Liberals: Should the Obama sisters recieve benefits from rich "Daddy"?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I am seeing time after time left wingers attacking the idea of someone like Romney benefitting from his "rich daddy". And saying Ann Romney benefits from having a rich husband. And some saying white Republicans in general benefit from their rich starting point in life. As if it is somehow evil to set your kids up for a great future (is it?).

So I 10 years, when we look back, will President Obama's daughters have benefitted financially from having a rich daddy? He was rich before winning in 2008 btw. Will Michelle Obama, after 2016, get off her butt and get a job? Or...will she rely on her rich, famous ex-president husband to take care of her?

Or even better........does anyone suspect Warren Buffetts kids, or George Clooneys kids, or Keith Olbermann's kids, or Al Sharptons kids, or Michael Moores kids will ever get any benefit from having a "rich daddy"????

I know, I know, that pesky demand for ideological "consistency", but liberals, really you gotta start having it.
I am seeing time after time left wingers attacking the idea of someone like Romney benefitting from his "rich daddy".

There's nothing wrong with having a rich daddy.

There's nothing wrong with being a multi-millionaire.

There's nothing wrong with paying 14% in taxes on millions of dollars in income- because that is the law.

The problem I have is when the multi-millionaire with millions in income tells me its fair for him to pay a lower tax rate of taxation than my wife and I pay.
We make 100k a year and we're supposed to pay a higher rate of taxation than someone who makes 21 MILLION a year? FUCK THAT!

Or even better........does anyone suspect Warren Buffetts kids, or George Clooneys kids, or Keith Olbermann's kids, or Al Sharptons kids, or Michael Moores kids will ever get any benefit from having a "rich daddy"????
Warren Buffet's kids have actually already received all they are going to get from him, they aren't getting his money when he dies.
So if there is nothing wrong with being rich.......why is the left attacking the Romney family for being rich?
I am seeing time after time left wingers attacking the idea of someone like Romney benefitting from his "rich daddy".

There's nothing wrong with having a rich daddy.

There's nothing wrong with being a multi-millionaire.

There's nothing wrong with paying 14% in taxes on millions of dollars in income- because that is the law.

The problem I have is when the multi-millionaire with millions in income tells me its fair for him to pay a lower tax rate of taxation than my wife and I pay.
We make 100k a year and we're supposed to pay a higher rate of taxation than someone who makes 21 MILLION a year? FUCK THAT!

Or even better........does anyone suspect Warren Buffetts kids, or George Clooneys kids, or Keith Olbermann's kids, or Al Sharptons kids, or Michael Moores kids will ever get any benefit from having a "rich daddy"????
Warren Buffet's kids have actually already received all they are going to get from him, they aren't getting his money when he dies.

whooa $100k so you're the rich!!!!!! Uh oh......democrats are not for a flat tax, which would eliminate that scenario. But I'm glad you're paying for us poor people, keep on voting democrat!!!!!
So if there is nothing wrong with being rich.......why is the left attacking the Romney family for being rich?

I'm not. Why don't you ask one of the people that's doing the attacking?

Ok, fair enough.

They aren't responding though. I just wanna know when is it ok, or not ok, to benefit from a "rich daddy". The Romneys, and Bush, both were supposedly bad for it. Others not.
When both sides stop the denigration of families who pass on advantages, the discussion will be far better off.
So if there is nothing wrong with being rich.......why is the left attacking the Romney family for being rich?

There is nothing wrong with being rich

Romney is ridiculed when he tries to imply that his life experiences are the same as that of Americans who are struggling.
When both sides stop the denigration of families who pass on advantages, the discussion will be far better off.

100% agree. It is NOBLE to pass along advantages to one's children. If ALL people did this, our future would be better off. I understand a bit of jealousy, as we all fall prey to that a little bit. But to suggest it is somehow immoral for a person to have a benefit passed on from their parents is absurd.
So if there is nothing wrong with being rich.......why is the left attacking the Romney family for being rich?

