Lindsey Graham: We're Calling in All Officials Who Signed Carter Page FISA Warrant to Testify

When is Graham coming out of the closet? Or is he waiting for Trump to do it for him if he stops being psycho Trumps main ball washer?

A liberal homophobe, I am so shocked.

I never got the word homophobe. Who in the hell is scared of gays?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree...the left coined it.

If you don’t agree with the homosexual lifestyle for whatever reason, you are scared of them.

It’s stupid. I totally get your point.

Just like they use misogynist all the time, but never misanthrope.

Why not?
This thing needs to be examined. Think about it, can we trust the FBI to handle espionage issues if they fall for forged documents concocted by foreign agents to influence a presidential election? You almost gotta laugh that the crazy angry left got away with accusing Trump of "collusion" with foreign agents while they were up to their asses in foreign based propaganda.

The Dossier has all been verified - everything but the pee tape. So everything in your post is a lie.

And we haven't seen the Mueller Report. He filed over 100 charges against 22 individuals and corporation, so your assertions that the Russians didn't hack the DNC server, or coordinate with WikiLeaks to get Trump elected, is completely false. The evidence of that was filed in the indictments.

You almost gotta laugh that the crazy, desperate, Russian-loving Trumpbots are trying to claim that Trump has been exonerated, when we haven't even seen Mueller's report yet.

Dear lady, NOTHING in the fairy tale called the dossier was verified. You need to get better news sources. I am aware that some news sources claimed that parts of the dossier were verified; but they they wrong. You really need to get your news from The Drudge Report.

For your information, Steele himself admitted, under oath, that nothing in the dossier was verified. He further claimed that the documents were never intended to be presented as truthful.

“According to Steele’s courtroom version, the dossier is merely a compilation of bits of “raw intelligence” that were “unverified” and that he passed along because they “warranted further investigation” — i.e., not because he could vouch for their truthfulness. He gave them to American and British government officials, he maintains, only because they raised potential national-security threats, not because they actually established any such threats. That, he now says, was for government investigators to figure out. In sum, Steele’s defamation defense is not that what he wrote was true but that his reports “must be critically viewed in light of the purpose for and circumstances in which the information was collected.” There is laugh-out-loud stuff here: Steele’s declamation of his profound commitment to discretion and secrecy lest his “raw,” “unverified,” and possibly false reports defame anyone. He claimed that he and Fusion GPS had a solemn agreement not to disclose his work . . . except for whenever they decided to disclose his work — including to Fusion’s clients and to major press organs during the stretch run of a contentious presidential election. But not to worry: These discussions were “off the record,” a term Steele claims to have understood to mean “to be used for the purpose of further research but would not be published or attributed.”

Read more at: Steele Dossier: Obama Officials Politicized Unverified ‘Intelligence’ | National Review

Steele also admitted that most of the dossier was based upon on-line comments on what appeared to be a chat/gossip forum

“Transcripts of the closed door deposition of Christopher Steele, the former British spy, reveals he used online comments from a now-defunct CNN website as his major source to compile his infamous “Trump dossier.”

“According to the transcripts, Steele used a website called CNN iReport to back up his wild anti-Trump theories for his 2009 dossier. He now claims he “wasn’t aware” the information he found on the site was an online community forum, and that poster’s comments had not been “checked for accuracy.”

Christopher Steele ADMITS He Based His Entire Dossier on Unverified ONLINE COMMENTS

CONCLUSION: Nothing in the dossier was verified. Further, Trump has been completely exonerated. Mueller found no evidence of collusion and the Attorney General ruled Trump did not obstruct justice. When an investigation finds no evidence of a crime, that is what normal people call exoneration.

Drudge Report
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  • Overall, we rate the Drudge Report Right Biased and Questionable due to promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, as well as for publishing fake news and the use of highly questionable sources.
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National Review
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  • Overall, we rate the National Review Right Biased based on story selection that always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to misleading claims and occasional use of poor sources.
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National Review - Media Bias/Fact Check

American Liberty Report
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These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Notes: American Liberty Report is a news and opinion website that has a right wing bias in reporting. Most articles favor the right and are anti-left. There is moderate use of emotional loaded words in headlines such as: “Hypocrisy in Liberal Racism” and there is very little sourcing. American Liberty Report utilizes quotes vs. links, which makes it difficult to verify the context and facts of the information. We could not find any failed fact checks, but the lack of proper sourcing decreases the credibility of their writings. Overall, we rate American Liberty Report Right Biased based on story selection and Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing. (D. Van Zandt 10/5/2017)
American Liberty Report - Media Bias/Fact Check

* mueller's report has not been released & the summary was not mueller's. AND barr did not say nor quoted mueller as saying that trump was exhonerated from obstruction. quite the opposite.

