Libs blamed Katrina on Busn. Blame the tornados in Ala on Obama?

Where's your PROOF, backed up with solid evidence that "FEDS" were shooting unarmed people......You better have that proof. That's a searing charge, BACK IT UP!

What should Obama have done?........Accepted whatever god damn help offered from countries who had the means to immediately help........Come out and address the people on the gulf coast, immediately, instead of waiting more than a god damn month to say a fucking word.

Did you not see the reports from the gulf coast, too include those from James Carvel who was screaming at Obama to accept damn help and get it down there?

You can try and cover for Obama until you're blue in the god damn face. Doesn't change the fact that he miserably failed during that spill.

OK, let's see. Those are two things that Obama could have done differently. Let's take them one at a time.

Accepted help from other nations. I'm not sure what they could have done about it that we weren't already doing ourselves. America's got the best everything, especially when it comes to drilling for oil. What, exactly, was the foreign aid offered that we weren't already doing better ourselves?

Um, come out and address people on the Gulf Coast immediately. That's true. As soon as the disaster mobilization process is under way, I agree. A president should go to the region right away. You've got me there. Obama done fucked everything up.

So, how would you compare Obama to Bush? Obama didn't accept help that we couldn't use. And he didn't make an important symbolic gesture. Oh, and some buy yelled at him. And Bush... let thousands of people starve for a week.

But that's comparing Katrina to the oil spill. i think the subject is Katrina to Alabama. Has anyone looked it up yet? How long it took Obama to respond to Alabama?

Bush didn't let anyone starve for a week......Nagin and the dem governor did. Had they been prepared, and had a viable plan, nobody would have suffered....Had they listened to the adminoistration in the irst place, they wouldn't have miserabley failed their citizens.

You can gloss over the dem failures all you like. All it does is make you look like a dishonest partisan hack.

Still waiting for your proof that FEDS were too busy shooting unarmed people.....Why are you avoiding it?......Can't back up such an explosive claim?

Come on man, you made the claim. You now have to prove it.

Well maybe if the feds had been competent, under Bush, the flooding wouldn't have happened in the first place..

Katrina Flooding Caused by Army Corps of Engineers' Negligence, Judge Rules -

Just maybe.:doubt:
On the morning of the killing, Glover and a friend were walking behind a strip mall in the New Orleans suburb of Algiers when New Orleans police Officer David Warren, who was stationed on the second floor of the strip mall, saw Glover and shot him.
At the time, neither Glover nor his friend realized the shot fired had been from a New Orleans police officer.
The three men and Glover drove to a school that had been turned into a makeshift police station. Inside, the stranger and Glover's friends asked police officers to help them treat Glover, who was bleeding but alive in the back seat of the Chevy Malibu.
"Instead of offering assistance, Jeff Winn and Greg McRae of the NOPD handcuffed [the men] and beat them. Winn instructed McRae to drive the seriously wounded Mr. Glover to a secluded spot on the Algiers levee. Dwayne Scheurmann was instructed to follow McRae in another vehicle.
As requested, proof of police shooting people in NO after Katrina. Bush's Zero Tolerance at work.

Courthouse News Service
No fool, you claimed that FEDS were too busy shooting unarmed people.

You said you volunteered down there, although you can't name a street where you stayed. So, I assume you have first hand knowledge of those shootings to back up your claim that FEDS were too busy shooting unarmed people.

I'm beginning to think you're just a consumate :eusa_liar:

It seems to be a pattern with you....Prove me i'm wrong with solid evidence backed up by real FACTS for once.
"[The] Malibu, with Henry Glover still in the back seat, was intentionally set on fire by McRae with the possible assistance of Scheurmann, causing his body to be burned beyond recognition and leaving DNA as the only method of identification of the remains," according to the complaint.
No, you're right. Thank you for pointing out my inaccuracy. I agree with you now. The feds weren't shooting people. The NO PO were shooting people. The feds were doing nothing. And thousands of people were starving. You're right, Bush did a great job.
OK, you got me. It was NO police officers working under Bush's "no tolerance" policy doing the shooting, while thousands of Americans starved. Now that you point that out, I guess it's not that bad.
Why point out something so fucking obvious?

