Lindsey Graham: Troll Level Grand Master


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) on Twitter

Democrats got Trump elected in 16, and got him re-elected in 20.
It will be good to see what Trump does with the new report that confirms (as if we needed it) that the Russians did interfere in our elections.


If they cite the report as truthful, they have to admit the Russians did hack the DNC computers....

Of course, Trump has done zero against the Russians nor has he done anything to mitigate future attacks.

Another failure.
It will be good to see what Trump does with the new report that confirms (as if we needed it) that the Russians did interfere in our elections.

View attachment 252089

If they cite the report as truthful, they have to admit the Russians did hack the DNC computers....

Of course, Trump has done zero against the Russians nor has he done anything to mitigate future attacks.

Another failure.

Are you a hack or just stupid?
Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure
It will be good to see what Trump does with the new report that confirms (as if we needed it) that the Russians did interfere in our elections.

View attachment 252089

If they cite the report as truthful, they have to admit the Russians did hack the DNC computers....

Of course, Trump has done zero against the Russians nor has he done anything to mitigate future attacks.

Another failure.

Are you a hack or just stupid?
Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure

Hmmm... as the DNC (or RNC for that matter) are not part of the "federal network" I have to wonder what that has to do with what I quoted.

Are you illiterate or just stupid?
It will be good to see what Trump does with the new report that confirms (as if we needed it) that the Russians did interfere in our elections.

View attachment 252089

If they cite the report as truthful, they have to admit the Russians did hack the DNC computers....

Of course, Trump has done zero against the Russians nor has he done anything to mitigate future attacks.

Another failure.
As they have since 1950, Dufus.

Let’s investigate why Obama ordered the FBI to not investigate Russian interference.
It will be good to see what Trump does with the new report that confirms (as if we needed it) that the Russians did interfere in our elections.

View attachment 252089

If they cite the report as truthful, they have to admit the Russians did hack the DNC computers....

Of course, Trump has done zero against the Russians nor has he done anything to mitigate future attacks.

Another failure.
As they have since 1950, Dufus.

Let’s investigate why Obama ordered the FBI to not investigate Russian interference.

Sure (although that is not the case--this is how we found out it was the Russians--duh) long as we investigate why the blob has done nothing as well. Deal?
It will be good to see what Trump does with the new report that confirms (as if we needed it) that the Russians did interfere in our elections.

View attachment 252089

If they cite the report as truthful, they have to admit the Russians did hack the DNC computers....

Of course, Trump has done zero against the Russians nor has he done anything to mitigate future attacks.

Another failure.
As they have since 1950, Dufus.

Let’s investigate why Obama ordered the FBI to not investigate Russian interference.

Sure (although that is not the case--this is how we found out it was the Russians--duh) long as we investigate why the blob has done nothing as well. Deal?
Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure


The Obama White House's chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia's attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a "back burner" after he was ordered to stand down his efforts in the summer of 2016.
It will be good to see what Trump does with the new report that confirms (as if we needed it) that the Russians did interfere in our elections.

View attachment 252089

If they cite the report as truthful, they have to admit the Russians did hack the DNC computers....

Of course, Trump has done zero against the Russians nor has he done anything to mitigate future attacks.

Another failure.
There was never any real doubt.
So many questions is right. I wonder if Comey will have to forfeit his ill gotten book profits when he is convicted? I wonder how many of these players will be charged with treason for their part in this attempted coup? I wonder if those convictions will serve to make our education and media cartels less liberally biased? Stay tuned.
It will be good to see what Trump does with the new report that confirms (as if we needed it) that the Russians did interfere in our elections.

View attachment 252089

If they cite the report as truthful, they have to admit the Russians did hack the DNC computers....

Of course, Trump has done zero against the Russians nor has he done anything to mitigate future attacks.

Another failure.

Are you a hack or just stupid?
Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure

Hmmm... as the DNC (or RNC for that matter) are not part of the "federal network" I have to wonder what that has to do with what I quoted.

Are you illiterate or just stupid?
What do you expect when your password is password.
Remember the CIA cables that leaked? Specifically the one that mentioned the CIA can hack a server or device and leave traces of malware that trace somewhere else.
In fact, it specifically mentioned the Russian federation...
But our CIA would never do anything like that.....
and to think...just last Friday liberals were on here openly hoping for a painful recession next year to kill trumps chances.
Then they end up looking like fools on this “investigation”. Even their hopes for economic calamity have to be scant comfort at this moment.
Scalia was brilliant. When dissenting on the travesty of gay marriage he said..,

“This practice of constitutional revision by an unelected committee of nine, always accompanied (as it is today) by extravagant praise of liberty, robs the People of the most important liberty they asserted in the Declaration of Independence and won in the Revolution of 1776: the freedom to govern themselves.”

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