Life as the Palestinian's know it

I can give you arguments for everything listed in the OP.

You can't even pony up 1 rebuttal!

Actually, I did. Give me the argument for the "slow genocide". Pay special attention to the fact that the numbers of Palestinians has increased about 10-fold since the conflict began. Where's the genocide?

So ridiculous.
That Zionists can't "discuss" my post, because they're too busy "addressing" my post? Is that what you said?

What I said is that the Zionists can't discuss REALITY because we are too busy pointing out the bullshit you post.

There are some really worthy topics to be discussed. But no, we have to discuss that "slow genocide" is a thing. Give me a break.
Obviously they are false as the concepts have no basis in law. The factual evidence preceeding the events show that the flotilla was nothing more than a media event, and the memory cards smuggled out show that the event was staged with the intent of killing Jews. The issue is with what the palestinians have imposed on themselves since being cast adrift by Jordan, as before then they did not want a state of their own.
HUH? I feel empathy for the Palestinian plight. First their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries massacre the Pali's by the tens of thousands leaving tens of thousands of others as homeless refugees & then those Zionists in Israel make peace offerings to them, build a security fence & conceed land to them to piss the Pali's off.
There he goes, spamming the same crap he said on multiple threads almost verbatim.

"...peace offerings...", " fence...", "...conce[d]e land..."

Are those the only words you know?

Because the Israeli's have never made a "peace offering", the "security fence" is a fucking Iron Curtain and you can't "concede land" that you don't have.

And once again you show you have no argument as the Israeli peace offerings are a matter of history, starting with the declaration of independence in 1948, and since then the numerous attempts at peace. Shown and proven by the peace treaties made with Egypt and Jordan that started the push by the Palestinian terrorists for a state of their own. The security fence did its job when the Palestinians complained they could no longer mass murder Jews with suicide bombs, and the numbers dropped dramatically. If the Palestinians don't have any land how can they concede it then, seeing as you claim that Israel has full control of the land ? ? ? ?
Yes. And that was the gist of my initial post on this thread. Making appeals to emotion in order to sell the narrative that the Palestinians are the victims and Israel/Jews are the evil bad guys, doesn't prove shit. Its a meaningless list of outright falsehoods, misrepresentations, exaggerations and a failure to assign responsibility to your chosen 'victim'.

That was my entire point on this thread. Thank you for your agreement.
Now you're just playing word games, to mask the fact you have no valid argument. I took the next step and gave you 3 arguments from 3 issues I picked at random. I can give you arguments for everything listed in the OP.

You can't even pony up 1 rebuttal!

Because every point you raise has been debunked many times over and people better than you have conceded that they were led astray by propaganda and brainwashing. How can a LIE be proven without first proving it is a LIE ?
The Zionists are all too busy trying to address your ridiculously false narrative to be able to discuss the reality of the conflict in a rational way.
Wait a second, what did you just say?

That Zionists can't "discuss" my post, because they're too busy "addressing" my post? Is that what you said?

If your posts were more credible and less inflammatory, you might find the Zionists are quite sympathetic to the Palestinians.
You have to have feelings, to be sympathetic. As for the inflammatory part, that's not going to change, but I would like to see you prove my posts were not credible, instead of just "saying" they were?

But its near impossible to write a balanced, sympathetic post on this board discussing the nuances of the conflict when people jump up and down shouting that the Jewish people are committing a "slow genocide" on the Palestinians.
Here it comes, the set up to the big cop out?

WTF even IS that? A slow genocide? You have to invent meaningless phrases in order to sell your patently silly narrative.

Anti-Israelist: "Look! Its a genocide against the Palestinians."

Zionist: "Um, you realize that the number of Palestinian Arabs has increased by a factor of 10 since the conflict began?"

Anti-Israelist: "Its ... um ... yeah, a SLOW genocide. Yeah, that's it. Ssssssllllllllooooowwww genocide. They'll kill them know, eventually."
You can't even invent an argument!

Trust me, of all the people on this board, I am one of the few who are actually willing to take a look at the realities and discuss some real solutions to the conflict. I am one of the few who has an admittedly biased, but not entirely one-sided view of things.
Then why can't you post an opposing argument on any one of the issues I stated in the OP? RoccoR did.

