Liberals sure do love to disguise their immorality under the veil of "tolerance"

Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.
Well done, Gramps – a perfect post exhibiting the fear, ignorance, and hate which manifests as bigotry, and confirming that you are in fact a bigot.

And liberals are correct to defend gay Americans from your hate and bigotry, hate and bigotry common to most on the right.

And I bet you will be defending the issue of lowering the age of consent to 14 like the UK liberals are trying to push through on behalf of the queers.........and you will be using that same pathetic argument of "hate" to push it. Sorry,'s not going to sway the masses at all.

And I bet you will be kicking puppies like Rush Limbaugh does.

The age of consent in the United States varies from state to state- in California- my home state- the age of consent is 18 years old- and I am okay with that.

But hey- if you want to marry that 14 year old- you already can- in Alabama you can marry that 14 year old with his parents consent. Or in Arkansas if you get the girl pregnant- you can marry her at 14.

Liberals have not been attempting to lower the age of consent in the United States- and the age of consent in the last 100 years has gone up- not down.
Correct, so why does a school have to clarify who we treat with respect? Oh that's right, you can teach little Johnny to respect everyone, but that isn't really your goal, you want to teach little Johnny to know exactly what gays are and what they do, so you purposely teach little Johnny that gays are normal and that he should respect that.

My kids respect EVERYONE as people, that's how I raised them, they don't need to know who someone is sleeping with to respect them.

Also, you can''t prove gays are born gay. You can't. Perhaps we should start calling it the theory of homosexuality and throw it on the same trash heap as the theory of creation as far as teaching it as school is concerned.

And finally, since it can't be proven that gays are born gay or they choose to be gay, how loudly would you scream if a school was found to be teaching little kids that homosexuals CHOOSE to be gay? My guess is pretty fucking loudly. Proving of course that you are both hypocritical and stupid.

Schools shouldn't be teaching ANYTHING about gays.

If teachers are teaching shitty and incorrect information they are replaced with better ones. This happens all the time. Yes, we want to teach little Johnny what gays are and how it happens so they can be well informed before coming to a conclusion. is that hard to grasp?

"you can't prove gays aren't born gay" even though it's obviously not a choice (we have evidence) and you've admitted to not being interested in hearing anything that isn't confirming what you already think. Why do you think you're in the right to speak about homosexuality when you don't know jack shit and clearly have no intention to learn? Have you ever even met a gay person?
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.
What "deviant and immoral" behavior are you accusing Liberals of? Be specific. Should we ready scarlet letters for the cloaks of adulterers? Should we ready embroidered "L" if one deign to support Liberal causes over Conservative repression? Who is the arbiter of morality? What new strict repressive codes do you believe political Liberals must adhere to?
Homosexuality is either a biological defect OR a choice. So thanks for admitting that you believe it's a choice, that's what I think too.

As for schools teaching inappropriate stuff, that shit happens all the time. that's obvious.

did you literally just come back here to affirm some confirmation bias supporting how you're objectively wrong about how homosexuality occurs

I have called it a biological defect sine I joined and I never suggested that that opinion be taught to kids. I suggested that we try to treat the illness. Leave the kids out of it. We don't discuss the treatment for cancer in 4th grade class. We don't teach the ramifications of a lifestyle with cancer to 4th graders.
We don't teach children how to punch people or pick on them when we teach about bullying.

why not let kids know homosexuality exists at a young grade and then educate them on how it occurs in an older grade, perhaps in a sex ed class

Because there is no god damned reason to do so. We have kids graduating high school who can't read , or do arithmetic and who lack any critical reasoning skills but oh they know what gay sex is....... Get your priorities right man. Do you think Japanese or German schools focus on teaching students about gay sex? Fuck no, they are too busy teaching their kids to whip our asses in areas of study that actually matter.

Kids spend more time in school learning how to play football- than they do in sex ed.

You can bet that Japanese and German schools are not teaching their kids about football- they are teaching their kids to whip our asses in areas of study that actually matter.
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

But you nuts are bigots, you are racist.....and until you own up to your legacy, this circle of denial, will have no end. You blame everyone for your fuckin problems and its always people of color. First it was the indians, then the jews, then it was blacks, then its the mexicans, now its the Muslims...White people throughout history points at every motherfuckin body but gotta get with reality. You are bigots and racist.
I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?
There is a difference between ignoring what consenting adults do and being upset about what is being taught to very young children by adults with questionable adults.

You haven't established that anything inappropriate has been taught to anyone. You haven't established that any adults related to this issue are questionable.

You have called homosexuality a biological defect. That is incorrect. If that is taught to children of any age, you will them witness something inappropriate.
I have called it a biological defect sine I joined and I never suggested that that opinion be taught to kids. I suggested that we try to treat the illness. Leave the kids out of it. We don't discuss the treatment for cancer in 4th grade class. We don't teach the ramifications of a lifestyle with cancer to 4th graders.
We don't teach children how to punch people or pick on them when we teach about bullying.

We do, however, teach children to treat others with respect. Even gay people. Right?

Correct, so why does a school have to clarify who we treat with respect? Oh that's right, you can teach little Johnny to respect everyone, but that isn't really your goal, you want to teach little Johnny to know exactly what gays are and what they do, so you purposely teach little Johnny that gays are normal and that he should respect that.

My kids respect EVERYONE as people, that's how I raised them, they don't need to know who someone is sleeping with to respect them.....

Schools shouldn't be teaching ANYTHING about gays.

Schools don't teach about who is sleeping with who.

