Life as the Palestinian's know it

Imagine yourself living under these conditions:

Living in limbo under a foreign occupier.

Having no self-determination, no right of return, and no power over your daily life.

Being in constant fear, economically strangled, and collectively punished.

Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders, regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences, and separation walls.

Having your homes regularly demolished and land systematically stolen to build settlements for encroachers in violation of international law prohibiting an occupier from settling its population on conquered land.

Having your right to essential services denied – to emergency health care, education, employment, and enough food and clean water.

Being forced into extreme poverty, having your crops destroyed, and being victimized by punitive taxes.

Having no right for redress in the occupier’s courts under laws only protecting the occupier.

Being regularly targeted by incursions and attacks on the ground and from the air.

Being willfully harassed, ethnically cleansed, arrested, incarcerated, tortured, and slaughtered on any pretext, including for your right of self-defense.

Having no rights on your own land in your own country for over six decades and counting.

Vilified for being Muslims and called terrorists, Jihadists, crazed Arabs, and fundamentalist extremists.

Victimized by a slow-motion genocide to destroy you.
Such is the reality of life under Israel's brutal 49 year occupation.

Life as Palestinians don't know it:

a Jew walking down the street with his back clean of knives.
OUTSTANDING POST! I agree Israel's Zionist agenda of peace offerings, security fence & land concessions have been brutal to Palestinians. Peace will come when Israel learns to communicate peace with the Palestinians like their own Arab brother king Hussein of Jordan did during Black September. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY

[/QUOTE Israel doesn't want peace, you fucked up little troll.

OMG! Now look what I have done to Billy boy. Take two Lithium & call me in the morning if your psychosis persits. 'Atta boy.
Oh my. What's the world coming to when collectively, kafir'istan is not supporting/funding/enabling the worlds only dedicated UN sponsored Islamic terrorism program otherwise known as the Poor, Oppressed Pal'istanians™

Palestinian authorities and the United Nations made a joint call for funding on Wednesday, amid an ongoing spate of terrorist attacks against Israelis in recent months.

This year the annual funding appeal sought $571 million to alleviate the sufferings of Palestinians in the poverty-stricken Gaza Strip and in the West Bank.

According to the United Nations and the Ministry of Planning of the Palestinian National Authority, the bulk of the money will be used for food aid for 1.6 million people, roughly one in three residents of the Palestinian territories.
Some of this might be true, others are falsehoods or exaggerations. Let's take "extreme poverty" as an example. I read an article recently about 2 terrorist Palestinian brothers. One was an accountant and the other a gainfully employed plumber. I myself once met a Palestinian who had studied at Oxford University in England. Homes are not regularly demolished for no reason. Mostly they belong to terrorists' families. "Tortured and slaughtered" also seems to be exaggeration, unless you're talking about times of war.
Do I need to remind you, the family of a terrorist, has committed no crime?

You're assuming again. The family of a terrorist certainly could be complacent on a number of levels.

One interesting element of complacency is that the Arabs tend to pay off the families of dead terrorists ( often using UNWRA or other internationally provided funding ) in which case they are retroactively complacent. No less guilty.

According to the Geneva conventions if a protected person engages as a combatant, assists a combatant or is suspected of assisting or being a combatant, they forfeit their protected status.

We've been over this before but apparently you simply can't grasp the concept.

So there are actually quite a few circumstances in which the family of a terrorist is complacent in the crime and may lose their protected status.

Your fantasy about life as an Arab Muslim in the mandate area is humorous at best. You bring it all on yourselves with one violent act after another which necessitates further restrictions.

You live like this


because your so called leaders insist you live like this.

Take a very good look at it


Because this is the result of YOUR KIND OF ATTITUDE. The hatred, racism and bigotry that blinds you has consequences

Some of this might be true, others are falsehoods or exaggerations. Let's take "extreme poverty" as an example. I read an article recently about 2 terrorist Palestinian brothers. One was an accountant and the other a gainfully employed plumber. I myself once met a Palestinian who had studied at Oxford University in England. Homes are not regularly demolished for no reason. Mostly they belong to terrorists' families. "Tortured and slaughtered" also seems to be exaggeration, unless you're talking about times of war.
Do I need to remind you, the family of a terrorist, has committed no crime?