BTW, Rocky my boy, I'm going to rip your post to schreds, but I need to drink more for the occasion.

But I can't even begin to have a real conversation with all this ridiculousness going on.
I knew it, cop out delivered.

Did you fail English 101 then, try reading the sentence again.

Done many times and you just ignore them until the next time you post the same LIES. Like the IDF shooting at activists while birds sit on rocks, sniper bullets the size of tennis balls that can do a 180 and fishermen using cargo nets to catch sardines.

So you deny that you say this ?

That is non existent as the demographic evidence shows. The population of Palestine increases so proving the LIE of a genocide

Don't need to when you do it for us

DID and you ignored them
HUH? I feel empathy for the Palestinian plight. First their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries massacre the Pali's by the tens of thousands leaving tens of thousands of others as homeless refugees & then those Zionists in Israel make peace offerings to them, build a security fence & conceed land to them to piss the Pali's off.
There he goes, spamming the same crap he said on multiple threads almost verbatim.

"...peace offerings...", " fence...", "...conce[d]e land..."

Are those the only words you know?

Because the Israeli's have never made a "peace offering", the "security fence" is a fucking Iron Curtain and you can't "concede land" that you don't have.

And once again you show you have no argument as the Israeli peace offerings are a matter of history, starting with the declaration of independence in 1948, and since then the numerous attempts at peace. Shown and proven by the peace treaties made with Egypt and Jordan that started the push by the Palestinian terrorists for a state of their own. The security fence did its job when the Palestinians complained they could no longer mass murder Jews with suicide bombs, and the numbers dropped dramatically. If the Palestinians don't have any land how can they concede it then, seeing as you claim that Israel has full control of the land ? ? ? ?

What about the Oslo?

Who killed Rabin?

And more importantly; why they killed Rabin???
Actually, I did. Give me the argument for the "slow genocide". Pay special attention to the fact that the numbers of Palestinians has increased about 10-fold since the conflict began. Where's the genocide?

So ridiculous.
Sarcasm and bullshit innuendo's, is not a logical argument.

This is!

In response to your "slow genocide" claim...

If the population goes down to zero '0', are you still going to ask, "what genocide"?
What I said is that the Zionists can't discuss REALITY because we are too busy pointing out the bullshit you post.
Pointing something out requires corroborative citations to give your argument validity. But you haven't even presented an argument for any of that.

There are some really worthy topics to be discussed. But no, we have to discuss that "slow genocide" is a thing. Give me a break.
We don't have to discuss that.

Pick one yourself and we'll do that one.

I'll bet the farm, you won't do it.

Every Zionist (except RoccoR), hasn't even tried.

HUH? I feel empathy for the Palestinian plight. First their own Arab brothers in surrounding Arab countries massacre the Pali's by the tens of thousands leaving tens of thousands of others as homeless refugees & then those Zionists in Israel make peace offerings to them, build a security fence & conceed land to them to piss the Pali's off.
There he goes, spamming the same crap he said on multiple threads almost verbatim.

"...peace offerings...", " fence...", "...conce[d]e land..."

Are those the only words you know?

Because the Israeli's have never made a "peace offering", the "security fence" is a fucking Iron Curtain and you can't "concede land" that you don't have.

And once again you show you have no argument as the Israeli peace offerings are a matter of history, starting with the declaration of independence in 1948, and since then the numerous attempts at peace. Shown and proven by the peace treaties made with Egypt and Jordan that started the push by the Palestinian terrorists for a state of their own. The security fence did its job when the Palestinians complained they could no longer mass murder Jews with suicide bombs, and the numbers dropped dramatically. If the Palestinians don't have any land how can they concede it then, seeing as you claim that Israel has full control of the land ? ? ? ?

What about the Oslo?

Who killed Rabin?

And more importantly; why they killed Rabin???

Which the Palestinians are trying to claim is no longer valid, and so they wont abide by it. Unless it could do them some good that is.

Don't know their names, do you ?

Don't know, do you

But what have these to do with the LIES spread about Israel not having a track record of peace treaties and offering peace
Actually, I did. Give me the argument for the "slow genocide". Pay special attention to the fact that the numbers of Palestinians has increased about 10-fold since the conflict began. Where's the genocide?

So ridiculous.
Sarcasm and bullshit innuendo's, is not a logical argument.

