Liberals Win Again!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Ultra-Conservative Senator/Governor Mike Pence has changed his position.

Southern Conservative Senator/Governor Asa Huchinson is calling for a re-write before he signs it, making clear there will be no discrimination, and pointing out that the Federal law will be his guidepost, not a 'States Rights' position.

Liberals win again.
Ultra-Conservative Senator/Governor Mike Pence has changed his position.

Southern Conservative Senator/Governor Asa Huchinson is calling for a re-write before he signs it, making clear there will be no discrimination, and pointing out that the Federal law will be his guidepost, not a 'States Rights' position.

Liberals win again.
We should send Mike this, I'll bet he needs a comfort food right now.
Ultra-Conservative Senator/Governor Mike Pence has changed his position.

Southern Conservative Senator/Governor Asa Huchinson is calling for a re-write before he signs it, making clear there will be no discrimination, and pointing out that the Federal law will be his guidepost, not a 'States Rights' position.

Liberals win again.

If Pence is willing to change his mind then ha cannot be a Conservative, nevermind an Ultra-Conservative. He IS a Liberal, So I'm not sure if that means the Libs win because they turned Pence into one of their own or if they lose for the same reason.
Pence said the original law, as written, did not allow discrimination against gays but then said he would change the law so it did not allow for discrimination against gays.

Why did he flip-flop? Was he lying before or is he lying now? That is, of course, a rhetorical question. The answer is in the photo below.

And, what about Cruz, Rubio, Bush? They said they agreed with the original law. Are they now going to flip flop and agree with the new law?

The phobes didn't expect the reaction they got. Most Americans believe in equality and in the principles our country was founded on.

Synthaholic said:
...pointing out that the Federal law will be his guidepost, not a 'States Rights' position.

There it is -- the true target of those responsible for raising the ruckus on both sides of the debate. And as usual, liberals and conservatives alike have played their roles as 'useful idiots' to a tee.
It's another indication that the United States Of America is getting more Progressive every day. People are starting to wake up and discard stifling Conservative dogma and are embracing real freedom - the freedom to live your life without discrimination or being treated less in the Government's eyes and laws.

Liberals win again.
Synthaholic said:
...pointing out that the Federal law will be his guidepost, not a 'States Rights' position.

There it is -- the true target of those responsible for raising the ruckus on both sides of the debate. And as usual, liberals and conservatives alike have played their roles as 'useful idiots' to a tee.
You don't find it interesting that there is no real 'States Rights' argument on this issue, from Rand Paul or anyone else? I do.

They seem to only trot it out when it's convenient and won't cause them greater harm.

So much for 'principles'.
Ultra-Conservative Senator/Governor Mike Pence has changed his position.

Southern Conservative Senator/Governor Asa Huchinson is calling for a re-write before he signs it, making clear there will be no discrimination, and pointing out that the Federal law will be his guidepost, not a 'States Rights' position.

Liberals win again.

Well, pack yer' ass with gerbils, and jump for joy!
another expert on gerbil packing speaks.

This countrys' preoccupation with all things gay is another sign of our un-exceptionalism when we are actually facing a multitude of significant pressing problems that take a back seat to the whims of what amounts to 4% of our population.
It looks like Pence's desperate dance is too little too late.

A lot of big businesses are pulling out or calling the law what it really is.
Mike Pence is a stupid weakling who caved under pressure when he really didn't need to...

it's MUCH better to stay stupid and stick to your guns than is to man up and say you're wrong, especially when you're from the Right and demand transparency ..

It's another indication that the United States Of America is getting more Progressive every day. People are starting to wake up and discard stifling Conservative dogma and are embracing real freedom - the freedom to live your life without discrimination or being treated less in the Government's eyes and laws.

Liberals win again.

Lets see how you Liberals deal with it when we Conservatives start using bullets rather than votes.
Not to worry, we have a lovely room picked out for you, if you survive that is, at our favorite concrete hotel, called the Supermax. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.
Not to worry, we have a lovely room picked out for you, if you survive that is, at our favorite concrete hotel, called the Supermax. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.

I will never be taken alve, and I guarantee you I'll take more than a few with me when I go.
Synthaholic said:
...pointing out that the Federal law will be his guidepost, not a 'States Rights' position.

There it is -- the true target of those responsible for raising the ruckus on both sides of the debate. And as usual, liberals and conservatives alike have played their roles as 'useful idiots' to a tee.

Hey everyone! Look! Its a person who takes the high road and sits on the fence! Finger pointing in both directions! Both sides do it Both are equally to blame. We are all being duped! Cool, huh!

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