There is nothing wrong with being rich

Romney is ridiculed when he tries to imply that his life experiences are the same as that of Americans who are struggling.

There is nothing wrong with being rich.

Obama is ridiculed when he tries to imply that his life experiences are the same as that of Americans who are struggling.

Oh, wait. Nevermind. Obama is NOT held to the same standard as Romney. Even though pre-2008 Obama was ALSO wealthy. And an Ivy League grad who have priviledge passed along to him, in some way or another. Not to mention a 1/2 head start in applying to Harvard that most others did not get.
I am seeing time after time left wingers attacking the idea of someone like Romney benefitting from his "rich daddy". And saying Ann Romney benefits from having a rich husband. And some saying white Republicans in general benefit from their rich starting point in life. As if it is somehow evil to set your kids up for a great future (is it?).

So I 10 years, when we look back, will President Obama's daughters have benefitted financially from having a rich daddy? He was rich before winning in 2008 btw. Will Michelle Obama, after 2016, get off her butt and get a job? Or...will she rely on her rich, famous ex-president husband to take care of her?

Or even better........does anyone suspect Warren Buffetts kids, or George Clooneys kids, or Keith Olbermann's kids, or Al Sharptons kids, or Michael Moores kids will ever get any benefit from having a "rich daddy"????

I know, I know, that pesky demand for ideological "consistency", but liberals, really you gotta start having it.

I saw Buffett interviewed once. He's giving his children an education and nothing else.
So if there is nothing wrong with being rich.......why is the left attacking the Romney family for being rich?

There is nothing wrong with being rich

Romney is ridiculed when he tries to imply that his life experiences are the same as that of Americans who are struggling.

There is nothing wrong with being rich.

Obama is ridiculed when he tries to imply that his life experiences are the same as that of Americans who are struggling.

Oh, wait. Nevermind. Obama is NOT held to the same standard as Romney. Even though pre-2008 Obama was ALSO wealthy. And an Ivy League grad who have priviledge passed along to him, in some way or another. Not to mention a 1/2 head start in applying to Harvard that most others did not get.

Obama came from a middle class background. He came from among the lowest economic background than any president in the last fifty years. Obama and Clinton worked their way up. Bush and Romney were raised in extreme wealth and political power
There is nothing wrong with being rich

Romney is ridiculed when he tries to imply that his life experiences are the same as that of Americans who are struggling.

There is nothing wrong with being rich.

Obama is ridiculed when he tries to imply that his life experiences are the same as that of Americans who are struggling.

Oh, wait. Nevermind. Obama is NOT held to the same standard as Romney. Even though pre-2008 Obama was ALSO wealthy. And an Ivy League grad who have priviledge passed along to him, in some way or another. Not to mention a 1/2 head start in applying to Harvard that most others did not get.

Obama came from a middle class background. He came from among the lowest economic background than any president in the last fifty years. Obama and Clinton worked their way up. Bush and Romney were raised in extreme wealth and political power

So what?

Are you trying to prove how American capitalism allows "poor" people like Obama and Bill to become rich presidents? Oh ok, then why is Obama trying to tear that down?

Or are you trying to imply that getting a head start from a rich daddy is somehow immoral? If so, I await the Obama's to send their daughters packing at age 18 to be SURE they dont benefit from a rich daddy. Thats what Chelsea did, right? She didn't benefit AT ALL from having a rich daddy. Right?
So if there is nothing wrong with being rich.......why is the left attacking the Romney family for being rich?

There is nothing wrong with being rich

Romney is ridiculed when he tries to imply that his life experiences are the same as that of Americans who are struggling.

Since Romney was not born rich, nor born into a particularly wealthy family. His experiences in working, going to school and achievement are in line with MOST people today who also struggled and made it.
But Romney is NOW white, rich and a Republican. Which makes him Dr. Evil. His kids will benefit from his wealth. Which makes them immoral for having a rich daddy.

Those rules do not/will not apply to Obama and his kids.

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