This is!

In response to your "slow genocide" claim...

If the population goes down to zero '0', are you still going to ask, "what genocide"?

No but sociopathic innuendo's is all you ever seem to provide Billy.

Just because your muslim friends in the UNCAD are hyping some nonsense about Gaza being uninhabitable doesn't mean its actually true. Its just another sad attempt to justify the standard lies we hear all the time about genocide, even if the pali population is booming out of control.

But really what would you know about any of this, you clearly don't actually live there. Seems more like your just talking nonsense again.

So really, I'm not clear what qualifies you to tell us about life in Gaza or any of the other terrorist enclaves. Are you a terrorist ? Do you live in any of the terrorist enclaves ?

Your UNCTAD report is a joke. It originated from Qatar. No bias there eh Spiffy ? And was part of a four year term working group which included a huge Arab voting block including

List of participants

League of Arab States ( these are the same states that declared war on Israel in 1948; The Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries and the Arab NGO Network for Development. Among others

The same group of unbiased jewels also produced this one

Summary of Panel Discussion on Sustaining the Palestinian economy under occupation: The role of Arab cooperation (UNCTAD XIII pre-Conference event)

And this one

Special Event – Sustaining the Palestinian economy under occupation: The role of Arab cooperation

I could also have a field day with the Mission of Israel's response to the bias found within the UNCTAD



Mr. Chair,

It looks comfortable to the writers of the report to recurrently point an accusing finger towards Israel on every subject that affects the Palestinian society. That’s an easy argument to make, a false solution, which keeps a blind eye on the structural crisis, the fiscal crisis, the corruption within the PA and the eternal fights between the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza and the PA in the West Bank.

Furthermore, the report does not take into account the security constraints of the Israeli side. Were Israel placed in a peaceful environment out of the Middle East, the report would make more sense. But one has to remember that Jerusalem is no Geneva. The government of the state of Israel has to provide, first and foremost, security to its citizens. It has to ensure that children arrive safely to school, that men and women arrive safely to their workplace and that all enjoy a normal life, regardless of the potential dangers of an eventual terrorist attack.

Mr. Chair,

While the present Palestinian fiscal crisis was caused by a shortfall in donor aid, there was also overspending in the implementation of the PA 2011 budget. On its part, Israel has twice taken upon itself to transfer advance payments to the PA. During the years, billions of dollars have been donated from different sources to the PA, and it's about time to ask what purposes these colossal amounts have served. The PA has to be accountable to its donors. In this regard, we wish to remind this honorable assembly that every year the Palestinian Authority pays 54 million dollars to convicted terrorists in Israeli jails. Those convicted terrorists receive salaries that range from 350 to 3000 dollars every month, while the average salary in the West Bank is 485 dollars a month. Altogether 132 million dollars are "spent" yearly by the PA to terrorists and their families, which constitutes 6% of the PA's overall budget. The money genuinely given by the donors is hijacked by the PA. Terrorism is not a development goal.

Mr. Chair,

Being placed in the dock, it is our right and duty to respond in detail to the various allegations formulated against us.

Strangely, the data of a research made by the Bank of Israel in 2010 has been re-used for your report about 2012 and has been misinterpreted. As a result, your report’s conclusion, based on false assumptions, is that quote “The Palestinian Authority loses 300 million dollars in trade taxes a year to Israel”. The writer of the report has written a reaction that I would like to read you out some extracts:

“About $115 million of UNCTAD estimate are based on the assumption that "39 percent of the recorded imports from Israel … could therefore be considered indirect imports." This is a misinterpretation of our 2010 report, which ascribed the 2008-share of sales to the PA to wholesale and retail trade industry regardless the origin of the exported goods (Israel / abroad)(…)

(…) the report speculates that unreported exports, aka "smuggled goods", account for about 25 percent of total Israeli exports to the PA. This guess and other questionable assumptions yield an estimate of a $190 million revenue loss to the PA.” End of quote.

Mr. Chair,

I would like to emphasize that a flourishing Palestinian economy is also in the interest of the state of Israel, and we are engaged in various activities in cooperation with the Palestinians to assist them in fulfilling that goal. Israel has taken a series of measures reflecting this will to support the PA's economic stability and to help the PA manage the fiscal crisis that affects it. Now, let me give you a few details of the measures taken, that conveniently enough, did not find their way to UNCTAD'S report. As a way of contributing to the betterment of the Palestinian workers, the state of Israel has conducted, through governmental channels or non-governmental ones, trainings and capacity-building workshops to Palestinian workers in different spheres of activity.

