Life in a right wing world

Here is life if liberals ruled the world

This is an example of poor parenting. It is obvious that the parent's approve of same sex relationships. The girl should either never have been enrolled in the school OR been counseled about broadcasting everything that's on her mind.
Here's a peek into what it would be like if conservatives ruled the world...Second grade girl expelled from Christian school over girl crush, mom says

If you're white, you're not allowed to talk about blacks, likewise you have no business walking about right wing Christians.

Its a christian school. the kids got the hots for another girl. Let her go to government run secular school at other people's expense where her kind are common and greatly appreciated.

get kicked out of school because you have a crush on a person of the same sex...


have your daughter showering with a humanoid born with a dick and balls at the end of gym class?

Decisions decisions.

You know, I think the whole "man in a woman's restroom" shit was the litmus test the Republican party used to see just how far they could push the envelope. I mean if people are stupid enough to fall for the same bullshit that defeated the ERA almost fifty years ago, why they will be stupid enough to buy into anything. Child sacrificing democrats, vaccines that inject tracking devices, fire starting lasers from space, and corporate tax cuts delivering benefits to the middle class. All myths believed only by fools.
This is an example of poor parenting. It is obvious that the parent's approve of same sex relationships. The girl should either never have been enrolled in the school OR been counseled about broadcasting everything that's on her mind.

American entertainment media brainwashed her into thinking affection for her friend meant they're supposed to hop in a bed together.

get kicked out of school because you have a crush on a person of the same sex...


have your daughter showering with a humanoid born with a dick and balls at the end of gym class?

Decisions decisions.

You know, I think the whole "man in a woman's restroom" shit was the litmus test the Republican party used to see just how far they could push the envelope. I mean if people are stupid enough to fall for the same bullshit that defeated the ERA almost fifty years ago, why they will be stupid enough to buy into anything. Child sacrificing democrats, vaccines that inject tracking devices, fire starting lasers from space, and corporate tax cuts delivering benefits to the middle class. All myths believed only by fools.

Pushing the envelope is your fake president destroying women's sports with a stroke of his pen. Joe Biden is the biggest misogynist that's ever sat in the White House.

get kicked out of school because you have a crush on a person of the same sex...


have your daughter showering with a humanoid born with a dick and balls at the end of gym class?

Decisions decisions.

You know, I think the whole "man in a woman's restroom" shit was the litmus test the Republican party used to see just how far they could push the envelope. I mean if people are stupid enough to fall for the same bullshit that defeated the ERA almost fifty years ago, why they will be stupid enough to buy into anything. Child sacrificing democrats, vaccines that inject tracking devices, fire starting lasers from space, and corporate tax cuts delivering benefits to the middle class. All myths believed only by fools.

Wanna talk about pushing the envelope? Five years ago I never would have thought 9 year old drag queen strip tease would ever be accepted by the mainstream left. But here we are.
You know, I think the whole "man in a woman's restroom" shit was the litmus test the Republican party used to see just how far they could push the envelope. I mean if people are stupid enough to fall for the same bullshit that defeated the ERA almost fifty years ago, why they will be stupid enough to buy into anything. Child sacrificing democrats, vaccines that inject tracking devices, fire starting lasers from space, and corporate tax cuts delivering benefits to the middle class. All myths believed only by fools.

Lying Degenerate Alert!
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get kicked out of school because you have a crush on a person of the same sex...


have your daughter showering with a humanoid born with a dick and balls at the end of gym class?

Decisions decisions.

You know, I think the whole "man in a woman's restroom" shit was the litmus test the Republican party used to see just how far they could push the envelope. I mean if people are stupid enough to fall for the same bullshit that defeated the ERA almost fifty years ago, why they will be stupid enough to buy into anything. Child sacrificing democrats, vaccines that inject tracking devices, fire starting lasers from space, and corporate tax cuts delivering benefits to the middle class. All myths believed only by fools.

Pushing the envelope is your fake president destroying women's sports with a stroke of his pen. Joe Biden is the biggest misogynist that's ever sat in the White House.

Yep, that claim is about the same as the man in the woman's restroom bullshit. It is going to be pretty rare that a transgender female wants to participate in female sports. Much more likely that a transgender male will participate in male sports. Which is no problem since females already participate in male sports.

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