to help shape those cuts, you're simply part of the problem, far removed from the solution.

You really like using weasel words dont you?

Cuts to THESE programs dont NEED to be cut to MEANINGFULLY ADDRESS the deficit. Cuts to any programs need to be cut to CUT the deficit, not "meaningfully address" it. Again your entire arguement goes counter to running a government for and by the people and can be summed up to "If you cant pay for it, yeah, deal with it"

But that is not government of any nation in the world.

and that is our differential in the world my friend.
It always has been.

Yes, government is for the people and by the people....not for the people to turn to.

If the people must turn to government, then government is no longer "the people" is a separate entity.

I fear you are not well educated as to why the US became the larest mopst prosperous, most envied country in the world in a mere 250 years while other nations didnt even come close after thousands, if not tens of thousands of years of existance.

Sadly, seems you want to mimic OTHER nations of the world....if we did, we would not be who we are today.

wait, are you making an arguement of why America is so great and prosperous in a short time while sayin that the same country should do everything different than what its been doing? :lol:

Sure, slavery was kick ass for becoming prosperous but we kinda got rid of that
There you have it...America became prosperous in its early years just because of slavery. :rolleyes:

Hey, I can dig why you're all upset since I didnt say that.

...and then what?

Defund the Dept of Education and then what? Charters that arent in business will take all the left over students? Or everyone will suddenly stop working to home school their kids? I dont know...So I'm asking

Defund Planned Parenthood and then what? Adoptions of American children will suddenly go through the roof? People will stop having sex once they realize they cant get free condoms? Since most women seeking abortions already have one child what should they do if they cannot care for the child?

The Republican or Conservative answer never seem to acknowledge what is inevitable from cutting or defunding any number of programs (Medicare, Medicade, SS, Welfare, Unemployment etc). The only thing that is done is mock those positions. Like "Oh no! If we cut medicare old people will be eating dog food!" They never say that this is wrong they just mock it.

I just listened to waaaay too much Limbaugh and Hannity this afternoon. But mocking that position without explaining why this is worthy to be mocked seems empty.

"Waaaaa the house will burn down if you set a fire in the living room!" type mocking. Then never explain why the fire they want to set wont cause the house to burn. Their solution to everything is "freedom" "liberty" "make me feel good".

.....and then, per the constitution, the states may handle those issues not under the specifc authority of the fed and not prohbited by the constitution.
So instead of saying states rights and freedom, I can sum up your entire arguement to "If you cant pay for it, tough shit"
Cuts have to be made.
Some of these cuts will involve less movey and fewer services to those that currently enjoy them. No way around it.

You can continue with all of the stock, canned, partisan fearmongering about starving old people and sick kids to your heart's content, but the -fact- remains that cuts to these programs -need- to be made because the -only- way to meaningfully address the deficit, say nothing of the debt, is to cut entitlement/social spending.

If you are not ready to accept that fact and work to help shape those cuts, you're simply part of the problem, far removed from the solution.

You really like using weasel words dont you?
Says he who is simply spouting the usual partisan talking points.
You may remain part of the problem if you wish - the adults will take care of things for you.
aaaww, you just call anything talking points so you dont have to address them directly. Its' ok
I've pretty much reached the point where I want all these tea-bagger assclowns who want us to defund everything get their wish...and then the country comes crumbling down.

But oh, yeah, that's right...I actually love my country.
Only in the mind of the committed authoritarian progressive does a massive omnivorous central gubmint = "the country".

Get a grip, dude.

I have a grip.

Nowhere did I say that I was equating the government with the country. Get your head out of your ass.
You really like using weasel words dont you?

Cuts to THESE programs dont NEED to be cut to MEANINGFULLY ADDRESS the deficit. Cuts to any programs need to be cut to CUT the deficit, not "meaningfully address" it. Again your entire arguement goes counter to running a government for and by the people and can be summed up to "If you cant pay for it, yeah, deal with it"

But that is not government of any nation in the world.

and that is our differential in the world my friend.
It always has been.

Yes, government is for the people and by the people....not for the people to turn to.

If the people must turn to government, then government is no longer "the people" is a separate entity.

I fear you are not well educated as to why the US became the larest mopst prosperous, most envied country in the world in a mere 250 years while other nations didnt even come close after thousands, if not tens of thousands of years of existance.

Sadly, seems you want to mimic OTHER nations of the world....if we did, we would not be who we are today.

wait, are you making an arguement of why America is so great and prosperous in a short time while sayin that the same country should do everything different than what its been doing? :lol:

Sure, slavery was kick ass for becoming prosperous but we kinda got rid of that

You must have a reading comprehension issue.
Never said that.
Not surprised you assumed I did.

Now I will make it easier for you....

We built a country on the idea of personal responsibility, Small government; lots of liberties. Freedom to choose.
We made our mistakes, we corrected them. We will make more mistakes, we will correct them as well.
But our core principles of personal responsibility and freedom to choose are what allowed us to grow and prosper DESPITE our mistakes....and we did it quicker than any other country ever did in the past.

But seems you prefer we do it like other countries.

Why? Do you not like our uniqueness? DO you not have the discipline to do for yourself regardless of how hard it is?

SO maybe the problem is you...and not the country?
aaaww, you just call anything talking points so you dont have to address them directly. Its' ok
The shoe obviously fits - you haven't offered anything in response to the perfectly plain and sound answers to your OP other than the usual, canned, 'the old people are going to starve' tripe that liberals always bring out whwen anyone discusses cutting anything other than the military.

Thus, your responses aren't worth addressing - you clearly wish to avoid the issue, rather than meaningfully deal with it.