In agriculture for example, the cooperation has been reinforced: every year, the Civil Administration Agriculture Department organizes or coordinates training sessions and meetings for Palestinian agriculturalists in Israel. In 2012, 4 programs were organized for the veterinary service of the PA, workshops on animal products, standards and regulations.

Passage and movement: the security situation having improved, there remain only a few crossings within the West Bank, that are activated only in the event of a security alert or situation. In 2012, although it was a calculated risk, roadblocks on smaller roads have been removed in order to facilitate movement in smaller villages. In this context, let me remind you that only in the last 48 hours, two Israelis have been killed by Palestinians.

End Quote
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Actually, I did. Give me the argument for the "slow genocide". Pay special attention to the fact that the numbers of Palestinians has increased about 10-fold since the conflict began. Where's the genocide?

So ridiculous.
Sarcasm and bullshit innuendo's, is not a logical argument.

This is!

In response to your "slow genocide" claim...

If the population goes down to zero '0', are you still going to ask, "what genocide"?

And it is not because of any systematic slooooowwwwwww genocide by the Jews is it. The real truth is that hamas is refusing to hand over the building supplies sent to the people so they can rebuild, they are not being stopped from re building by Israel. The damage was as a direct result of the attacks by hamas when 2,000 illegal rockets were fired at Israeli civilian centres from the civilian areas in gaza ( google maps shows 50% of gaza to be unpopulated and without buildings) If Israel wanted to impose a genocide on gaza then it would just stop all traffic going in and out until the Palestinians starved to death or died of disease.

If the new ZIKA virus spreads through gaza are you going to blame Israel for not inventing a cure. Or if the Palestinians turn on each other and kill themselves in a pitched battle. No doubt the Israeli's were to blame for the genocide of the Palestinians by Jordan when they massacred 50,000 of them. ( that is far more murdered by Palestinians in one month that Israel has killed in 66 years of non stop war )

You harp on about this alleged genocide without ever bringing any concrete evidence of it having taken place, no details other than the islamonazi sourced links that prove less that you do.
What I said is that the Zionists can't discuss REALITY because we are too busy pointing out the bullshit you post.
Pointing something out requires corroborative citations to give your argument validity. But you haven't even presented an argument for any of that.

There are some really worthy topics to be discussed. But no, we have to discuss that "slow genocide" is a thing. Give me a break.
We don't have to discuss that.

Pick one yourself and we'll do that one.

I'll bet the farm, you won't do it.

Every Zionist (except RoccoR), hasn't even tried.

Like your videos that don't show what you claim, no corroboration just another video showing nothing other than bad editing and even worse dubbing.

I chose your many pallywood video's and highlighted the discrepancies in them, and you chose to ignore the evidence and just keep posting the same lies over and over again
No but sociopathic innuendo's is all you ever seem to provide Billy.
What's a "sociopathic innuendo"?

Just because your muslim friends in the UNCAD are hyping some nonsense about Gaza being uninhabitable doesn't mean its actually true.
And you commenting on what kind of friends I have, don't make it false.

Its just another sad attempt to justify the standard lies we hear all the time about genocide, even if the pali population is booming out of control.
We have our first bullshit innuendo (BI) from Boston1 (B1).

But really what would you know about any of this, you clearly don't actually live there. Seems more like your just talking nonsense again.
BI #2 from B1.

So really, I'm not clear what qualifies you to tell us about life in Gaza or any of the other terrorist enclaves.
I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

Are you a terrorist ?

Do you live in any of the terrorist enclaves ?

Your UNCTAD report is a joke. It originated from Qatar.
First B1 ad hominem (AH).

No bias there eh Spiffy ?
B1 BI #3.

And was part of a four year term working group which included a huge Arab voting block including
This disjointed sentence makes no sense.

List of participants

League of Arab States ( these are the same states that declared war on Israel in 1948; The Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries and the Arab NGO Network for Development. Among others
B1 BI #4.

B1 AH #2.

B1 AH #3.