THE FACTS: It was not a total vindication. Mueller’s exact words in the report, as quoted by the attorney general, say otherwise: “While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

AP FACT CHECK: Mueller probe doesn't totally exonerate Trump

Question for Playtime and Dragonlady--------------->You criticize our sources, but who was correct, and was incorrect on this HOAX of a 2 and 1/2 year investigation?

You people got SCAMMED, WORKED, TAKEN TO THE CLEANERS by your fearless leaders, and now you want the rest of the people to buy into your fantasy, so as you don't have to admit to yourselves that you look like damn fools!

ANYBODY can make a mistake. Anybody can get scammed. But after it is proven that it happened, ANYBODY who tries to save face by lying to themselves, is IGNORANT!

right. sure. uh-huh....

you do know that mueller hasn't released the report, nor gave his own summary of it except for the one little partial blurb that barr put in bob's quotes about exoneration, right?

m'k good. NOW, the standards for criminal prosecution for the 'p'otus is very VERY high. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrr, CONGRESS gets a vote as well per the CONSTITUTION to decide whether trump needs to be taken off that pedestal the (R)s have him on; but they can't do that until they see the report in its entirety.

anyhoo, do you think everything is all fini? nononononoooooooooooooo.... not at all. you see mueller had a very limited investigation & that mandate was conspiracy with the rooooskies. the several russian indictments & guilty pleas & cooperation from those heading for prison does indeed say he found much to do with that & it was no hoax. what he couldn't do, was investigate other avenues outside his mandate & he outsourced those leads to SDNY & there's also the NY AG who is all up in donny's shenanigans on their own. his fraudulent foundation was closed down courtesy of them. mueller's grand jury is also continuing investigationS 'vigorously' too.

so fear not - this might end up being a very big RICO case with vlad's buddies & some money laundering too.

stay tuned. :popcorn:
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When is Graham coming out of the closet? Or is he waiting for Trump to do it for him if he stops being psycho Trumps main ball washer?

Trump uses Lindsey's sandpaper tongue to his advantage.

i wonder what the deal is with ms lindsey. SOMETHING happened on the golf course that day between him & trump. that's when he shifted his position & attitude towards trump.
Trump's been dangling the AG job to Graham the way Putin dangled the Moscow Tower project to Trump

ya, that makes sense for the ass kissing he gave donny b4 barr, but now? russia did't just hack the DNC... they hacked the RNC too & they targeted individual congress critters from both sides of the aisle. the senator from SC may have some skeletons in his rainbow closet that he might rather keep on the down low... just sayin'.

The RNC too? When did that happen? When the story broke, the DNC was hacked but they failed at the RNC computers.

FBI's Comey: Republicans also hacked by Russia - CNNPolitics

& they were still at it

House GOP Campaign Arm Says It Was Hacked During The 2018 Election Cycle
Remember that so we can come back and laugh at you later. I think I will put that in my signature line so I can remember to laugh. Hard. Multiple times.

You don't have to remember how to laugh. Just look at us since the Mueller report came out. :auiqs.jpg:

<psssst> uh.... ray ray? don't know who's been giving you that line of bullshit you are now regurgitating, but the report has not been released. only a 4 page summary by a flying monkey has.

Correct, and it hasn't been challenged by anybody, especially Mueller.

From what I heard today, Mueller and Barr are working side by side on the redactions in the report so it can be made public. It seems that Barr and Mueller have worked together before, and Barr has the highest respect for him. So don't set yourself up for too big of a disappointment like all the other times you thought your people had Trump.

i heard the same thing & i certainly hope mueller is involved all the way. i trust bob mueller. i do not trust the person who made iran/CONtra go away, who auditioned for the current AG gig by writing an 18 page essay on why he should get it. do you think barr would have gone as far as he has, if the american people didn't demand it?

AND, there is absolutely NO reason why the gang of 8 can't view the unredacted report. there are precedents already in place with both watergate & bill clinton's grand jury info. not allowing those members of congress to view for themselves what they need to, just reeks of acover up.

