Life in the horrible Gaza Concentration Camp


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Look at what this Nazi Israelis are making these Gazans endure. The horror! The horror!

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Israelis should vacation there.

It would probably be safer than Bulgaria.
More stupid, irrelevant comments from Jos, the official board anti-Semite asshole. Concentration camps had 5 star hotels, you fucking moron?

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Israelis should vacation there.

It would probably be safer than Bulgaria.
Jos would have made a fine guard at Auchwitz. After he finished his stint at yelling at the prisoners "Mach snell," he would have gone for a swim for relaxation. However, it would be great if there were some kind of time machine to take Jos back to Auschwitz and have him suffer like the Jews and non Jews did. There is a book written by a German guard at Auschwitz who describes what went on there. Jos should read the book and see how lucky he is not to have been in such a place as that.

Israelis should vacation there.

It would probably be safer than Bulgaria.
Jos would have made a fine guard at Auchwitz. After he finished his stint at yelling at the prisoners "Mach snell," he would have gone for a swim for relaxation. However, it would be great if there were some kind of time machine to take Jos back to Auschwitz and have him suffer like the Jews and non Jews did. There is a book written by a German guard at Auschwitz who describes what went on there. Jos should read the book and see how lucky he is not to have been in such a place as that.


Hey, i resent that, My great uncle died at Auschwitz!

He drank a bottle of vodka in celebration of Hitlers birthday and fell out the guard tower and broke his neck, can we also claim money for being "victims" of the Hollow cost?
Hey, i resent that, My great uncle died at Auschwitz! He drank a bottle of vodka in celebration of Hitlers birthday and fell out the guard tower and broke his neck, can we also claim money for being "victims" of the Hollow cost?
He's a victim of Schnappscost, i.e. flying under influence.
Here's a more credible source on what's going on in Gaza, than some psychopathic piece of shit who thinks lying is a virtue.

How would you describe the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip today?

The ICRC is concerned about the fact that the 1.5 million people in the Strip are unable to live a normal and dignified life. Almost no one can leave the Gaza Strip, not even to go to the West Bank, where many Gazans have family or previously had work.

Health-care facilities are suffering from the restrictions imposed by Israel on the transfer of medical equipment, building materials and many basic items needed for maintenance. Water and sanitation facilities have been under strain for many decades. The fact that they remain even barely in working order is due to the efforts of certain humanitarian organizations. Buildings that have been in need of repair for several years and the many buildings that were destroyed during the Israeli military operation in Gaza in 2008-2009 cannot be repaired or rebuilt as long as basic building materials, such as concrete, are not allowed into the Gaza Strip in meaningful quantities.

Violence claims civilian lives in the Strip on a regular basis. In recent months, many people have been killed or injured in escalating violence and sometimes even in open hostilities. Security incidents in the area between Gaza and Israel frequently result in loss of life or in destruction of property or livelihoods. We deplore the civilian casualties and continue to remind all parties that civilians must be spared the effects of the hostilities. Every feasible precaution must be taken to avoid civilian casualties.

ICRC staff constantly monitor the situation of civilians, such as farmers and rubble collectors, who have no alternative but to live and work in areas close to Israel. The area along the fence extending 300 metres into Gaza has been declared a no-go zone by the Israel Defense Forces. A far bigger area, extending nearly one kilometre into the Gaza Strip, is considered dangerous because of the Israeli military's incursions and use of live ammunition.
Do you see that, fuckhead?

They can't live a normal life because of garbage human's like yourself!
Here's a more credible source on what's going on in Gaza, than some psychopathic piece of shit who thinks lying is a virtue.

How would you describe the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip today?

The ICRC is concerned about the fact that the 1.5 million people in the Strip are unable to live a normal and dignified life. Almost no one can leave the Gaza Strip, not even to go to the West Bank, where many Gazans have family or previously had work.

Health-care facilities are suffering from the restrictions imposed by Israel on the transfer of medical equipment, building materials and many basic items needed for maintenance. Water and sanitation facilities have been under strain for many decades. The fact that they remain even barely in working order is due to the efforts of certain humanitarian organizations. Buildings that have been in need of repair for several years and the many buildings that were destroyed during the Israeli military operation in Gaza in 2008-2009 cannot be repaired or rebuilt as long as basic building materials, such as concrete, are not allowed into the Gaza Strip in meaningful quantities.

Violence claims civilian lives in the Strip on a regular basis. In recent months, many people have been killed or injured in escalating violence and sometimes even in open hostilities. Security incidents in the area between Gaza and Israel frequently result in loss of life or in destruction of property or livelihoods. We deplore the civilian casualties and continue to remind all parties that civilians must be spared the effects of the hostilities. Every feasible precaution must be taken to avoid civilian casualties.