You're assuming again. The family of a terrorist certainly could be complacent on a number of levels.

One interesting element of complacency is that the Arabs tend to pay off the families of dead terrorists ( often using UNWRA or other internationally provided funding ) in which case they are retroactively complacent. No less guilty.

According to the Geneva conventions if a protected person engages as a combatant, assists a combatant or is suspected of assisting or being a combatant, they forfeit their protected status.

We've been over this before but apparently you simply can't grasp the concept.

So there are actually quite a few circumstances in which the family of a terrorist is complacent in the crime and may lose their protected status.

Your fantasy about life as an Arab Muslim in the mandate area is humorous at best. You bring it all on yourselves with one violent act after another which necessitates further restrictions.

You live like this


because your so called leaders insist you live like this.

Take a very good look at it


Because this is the result of YOUR KIND OF ATTITUDE. The hatred, racism and bigotry that blinds you has consequences


So true. What Hamas has done & is still doing to the Palestinians is hard to forgive. But then, it was the Palestinian people themselves who elected Hamas. So just how sorry should we feel for them?
I could just as easily write an emotional appeal like the one in the OP from the Jewish/Israeli side of things. The problem with appeals to emotion is that they are rarely factual and often exaggerate or misrepresent reality in order to induce an emotional response, sell a narrative, or give the illusion of victimization. They restrict the narrative to a one-sided and biased point of view and fail to lay responsibility where it should, but instead blame the problem on the "enemy" or the evil antagonist of the story.

They have no place in fruitful dialogue about the conflict.
I could just as easily write an emotional appeal like the one in the OP from the Jewish/Israeli side of things. The problem with appeals to emotion is that they are rarely factual and often exaggerate or misrepresent reality in order to induce an emotional response, sell a narrative, or give the illusion of victimization. They restrict the narrative to a one-sided and biased point of view and fail to lay responsibility where it should, but instead blame the problem on the "enemy" or the evil antagonist of the story.

They have no place in fruitful dialogue about the conflict.
Why don't you specifically address what you think is not factual, instead of throwing out these bullshit innuendo's?
Oh my. What's the world coming to when collectively, kafir'istan is not supporting/funding/enabling the worlds only dedicated UN sponsored Islamic terrorism program otherwise known as the Poor, Oppressed Pal'istanians™

Palestinian authorities and the United Nations made a joint call for funding on Wednesday, amid an ongoing spate of terrorist attacks against Israelis in recent months.

This year the annual funding appeal sought $571 million to alleviate the sufferings of Palestinians in the poverty-stricken Gaza Strip and in the West Bank.

According to the United Nations and the Ministry of Planning of the Palestinian National Authority, the bulk of the money will be used for food aid for 1.6 million people, roughly one in three residents of the Palestinian territories.
More Zionist empathy towards the Pals?

You gotta love it.
Why don't you specifically address what you think is not factual, instead of throwing out these bullshit innuendo's?


Outright lies:
Having ... no power over your daily life.
Being in constant fear ... and collectively punished.
Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders ...
Having your right to essential services denied – to emergency health care, education, employment, and enough food and clean water.
Being forced into extreme poverty, having your crops destroyed, and being victimized by punitive taxes.
Being willfully harassed, ethnically cleansed, arrested, incarcerated, tortured, and slaughtered on any pretext, including for your right of self-defense.
Having no rights on your own land in your own country for over six decades and counting.
Vilified for being Muslims ...
Victimized by a slow-motion genocide to destroy you.

Exaggerations or misrepresentations:
Having your free movement denied by ... regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences ...and separation walls.
Having your homes regularly demolished and land systematically stolen ...
Having no right for redress in the occupier’s courts under laws only protecting the occupier.
Being regularly targeted by incursions and attacks on the ground and from the air.
... called terrorists, Jihadists, crazed Arabs, and fundamentalist extremists.