I could also have a field day with the Mission of Israel's response to the bias found within the UNCTAD
B1 BI #5.



Mr. Chair,

It looks comfortable to the writers of the report to recurrently point an accusing finger towards Israel on every subject that affects the Palestinian society. That’s an easy argument to make, a false solution, which keeps a blind eye on the structural crisis, the fiscal crisis, the corruption within the PA and the eternal fights between the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza and the PA in the West Bank.
And you talk about Arab bias?

Furthermore, the report does not take into account the security constraints of the Israeli side. Were Israel placed in a peaceful environment out of the Middle East, the report would make more sense.
Israel has caused its own security constraints with constant aggression against its neighbors.

But one has to remember that Jerusalem is no Geneva. The government of the state of Israel has to provide, first and foremost, security to its citizens.
Then why does it constantly break the ceasefires?

It has to ensure that children arrive safely to school, that men and women arrive safely to their workplace and that all enjoy a normal life, regardless of the potential dangers of an eventual terrorist attack.
Again, if Israel wanted to do that, it wouldn't break the ceasefires.

Mr. Chair,

While the present Palestinian fiscal crisis was caused by a shortfall in donor aid, there was also overspending in the implementation of the PA 2011 budget. On its part, Israel has twice taken upon itself to transfer advance payments to the PA.
This is a fucking lie! Israel regularly withholds funds from the PA.

" the first four months of 2015, Israel withheld almost $700 million of Palestinian clearance revenue, which comes from taxes on imports into the Occupied Palestinian Territory, compounding a fiscal crisis for the Palestinian National Authority, on whose behalf Israel collects the revenues."

During the years, billions of dollars have been donated from different sources to the PA, and it's about time to ask what purposes these colossal amounts have served. The PA has to be accountable to its donors. In this regard, we wish to remind this honorable assembly that every year the Palestinian Authority pays 54 million dollars to convicted terrorists in Israeli jails. Those convicted terrorists receive salaries that range from 350 to 3000 dollars every month, while the average salary in the West Bank is 485 dollars a month. Altogether 132 million dollars are "spent" yearly by the PA to terrorists and their families, which constitutes 6% of the PA's overall budget. The money genuinely given by the donors is hijacked by the PA. Terrorism is not a development goal.

Mr. Chair,

Being placed in the dock, it is our right and duty to respond in detail to the various allegations formulated against us.

Strangely, the data of a research made by the Bank of Israel in 2010 has been re-used for your report about 2012 and has been misinterpreted. As a result, your report’s conclusion, based on false assumptions, is that quote “The Palestinian Authority loses 300 million dollars in trade taxes a year to Israel”. The writer of the report has written a reaction that I would like to read you out some extracts:

“About $115 million of UNCTAD estimate are based on the assumption that "39 percent of the recorded imports from Israel … could therefore be considered indirect imports." This is a misinterpretation of our 2010 report, which ascribed the 2008-share of sales to the PA to wholesale and retail trade industry regardless the origin of the exported goods (Israel / abroad)(…)

(…) the report speculates that unreported exports, aka "smuggled goods", account for about 25 percent of total Israeli exports to the PA. This guess and other questionable assumptions yield an estimate of a $190 million revenue loss to the PA.” End of quote.

Mr. Chair,

I would like to emphasize that a flourishing Palestinian economy is also in the interest of the state of Israel, and we are engaged in various activities in cooperation with the Palestinians to assist them in fulfilling that goal. Israel has taken a series of measures reflecting this will to support the PA's economic stability and to help the PA manage the fiscal crisis that affects it. Now, let me give you a few details of the measures taken, that conveniently enough, did not find their way to UNCTAD'S report. As a way of contributing to the betterment of the Palestinian workers, the state of Israel has conducted, through governmental channels or non-governmental ones, trainings and capacity-building workshops to Palestinian workers in different spheres of activity.

In agriculture for example, the cooperation has been reinforced: every year, the Civil Administration Agriculture Department organizes or coordinates training sessions and meetings for Palestinian agriculturalists in Israel. In 2012, 4 programs were organized for the veterinary service of the PA, workshops on animal products, standards and regulations.