Everybody knows about the NO cops.

You blatantly tried to tie those shootings to Bush and the FEDS, you dishonest lil' fucking hack........You know damn good and well what you were doing.

"The FEDS were too busy shooting unarmed people".......You're a fucking lying ass lil' liberal idiot.

Christ man, you can't even come up with the street or streets you stayed on while SUPPOSEDLY volunteering.....Are you just lying about that too?

How many more times do I have to expose you before you start being honest?
Um, more than once? Have you ever caught me being wrong before? You denied a NYT article as evidence one time. So I was wrong about one fact that I misremembered from 6 years ago. It doesn't effect the substance of my point.
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Bush didn't let anyone starve for a week......Nagin and the dem governor did. Had they been prepared, and had a viable plan, nobody would have suffered....Had they listened to the adminoistration in the irst place, they wouldn't have miserabley failed their citizens.

That's a really good point. I never thought of that before. You're right. It is all the Democrats' fault. There's nothing Bush could have done. He had no way to get food and water to those thousands of starving Americans waiting at the stadium for their country to help them in their time of need. He was completely helpless. I understand.
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OK, you got me. It was NO police officers working under Bush's "no tolerance" policy doing the shooting, while thousands of Americans starved. Now that you point that out, I guess it's not that bad.
Why point out something so fucking obvious?

Everybody knows about the NO cops.

You blatantly tried to tie those shootings to Bush and the FEDS, you dishonest lil' fucking hack........You know damn good and well what you were doing.

"The FEDS were too busy shooting unarmed people".......You're a fucking lying ass lil' liberal idiot.

Christ man, you can't even come up with the street or streets you stayed on while SUPPOSEDLY volunteering.....Are you just lying about that too?

How many more times do I have to expose you before you start being honest?

2 words.. Anger management. :lol:
Bush didn't let anyone starve for a week......Nagin and the dem governor did. Had they been prepared, and had a viable plan, nobody would have suffered....Had they listened to the adminoistration in the irst place, they wouldn't have miserabley failed their citizens.

That's a really good point. I never thought of that before. You're right. It is all the Democrats' fault. There's nothing Bush could have done. He had no way to get food and water to those thousands of starving Americans. He was completely helpless. I understand.
Quit being stupid fool.....The dem's are the primary reason...Had they been prepared, and had solid communications established with the feds, those people would have gotten their shit.

Seriously, we all know the breakdowns that occured. We all know that the dem idiots, Nagin and that useless governor were the primary to blame. Bush deserves blame yes, but you aren't even honest enough to acknowledge the dem's abject failings that led to EVERYTHING that happened.

You are a fuckin' hack, dude....Plain and simple.....All evidence needed is the fact that you BLATANTLY tried to lie about the FEDS shooting people, and the fact that you want to place all blame on Bush.
OK, you got me. It was NO police officers working under Bush's "no tolerance" policy doing the shooting, while thousands of Americans starved. Now that you point that out, I guess it's not that bad.
Why point out something so fucking obvious?

Everybody knows about the NO cops.

You blatantly tried to tie those shootings to Bush and the FEDS, you dishonest lil' fucking hack........You know damn good and well what you were doing.

"The FEDS were too busy shooting unarmed people".......You're a fucking lying ass lil' liberal idiot.

Christ man, you can't even come up with the street or streets you stayed on while SUPPOSEDLY volunteering.....Are you just lying about that too?

How many more times do I have to expose you before you start being honest?

2 words.. Anger management. :lol:
2 words:

Educate yourself

Going through life as a box o' rocks is no way to live, Sarah.

BTW, did you ever return to that other thread and show evidence of those degrees that YOU insisted were bought?