No, nobody sees the un-redacted version. There are too many leakers especially on the Democrat side, and no, Clinton and Nixon's wasn't seen un-redacted either.

bullshit. barr can request it being unredacted & given to the very people who have the same TOP SECRET security clearance as he does. there was plenty of unredacted info that starr quoted from the grand jury that was for public consumption alright - let alone the persons who constitutionally are allowed to see.

Excerpts From Clinton's Grand Jury Testimony as Quoted in Starr's Report to Congress
When is Graham coming out of the closet? Or is he waiting for Trump to do it for him if he stops being psycho Trumps main ball washer?

A liberal homophobe, I am so shocked.

I never got the word homophobe. Who in the hell is scared of gays?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree...the left coined it.

If you don’t agree with the homosexual lifestyle for whatever reason, you are scared of them.

It’s stupid. I totally get your point.

Just like they use misogynist all the time, but never misanthrope.

Why not?

Those with the power and privilege cannot denigrate those without it, because those with the power are generally ignorant about what the means for those without. It is the basical standards of being the powerful majority.

What I find disturbing is the abject ignorance of white males in regard to their privilege. As a white woman, I am fully aware that the colour of my skin will get me in just about anywhere. But I am also very aware that being a woman makes me a much less than a while male, in many eyes. I ultimately left banking because I hit a glass ceiling. They sent a recent hire to me to have me train him for a job in the district that I had specifically applied for. They sent him to me because I was the "best person in branch banking at that job". And they paid him 20% more than I was making while being the best person at that job, even though he had never done that work, and was less qualified than me. Shit like that doesn't happen to the best white men in these jobs.

If Lindsey can get come convictions, he might be President some day.
the DOJ already released the Carter Page FISA application. Check it out yourself and find the wrong doing.

This stuff was already taken care of following the Nunes memo. As to why its being re-hashed now, its just beating a dead horse.
Not gay bashing. No one but you clowns actually care if someone is gay or not.

As long as you know he's gay and you're good with that..all good.

I don't know what bee got under Lindsay's bonnet, but I like it.
/—-/ Ever since McCain died, Lindsay has grown a pair.
Grown a pair? When McCain was alive Lindsey had to answer to someone he respected.
Now there is no one like that so he joined the herd

I don't know what bee got under Lindsay's bonnet, but I like it.
/—-/ Ever since McCain died, Lindsay has grown a pair.
Grown a pair? When McCain was alive Lindsey had to answer to someone he respected.
Now there is no one like that so he joined the herd

So your saying Lindsay followed RINO McCain to the balless left out of RESPECT, and now that RINO McCain is gone, he is free to go 180° in the OPPOSITE direction out of -- -- -- -- -- -- DISrespect?! o_O

I see you flunked Logic 101.

But then, no one thinks liberals very smart, that is, except other liberals.
When is Graham coming out of the closet? Or is he waiting for Trump to do it for him if he stops being psycho Trumps main ball washer?

A liberal homophobe, I am so shocked.

I never got the word homophobe. Who in the hell is scared of gays?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree...the left coined it.

If you don’t agree with the homosexual lifestyle for whatever reason, you are scared of them.

It’s stupid. I totally get your point.

Just like they use misogynist all the time, but never misanthrope.

Why not?

Those with the power and privilege cannot denigrate those without it, because those with the power are generally ignorant about what the means for those without. It is the basical standards of being the powerful majority.

What I find disturbing is the abject ignorance of white males in regard to their privilege. As a white woman, I am fully aware that the colour of my skin will get me in just about anywhere. But I am also very aware that being a woman makes me a much less than a while male, in many eyes. I ultimately left banking because I hit a glass ceiling. They sent a recent hire to me to have me train him for a job in the district that I had specifically applied for. They sent him to me because I was the "best person in branch banking at that job". And they paid him 20% more than I was making while being the best person at that job, even though he had never done that work, and was less qualified than me. Shit like that doesn't happen to the best white men in these jobs.

Quit crying

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If Lindsey can get come convictions, he might be President some day.
the DOJ already released the Carter Page FISA application. Check it out yourself and find the wrong doing.

This stuff was already taken care of following the Nunes memo. As to why its being re-hashed now, its just beating a dead horse.

It's so heavily redacted that you really can't see anything. Nunes did however, and his claim is that it was fictitious.
When is Graham coming out of the closet? Or is he waiting for Trump to do it for him if he stops being psycho Trumps main ball washer?