Passage and movement: the security situation having improved, there remain only a few crossings within the West Bank, that are activated only in the event of a security alert or situation. In 2012, although it was a calculated risk, roadblocks on smaller roads have been removed in order to facilitate movement in smaller villages. In this context, let me remind you that only in the last 48 hours, two Israelis have been killed by Palestinians.

End Quote
That's enough. I have no intention of responding to the rest of your data dump.
Billo_Really, et al,

OK, here we go again with the perpetual victim whining.

Imagine yourself living under these conditions: Living in limbo under a foreign occupier.

If the Arab Palestinians are in "Limbo," it is a zone of their own making. Occupation started in 1949 with the effective control extended by the Arab Community. That "Limbo" lasted nearly two decades before the "occupation" changed hands. During the occupation by members of the Arab League, the Arab Palestinians made no significant advancement.

What makes you believe that being without oversight would make the Arab Palestinians any more productive?
What makes you believe that the Arab Palestinian would be any less violent or a stabilizing influence in the if without oversight? (Do you think that the Fedayeen would have been any more peaceful then they were when they were free in Jordan --- where they assaulted the Royal Motorcade twice and attempted a
Coup d'état?

Imagine yourself living under these conditions: Having no self-determination, no right of return, and no power over your daily life.

The "right of Self-determination, as stipulated by Article 1(2) of the Charter, was never taken away. But, the Arab Palestinian must understand that such a right is a reciprocal arrangement. It is "based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace." If the exercise of the Arab Palestinian right of self-determination interferes or obstructs the exercise of the Israeli right of self-determination ---- then it is NOT a measure that strengthens universal peace. When the Jewish People declared independence on the advise and with the assistance of the General Assembly of the United Nations, and the Arab Palestinians opened up a regional conflict by attacking Israel (outside their Arab borders) with the intent to overturn the "advise and with the assistance of the General Assembly, by the use of military force --- the Arab (including the Arab Palestinians) became the aggressor. And, with the exception of the Peace Treaties with Jordan and Egypt, the remainder of the Arab Community is still are war (albeit under a cease-fire) with Israel; except for the relationship with the Arab Palestinians, which rejected peace.
The text of this resolution was communicated by the Secretary-General on 9 January to the Government of the United Kingdom, as the Mandatory Power, to the Arab Higher Committee, and to the Jewish Agency for Palestine. The invitation extended by the resolution was promptly accepted by the Government of the United Kingdom and by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, both of which designated representatives to assist the commission. The representative designated by the Government of the United Kingdom was Sir Alexander Cadogan. The representative designated by the Jewish Agency for Palestine was Mr. Moshe Shertok. As regards the Arab Higher Committee, the following telegraphic response was received by the Secretary-General on 19 January:

Imagine yourself living under these conditions: Being in constant fear, economically strangled, and collectively punished.

If there is an economic problem, in connection to the necessary security protocols, that is a consequence of the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) attempting to focus it financial and economic resources to the purpose of conflict. The HoAP made a informed decision.

On 6 February 1948, a communication to the Secretary-General, United Nations (UN) by Mr. Isa Nakhleh, Representative of the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) which made it clear that the AHC "Delegation solemnly declares that it is the unflinching determination of every Arab in Palestine to defend his country against any power or group of powers or any force going to Palestine to partition the country. The Arabs are in duty and honor bound to defend their country to the last man." This is essentially was a declaration of war between the AHC (representing the Arab Palestinians) and the State of Israel. This was articulated in the 1968 Palestinian National Charter AND again reemphasized in the 2005 Palestinian Charter of Honor, (contained in the DCAF › Publications › Towards Palestinian National Reconciliation).

The Arab Palestinian periodically confirm their need for conflict --- not peace::

To confirm the legitimacy of the armed resistance, political strife, and all means of Jihad and struggle which the Palestinian people has exercised and is exercising to attain freedom and independence, and to lobby all powers to denounce all forms of occupation and tyranny in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and each span occupied by the foreigner.

Imagine yourself living under these conditions: Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders, regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences, and separation walls.

This is part and parcel, a consequence of the established history of criminal behaviors of the HoAP. This constant increase in belligerent behaviors made it necessary for the State of Israel to employment a full range of security countermeasures that, grow with the increased threat and protect Israel from subversion, lawlessness, insurgency, terrorism, and other threats to its peace and security; these threats having been declared as a duty by the HoAP.