ICRC staff constantly monitor the situation of civilians, such as farmers and rubble collectors, who have no alternative but to live and work in areas close to Israel. The area along the fence extending 300 metres into Gaza has been declared a no-go zone by the Israel Defense Forces. A far bigger area, extending nearly one kilometre into the Gaza Strip, is considered dangerous because of the Israeli military's incursions and use of live ammunition.
Do you see that, fuckhead?

They can't live a normal life because of garbage human's like yourself!
No, actually it's neo Nazi fuckwads like yourself that support the terrorist group Hamas that has turned Gaza into an IslamoNazi shithole. But you knew that already, didn't you?
Is it any wonder why the Palestinians are so disgusted with Israel? This entire Zionist agenda of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions has to go. When will Israel ever learn from king Hussein how to establish a lasting peace from the Palestinians? Shame on Israel.

How dare those evil Jews bombard the Palestinians with 5 star restaurants, shopping malls, water parks and hotels? :mad:
You bring up a good point Princess. A Jew free Gaza means Palestinian self determination without Israel to provide for them any longer. Looks like Gaza will soon become a shit hole for the Palestinians. Just wait till you see it next year.

Here's a more credible source on what's going on in Gaza, than some psychopathic piece of shit who thinks lying is a virtue.

How would you describe the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip today?

The ICRC is concerned about the fact that the 1.5 million people in the Strip are unable to live a normal and dignified life. Almost no one can leave the Gaza Strip, not even to go to the West Bank, where many Gazans have family or previously had work.

Health-care facilities are suffering from the restrictions imposed by Israel on the transfer of medical equipment, building materials and many basic items needed for maintenance. Water and sanitation facilities have been under strain for many decades. The fact that they remain even barely in working order is due to the efforts of certain humanitarian organizations. Buildings that have been in need of repair for several years and the many buildings that were destroyed during the Israeli military operation in Gaza in 2008-2009 cannot be repaired or rebuilt as long as basic building materials, such as concrete, are not allowed into the Gaza Strip in meaningful quantities.

Violence claims civilian lives in the Strip on a regular basis. In recent months, many people have been killed or injured in escalating violence and sometimes even in open hostilities. Security incidents in the area between Gaza and Israel frequently result in loss of life or in destruction of property or livelihoods. We deplore the civilian casualties and continue to remind all parties that civilians must be spared the effects of the hostilities. Every feasible precaution must be taken to avoid civilian casualties.

ICRC staff constantly monitor the situation of civilians, such as farmers and rubble collectors, who have no alternative but to live and work in areas close to Israel. The area along the fence extending 300 metres into Gaza has been declared a no-go zone by the Israel Defense Forces. A far bigger area, extending nearly one kilometre into the Gaza Strip, is considered dangerous because of the Israeli military's incursions and use of live ammunition.
Do you see that, fuckhead?

They can't live a normal life because of garbage human's like yourself!
You bring up a good point Princess. A Jew free Gaza means Palestinian self determination without Israel to provide for them any longer. Looks like Gaza will soon become a shit hole for the Palestinians. Just wait till you see it next year.

Here's a more credible source on what's going on in Gaza, than some psychopathic piece of shit who thinks lying is a virtue.

How would you describe the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip today?

The ICRC is concerned about the fact that the 1.5 million people in the Strip are unable to live a normal and dignified life. Almost no one can leave the Gaza Strip, not even to go to the West Bank, where many Gazans have family or previously had work.

Health-care facilities are suffering from the restrictions imposed by Israel on the transfer of medical equipment, building materials and many basic items needed for maintenance. Water and sanitation facilities have been under strain for many decades. The fact that they remain even barely in working order is due to the efforts of certain humanitarian organizations. Buildings that have been in need of repair for several years and the many buildings that were destroyed during the Israeli military operation in Gaza in 2008-2009 cannot be repaired or rebuilt as long as basic building materials, such as concrete, are not allowed into the Gaza Strip in meaningful quantities.

Violence claims civilian lives in the Strip on a regular basis. In recent months, many people have been killed or injured in escalating violence and sometimes even in open hostilities. Security incidents in the area between Gaza and Israel frequently result in loss of life or in destruction of property or livelihoods. We deplore the civilian casualties and continue to remind all parties that civilians must be spared the effects of the hostilities. Every feasible precaution must be taken to avoid civilian casualties.

