Libertarian spoilage.

Pick one

  • I'm liked Johnson better, but I voted for Romney because I didn't want to waste my vote.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'm liked Johnson better, but I voted for Obama because I didn't want to waste my vote.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'm a libertarian. I voted for the Libertarian. Duh.

    Votes: 14 77.8%
  • I'm not a libertarian. I don't matter.

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
Thought I'd run a poll on the decisions of voters who consider themselves libertarians.
Where is the "I'm a Libertarian and I didn't vote for anyone" option.

I was just looking for relative measure of how many might have voted Libertarian if they hadn't fell for the lesser-of-two-evils thinking.
Lesser-of-two-evils thinking is valid, as it gets you less evil. And less evil is better than more evil.

I've seen a few Jill Stein supporters ranting at us from the left about the insufficient moral purity of the Democrats. You can spot them easily, given how every seventh word they use is "drones". Lord knows why they think anyone gives a crap, as most people are pleased that Al Qaeda is getting drone strikes up the yinyang.
Lesser-of-two-evils thinking is valid, as it gets you less evil. And less evil is better than more evil.

I've seen a few Jill Stein supporters ranting at us from the left about the insufficient moral purity of the Democrats. You can spot them easily, given how every seventh word they use is "drones". Lord knows why they think anyone gives a crap, as most people are pleased that Al Qaeda is getting drone strikes up the yinyang.

American Citizens are being killed by them as well. Lesser of 3 evils is no better hence me not voting for Johsnson despite him being 100x better than Romney or Obama.
Lesser-of-two-evils thinking is valid, as it gets you less evil. And less evil is better than more evil.

I've seen a few Jill Stein supporters ranting at us from the left about the insufficient moral purity of the Democrats. You can spot them easily, given how every seventh word they use is "drones". Lord knows why they think anyone gives a crap, as most people are pleased that Al Qaeda is getting drone strikes up the yinyang.

All the innocent people too, it would seem.
I didn't really like Johnson. I did vote for him in hopes he would gain momentum and open up the debates next time around. I wouldn't have voted at all if I didn't have a local one to go after.
Where is the "I'm a Libertarian and I didn't vote for anyone" option.

I was just looking for relative measure of how many might have voted Libertarian if they hadn't fell for the lesser-of-two-evils thinking.
I quit falling for that lie when I got stiffed, yet again, by the "Republican Revolution" of '94.

I was again reminded of the wisdom of my decision, when big spending Chimpy McShrub and his congressional neocon glee club spent more money and expanded bureaucracy faster in their first four years than his predecessor did in two terms.

Anyone who still falls for the intellectually vapid evil-of-two-lessers argument is a rube who deserves the evil he gets.
Where is the "I'm a Libertarian and I didn't vote for anyone" option.

Third party. I can show you how to do it.

There is a Libertarian party already they just didn't nominate a true libertarian.

And the republicans didn’t nominate a true conservative, the left complains Obama isn’t a true liberal.

Extremism on any point of the political spectrum will never gain National acceptance.
Third party. I can show you how to do it.

There is a Libertarian party already they just didn't nominate a true libertarian.

And the republicans didn’t nominate a true conservative, the left complains Obama isn’t a true liberal.

Extremism on any point of the political spectrum will never gain National acceptance.

What is your point? I wasn't aware advocating freedom first is extremism. I'm not voting for someone who will do evil.
What is the Libertarian position on immigration reform?

Libertarians believe in property rights. It's the right of anybody to hire whoever they want at their place of business, and it's the right of anybody to sell their property to anybody they want. We see no reason why arbitrarily defined borders should restrict anybody's right to do that.

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