Libs blamed Katrina on Busn. Blame the tornados in Ala on Obama?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Everybody seems to accept the double standard that republican presidents are responsible for natural disasters and if democrats are in the white house republicans are still responsible for natural disasters. Will the media become hysterical about the federal response to the Ala disaster? I kind of doubt it.
No idiot, nobody blamed Bush for Katrina, they blamed Bush for his lack of response. The tornados happened yesterday, and on the same day - not a day later, two days later or a week later - Obama released Federal funds.

Hack, moron, idiot.....
Actually, they did blame Bush for Katrina. They said it was a result of him not signing the Kyoto Protocol (Which Clinton also wisely didn't sign).

It was a stupid argument then. It's a stupid argument now.
Actually, they did blame Bush for Katrina. They said it was a result of him not signing the Kyoto Protocol (Which Clinton also wisely didn't sign).

It was a stupid argument then. It's a stupid argument now.

That was totally peripheral, and very few thought that. The absolute main criticism of Bush was his lack of response......
Actually, they did blame Bush for Katrina. They said it was a result of him not signing the Kyoto Protocol (Which Clinton also wisely didn't sign).

It was a stupid argument then. It's a stupid argument now.

It was a straw man then. It's a straw man now.
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Actually, they did blame Bush for Katrina. They said it was a result of him not signing the Kyoto Protocol (Which Clinton also wisely didn't sign).

It was a stupid argument then. It's a stupid argument now.

That was totally peripheral, and very few thought that. The absolute main criticism of Bush was his lack of response......

Doesn't mean some stupid people didn't make the argument.

I still don't think "lack of response" was a valid cricitism since the law says the federal government can't do anything until the state invites a response.

Let's face it, the people who should have responded were the locals. and they failed. It goes to show you why we should be self reliant and not waiting for the government to wipe our butts.
So OP is saying that because a couple fringe flakes made some ridiculous accusations about Bush, he ought to make the same accusations about Obama? What does that say about him?

And meanwhile we conveniently ignore the valid criticism of Bush... that he sucked up the response like a bad whore.

Should I get into the global warming thing? The fact that hurricane activity is up in the last decade, in direct relation to sea surface temperature. That's not Bush's fault. That's the inertia of 6 billion people. You can't blame that on one person. But I wouldn't be surprised if a few partisan hacks tried to blame it on Bush. That's what partisans do... blame everything they can possibly think of on their opposing partisan. It's not very constructive. Wouldn't you agree?
1,836 people died in Katrina.

The cost was 90 billion dollars.

An entire American city was destroyed.

The delayed response of the Bush administration, given the advanced warning, is beyond belief.

Your comparison is insane.

FYI: the free market didn't fix the levees because of its short term profit myopia. The market doesn't fix infrastructure, it just profits from it until it collapses -- than it lets the tax payer fix it. The Republicans got rid of the regulatory agencies which require necessary infrastructure improvements on things like levees, bridges, and electrical grids. The failure of those levees is symbolic of voodoo economics. We keep waiting for the money to trickle down into jobs, benefits, infrastructure -- all the things government used to focus on. Does anyone remember the 2003 northeast grid failure that cost the taxpayer billions? The companies who owned the grid were urged by defanged regulators to fix it. [Decades earlier, they would have been forced to upgrade their grid] The companies declined because they didn't want the resulting debt to devalue their stock. Their negligence cost this country terribly. Capital all-too-often does not reinvest. It milks the cow and floats away in a golden parachute. Republicans have been lied to
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Everybody seems to accept the double standard that republican presidents are responsible for natural disasters and if democrats are in the white house republicans are still responsible for natural disasters. Will the media become hysterical about the federal response to the Ala disaster? I kind of doubt it.

Just a couple things I noticed about Katrina:

Katrina demonstrated a colossal failure of government at every level - federal, state, and local. And yet there are still people who want to trust in big government. :cuckoo:

Our government is doing much more harm than good by making people dependent on them. The people at the Super Dome were especially pitiful. They couldn't do anything for themselves. And for at least 2 years after the disaster, some of these people were still living on government handouts. Companies in the area couldn't find anybody to work because it was more profitable for some to sit at home and collect money from the government.
No idiot, nobody blamed Bush for Katrina, they blamed Bush for his lack of response. The tornados happened yesterday, and on the same day - not a day later, two days later or a week later - Obama released Federal funds.

Hack, moron, idiot.....

Bush released federal funds BEFORE Katrina made landfall and declared it a "state of emergency" BEFORE Katrina hit LA.

Saturday, August 27:

•President Bush officially declares that a "state of emergency" exists in Louisiana and orders Federal aid to the affected areas to complement state and local relief efforts.

Monday, August 29:

•6:10 AM CDT: Katrina, a Category 4 hurricane with 145 mph winds, makes initial landfall near Buras, La.

TPM Hurricane Katrina Timeline
1,836 people died in Katrina.

The cost was 90 billion dollars.

An entire American city was destroyed.

The delayed response of the Bush administration, given the advanced warning, is beyond belief.

Your comparison is insane.

FYI: the free market didn't fix the levees because it is obsessed with short term profit. The market doesn't fix infrastructure, it just profits from it until it collapses -- than it lets the tax payer fix it. The Republicans got rid of the regulatory agencies which require necessary infrastructure improvements on things like levees, bridges, and electrical grids. Does anyone remember the 2003 northeast grid failure that cost the taxpayer billions? The companies who owned the grid were urged by defanged regulators to fix it. The companies declined because they didn't want the resulting debt to devalue their stock. Their negligence cost this country terribly. Capital all-too-often does not reinvest. It milks the cow and floats away in a golden parachute.