As I said - you're part of the problem, and have no desire to have anything to do with the soltuon.
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Why is it that the majority of conservatives on this board seem to think THEY are the only ones who have a lock on pride in country and the constitution? They're not.

The majority of the governmental framework that you ass-clowns rail against isn't unconstitutional like you say. If it was, the SCOTUS would have heard a case and said so. Why don't you realize that?

To say that all these programs are wasteful is one thing...but to say that they ought to be defunded because they're unconstitutional is simply something else. That's where all this sentiment comes from too. Some douchetool doesnt see it in the constitution and they forget that statutes and case law build up doctrines and agencies that aren't illegal/unlawful AND they're not in the constitution.
I've pretty much reached the point where I want all these tea-bagger assclowns who want us to defund everything get their wish...and then the country comes crumbling down.

But oh, yeah, that's right...I actually love my country.
Only in the mind of the committed authoritarian progressive does a massive omnivorous central gubmint = "the country".

Get a grip, dude.

I have a grip.

Nowhere did I say that I was equating the government with the country. Get your head out of your ass.

Ahh...but you are equating the two.

You seem to believe that if we defund government the country will crumble.....which means that, to you, the government is what makes the country.

Ignoring the fact that for over 100 years before we FUNDED the government, the country grew dramatically.
Why is it that the majority of conservatives on this board seem to think THEY are the only ones who have a lock on pride in country and the constitution? They're not.

The majority of the governmental framework that you ass-clowns rail against isn't unconstitutional like you say. If it was, the SCOTUS would have heard a case and said so. Why don't you realize that?
Classic liberoidal douchetool response: Sue us if you don't like it. :rolleyes:
Why is it that the majority of conservatives on this board seem to think THEY are the only ones who have a lock on pride in country and the constitution? They're not.

The majority of the governmental framework that you ass-clowns rail against isn't unconstitutional like you say. If it was, the SCOTUS would have heard a case and said so. Why don't you realize that?

To say that all these programs are wasteful is one thing...but to say that they ought to be defunded because they're unconstitutional is simply something else. That's where all this sentiment comes from too. Some douchetool doesnt see it in the constitution and they forget that statutes and case law build up doctrines and agencies that aren't illegal/unlawful AND they're not in the constitution.

I find it interesting that you insult others while you insist on ignoring the fact that everyone...EVERYONE....agrees that much of the constitution is up to personal intepretation.

That is why the appointees to the SCOTUS is so impoortant from an ideological standpoint.
...and then what?

Defund the Dept of Education and then what? Charters that arent in business will take all the left over students? Or everyone will suddenly stop working to home school their kids? I dont know...So I'm asking

Defund Planned Parenthood and then what? Adoptions of American children will suddenly go through the roof? People will stop having sex once they realize they cant get free condoms? Since most women seeking abortions already have one child what should they do if they cannot care for the child?

The Republican or Conservative answer never seem to acknowledge what is inevitable from cutting or defunding any number of programs (Medicare, Medicade, SS, Welfare, Unemployment etc). The only thing that is done is mock those positions. Like "Oh no! If we cut medicare old people will be eating dog food!" They never say that this is wrong they just mock it.

I just listened to waaaay too much Limbaugh and Hannity this afternoon. But mocking that position without explaining why this is worthy to be mocked seems empty.

"Waaaaa the house will burn down if you set a fire in the living room!" type mocking. Then never explain why the fire they want to set wont cause the house to burn. Their solution to everything is "freedom" "liberty" "make me feel good".

Another emotion based post long on hysteria and short on facts. The GOP doesn't want to defund education. It wants to eliminate the drones in the Dept. of Education. Sounds good to me. Since when is "Planned Parenthood" aka the Abortion Industry a part of the federal government? Adoptions will go through the roof? What the hell kind of statement is that? The dirty little secret is that democrats agree that spending is out of control. When did they come to that conclusion? When republicans gained the majority in congress. Anyone can see that the democrat party has been led by fools at least for the last four years.
aaaww, you just call anything talking points so you dont have to address them directly. Its' ok
The shoe obviously fits - you haven't offered anything in response to the perfectly plain and sound answers to your OP other than the usual, canned, 'the old people are going to starve' tripe that liberals always bring out whwen anyone discusses cutting anything other than the military.

Like I said you just say talking points to any response to dismiss it, and label your own responses a "plain and sound". I never once said old ppl will starve so your responses to me are the usual, canned "tripe" you're talking about cause you arent even addressing what I'm saying :lol: Hows that for ironic?

Why do you keep saying "cutting anything other than the military"? You keep saying that like it's a talking point...*gasp* nooo not you

But we're not talking about cutting anything though are we you little liar you..
aaaww, you just call anything talking points so you dont have to address them directly. Its' ok
The shoe obviously fits - you haven't offered anything in response to the perfectly plain and sound answers to your OP other than the usual, canned, 'the old people are going to starve' tripe that liberals always bring out whwen anyone discusses cutting anything other than the military.
Like I said you just say talking points to any response to dismiss it, and label your own responses a "plain and sound".
Repeating yourself accomplishes nothing other than illustrate you have nothing to say.

Tell me:
What do you think is an 'acceptable' deficit?
The FY2009 deficit was $1413B - what do you want to cut to get down to that 'acceptable' deficit?
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Why is it that the majority of conservatives on this board seem to think THEY are the only ones who have a lock on pride in country and the constitution? They're not.

The majority of the governmental framework that you ass-clowns rail against isn't unconstitutional like you say. If it was, the SCOTUS would have heard a case and said so. Why don't you realize that?
Simple: We understand that this argument is fallacious.

To say that all these programs are wasteful is one thing...but to say that they ought to be defunded because they're unconstitutional is simply something else.
True - it is far more powerful than the 'wasteful' argument.
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