Remember the periodic reaffirmation of the threat that mirrors the 1948 threat:

Abeer Ayyoub in Gaza City and Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem
Tens of thousands celebrate Hamas 'victory' rally as exiled leader returns
Saturday 8 December 2012

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal vowed Gaza's rulers would never give up "an inch of the land" to Israel in an uncompromising speech before tens of thousands of cheering supporters at a triumphalist "victory" rally in Gaza City.

"Palestine is ours, from the river to the sea and from the south to the north. There will be no concession on an inch of the land," he told the crowd on his first visit to Gaza. "We will never recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation and therefore there is no legitimacy for Israel, no matter how long it will take."

Imagine yourself living under these conditions: Having your homes regularly demolished and land systematically stolen to build settlements for encroachers in violation of international law prohibiting an occupier from settling its population on conquered land.

Often, the HoAP attempt to curve the laws such that it protects the security threat. It is similar to the logic that "Protected Persons" are free to target any Israeli in sight.

To prevent the indiscriminate targeting of different religions, cultures, civilians and non-participating civilians --- and --- to take all measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to counter incitement of terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance and to prevent the subversion of educational, cultural, and religious institutions by terrorists and their supporters; take such action in order to find and deny safe havens and bring to justice those "Protected Persons" which committed offenses that were solely intended to harm the Occupying Power; --- as well as --- serious acts of sabotage against the military and law enforcement installations of the Occupying Power or other intentional offenses which have or were intended to caused the death of one or more persons; on the basis of requirements in Article 43 of the Hague Regulation (1907) and the domestic law.

The destruction of such properties which were allowed to provide support HoAP; and to strengthen the coordination --- detection, exploitation and neutralization of HoAP threat activities, deny safe havens, and in cooperation with other police, security and law enforcement agencies, in combating crimes that might be discovered a connected between protected persons and their families and friends giving aid and comfort to terrorist activities, including illicit arms collection, in particular of small arms and light weapons, including man-portable air defense systems, money laundering and smuggling, and other harmful or hostile action by HoAP Jihadist, Fedayeen, Insurgents, Terrorist and other asymmetric Palestinian forces Masquerading as freedom fighters, it may become necessary to destroy or demolish property used for such purposes.

Settlements in Area "C" which are under the full authority of Israel is different. The Palestinian Authority (PA) has some responsible for providing education and medical services to the Palestinian population in Area C. However, construction and maintenance of the infrastructure necessary for these services remains in Israel’s hands. Civil matters remained under Israeli control in Area C and are the responsibility of the Civil Administration. The PA has never availed themselves to the dispute resolution process; having chosen to open conflict as opposed to the negotiation by peaceful means.

Imagine yourself living under these conditions: Having your right to essential services denied – to emergency health care, education, employment, and enough food and clean water.

Not to say there is not one, but I've never heard of a place where the citizenry did not want more or better infrastructure, government provided services, or other resources. So what makes the Arab Palestinian any different? Particularly since the Arab Palestinian is a dependent external contributions and parasitic to the donor community.

I'm in no position to comment on the "water" situation, in connection with the brand new housing in Rawabi, West Bank. I've commented on the need to construct the Mother-of-all-Distillation Plants to provide water to all regions of the territory west of the Jordan River. But I do admit, there are some aspects of this resource war. Why it was approved and then denied is beyond my understanding; but sounds political to me.

Imagine yourself living under these conditions: Being willfully harassed, ethnically cleansed, arrested, incarcerated, tortured, and slaughtered on any pretext, including for your right of self-defense... Victimize and Vilified ... etc -- etc -- etc --

I don't know if I can address this. I've looked back five years (that is only until 2011) and cannot find an event in which describes the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory (except for the issue of some Beduin Tribal disputes). I've looked back five years and cannot find a where Arab Palestinian were randomly or indiscriminately rounded up and --- on mass --- arrested and incarcerated. I have looked back five years and find the discovery of --- or witnesses stepping forward to report the discovery of mass executions and/or slaughter of any Arab Palestinians (with the exception of Arab Palestinian violations of Rules 23 and 24 resulting in casualties).