ICRC staff constantly monitor the situation of civilians, such as farmers and rubble collectors, who have no alternative but to live and work in areas close to Israel. The area along the fence extending 300 metres into Gaza has been declared a no-go zone by the Israel Defense Forces. A far bigger area, extending nearly one kilometre into the Gaza Strip, is considered dangerous because of the Israeli military's incursions and use of live ammunition.
Do you see that, fuckhead?

They can't live a normal life because of garbage human's like yourself!
What do you mean "become"?!
Here's a more credible source on what's going on in Gaza, than some psychopathic piece of shit who thinks lying is a virtue.

How would you describe the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip today?

The ICRC is concerned about the fact that the 1.5 million people in the Strip are unable to live a normal and dignified life. Almost no one can leave the Gaza Strip, not even to go to the West Bank, where many Gazans have family or previously had work.

Health-care facilities are suffering from the restrictions imposed by Israel on the transfer of medical equipment, building materials and many basic items needed for maintenance. Water and sanitation facilities have been under strain for many decades. The fact that they remain even barely in working order is due to the efforts of certain humanitarian organizations. Buildings that have been in need of repair for several years and the many buildings that were destroyed during the Israeli military operation in Gaza in 2008-2009 cannot be repaired or rebuilt as long as basic building materials, such as concrete, are not allowed into the Gaza Strip in meaningful quantities.

Violence claims civilian lives in the Strip on a regular basis. In recent months, many people have been killed or injured in escalating violence and sometimes even in open hostilities. Security incidents in the area between Gaza and Israel frequently result in loss of life or in destruction of property or livelihoods. We deplore the civilian casualties and continue to remind all parties that civilians must be spared the effects of the hostilities. Every feasible precaution must be taken to avoid civilian casualties.

ICRC staff constantly monitor the situation of civilians, such as farmers and rubble collectors, who have no alternative but to live and work in areas close to Israel. The area along the fence extending 300 metres into Gaza has been declared a no-go zone by the Israel Defense Forces. A far bigger area, extending nearly one kilometre into the Gaza Strip, is considered dangerous because of the Israeli military's incursions and use of live ammunition.
Do you see that, fuckhead?

They can't live a normal life because of garbage human's like yourself!

Israel does not stop anyone from leaving gaza. The claim that gazans are prisoners there is absurd. For the record----there are lots of immigrants from Gaza in the USA ----in fact I have run into a few---one ---now a professor of sociology----came to the US with all of his brothers and sisters only a decade ago Anyone got ANY BASIS AT ALL for claiming that Israel keeps people from LEAVING Gaza? why do you guy lie?
The zionist hate facts like the swimming pool at Auschwitz.

It doesn't fit into their Holohoax mythology. :cool:
Sunni, why are you such a fucking ignorant shithead? Of course who else but an ignorant shithead woudn't know that the same website that shows a "swimming pool" (for the guards and the mass murdering Nazis to enjoy, of course), would also have pictures of GAS CHAMBERS, and the methodoligy in which they were used and how they tricked the Jews into "taking showers" BEFORE DENYING THE HOLOCAUST like a stupid fucking Muzzie moron.


"In his book, Müller described how Max Graebner, the head of the Political Department, a branch office of the Gestapo, which was located next door to the gas chamber building, stood on the flat roof of the building and addressed the victims who had to assemble outside in the yard in front of the door shown above. He would tell the Jews that they had been brought to Auschwitz to work, but first they had to remove their clothing and then enter the building to take a shower, after which they would be given hot soup.

At first, the victims were driven inside, fully clothed, by SS guards wielding clubs and whips, according to Müller, who was assigned in May 1942 to remove the clothing of the victims after they were gassed in the main Auschwitz camp. The victims had carried their luggage inside with them and Müller described how he ate some of the cheese that he found in a suitcase inside the gas chamber."

In Room 5 of Block 4, there is a huge glass display case, about the size of a walk-in closet, filled with hair cut from the heads of an estimated 140,000 victims. The hair appears to be deteriorating badly, and most of it has turned the same shade of dark gray. This is a truly disgusting sight and one that a visitor won't soon forget.
Human hair in display case at Auschwitz

When the Soviet Union liberated Auschwitz-Birkenau on January 27, 1945, there were 43,000 pairs of shoes in the camp. The photo below shows the shoes found in a warehouse.
Shoes and clothing of prisoners found at Auschwitz-Birkenau

There is a large display case in Block 5, taking up half of a barracks room, which contains the suitcases brought by Jewish victims to the camp. The Jews were instructed to mark their suitcases for later identification; you can still see the names written on the leather cases in large letters in the photo below. On some of the suitcases is the word Waisenkind, which means orphan; this is proof that there were children among the victims at Auschwitz.

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