Schools touch on homosexuality in two places:
Sex ed- because kids need to know how STD's are transmitted and
Bullying- because LGBT kids have traditionally been the target of bullying and violence.

And if you want to pretend that is not a fact you are just an idiot.
Schools teach kids to respect everyone- but they specifically address the issue of respect when it comes to gay kids because those kids have been targeted.

I happen to think that preventing bullying and violence by kids against other kids is a good thing.
I wasn't exposed to anything sexual "straight or queer" during my entire time in school because it wasn't part of the curriculum nor should have it have been because that isn't the reason for education.You simply don't "get it" that it's not the job of "da gubermint" to teach children morality...that is the job of the parents. I have no problem with you being a fan of the faglet...knock yourself out about it. I will reserve my 1st amendment right to say that I disagree and will speak out against having it taught in schools.

Of course you resort to calling fag, or are you just extremely old and not realize the weight behind that term under this context?

Sexual education should be part of a curriculum, it's a very important subject for kids approaching their teens to understand, and it wouldn't hurt to mention homosexual relationships in such a course. This doesn't have anything to do with what they should think about them, too, it's a mention and an explanation on how they come to be so kids can get the facts draw their own conclusions. Or is an entirely non biased approach still not enough for you, if you can even handle sex ed at all?

And again, I don't see how letting kids be ignorant and teaching them to find homosexuality is wrong is teaching them good morals. Teaching to hate another for merely existing can't be good in any context.

Teaching morality, teaching sex education is not the function of the public school system n.....end of story. There is nothing further to discuss..

Okay- you are wrong.

There is nothing further to discuss.
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

Homosexuality is natural.

The point of this thread is so you can stew in your anger over your losing battle against gays.
It's as natural as retardation or cancer.

Its as natural as being left handed.

Of course there were idiots like you who used to punish people for being left handed too.
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

Homosexuality is natural.

The point of this thread is so you can stew in your anger over your losing battle against gays.
It's as natural as retardation or cancer.

Its as natural as being left handed.

Of course there were idiots like you who used to punish people for being left handed too.

Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

Gay can't.

most morals are subjective

And schools shouldn't be involved .

That's the funny thing about this. On one side you have authoritarians on the right who want to oulaw homosexuality or at least severely restrict their rights, and on the other sides you have authoritarians on the left who want to force us to accept that homosexuality is normal and that our children should learn the same.

Here's an idea you authoritarian fucks, mind your own business. If my child bullies another child, for whatever reason THEN the schools and law can get involved. Until then leave me alone, same with gays, if they are remaining within the consensual realm, leave them the fuck alone.
Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

Homosexuality is natural.

The point of this thread is so you can stew in your anger over your losing battle against gays.
It's as natural as retardation or cancer.

Its as natural as being left handed.

Of course there were idiots like you who used to punish people for being left handed too.

Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

Gay can't.


Well that makes it all okay then!

LOL- you are such an idiot.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

Homosexuality is natural.

The point of this thread is so you can stew in your anger over your losing battle against gays.
It's as natural as retardation or cancer.

Its as natural as being left handed.

Of course there were idiots like you who used to punish people for being left handed too.

Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

Gay can't.


Well that makes it all okay then!

LOL- you are such an idiot.

In other words, you in fact can't prove that gays are born gay.
Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.
Homosexuality is natural.

The point of this thread is so you can stew in your anger over your losing battle against gays.
It's as natural as retardation or cancer.

Its as natural as being left handed.

Of course there were idiots like you who used to punish people for being left handed too.

Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

Gay can't.


Well that makes it all okay then!

LOL- you are such an idiot.

In other words, you in fact can't prove that gays are born gay.

In other words you think that unless a person is 'born gay' it is okay to discriminate against them.
LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

The article says it is influenced by both pre and post birth factors. The article also contains lots of genetic information. Read.

You look like you're getting stressed out.
Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

You do have an active imagination. Why you think discrimination is not okay because someone has a 'gene' but okay when someone doesn't have a gene baffles me

But meanwhile lets go onto that 'gene' for left handedness

.Left-handedness stumps science | Fox News

Genes or environment?
While several researchers have found a few genes implicated in handedness, many genes are probably at play.

And the environment clearly plays a big role: Identical twins often have different dominant hands, Llaurens said.

About half of left-handedness may be a byproduct of damage during fetal development or birth, Coren told LiveScience. Studies have found southpaws have higher rates dyslexia, schizophrenia and immune problems, such as allergies and lupus.

To explain this, scientists have proposed that all people are wired to be right-handed, but damage to the brain has the unintended side effect of forcing the brain to rewire to be left-hand dominant, he said.
Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

You do have an active imagination. Why you think discrimination is not okay because someone has a 'gene' but okay when someone doesn't have a gene baffles me

But meanwhile lets go onto that 'gene' for left handedness

.Left-handedness stumps science | Fox News

Genes or environment?
While several researchers have found a few genes implicated in handedness, many genes are probably at play.

And the environment clearly plays a big role: Identical twins often have different dominant hands, Llaurens said.

About half of left-handedness may be a byproduct of damage during fetal development or birth, Coren told LiveScience. Studies have found southpaws have higher rates dyslexia, schizophrenia and immune problems, such as allergies and lupus.

To explain this, scientists have proposed that all people are wired to be right-handed, but damage to the brain has the unintended side effect of forcing the brain to rewire to be left-hand dominant, he said.

What are you talking about? I don't ever think discrimination is okay, but I think it should NEVER be illegal (except for the government of course which is required by law to provide equal services to anyone.)

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