Your post is wrong at so many levels I don't know where to begin. Prior to Katrina, Louisiana received far more money for Army Corps of Engineers civil projects than any other state, but it wasn't spent on levees or flood control. It was spent for unrelated projects favored by Louisiana's congressional delegation. And there were failures at every level of government, not just the federal level. What Katrina proved was that private organizations were better prepared than the government.
CaféAuLait;3583518 said:
No idiot, nobody blamed Bush for Katrina, they blamed Bush for his lack of response. The tornados happened yesterday, and on the same day - not a day later, two days later or a week later - Obama released Federal funds.

Hack, moron, idiot.....

Bush released federal funds BEFORE Katrina made landfall and declared it a "state of emergency" BEFORE Katrina hit LA.

Saturday, August 27:

•President Bush officially declares that a "state of emergency" exists in Louisiana and orders Federal aid to the affected areas to complement state and local relief efforts.

Monday, August 29:

•6:10 AM CDT: Katrina, a Category 4 hurricane with 145 mph winds, makes initial landfall near Buras, La.

TPM Hurricane Katrina Timeline

they don't want to hear that.
Come on lefties, be honest. The left wing media focus in the summer of 2005 was about the pending mid term election. FEMA has always been ...well...FEMA. Nothing changes in the federal bueaucracy and nobody complains about it. Nut case Nagan let school buses float around in New Orleans while people were desperate to be evacuated. Did the Big Easy even have an emergency plan? When asked about the school buses Mayor Nagan said "where would they go"? That's what an emergency plan addresses you fool. Nagan was re-elected when the mainstream media failed in it's duty to point out his failures. Typical left wing politics. Will the liberal media worry about FEMA's response to Alabama disaster? Don't hold your breath.
Part of the definition of a natural disaster is that the local authorities are unable to deal with the crisis on their own. Besides, Nagan got plenty of roasting for his mistakes.

Your argument is that since incompetence is to be expected, it should be tolerated. You completely ignore the fact that the federal response in Ala is far more competent than the Katrina response.

Did you go down to Louisiana to help, by the way? I did. So I can speak to the shear insanity of the federal response. Private citizens saw the news on TV and showed up from all around the country with buses and tractor trailers full of food, water, clothes, and medical supplies to take to the stadium. They were told to turn around. The feds were too busy shooting unarmed people who were desperately looking for food and water to coordinate distribution of the free food and water people were showing up with.

Do you guys really want to do this? Get into a debate about the differences between Bush's response to Katrina and Obama's response to tornados? I mean really? Really?
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1,836 people died in Katrina.

The cost was 90 billion dollars.

An entire American city was destroyed.

The delayed response of the Bush administration, given the advanced warning, is beyond belief.

Your comparison is insane.

FYI: the free market didn't fix the levees because of its short term profit myopia. The market doesn't fix infrastructure, it just profits from it until it collapses -- than it lets the tax payer fix it. The Republicans got rid of the regulatory agencies which require necessary infrastructure improvements on things like levees, bridges, and electrical grids. The failure of those levees is symbolic of voodoo economics. We keep waiting for the money to trickle down into jobs, benefits, infrastructure -- all the things government used to focus on. Does anyone remember the 2003 northeast grid failure that cost the taxpayer billions? The companies who owned the grid were urged by defanged regulators to fix it. [Decades earlier, they would have been forced to upgrade their grid] The companies declined because they didn't want the resulting debt to devalue their stock. Their negligence cost this country terribly. Capital all-too-often does not reinvest. It milks the cow and floats away in a golden parachute. Republicans have been lied to

FYI far before Katrina hit LA State officials were being investigated for fraud in wasting or misappropriating 50 million in funds that were for the Hazard Mitigation Grant program and Flooding.

Louisiana Officials Indicted Before Katrina Hit

Louisiana Officials Indicted Before Katrina Hit
Your post is wrong at so many levels I don't know where to begin. Prior to Katrina, Louisiana received far more money for Army Corps of Engineers civil projects than any other state, but it wasn't spent on levees or flood control. It was spent for unrelated projects favored by Louisiana's congressional delegation. And there were failures at every level of government, not just the federal level. What Katrina proved was that private organizations were better prepared than the government.

I agree that government is a mess, and that they chronically mishandle revenue (especially because they are now a reflex of lobbying). But I think the solution lies in a better partnership between intelligent development and sensible regulation. If you want to talk about private organizations and natural disasters, I might add this. New Orleans developers, on some levels, suffer from the California syndrome where "market driven urbanization has transgressed environmental common sense". In California they turned historic wild fire corridors into view-lot suburbs, and flood planes into industrial districts and fancy housing tracts. The market has ignored the scientific warnings over fires, mudslides, droughts, and earthquakes in order to profit from a place that could not be effectively insured. The result has greatly added to the state's bankruptcy. Same for New Orleans. A virtual bath-tub was over-developed not only by government stupidity, but directly by profiteers ("developers") who ignored environmental science in favor of higher returns. These developers were enabled by the new "Think Tank" science which "disproves" any data that limits short term profits. We are now lying in that grave.
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