Living in limbo under a foreign occupier.
Having your homes regularly demolished and land systematically stolen to build settlements for encroachers in violation of international law prohibiting an occupier from settling its population on conquered land.

Lacking responsibility for own actions:
Living in limbo under a foreign occupier.
Having no self-determination, no right of return ...
Being ... economically strangled ....
Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders, regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences, and separation walls.
Having your homes regularly demolished ...
Having your right to essential services denied ... clean water.
Being regularly targeted by incursions and attacks on the ground and from the air.
... called terrorists, Jihadists, crazed Arabs, and fundamentalist extremists.
Imagine receiving a propaganda piece from an antisemitic hate site in your e-mail box and actually think it was worth posting.......

Outright lies:
Having ... no power over your daily life.
Being in constant fear ... and collectively punished.
Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders ...
Having your right to essential services denied – to emergency health care, education, employment, and enough food and clean water.
Being forced into extreme poverty, having your crops destroyed, and being victimized by punitive taxes.
Being willfully harassed, ethnically cleansed, arrested, incarcerated, tortured, and slaughtered on any pretext, including for your right of self-defense.
Having no rights on your own land in your own country for over six decades and counting.
Vilified for being Muslims ...
Victimized by a slow-motion genocide to destroy you.

Exaggerations or misrepresentations:
Having your free movement denied by ... regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences ...and separation walls.
Having your homes regularly demolished and land systematically stolen ...
Having no right for redress in the occupier’s courts under laws only protecting the occupier.
Being regularly targeted by incursions and attacks on the ground and from the air.

... called terrorists, Jihadists, crazed Arabs, and fundamentalist extremists.

Living in limbo under a foreign occupier.
Having your homes regularly demolished and land systematically stolen to build settlements for encroachers in violation of international law prohibiting an occupier from settling its population on conquered land.

Lacking responsibility for own actions:
Living in limbo under a foreign occupier.
Having no self-determination, no right of return ...
Being ... economically strangled ....

Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders, regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences, and separation walls.
Having your homes regularly demolished ...
Having your right to essential services denied ... clean water.
Being regularly targeted by incursions and attacks on the ground and from the air.
... called terrorists, Jihadists, crazed Arabs, and fundamentalist extremists.
I said "specifically address", not make a list.

You're just listing things, you're not explaining why they're not true.

Here, let me show you how its done.

Having ... no power over your daily life.
A population under occupation, has no control over its daily life, the occupying force does. The Pals can only do, what the Israeli's let them do. Gazans can't leave without Israeli permission. Pals in the West Bank, can't access parts of their own property, because of the Israeli buffer zone.

Now, what's your argument against that?

Being in constant fear ... and collectively punished.
The blockade affects everyone in Gaza, how can you possibly claim that is not collective punishment?

Now, what's your argument against that?

Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders ...
Remember those 528 roadblocks and checkpoints we were discussing earlier? How can you possibly say that's not restricting freedom of movement?

Now, where's your argument against that?

There, I gave you 3 examples of an argument. Simply listing stuff, doesn't prove shit! Arguing a point, is much different.

Okay, it's your turn. Where's your rebuttal for what I just said? Or pick one of your own and argue why it is not true.
After 4 webpages, not a single post from a Zionist (or Israeli kiss-ass), showing any empathy towards the Pals plight. Not one.

This proves Zionists cannot put the shoe on the other foot. They cannot see negotiating anything with the Pals. Zionists want total and complete capitulation, because they've been watching too much Walker, Texas Ranger.

The bottom line is, Zionists want war and they (and their kiss-ass minions), are doing everything in their power to get one.
Simply listing stuff, doesn't prove shit!

Yes. And that was the gist of my initial post on this thread. Making appeals to emotion in order to sell the narrative that the Palestinians are the victims and Israel/Jews are the evil bad guys, doesn't prove shit. Its a meaningless list of outright falsehoods, misrepresentations, exaggerations and a failure to assign responsibility to your chosen 'victim'.

That was my entire point on this thread. Thank you for your agreement.

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