A liberal homophobe, I am so shocked.

I never got the word homophobe. Who in the hell is scared of gays?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree...the left coined it.

If you don’t agree with the homosexual lifestyle for whatever reason, you are scared of them.

It’s stupid. I totally get your point.

Just like they use misogynist all the time, but never misanthrope.

Why not?

Those with the power and privilege cannot denigrate those without it, because those with the power are generally ignorant about what the means for those without. It is the basical standards of being the powerful majority.

What I find disturbing is the abject ignorance of white males in regard to their privilege. As a white woman, I am fully aware that the colour of my skin will get me in just about anywhere. But I am also very aware that being a woman makes me a much less than a while male, in many eyes. I ultimately left banking because I hit a glass ceiling. They sent a recent hire to me to have me train him for a job in the district that I had specifically applied for. They sent him to me because I was the "best person in branch banking at that job". And they paid him 20% more than I was making while being the best person at that job, even though he had never done that work, and was less qualified than me. Shit like that doesn't happen to the best white men in these jobs.

I'm sure it does. Promotions are not strictly exclusive to time with the company, experience or sometimes even performance. At times an employee is such a troublemaker or pain in the ass it prohibits them from advancing in the company. And yes, I'm sure it happens to plenty of white guys.

We had a female tractor-trailer driver a few years back. She was a rarity as she performed her job just as good as any male. Customers loved her to boot. She got along good with her fellow coworkers.

Her problem was she was always bucking for time off; looking for any excuse not to come to work beyond her vacation days. She often came in conflict with the owner over stupid things, and even told him to F-off a few times.

My employer even made special provisions for her that he never made for any of us male employees. She was hired with the agreement she never had to touch any freight if needed. She was given an extra week off of work to attend a religious event she always participated in. Gee, I worked for the company for 20 years, and I never had those perks!

However my employer never fired her. Instead, she started one of her fights with him and walked off the job.

I don't know anything about your work or what happened in your time at the company, but did you ever consider that the reason you hit that "glass ceiling" was not because of your gender? You said you were "the best person in branch banking at the job." By who's evaluation? Yours I'm assuming.

Even if you wish to claim you were a perfect employee, that would be your own speculation. You don't know how others above you seen your time at the company.

In the hierarchy of any company, people above depend on people below to make them look good; to not be a problem, start conflict, create disruption of the organization. And believe it or not, most white males love women. After all, our mother was a woman, we may even have a sister or two which obviously (by old standards) are women, and we may even have daughters. So why would white men want to hold women back?
You don't have to remember how to laugh. Just look at us since the Mueller report came out. :auiqs.jpg:

<psssst> uh.... ray ray? don't know who's been giving you that line of bullshit you are now regurgitating, but the report has not been released. only a 4 page summary by a flying monkey has.

Correct, and it hasn't been challenged by anybody, especially Mueller.

From what I heard today, Mueller and Barr are working side by side on the redactions in the report so it can be made public. It seems that Barr and Mueller have worked together before, and Barr has the highest respect for him. So don't set yourself up for too big of a disappointment like all the other times you thought your people had Trump.

i heard the same thing & i certainly hope mueller is involved all the way. i trust bob mueller. i do not trust the person who made iran/CONtra go away, who auditioned for the current AG gig by writing an 18 page essay on why he should get it. do you think barr would have gone as far as he has, if the american people didn't demand it?

AND, there is absolutely NO reason why the gang of 8 can't view the unredacted report. there are precedents already in place with both watergate & bill clinton's grand jury info. not allowing those members of congress to view for themselves what they need to, just reeks of acover up.

No, nobody sees the un-redacted version. There are too many leakers especially on the Democrat side, and no, Clinton and Nixon's wasn't seen un-redacted either.

bullshit. barr can request it being unredacted & given to the very people who have the same TOP SECRET security clearance as he does. there was plenty of unredacted info that starr quoted from the grand jury that was for public consumption alright - let alone the persons who constitutionally are allowed to see.

Excerpts From Clinton's Grand Jury Testimony as Quoted in Starr's Report to Congress

And you have no idea what un-redacted parts Congress would see. You're making assumptions.

But what I said is that the Clinton and Nixon investigations were redacted to whatever degree. Very few have seen a totally un-redacted version. In this case, there are second, third and probably fourth parties that need not be revealed. And let's be honest for once. The only reason Congress wants an un-redacted version is to make false claims against Barr and Trump that can't be proven.

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