It is my opinion that pro-Palestinians and Arab Palestinians, have a tendency to victimize themselves, sometimes intentionally. A classic example is when (May 2010) a number of Turkish Activists, Arab Palestinians [Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation, (İHH)] and pro-Palestinians from a number of different countries, assembled a Six Vessel (small ship) Flotilla formed around the MV Mavi Marmara. an IHH Owned a Comoros-flagged passenger ship, From all outward appearances, this was an attempt to created a Media Event through the deliberate confrontation with Israeli Naval elements. The Flotilla Operators made an public announcement to their intentions --- and to make sure the Israelis knew. The flotilla, on approach skirted the perimeter of the making sure the Israelis had plenty of time to optimize their defensive more. Then, after the violence erupts, the and the Region acts very surprised.

The Arab Palestinians are known for using the media.

Most Respectfully,

Be patient, Rockie my boy, I haven't forgot about you.
Its more than obvious Billy, you don't have any idea of what life as a pali is like.

I used to be shocked when someone with zero experience with something pretends to be an expert.

Then I discovered the internet and met people like you Billy boy.

Huge hotel party this weekend, some of my Jordanian friends will be there. I'll chat with them about it. Guaranteed they'll know whats new if anything.

Boston1: "I will not engage in a war of personal insults, sorry, but I'll take the high ground."
Its more than obvious Billy, you don't have any idea of what life as a pali is like.
This thread isn't about me.

Boston1: "I will not engage in a war of personal insults, sorry, but I'll take the high ground."
I used to be shocked when someone with zero experience with something pretends to be an expert.
There are only two topics I've ever claimed to be an expert on (electrical engineering and the Los Angeles Lakers). Other than that, I learn as I go. And what I'm learning, is the Israeli's are making the Pals life a daily hell.

Boston1: Might I remind EVERYONE that the topic is...

...stop right there, I think I know this one! The topic is.............NOT ME!

Boston1: I will not engage in a war of personal insults, sorry, but I'll take the high ground.
Then I discovered the internet and met people like you Billy boy.
Ah, that sucks dude!

Huge hotel party this weekend, some of my Jordanian friends will be there. I'll chat with them about it.
Why would partiers at a Beantown hotel, know what life is like for Palestinian's on the other side of the planet?

Guaranteed they'll know whats new if anything.
Appeal to authority argumentum ab auctoritate

I guarantee you're incapable of debating any of the topics listed in the OP. So far, only one has tried.
Our local foul mouthed construction laborer, taking the high ground ?

That'll last about five seconds ;--)

As I recall the subject wasn't

Wait for it


It was your pretending to know what life was like as a Arab Muslim living in Israel.

So pardon me if I'm curious. How is it you know anything about life in the terrorist enclaves ? Are you a terrorist ? Do you live in any of the terrorist enclaves ?

How is it you think you know anything about life as an Arab Muslim in Israel ? Did you go to a terrorist run UNWRA school ?

All these questions would naturally have bearing on your knowledge of life as an Arab Muslim in Israel.
In response to your "slow genocide" claim...

If the population goes down to zero '0', are you still going to ask, "what genocide"?

You should read your own report. The report states that Gaza's population is expected to increase from 1.6 million in 2011 to 2.1 million in 2020.

A genocide by population explosion? Wow. Jews are sneaky buggers, aren't they?

I'll say again that there are lots of interesting and valid topics of discussion contained in this report. But we can't get to them because we are so busy responding to ridiculous claims like "slow genocide". Instead of continually demonizing Israel with hot button words like "slow genocide" -- why don't you want to talk about the real and true problems of the conflict?
In response to your "slow genocide" claim...

If the population goes down to zero '0', are you still going to ask, "what genocide"?

You should read your own report. The report states that Gaza's population is expected to increase from 1.6 million in 2011 to 2.1 million in 2020.

A genocide by population explosion? Wow. Jews are sneaky buggers, aren't they?

I'll say again that there are lots of interesting and valid topics of discussion contained in this report. But we can't get to them because we are so busy responding to ridiculous claims like "slow genocide". Instead of continually demonizing Israel with hot button words like "slow genocide" -- why don't you want to talk about the real and true problems of the conflict?
I always get a chuckle when the Islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailers start screeching out the "genocide" nonsense. They've now invented a new bit of nonsense with the "slow genocide" label. "Slow genocide" as a term coined by slow adults.

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