Or are you just another lying ass liberal like this lil' Digger guy?

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Bush deserves blame yes,

Holy shit. I think I'm gonna frame that and put it up on my wall. Of course, I never denied that Nagin deserved blame. I think we were comparing Bush to Obama, though. Or wasn't it comparing Katrina to Alabama?

A yes. So we've got, letting thousands of Americans starve for a week on live TV. Vs, responding fairly quickly. Hmmm... Can you see why people would be a bit more upset with Bush?
Bush didn't let anyone starve for a week......Nagin and the dem governor did. Had they been prepared, and had a viable plan, nobody would have suffered....Had they listened to the adminoistration in the irst place, they wouldn't have miserabley failed their citizens.

That's a really good point. I never thought of that before. You're right. It is all the Democrats' fault. There's nothing Bush could have done. He had no way to get food and water to those thousands of starving Americans waiting at the stadium for their country to help them in their time of need. He was completely helpless. I understand.

Funny..however..he did a pretty good job with Thailand and Sri Lanka after their disasters.
Bush deserves blame yes,

Holy shit. I think I'm gonna frame that and put it up on my wall. Of course, I never denied that Nagin deserved blame. I think we were comparing Bush to Obama, though. Or wasn't it comparing Katrina to Alabama?

A yes. So we've got, letting thousands of Americans starve for a week on live TV. Vs, responding fairly quickly. Hmmm... Can you see why people would be a bit more upset with Bush?
Your big issue at this point is to stop all of your lying on this board.....You've been caught in several threads now. If you want people to engage you in good debate, don't lie.

You can hem and haw. Call people names, whatever.....But when you start constantly lying, people will only ignore you.

Oh, and it is Nagin AND that idiot DEM governor who deserves the majority of the blame.

And, where were you crack volunteers. Why didn't you get your ass over there and feed those people if it was just so damn easy?

Oh wait, you can't even tell us a street or streets name where you SUPPOSEDLY stayed.....So much for that lie.
Yeah, no one ever remembers the disasters that you don't fuck up. It's like housework.
Show me where I've lied.

Show me where I've called people names, besides troll when they're trollin'.
Why point out something so fucking obvious?

Everybody knows about the NO cops.

You blatantly tried to tie those shootings to Bush and the FEDS, you dishonest lil' fucking hack........You know damn good and well what you were doing.

"The FEDS were too busy shooting unarmed people".......You're a fucking lying ass lil' liberal idiot.

Christ man, you can't even come up with the street or streets you stayed on while SUPPOSEDLY volunteering.....Are you just lying about that too?

How many more times do I have to expose you before you start being honest?

2 words.. Anger management. :lol:
2 words:

Educate yourself

Going through life as a box o' rocks is no way to live, Sarah.

BTW, did you ever return to that other thread and show evidence of those degrees that insisted were bought?

Or are you just another lying ass liberal like this lil' Digger guy?


Oh yes, I'm in the habit of chasing your ignorant little questions around.
You think if I can't remember the street that I stayed on for three weeks 6 years ago, I'm lying? You're not making much sense. I could look up a street easily enough and that wouldn't be proof. There's no way for me to prove my personal experience to you. You believe me or you don't, and I don't care.
Show me where I've lied.

Show me where I've called people names, besides troll when they're trollin'.
You just got caught blatantly lying up here....You just lied over on the West thread....You lied earlier on that West thread, when you claimed that West was forced to retire.....Funny because, on another West thread before that, you agreed with me that Zona was full of shit, and that West wasn't forced to retire or faced court martial had he not retired.

Seriously, you need to pull your head out of your ass. Stop lying, and stop contradicting yourself.....You'll get along much easier up here.

I never said you called names. I said it's something you can get away with up here. It's the lying that isn't so tolerated....And you seriously need to stop lying.

Anyhow, I'm going to go watch the replay of the Lakers game.....Have a good night, and try to control that lying.
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