who would make a better president?


Apr 3, 2011
who would make a better president than obama? anyone god bless but a sightless person could see this are you happy with the way things are today? this snake oil salesman says the right things that the public wants to hear then does nothing for the public hes on his own agenda not the publics check this out miranda rights for terrorists what over four dollar per gallon gas he might as well say he is pro illegal immigration his intensions are to raise taxes and if it wasnt for the republicans it would be there he tells us what to eat what car to drive government healthcare this is freedom? small businesses are being crushed unemployment continues gov. debt is ridiculous with nothing to show for what has he stimulated? nothing did you get flim flamed by the flim flam man? not me i voted for mccain.
To answer the title question. I would, as well as a number of other amazing Americans.

As for the rest, I have no clue what you're trying to say.

BTW Not everyone would be better than Obama. As bad as Obama is, he isn't going around killing Citizens. There are some people, even some on this board, I think, that would do that were they to have the office of President.
Personally, I say Donald should be the one to run against Obama. Well, him or the third fucking bush.

Circus clowns.
who would make a better president than obama? anyone god bless but a sightless person could see this are you happy with the way things are today? this snake oil salesman says the right things that the public wants to hear then does nothing for the public hes on his own agenda not the publics check this out miranda rights for terrorists what over four dollar per gallon gas he might as well say he is pro illegal immigration his intensions are to raise taxes and if it wasnt for the republicans it would be there he tells us what to eat what car to drive government healthcare this is freedom? small businesses are being crushed unemployment continues gov. debt is ridiculous with nothing to show for what has he stimulated? nothing did you get flim flamed by the flim flam man? not me i voted for mccain.

A) You ever hear of grammar and spelling?
B) Your premise that anyone would be better than Obama is stupid.
Ron Paul

Why is the United States still engaged in foreign wars of expansion? Afghanistan for just about a decade, Iraq for 8 years.

Now skirmishes in Pakistan and likely Troops to LIbya. Where is the anti-war movement? Obama still hasn't closed Gitmolike he said.

I sincerely believe as Commander-in-Chief Ron Paul would cease these military operations.
who would make a better president?

This guy:

Personally, I say Donald should be the one to run against Obama. Well, him or the third fucking bush.

Circus clowns.

I doubt many democrats will run against Obama. Hillary or Trump.
Almost anyone would be better than Obama.

I nominate Eric Cantor for President & Paul Ryan for Vice President.

Do I have a second on that nomination?

From your link..............

The third trend is towards raw worship of wealth as an end in itself – and exempting them from all social responsibility.

Yet for the Republican Party, the accumulation of money is proof in itself of virtue, however it was acquired. The richest 1 per cent pay for the party's campaigns, and the party in turn serves their interests entirely. The most glaring example is that they have simply exempted many of the rich from taxes. Johnston studied four of Trump's recent tax returns, and found he legally paid no taxes in two of them. In America today, a janitor can pay more income tax than Donald Trump – and the Republicans regard that not as a source of shame, but of pride.

This guy nailed it perfectly. You can see that from the wingnut posters on USMB!!

Eric Cantor looks like the most popular kid in high school. He'd make a great candidate.

Actually, I think ya'll might have something there. He's get solid conservative cred, and he's not nearly the wing nut of most of their pack.

From your link..............

The third trend is towards raw worship of wealth as an end in itself – and exempting them from all social responsibility.

Yet for the Republican Party, the accumulation of money is proof in itself of virtue, however it was acquired. The richest 1 per cent pay for the party's campaigns, and the party in turn serves their interests entirely. The most glaring example is that they have simply exempted many of the rich from taxes. Johnston studied four of Trump's recent tax returns, and found he legally paid no taxes in two of them. In America today, a janitor can pay more income tax than Donald Trump – and the Republicans regard that not as a source of shame, but of pride.

This guy nailed it perfectly. You can see that from the wingnut posters on USMB!!


And that right there basically nails the crux of Conservative economic policy. And that is why Conservatism, as such, was never involved in the American revolution. The revolution, at it's base was a rejection of these notions.

Capitalism, as a means of distribution for goods and services, also gives the "common" man the ability to change his economic status through a system of innovation, labor and merit. Part and parcel with this is the idea of competition. That's what makes the properity inheritent in capitalism, sustainable. It is an idea that no one will get so big, it is impossible to establish a business. Once that ends..the system is no longer capitalism. It's Corporatism. And that is in essence replacing the Monarchy America initially rejected with something very similar. And THAT'S why it is Anti-American.
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